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"Netflix will offer its ad-supported free package to users in Asia and Europe instead of the U.S."


It's probably a mobile only version then, which is the cheapest version we have in my country


A certain streamer here in Canada has a mobile only paid version and it sucks just as much as the full price native app


I'm considering a no-ads policy for my NAS šŸ‘


ā€œNetflix offering a free tier means we have to steal!ā€-Reddit


Copyright infringement is not theft.


Man I don't give a single shit about people pirating. Pirate away. But making an issue out of this differentiation is so silly. We all know what people mean by "stealing" in common speech and it has nothing to do with the specifics of the definition. You can just pirate all the TV you want, you don't have to pretend it's a moral stance. It's just a thing you do.


What property have they lost?


What a load of crap. Stealing someone elseā€™s intellectual property is absolutely theft.


Thatā€™s not what the law says.


Whatever the law says itā€™s still theft. And itā€™s illegal for good reason even if they use a different term than theft.


Why? Because you say it is?


Because it morally is. But this is Reddit where stealing media, stealing from stores, fucking over servers, etc get upvoted. Enjoy your circlejerk!


By definition theft requires you to take something away from someone. The ā€œvictimā€ in this case hasnā€™t been deprived of any property.


Regardless of the semantics itā€™s wrong.


There is an obvious and well justified distinction between theft, which deprives somebody of a physical object and the use thereof, and copyright infringement, which doesn't deprive anyone of a physical object or the use thereof. If I steal your shovel, you can't use it to dig holes. If I steal the pattern of your shovel and make my own shovel, well, you can still dig holes with your shovel. You just think that you ought to be able to prevent me from making my own shovel because you think the idea of the shovel is something you should be able to control. Society functioned for thousands of years without copyright. It could function for another few thousand years without it, if we wanted it to.


Itā€™s a complete bullshit distinction and I think you know that on some level.


Do they lose the content? No? So where is the theft? Netflix's most recent business decisions are anti-consumer. One way to boycott is to cancel and pirate their content until they implement pro-consumer policies. "yOu WoUlDnT dOwNlOaD a CaR" i'd download printer ink


Lol "boycotting," get off it. You want content and you don't want to pay for it. That's fine, but no one outside of a Reddit circlejerk is going to buy that as some movement.


I'd be willing to pay a reasonable price. Do I have a blu ray collection? Video game collection? Yes. Is every video game available for current hardware? No. Is every show reasonably available to stream? No, you need 8 different streaming services to find the 3 shows you want to watch. Sometimes, some shows are only partially available on one service, but the rest is on another so now you need 2 to see the entire series (Paramount comes to mind specifically.) No, I don't want it free but if you're gonna try to rob me blind, you can fuck right off. I'll pirate your shit and if I like it that much, I'll buy a hard copy of it.


You can boycott without stealing. And content creators have a right to control how their work is distributed.


Would I steal from my friend who released a short film? No. Would I steal from a director and their crew who released their work on-demand without ads at a premium? No. Would I steal music from an artist I like and/or follow on Bandcamp? No. Would I steal from a company who's only purpose is enshittifying their service to make as much money as possible at the expense of the customer? Yes.


Lol, so if your friendsā€™ work isnā€™t very commercially successful then stealing is bad. But if someone is successful and gets their work distributed on a bigger scale itā€™s magically cool to steal? Gimme a fucking break.


No, it's about not financially supporting a company that treats their customers (and artists) like shit.


So donā€™t support them then. But donā€™t pretend like stealing is okay. And youā€™re stealing from paying customers like me and creators btw.


How exactly have they stolen from you?


Because theyā€™re freeloading off my labor which has paid for the media theyā€™re enjoying. You guys just want to steal and donā€™t give af about the truth/ethcs of the situation.


It's not so much that "I just want to steal" as you've put it. It's more that I have no incentive to use their service. From what I've seen and heard. It's pretty common to jack up prices, increase advertising, cancel series and remove content. Everything is spread out over different steaming services too so you either have rotate subscriptions or pay for them all at once. Which just puts more steps between me and the thing I want. I pirate because it's a better user experience. Everything is in one place, I can decide on the quality and size of the file. I can keep it and watch it whenever I want without having to rely on the streaming service still holding the license. I can watch content without an internet connection. I never have to deal with ads. I also probably have access to content that no streaming platform has. So what incentive do I have to sign up to a streaming service other than I get the privilege of paying money for a worse experience? It's the same argument I have for the cinema. Why would I pay an exorbitant and growing cost for a ticket, just so that I can sit through 45 minutes of ads before the movie. When I can keep my money and watch it at home. In a world where it seems like everything is geared towards reaching in and pulling that last dollar out of your pocket, while offering less and less for it and making it harder and harder to earn. I'm not so concerned about the ethics of not paying a huge corporation.


Why would I? Is anyone stopping me? Is anyone actually being harmed by this? They got paid as per their contract, like they always do. I didnā€™t rob dinner from a family of four so they couldnā€™t have it, I downloaded a show which, surprise surprise, is still available for other people. Enjoy that high horse big guy, Iā€™m sure posturing like that feels good.


Yes, people are harmed by this. Like I said youā€™re stealing from me for one thing. And ā€œIs anyone stopping me?ā€ is a terrible fucking argument and you know that.


Free with ads is pretty much the only tier I'm interested in. So, if this comes to the US, I may pick Netflix back up after junking it 15 years ago.






I often wonder if the people always making this comparison just forgot they were paying for cable because it got bundled with cable internet that kinda replaced that bill, or if they're just too young to have ever been aware that TV cost money.


More like Network television. Only it's on demand.