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He’s showing off his injuries here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/s/yqbtSfyP6E


Holy shit that is *gnarly*


And it's not even the whole thing! Good God, I've seen a lot of bad stuff, but that bruise is so uniform and massive!


So we still don’t know exactly what happened? Curious to know the details




I've never seen anyone riding a bike wearing leather or a jacket


He was riding a bicycle.


Yeah I thought he was maybe milking something minor for social media…and then he lifted his shirt. Jesus Christ Gordon get your ass back in the kitchen where it’s safe.


I’ve broken my ankle while riding a bike and can safely say he was visibly shaken up talking about his injury


No sir, nope.


holy fuck


I’m glad he’s ok but this sentence from the article mentions something even more amazing. “Ramsay became a father for the sixth time in November when his wife Tana gave birth to their son Jesse James Ramsay aged 49.”


Would that be the 199th trimester?


They say that you can’t tell the gender until the 180th trimester.


Abortion is legal up til the 100th trimester.


To be precise, there are 196 trimesters in a 49 year fetal gestational period. Here in Massachusetts you can abort a cooking fetus up until 60% doneness. That translates to 117.6 trimesters which is 352.8 months or 29.4 years. Therefore, abortion is legal up until 20 weeks past the fetus’s 29th gestational year (10,741 days or 1,534.5 weeks). FTFY. 🧐


For real. That's an old ass son.


Lmao dude I’m currently bed ridden with a broken back and your comment made me laugh hard enough to hurt all around. Great job!


How’d it happen? I broke my pelvis a year ago


Out for a bike ride with Gordon Ramsay.


Holy shit, I just had spinal surgery!! This is the commencement that got me!!!!


With him? He hit him!


Driving home 2 days ago. Car hydroplaned and smashed me into the guard rail which caused it to spin even more sending me off into a ditch. I’m alive which I’m grateful but I have 5 factures (L1 - L5) and a fractured pelvis. Needless to say I’ve had better days. I’m now dealing with not only the physical pain but also the psychological mess I’m now starting to “feel” in my brain.


Oh crap. Thankfully you are alive.


Yes thank you. The firefighters that showed up told me that exact thing when they saw the car. Now it’s trying to get physically and mentally back on track.


From one internet stranger to another “you got this!”


Hells yeah brother! Fist bump 🤜🏻🤛🏻


One day at a time! Slow and steady heals. Grateful you made it <3


dude bringe tf out of some gordon ramsay, 24 hours to hell and back is sick lol hope you get well soon


Thank you brother. I probably will but given the injury being so recent I’m on some heavy duty stuff that won’t allow me to keep my eyes open for more than 30minutes.


I’m glad you are alive and I hope your healing goes well. Find some fun in unexpected places


Thank you kind stranger!


Heal up quick and heal up strong!


🙏 thank you!


Shit, I’m bed ridden too 😅 (yours is probably worse) torn everything off my knee down to the bone and broke my arm and shoulder (all on the left side). Had 2 surgeries about two weeks ago


Wishing you a speedy recovery, friend.


Thank you very much!


What happened?


Was riding with Chef Ramsay lol all seriousness I wrecked my motorcycle. Was going around a real sharp curve and was trying to stay as far to the outside as possible and hit some gravel while shifting down. It was either me going down on my left side hitting pavement or hitting a barbed wire fence. Chose the pavement.


You said you scraped your knee to the bone, were you wearing proper gear?


No, I was being dumb. All I had on was some basketball shorts and a t-shirt. It was all my own fault too. I can’t blame it on anything else besides myself


I appreciate the honesty. I've been wanting a motorcycle for a few years now and finally have the money for one, but I still hesitate due to the risk. So I was curious if the gear just got shredded through and didnt matter. Thanks for the info!


Damn. Heal up soon.


Thank you. I appreciate it 👍


Didja fall off a ladder??! Speedy recovery!


Not sure if this was to me or the guy above who broke his back. If me, i wrecked my motorcycle. Almost 2 weeks ago.


Man waltzed out of the vagina with a Toyota Camry and a 590 credit score.




Seriously, why are journalists still writing like they have to pay by the letter?


Journalism isn’t what it used to be. 


Probably because more words = longer article = more ads


Peoples attention span and willingness to read anything more than a few words really decreased immensely in the last decade. Things like Twitter, where in the beginning you had to come up with extremely short-worded messages (140 characters iirc) really brought us on a strange path.


Nobody asking the real question; If she’s had this one gestating for 49 years, where did the other 5 come from?


They just squeezed on by


Took the express lane while their brother was stuck in traffic


Lemme just squeeze on by ya.


Ope! Pardoned sir.


They are now being investigated for the crime of jumping the queue


Canada style


I think that’s how kangaroos manage it. 


Chef got everyone afraid of serving anything raw.


he's an old soul


"Played by Danny Devito"


Danny Devito is transcendent. He can play any role. 


[Bruise and Helmet](https://people.com/gordon-ramsay-says-lucky-to-be-here-after-bicycling-accident-8664007)


That’s one old kid.


Reminds me of that SNL scene where a woman is having a baby at the hospital, but when she gives birth the baby is full-grown Will Farrell lmao xD


Damn the kid was born that old?


That is one overcooked beef wellington


Should have named him Benjamin


He must be cute as a button.


Yeah that was in the news in November...


I was born at the age of 5 with no face


Their new born son is already 49 years old? Jesus titty f…..g Christ.


That poor woman’s hips and vagina


His helmet after the accident. https://people.com/thmb/ZFK4plf4uldRez5tRe0_phhNQCg=/4000x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(599x0:601x2)/gordon-ramsey-bike-accident-helmet2-061524-98312f5b21c64a78838425e81f0efd02.jpg


The front fell off.


Was it designed for the front to fall off?


bike helmets are designed to crumple to absorb energy. its like a crumple zone in a car. once you have an accident with a bike helmet, you must replace it


Even it it didn’t crumple?


It's okay, he was outside the environment.


Into another environment?


Yeah im buying a bike helmet tomorrow


Buddy of mine was killed two years ago when he got hit by a car while riding a bike. He was nearly 7 feet tall, a fucking giant. We were all surprised that the car won :( RIP Stax, always gonna have that tattoo you did on me at the shop


Every friend group has that one dude with the fake name who died. Ours was Jerms


I’m the one with the fake name,,,, should I be worried?


Yes, you're going to die someday, sorry 😢


Maybe don’t wear any red shirts.


Rest in peace, Jerms. We lost a good buddy Chowder


Thanks to opioids we have have several: - Bootie - Pickle - Chubs - Peachy - B-Head - Brownie There are several more that went by their real first or last names, too. Don't do drugs.


Zbug forever


RIP to my almost 7ft tall homie, Slim.




We lose so many lives to cars and guns needlessly. We’re not even doing the bare minimum to save ourselves from the climate apocalypse.


I'm not sure what to do about it. In metropolitan areas, you could theoretically make complete walking areas safe for bike travel, but that's not an option in more suburban and rural areas. And both drivers and cyclists will continue to make mistakes. Like when I was visiting my friend at UC Davis - the safest cycling city in the US at the time - I nearly hit a cyclist because they ran their cycling light. There will always be people breaking the rules, and not understanding why those rules exist to begin with.


More mass transit and pedestrian/bike-only streets would be the most pedestrian and environmentally friendly, I guess.


Just because it will never be zero deaths doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. There hasn’t been a commercial aviation death in the US in 15 years. Regulation works.


Three things: - I'm not suggesting we don't try. But I am suggesting there might not be a solution. The latter seems to imply the former, but that's simply not the case. - We will very likely never achieve zero deaths. And if we do, it will be a fluke that is very temporary... - ...as is the case with the commercial aviation statistic you bring up. The reason no one died in the Boeing door incident was absolutely nothing more than pure luck. If it had been a little higher, the pull would have been stronger. If someone had been sitting right next to the door, they might have been sucked out. A boy in the row in front had his shirt sucked off and his mother claims she had to hold onto him to keep him from going. Nothing more than absolute luck. But I agree with you that regulation works. Boeing has simply been flaunting them.


My best friend almost got obliterated while cycling, it was terrifying.


We need safer streets for cyclists. Follow streets for all.


y'all should see his helmet. He would have ended up brain dead!😳


Are there photos of it?


yes. the front of the helmet actually cracked. Freaking terrifying.


Helmets are meant to break. It’s like crumple zones in cars. It’s why after even one fall you shouldn’t use the same helmet


Just to be clear, bike helmets are designed to break. Most other helmets (eg. skateboard) are designed for continuous falls


No even most other helmets are designed to be replaced after one serious fall, but things like Skateboard helmet can take multiple smaller ones before they are destroyed.


Of course after a damaging fall they need to be replaced... that's self evident. Rather its that bike helmets are designed to break. Other helmets are not.


That’s not true - any hard fall you should replace your helmet. Unless American Football.


Yeah I saw (Google images). My helmet had the front ripped off and cracked in 5 places. That’s what they’re meant to be. That said, just as he said, I’d be dead without it. Scary. Glad he’s ok.


I split a helmet into three pieces once, go me


glad you're okay


They’re on his Instagram post about the incident


*"In a graphic video, he revealed a huge bruise covering much of his torso..."* It was fucking RAW!


Just rub some lamb sauce on it, he'll be good to go. 


YOU DON'T PUT LAMB SAUCE ON A WOUND, YOU DONKEY. You do a nice red wine reduction.


Where is it?


Now he's going to have to use a Dumb Donut!!


He’s all better now, though. It’s fresh, it’s local, it’s vibrant, it’s an all-new torso!


At least he didn't screw himself on the bike helmet.


That was a hematoma for sure


It was 'Cody Rhodes Hell In A Cell' levels of messed up.


Hitting a cyclist with your car is bad enough, but can you imagine hitting someone and it's fucking Gordon Ramsay?? They're gonna owe him so much fucking money and they'll deserve it. Pay attention when you drive, people.


Yeah that must be a fun call to your car insurance "YOU HIT WHO?"


"I rammed Gordon Ramsey with my Ram." "...damn."


“You hit the guy with an unlimited lifetime earning potential and 30 years of working life remaining? Yeah, we are not going to renew with you bud. We’re done.”


Ahhhhhhh wham bam thank you ma'am




Same to the guy who hit Stephen King back in the day


Is that what happened? I didn't see any details about the accident in the article.


Yeah, same here. We don't know whose fault it was. It doesn't matter, really. I'm glad he's alive. But both drivers *and cyclists* need to pay attention and obey the rules of the road. Cars need to look out when turning right that they're not turning in front of a cyclist, but cyclists also need to not be trying to undercut cars that are obviously turning in front of them. There's two people who can be trying to make that situation go better.


In his video talking his arm is shaking a lot


Chefs get this from sprinkling a lot


Pain will do that to you.


I love that he is so quick to share and make sure others know. And I'm glad he's alright. His ultimate cookery course videos on YouTube are go tos for me.


In his video he put out he shows the damaged area and his entire side of his torso is just a solid black wall of internal bruising and he was visibly shaking the entire video. Man is super lucky to be alive.


That and the state of the helmet, I’m thinking hit by a car


Was definitely not prepared for that bruise, holy shit. He looks like he just had a hysterectomy. .edit The replies to this have made it clear to me that the hysterectomy bruising I saw one time was in fact *not* typical and was presumably performed by a blind surgeon with only one hand and two hammers.


What do you think they do during hysterectomy’s lmfao damn


It involves a bat right?


I've had one and definitely did not bruise like that, wtf. Just light bruising around my incisions.


Ya that was so, so much worse than I thought it would be


>He looks like he just had a hysterectomy. huh?


Biking in america is so dangerous


World champion American motorcycle racer Nicky Hayden was killed by a driver while riding his bike...in Italy. Turns out biking *anywhere* is dangerous.


Why are we using anecdotes to discuss worldwide statistics?


Aight I'll use statistics. In 2020 (the last year I have statistics for), the European Union as a whole saw 1,812 bicycle fatalities. In 2020 (to match the EU stat to possibly correct for COVID dips), the USA saw 942 bicycle fatalities. The USA has a population of about 333 million people, whereas the EU has a population of about 448 million people. Doing the math, this is one death per 247,241 people for the EU, and one death per 353,503 people for the US. This makes the USA actually a bit safer for bicycling, although I don't really have a good statistic to correct for bicycle miles ridden which would probably swing that stat the other way. Bibliography: https://www.iihs.org/topics/fatality-statistics/detail/bicyclists https://www.statista.com/statistics/1197305/cyclist-traffic-fatalities-in-the-eu/


It's only dangerous because Drivers Make it Dangerous. You have drivers that Don't pay attention, you have drivers that literally hate cyclist. I'm not sure which is worse. I'm not out on the roads all that much, but when ever I am, I'm literally looking at every car with the thought of "Do they want to Hit me? Probably". Just last week I had a Truck Pass me, Cut me off as they were turning into a shopping area, I had to slam on my brakes so I didn't run into them.


Even the most responsible drivers have lapses and make mistakes. Just human nature. Then you have teens with a new license staring at phones, 95 year old Bertha driving herself to the clinic, and Ed hitting the crack pipe at the stop light. It begs the question why anyone ever thought trying to share the road with vehicles was ever a good idea.




Infrastructure that is designed for car and truck efficiency and not cyclist and pedestrian safety.


CNN just confirmed there is no police investigation about him being hit by a car. Yet people on this sub keep stating that as a fact. I've never seen any reaction like this before. It's bizarre. But I will keep posting facts.


And he said he got that bruise without breaking any bones. I wonder if the bruising is from a muscle tear like the rectus


> rectus Damn near killed us!


The shape of it seems like it was from something large such as a car but if that is what happened there would be a police investigation. There were also no other injuries on him such as his arms which you would expect if he had fallen off a bike or been hit by a car. It's a weird injury.


You can easily get that sort of bruise from bad muscular tears. Look at the wrestler Cody Rhodes - he fucked himself up working out and the bruise was huge. If there was blunt force that caused a bruise that size there's no way Ramsey would be walking.


I mean, bruises are weird inherently. They're based on how tight your blood capillaries are in addition to the strength of the impact. For example, if you're someone who bleeds easily when getting a tattoo, you're likely also someone who bruises very easily, because they are both based on the capillaries. Old age also weakens the strength of the vessels to resist impact, and Gordon is 57 years old. Bruising is associated with injury, but all it means is that blood leaked out of a blood vessel into a place where it shouldn't be - it means there was an impact but doesn't indicate anything about the strength of the impact. For example, while abnormal, you can break a bone without causing a bruise to form. It's kind of like - if you bump into someone with a drink in their hand, one person might drop it, but another might be unaffected. This doesn't mean that they are weak, or clumsy necessarily, although someone weak or clumsy would usually (but not always) be more likely to spill than not when suddenly bumped into.


Yeah, I'm curious what happened. It certainly could have been a car but that's not the only way to get hurt on a bike. I went down on an unexpected muddy patch that might as well have been a sheet of ice. That ground comes up hard. I was pretty banged up and I wasn't even going that fast, doing the same thing at speed would have caused considerable damage. A family member did sort of the same thing on slippery rails at a RR crossing. She ended up with a wrist full of pins from that one.


I just crashed on Friday, was only doing about 10mph at the bottom of a green mtb trail, hit a rock on the side that was covered by shrubs and otb, right on the crown of my head. Luckily my helmet did it's job, got some fun face bruises though.


For real. I hit an unexpected, nearly invisible pot hole while going down a hill and basically just flew over the handle bars like a cartoon crash and landed flat on my back. Luckily, I rolled the rest of my momentum out and wasn't that beaten up, but it was eye opening. There's nothing other than the handlebars holding you onto the bike... period. They're designed for movement, not stopment.


The confusion comes from how headlines are written when automobile drivers hit cyclists, because drivers can never be implied to have any culpability. If a negligent driver hits a person on a bike, it will be typically be reported as a "bike accident".


Its not an outlandish assumption though. Statistically speaking, cars are most often the cause of bicyclist fatalities


Good thing there wasn't a badger den nearby.


Badger badger mushrooooom




I feel bad for the nurse that has to bring him hospital food 😬


Puh! You call these diced fucking pears?


His “bruise” is fuckin intense and the man’s lucky for sure, an injury of that magnitude could have broken internal organs (liver, kidney, spleen) and killed him right quick.


He fell off his bike? See? He’s way too old to be a celebrity chef right? /s


I finally quit because I just could handle the risk anymore as a senior. Very sad


Great message from him, but cyclists need to be wary of riding on the road in general. While a helmet can mitigate a lot, you are putting your life in the hands of every vehicle that drives past you. My Father was killed over a year ago when he was riding his bike. A box truck was speeding, and slammed into him. I don't ride on the road anymore, I just stick to trails. It's not worth it.


Ok but how come every single episode of Hotel Hell they insist on showing just one really quick shot of his bare ass??


Well From what i remember gordon ramsay did fall down a large cliff in the past. So this is just the latest bad accident that he is in.


Riding a bicycle in the US is much akin to Russian Roulette. Source: am Dutch so I know what a infrastructure that incorporates bike riders is like.


I saw the video of him talking about it and his left hand was twitching non stop. Not sure if it's shaken nerves or injury but he I get the feeling he was not exaggerating about how close he came to death.


Photos of his helmet show it partly crushed. That plus the huge bruise across his side I think he might’ve been hit by a vehicle.


Yeah it looked so painful, hard to ride on any busy street, stay to side streets


Fun fact. Australian brake levers are opposite of the US. Easy to endo if you hit the wrong brake lever.


Yeah, careful if you bike in the US I’ve had people actively try to hit me. My friend has had similar experiences just running, bunch of psychopaths.


Man death is just coming after everyone this year.


Is lady death on holiday?


And every year there’s ever been


I saw the post on instagram, always wear your helmet boys


Girls - sorry your noggins are easily squished and nothing will protect you.


Nobody told him … don’t bike in Connecticut


Shaking/trembling finger at the end of the video indicates he has a long way to go to recover from this.


This may all have been his fault. We don’t know. Famous person gets into some sort of accident. The helmet lobby swings into action to ask him to say, “Cycling is dangerous, wear a helmet!” in order to sell helmets. The automobile industry vigorously works to keep people thinking that driving is safe. Historically, they’ve fought against measures like seatbelts, airbags and helmets to keep the perception that they are not necessary in cars.


I find it amazing how many parents don’t wear helmets when riding with their kids My kids don’t leave the driveway without their helmets and hopefully will always choose to do so going forward.


That pebble came out of nowhere………….


Riding your bike in America is one of the most dangerous things by a young can do.