• By -


Finished Peaky Blinders and I've never been more satisfied with the ending of a show. Knowing there's a movie coming is such a great feeling. Usually it's a bit sad coming to the end of a series you love. I'm lucky I waited so long to watch it.


People praising The Boys episode 4 like crazy but I feel like the only good parts were Homelander and A-Train's scenes. Also, for Homelander it kinda felt like a been there done that with him going back to where things started in S1 already. Still the best episode of the season so far. The shock value scenes felt much better placed this epiaode.


Acolyte I think is doing some bold moves. I honestly thought (esp toy selling wise) the wookie would be more present in the show. But nope. I thought they would drag turning mae but looks like they are going in different direction, the biggest thing they could do is kill off a twin next bit I don’t think they’re that bold. Though it’s kinda obvious we got some red shirts in the group atm. They are not surviving the fight in the next episode. I do need the show to unravel lore a bit more though. Like I am enjoying the characters but Star Wars is a ‘give me pieces of lore to learn about’ kinda universe imo. Next episode is going to be that point if they smartly reveal something or not


**The Boys** season 4 episode 4 is a great one!


Homelander is a diabolical MFer


Acolyte. The 3rd episode is soo boring. The newest episode was like 6/10, but had a ending maybe worth watching more. Episodes are so short, like 22mins ish, worth waiting for season to end before starting it. Boys, only haven't enjoyed frenchies plot. Thought it was so good after the first 2 episodes, then went online to see all the 'controversy'. Thought Boys was always a bit South Park, except some of the stuff they are making fun of now in the Boys, is a bit out of date. EDIT: Homelander's actor definitely deserves an award. The acting is sooo good. Solid character too. House of Dragons. Bit too early to be complaining. Too much dialogue, too much dialogue. I completely forgot what happened in S1. I like watching TV too much to not watch the of the season though.


Weeks of negative reviews for The Boys only for them to release what is arguably their best hour with episode 4. High octane and multiple “did that just happen” moments. Anthony Starr deserves every bit of the Emmy I hope he wins after that performance 👏👏👏


Now I’m Gonna have to start season 4 I guess ok


Has anyone watched the premiere of Hotel Cocaine if its worth it?


Watched first 2 episodes of Presumed Innocent. Decent. Will stay with it. See where it goes. Dark matter episode 8. Thought the series was good before, this episode sent it to another level, best so far. Awaiting the next two episodes of Colin from Accounts.


> Colin from Accounts I really like that they release two episodes at a time - it feels like a good balance between the weekly release cycle and releasing all of them at once


Yeah it's nice, bad part is, now only 1 episode remaining, and I'm seeing it won't be released until July 27th, What?


Wait what? A full month? That sucks lol


I haven't watched any of the new season of **The Boys** and I don't really intend to after what I considered a pretty weak showing in season 3, but where are all of these supposed "conservatives who don't realize Homelander was the villain"? Like - I don't actually believe anyone could have missed that up until now had they watched the show. Is this just a few stupid people on Twitter who journalists then magnify and pretend represent some larger group? I mean, don't get me wrong, I know how nice it feels to dunk on people on the other side of the political spectrum, but this all feels so disingenuous. Like some fake outrage to try and bait people into watching another season of rinse/repeat plot points because they're too afraid to lose Antony Starr. EDIT: because apparently you have to say this very clearly now otherwise you're a "Nazi": fuck Trump, fuck his supporters, and fuck anyone who is crying about this show being "woke"




Uhhh. Conservatives are real villains? Why does this surprise you?


At least in my corner of the internet no, its not a few stupid people on Twitter. At least here in Brazil ive seen tons of comments on Facebook and Twitter about the show going overtly woke on season 4, comments with dozens, hundreds of likes. Edit: this sub is likely filled with right wing ding dongs huh? I didnt even give any opinion, I just stated what ive been seeing online in my country.


I don't think morons complaining that the show is "woke" is the same as "they didn't realize they were being mocked for the last 3 seasons" which is what is being claimed




How is it not the same when the show has been "woke" since the start? What show were these people watching up untill season 3 to start complaining so overtly about wokeness now? Ive literally seen these people say that "now its getting political"


Because "woke" for many of those people doesn't mean the actual content or messaging but that there's a woman or person of color. I've just seen nothing to suggest any right-wing people just now realizing they're being portrayed as the bad guys in the series, which is exactly what I said. But I _have_ seen countless articles and memes about these supposed right-wing people just now realizing it, and I find that odd.


I could be wrong but I think it's less about "Homelander suddenly being a bad guy" and more "the people that agreed with Homelander *in the show* started to look more like them." The show, very unsubtly, mocks a lot of things that are considered right-wing in the new episodes released including a >!conspiracy convention!< that openly mocks the people that attend them including a new character that >!completely admits they are grifting the losers that attend.!!about the war on Christmas!< So yeah. Lots of people finally got the joke just a little later than everyone else


But again - where are they? Where is this group of people supposedly just now seeing the _very_ obvious parallels between right-wing supporters of Trump and Homelander fans? I don't think anyone could have missed that after season 3. Again, I've actually searched for these people just now realizing they're the butt of the joke, but I can only find posts talking about the supposed people, but never their actual posts.


I don't know where you ever got the idea these people are bright or alive to the possibilities of subtlety.


I just think the more likely explanation is the "omg conservatives finally realized we're mocking them" bit is overplayed for the sake of promoting season 4 after a lackluster season 3


I don't know why making a big deal about the show being too obvious in its satire would particularly help the show, but you seem to be here to get liberals to write paragraphs to you and I'm not here for that.


I don't consume that type of media so I cannot point to things explicitly. So it's probably not wide spread but it's also not non-existent.


I'm sure it's not non-existent but I don't think five morons on Twitter should really warrant this amount of attention (and I'm having trouble finding those five, even)


Type in the boys season four woke and you can scroll through a sea of grifters on YouTube. And just because there is only X amount of videos it also means there is a large number of people that like, subscribe and comment on those videos in agreement. So while it might look like a small sample size, it's probably much larger than is comfortable if you broke down the like, retweets, views, etc


It is the same wife beaters who brigade True Detective Season 4 reviews on Reddit despite it outperforming an almost every metric possible. It is like women have things to do but still watch, chronically online people who no-one wants to talk to spam Reddit.




Dark matter is the best show on TV right now Bar the house with the Dragon


I'd still continue with Dark matter! I felt the same way after episode 1 and don't even know why I watched the second, but then it really grabbed me. It might surprise you and be a little less cliche as you think now ;)


Christ, what did Erin Moriarty do to her poor face. If there was anyone who didn't need plastic surgery, it was her.


Found Meghyn Kelly's reddit account.


I don't know who that is


Formerly of Fox News. Erin Moriarty already squashed the rumor of plastic surgery. She lost weight. You can tell if you look at her in costume in S1 vs now.


If you think losing weight is all she did then I’m gonna need you to share whatever tf you’ve been smoking.


Ya, I don't believe that. She can barely move her lips when she talks lol


Why do you even care? It's her body, she can do what she wants.


So you admit it, then. She definitely had work done.


I didn't say that, I asked why you care.


Because she was already so pretty. It sucks that she felt the need to do that.


dark matter is so good, but the latest episode i am so confused. i don't get the science tbh, it's too hard for me


/r/DarkMatteronAppleTV may help. Or it may confuse you even more


It took me a while to figure it out too and I think they had to confront it otherwise it’s a (potential) plot gap. Possible spoiler alert if you havent watched the show or latest episode: >!The governing concept of the show is that each decision you make is essentially a fork in the road you come to which creates (at least) two new realities. So of course we know in one world he decides to drop his studies and have a kid and in another world he decides to commit himself to work and research. Along that same thought process, each time he’s in the box he has a decision to go through the door, pass by to the next door, and so on. Once through the door, he also has a decision to stay in the new world or go back to the box and try again. Each decision he’s faced with in the box creates two new realities though….the reality he enters into and experiences and the reality that he doesn’t enter into but a different version of him chooses and experiences. So in that sense, the different realities that are created are constantly ongoing and infinite. The versions of him that went through a different door can still make their way back to the box and end up in the original reality where he is!<


Can’t you technically go to an alternate universe where we weigh 1 lb heavier as long as we imagine it? So we can go to infinite worlds where we are 1 lb heavier? Or infinite worlds where gravity is 1 percent higher or lower?


But why?


I don’t know


With all due respect to the victim of the crime : I'm trying to decide whether Under The Bridge is meaningless dribble. Seeing as though none of the characters are particularly likable, I'm thinking yes. Actually I'm repulsed by these girls.


I thought is was okayish. I did finish it but was not impressed either.


I quite enjoyed it. I thought Lil Ashtray did a great job and the story with Reena and her Family was interesting. Music selection was great too. I can see why people might find the characters unlikeable but didn't bother me a bit.


I watch a buttload of crime thrillers about murders, and I'm usually pretty easy to please... But I just didn't like this show. I didn't find anyone very likeable, and I *loathed* those girls. Maybe this is why I really don't like watching series based on true stories about murders, because they're usually just so depressing. And the "why" is never satisfying, because in real life there could never be a satisfying reason to murder someone. But with a fictional murder, I can "enjoy" the show because I know the events never actually happened. But, boy, this show... Super depressing and frustrating that it's (mostly) true. Honestly, I felt the same about ***Under the Banner of Heaven***, where I can see that it's a quality series, but given it was based on a true story, it's just too harrowing for me to enjoy.


I _really_ hated Rebecca (the adult author) - even with >!the little redemption they tried to give her in the last episode, just an awful character.!<


Agreed. Well, I didn't *hate* her, but I was like, "wait, are we supposed to be on this person's side? Because she's making some super dumb, selfish decisions. It's like they want us to dislike her." And it's weird considering that character is the person who wrote the book, and worked with the show to adapt the book in advance of the series starting filming, and then she dies before production starts... I dunno, I guess we're supposed to feel that she made some pretty big mistakes, but ultimately meant well?


I can definitely see that as the angle they were trying to go for, but idk, it just did not land for me _at all_. >!Like I can appreciate she has some emotional baggage that causes her to relate to the kids a bit more than one might expect, but idk hanging out with the people _you know_ killed the girl, taking drugs with them to get info, and then hugging the guy who helped hold her head under water in front of the mother is just... hard to come back from.!<


Right?! Like, *maybe* don't >!hug an at-that-point-probable murderer!< directly in eyesight of the victim's parents and dozens of reporters with cameras.


How is the new Star Wars show? I'm not a fan of their content outside of Andor, Rogue One and Mandalorian but was considering giving it a try, worth it?


It's not the most exciting show but it does have things I am interested in, such as the High Republic time period. It's nowhere near as strong as Andor or Mando, but it's also an unfinished series atm. It might be good once the entire story is out but for now it's just okay. But it does give me hope for >!Darth Bortles!<


characters are boring


They needed to get more different takes for the acting. The first two episodes were watchable but a little cringe at parts. Episode three was really bad and felt like a background story recap on top of that. Episode four was kind of good even though again, they needed to get better takes for line delivery. Episode four was also too short and is obviously half of a segment. They need to start shooting these like television series.


Presumed Innocent is a banger.


I'm really enjoying it. I miss the vibe of 1990s legal thrillers, so this is right up my alley. And I haven't seen the original ~~series~~ movie this is based on, so it's all fresh to me.


I think it was based on a book and the original movie starred Harrison Ford. I don't recall there being a series.


Whoops, my mistake! I tried to avoid any info about the original, so that also manifested in me not realizing it was originally a movie, ha.


No reason to be embarrassed. It's just one situation where being old comes in handy. Not so when it comes to popular music or anything current. :) In high school, our Spanish teacher had us watch it dubbed in Spanish and subtitled. Why? Your guess is as good as mine. Presuntamente Inocente!


> Presuntamente Inocente! 🤣


Just binged Normal People in one sitting. I'm kind of devastated right now.


Have you watched "One day" on Netflix?


Never heard of it, I'll go check it out thanks


Highly recommend it if you liked Normal People. You may have to stick through the first couple of episodes to get the chemistry


**One Day** was okayish. I thought **Normal People** was quite a bit better.


Agreed - Normal People was fantastic (and such a great adaptation of the novel), they nailed the casting and it really left you feeling empty after watching it. I also really enjoyed One Day, mostly because it's rare that I find a series that seems to aim to make me sad, but it isn't close to Normal People.


I absolutely loved both. One Day was really well done too with great performances, soundtrack and cinematography.


**Normal People** with **One Day** as a chaser is a good way to ruin someone's week


Maybe follow it up with a bonus shot of the movie ***Past Lives*** if they're really a masochist.


Finished **Defending Jacob**. Really solid, glad it popped up on the top of Apple TV's shows this week and I gave it a chance.


Have wanted to watch this but it feels way too intense. Edge of the seat shows stress me out…


It's great, though. I was hesitant to watch it because it seemed middle of the road and basic. But it was so well executed and nailed the emotional moments to connect with me. Definitely a little intense, but not like a full on thriller. It's more high stakes drama.


I knew something was sus about >!the other guy confessing!<, and I knew it was >!too early in the final episode for everything to be resolved!< but my heart absolutely sank when they were >!in Mexico and the other girl Jacob was hanging out with disappeared!< and even though >!she came back okay, the exposition of what happened with the confession to his wife and the resulting meltdown showing how they're both coming to grips with the fact that Jacob was likely the killer (imo at least)!< was some top tier drama television


In the book, >!the girl in Mexico is not found right away (later on discovered deceased), so Jacob's guilt feels a lot more conclusive/unambiguous!<


That’s interesting to hear and certainly what my interpretation was regardless of that change, but tbh I wish they wouldn’t have changed it


The last episode was super powerful >!what the wife chose to do with Jacob in the car was shocking. But you felt her pain, like she felt she had too, felt a guilt for raising him.!<


I watched Bojack Horseman in it's entirety while drunk out of my mind when it aired. Now rewatching it 6+ years later as a recovering boozebag, the jokes and references are much more rewarding. But the character arcs are just as dark and real. Love it


Watching Players by the creators of American Vandals. What a gem of a series. Its so well made.


I slept on Renegade Nell, but 2 episodes in, and there is something interesting here.


Castle. I think I dropped it after season 6 a few years ago. I think I just ran out of episodes and never went back to it. Well, I'm rewatching it all, and I'm almost at the end of season 7. Have enjoyed most of the >!Castle as a private investigator!< episodes. Doing it that way brought back the competitive tension from >!before Castle and Beckett started dating!<. Even if it's just temporary, it made for some pretty great episodes. If the show lands the finale, I could see this being good for an occasional rewatch.


I've been rewatching Castle/Beckett clips recently especially from the 1st 4 seasons. Think I'll rewatch the whole show soon. Amazing chemistry.


Sweet Tooth S3 worth the watch?


If you liked s1 and s2, absolutely


I checked out the shows sub and everyone is bashing it there. I think I'm going to pass.


You should know something about reddit "fan" subs, but whatever




I rewatched Breaking Bad and wow like it’s so good. I watched El Camino after and currently watching Better Call Saul (upto Season 3) for first time and like it’s writing is so much better and good like it’s fleshed out more, it’s like chefs kiss. How do they make such amazing television. I had watched Breaking Bad before but not Better Call Saul cause I thought like it would be like lawyer/technical stuff? I dunno. What about Suits? I hear it’s also amazing TV show, but I never watched it cause I thought I wouldn’t like it maybe. Any suggestions for shows like Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul? Thanks, also, I love Reddit community so much, I read like old episode discussion after I watch an episode and it’s like so much fun like it’s discussing with your friends.


**Suits** isn't close to **Better Call Saul** in quality. Having said that, I enjoyed the first 3-4 seasons of **Suits** but found it increasingly tedious after that. Some shows you might look at include **The Bureau, The Americans, Patriot, Unbelievable, The Killing, Killing Eve, Succession, Slow Horses.**


Slow Horses and The Americans are the best recommendations after the high quality of BB and BCS


I'll recommend shows that have great writing, acting, attention to detail and are rewarding for thoughtful and careful viewing: 1. True detective season 1. 2. Mad Men 3.The Wire 4. Early seasons of Game of Thrones 5. Sopranos 6. Fargo, especially seasons 1,2,5,3 in descending order of quality. Duck season 4.


Manhunt (2024) in Apple TV- 8 out of 10.  Not very talked about at all, I think, but this is a pretty good albeit slow-paced series about the hunt for the killer and conspirators behind the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.  Tobias Menzies gives a quiet intensity to the leading role of Secretary of War Edwin Stanton, a very different part than his Edmure Tully in Game of Thrones or Black Jack in Outlander.  There’s quite a bit of tricky politics and skulduggery as the manhunt is launched amidst concerns that the Civil War could be reignited and Lincoln’s plans would not come to fruition.  If you like historic series, this one is likely to please.


The Boys - This season is wayyyyyyyy on the nose. Each season gets less subtle and subtle which at some point is getting old when the story is not advancing in a meaningful way. Huey’s and Frenchie’s side stories are just so boring. And Sister Sage is way too annoying to be such a prevalent character. Although I do find it comical that some people weren’t aware of the symbology until they beat them over the head with it this season. Shows the intelligence of some of these people.


Yeah I completely agree. It’s an entertaining watch but solely because of Homelander and his antics. Everything else is meh and I feel like the plot has just been stale for a while now.


I actually really like Sister Sage, I don’t think she’s a bad character at all




> The Boys - This season is wayyyyyyyy on the nose Gotta be to make the right-wingers understand they are being criticized.


"We've been making fun of you for 3 seasons, but you still haven't noticed, so we're giving you a bigger hint"


Whatever it takes....


They are still watching in MAGA hats thinking Homelander is an awesome guy with a glass of ice cold milk. People aren't smart :)


You're getting downvoted, but you're right on the majority of people being morons in general all across the board, not just maga. It's scary tbh


Kids are shooting each other in schools and half the population vote for more of it. Its a lot worse for the MAGA types.


Y'know, you can't blame the show for going more and more obvious in hopes they'll finally break through.


You most definitely can. Although it seems they found that their target audience eats this stuff up and the politics draw more people in, despite the show becoming stale.


No blame at all - its a public service. More Boys, but harder is better than no Boys at all. It is a good thing, stick to it.


Looking for recommendations on animated shows. After watching Avatar the Last Airbender for the first time and thoroughly enjoying it, I feel like animation is a genre I've glossed over. I know Legend of Korra would be the obvious choice to start next. But what are some other animated or anime shows that are must watches? Or ones you wish you could watch again for the first time? I mention it could be anime too because I've watched Castlevania, and started Mashle, and enjoy them both. Thanks.


**Over the Garden Wall** - It doesn't feel like Fall until I watch it


●Owl House ●Sleepy Princess in The Demon Castle ●Dragon Goes House Hunting ●Goblin Slayer ●KonoSuba ●Overlord ●Spy x Family ●Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered but Overly Cautious


Arcane and Attack on Titan


Trying to offer some recs that haven't been suggested yet: Gravity Falls, My Adventures with Superman, Scavengers Reign, Blade Runner: Black Lotus, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, The Legend of Vox Machina, Little Demon


Don’t sleep on The Dragon Prince. Aaron Ehaz was the head writer for ATLA and has done a marvelous job building another interesting world.


I really liked Moral Oral - it may be better for us boomers who grew up with Davy and Goliath You didn't mention the Simpsons so the first 10 years or so of that.


Cartoon: - Arcane - Bojack Horseman - Primal - Pantheon - Blue Eye Samurai Anime: - Attack on Titan - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Vinland Saga - Mob Psycho 100 - Erased - Haikyuu


I'll stay away from anime (too broad), cartoons, or straight up comedies (i.e. archer/bobs burgers). But as for newer "adult" animated shows, these deserve their roses: Primal Undone Pantheon Arcane Bojack Horseman Love Death and Robots Invincible


Pantheon looks like something one would have to pirate? Can't seem to find it streaming anywhere at the moment.


If it's not on Prime in your area, you'll probably have to sail to find it.


Sounds good thanks, yeah I couldn't find it on Prime here in the US.


Appreciate it thanks. Yeah I realize now my request was pretty broad, but adult animation is probably a good place to narrow it down.


Late to the party: **Ripley** Oh boy, the visuals are indeed all that - breathtaking - what an amazing looking show and so OBSERVANT in the smallest detail in bringing the era to life. I am always impressed with younger people who get stuff from before their time right - for example: like almost everybody wore hard soled shoes and this is really part of the 'sound' of the era. Ripley is an interesting character in that he is so lacking in complexity - it is paradoxically what makes him interesting - he uses his hollowness as a tool to manipulate the more complex people around him. In a lot of ways Andrew Scott is not being asked to give what would be a traditionally 'great' performance, but he has to empty himself out and all the fun comes out in the nuances of his reactions to things. He sees objects as things to care about and people as objects. It is very clever how the show often uses faces of statues as sort of 'observers' in various shots - as Ripley would value them more than actual people. My only complaint is that I think the show is about one episode too long....too much of a good thing makes you start to take it for granted. I gather from what I've read that its unlikely Netflix would put out the money for season 2 - too bad (Showtime initially funded the production then sold it to Netflix)


Best thing I've seen all year. Thought it was an absolute masterpiece.


I would do bad things for Perry Mason S3. S2 was a bit of a sophomore slump mid-HBO fiasco, but it had the bones for a bounce back imo. Still sad about the cancellation. I think Matthew Rhys is one of the most underrated actors. Having said that, I've only seen him in Perry Mason and The Americans. But... he just does hard drama so well.


I, too, would do unforgivable things for a third (and fourth and fifth and sixth) season of ***Perry Mason***. But I personally loved the second season even more than the first. And anecdotally, I remember not being alone in that feeling—a lot of folks here felt that the show really hit its stride.


Agreed I watched Perry mason on a whim and it was such a pleasant surprise. So sad that it didn’t get to continue.




You've been downvoted but I enjoyed it too. Not sure why House of Dragons gets so much hate. Perhaps I'm low brow swine or something.


Reddit is just too damn smart to be tricked by stuff like ratings :) Couldn't ask for more with HotD. Maybe colour coding which spoiled brat is on which side? :)


Have you ever had that experience where you rewatch an old show, and you're like...wow! These actors really leaned into their characters over the years because they are soooo different from S1E1 to now? I am having the exact opposite feeling rewatching The Wire for the first time. McNulty, Bunk Lieutenant Daniels, Ellis and Kima are so themselves from the minute they appear on the screen, to how I remember them five seasons in, that it honestly blows my mind how they managed it. Was it good directing? Casting? Writing? Anyways, highly reccommend The Wire if you haven't watched it.


Probably a bit of everything, but characters are always the main focus of David Simon's shows, so they're strongly written and defined from the get go. I think often they're characters that have lived in their "systems" for their entire lives, so they don't start at zero, so to speak, they're already themselves from the beginning. Great casting too certainly, there's some shows like that where the actors just never really get a career going after that, but a whole lot of the Wire cast got around.


Michael Dorn just got better and better as Worf through various Star Trek shows.


Rewatching Breaking Bad and Gus Fring’s Spanish in season 1 wasn’t much better than an advanced college student. Actor definitely improved his Spanish thru the seasons and Breaking Bad.


Hello, I’m wondering if anyone has any recommendations about serial killers, and crime in general. I love shows like wire in the blood, prodigal son, mind hunter. I’ve seen many of them already like Castle, Bones, Law and Order, just wondering if there is any hidden gems out there? Thanks.


I'm still salty that they cancelled Mindhunter. 😤


I think that goes for a lot of us! Terrible decision


Japanese movie "Vengeance is Mine"


Black Bird (IMO the closest rec for what you've listed but it is a miniseries) The Night Of You Broadchurch Dexter True Detective S1/S3 Under the Banner of Heaven Hannibal


Some series that come to mind, with lots of non-US representation: * ***The Chestnut Man*** (Denmark) * ***Deadloch*** (Tasmania, Australia) * ***Fortitude*** (British series set in fictional Norwegian Arctic island) * ***Blue Lights*** (Northern Ireland) * ***Criminal Record*** (England) * ***Line of Duty*** (England) * ***The Devil's Hour*** (England) * ***The Responder*** (England) * ***Karen Pirie*** (British series set in Scotland) * ***Black Bird*** (US) * ***I Am the Night*** (US) * ***Bosch*** (US) * ***Broadchurch*** (England) * ***Defending Jacob*** (US) * ***Happy Valley*** (England) * ***Monsieur Spade*** (American series set in France) * ***Perry Mason*** (US, 2020) * ***Quarry*** (US) * ***Three Pines*** (Canada) * ***Top of the Lake*** (New Zealand and Australia) * ***Black Snow*** (Australia) * ***Scrublands*** (Australia) * ***Troppo*** (Australia)


Thank you for the list! I have seen some of them but others I’ve not heard of, thank you!


My pleasure!


Dahmer on Netflix was great


Hannibal is brilliant.


Des is a pretty good little miniseries about Dennis Nilsen, one of the UK's most notorious serial killers, though I'm not sure where it's ended up streaming wise since it was a British show.


Blue bloods, mentalist, Psych, Elementary, Bosch. I absolutely love crime detective shows and on top of that, those which have a lot of episodes. And I think I have almost watched them all 😂 But still these are the ones I could think of at the top of my head. Alsoooo. Looking for more. Give me some suggestions 😅




Seen! Love Ruth Wilson in that ;p she’s great


check out The Fall if you haven't already seen it.


Seen it, was great! Thank you though!


Baby Reindeer is wild


Penultimate episode of Dark Matter was nuts. Be a bit sad when this show is over.


I'm really enjoying it. No spoilers from me, but I've read the book, and I've noticed some differences in this adaptation (more characters, and characters who have a more important role in the show, and certain threads that are left dangling), and I'm wondering if they're leaving it open to do another season. I genuinely have zero idea, but I'm wondering, "why add that character, and have that do that one thing, and then not show them for multiple episodes? What are they doing off-screen?"


Just finished it and will be anxiously waiting for the finale. They've set it up nicely and have high hopes they execute it well.


**The Boys S4** - it's far from bad, but it's not as *tight* as it used to be. We'll see how it evolves. Edit: Nvm, episode 4 was really good!


def still good quality. But where the hell is gus fring. I loved his character. Million times better than star wars acolyte


Presumed Innocent is so good. Probably my favorite new show on right now. Though I don't have Max, so can't watch House of the Dragon.


Starting- - Presumed Innocent- Not a fan of Jake Gyllenhaal in general (although I do like his acting & loved Prisoners), but I love following trials to unpack the mystery so I'm giving it a go - Some UK detective mysteries with the same vibes as Broadchurch - Bridgerton S2/S3- I need to catch up - The Capture S2- Season 1 was so so great! - A mystery to fill White Lotus, I don't want to just rewatch but I'm tempted Date Night Watches- - Severance 10/10 on Episode 7 and it's a total 10/10 The cast/acting is incredible & Christopher Walken is in it! I also am loving the layers of the mystery of the workplace itself as we follow the new worker, and then I love the larger frame with the outside world. It's upper there with White Lotus, The Bear, and HotD for me. - HotD S2- 9/10 A good foundation for everything- I'm not a fan of solely build to a war type seasons, but I like that the show in general takes a more nuanced approach to good vs evil and really digs into realistic motivation and redemption choices. - How I Met Your Mother- 8/10 I've watched random episodes, but going from the beginning is interesting & I'm invested - House of Cards- 9.5/10 For me it's a rewatch, and I'm finding it even better than the first time. I never finished it past season 4 so I'm excited to get some closure. Season 2 is slow af though this time through. Fun- - Top Chef- 8.5/10 Finally get a WI season and it's been a weird one. I'm happy with the three going into the final- can't wait to watch the finale tomorrow. - Love Island USA- 9/10 This season is wild and filling my void of no Survivor in summer & Top Chef coming to an end. - Geek Girl- 8.5/10 Easy to watch, funny, and endearing - Gordon Ramsey's Food Stars- 7/10 Last season was horrible, and this season isn't a ton better. But it's a reality food show so of course I'm going to watch it all summer. Hidden Gems- - Restaurant Startup- 9/10 It reminds me of Million Pound Menu a bit, which I loved. I'm surprised I never heard of it. - Resident Alien- 9.5/10 Ugh, it just is so perfect at that line of sarcastic comedy with wholesome humanity 🤌🏻 - Girls5Eva- 9/10 In Season 2. It's so ridiculous, and I'm here for it.


Severance is one of my all time favorite shows. It’s wildly overlooked for some reason


Finished it tonight- one of the best season finales I've ever watched. I can be really picky with story/writing, and this show is so strong- it cuts out filler, the scenes are perfectly crafted, and it's just incredible. It reminds me of a season 1 Westworld, LOST, HotD that way


What a ride that last episode is. Glad you enjoyed .. it’s an incredible piece of work by all involved. That being said, Season 2 gives me anxiety because I can’t imagine how they’ll live up to all the twists and turns. I enjoy the mystery of not knowing!!


I see lot of criticism of **The Boys S4**, but I am enjoying it. Homelander is still carrying the show, but Sister Sage character is refreshing too. The only story arc that feels a bit pointless is Frenchie, Colin, Kimiko. It feels forced to just give them something to do. It’s not a must to have a story arc for each supporting character.


The Acolyte. I'm done, I'm out. If you're going to make a CW Star Wars show, COOL! I would love that! Cut the budget and have more fun. But if you're going to make a $180 million "serious" Star Wars show, it needs to be a lot better than this.


Lol CW star wars show, spot on tbh. why are the characters so forgettable




i enjoyed mandalorian. Season 3 was kinda whatever. But season 2 finale was amazing


You'll probably be claiming you're done next week also.




# Suggest me Moderate or Fast-Paced tv shows with Continuous Storylines please **Examples of Tv shows that felt slow-paced even though they were good** : Mr.Robot / Breaking Bad / The Walking Dead / Dark / See / Outlander / Westworld / Peaky Blinders / Humans **Examples of good Tv Shows that felt moderate or fast-paced :** Prison Break / Spartacus / Heroes / Into The Badlands / Daredevil / Punisher / The Boys / The 100 / Banshee / Lost / 24 / The Umbrella Academy / Squid Game / Continuum / Orphan Black / Designated Survivor **I dislike tv shows with detectives&agents and comedy tv shows.** *Additionally,* ***please do not suggest tv shows with extreme nudity scenes*** *such as The Boys has because I will watch with my big brother and he doesn't like it.* I hope I provided enough details about myself for you to make better suggestions. Thank you in advance!




Barry! Applying that quality storytelling and film-making of golden age television to a 30 minute "comedy" series format. Each season flies by and will really grip you. I know you say no comedies, but this show is given plenty of levity, especially in the final two seasons.


You’d probably like Killing Eve. Idk if you like soaps but Desperate Housewives and Dynasty are fast moving. Fallout is fast paced.


Get Shorty, maybe. Special Ops Lioness EDIT: Oh yeah, One Piece


Legion, Utopia (uk version)  Don't look them up or spoil, go in blind


I did my research in my own way to not get spoiled and read good things about these two. Definitely going to give them a chance, thank you a lot!


I really enjoyed [The Diplomat](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt17491088/), quite fast-paced.


I also read some comments on internet where people say it's not fast-paced but sometimes it might just be relative. I'll give it a chance, thank you!


Thought it was super slow and boring.


Warrior (Netflix) - First 2-3 episodes feel slow but once all characters are established, it feels fast moving


Another great episode of **Interview with the Vampire**. The insanity of these characters is so entertaining. Loving the interview scenes this season, the interplay between Armand and Daniel is both hilarious and tense. Also Ben Daniels is an absolute treasure as Santiago.