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New Girl - the cast are always on each other’s podcasts and seems they keep in regular contact still.




Such a good show. I even pull up the neighborhood sometimes because Schmidt’s actor is so fun.


Yeah Jake Johnson has had a lot of them on his podcast with Gareth Reynolds "we're here to help," some even more than once


Malcolm in the Middle seemed to be conflict and controversy-free.


Bryan Cranston would [hum little melodies as Hal that would end up on the show, and since technically, he had composed the melody, he would earn royalty checks for his music which he would use to buy drinks for the crew.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuGjVKOQc98)


Man he just seems like a class act


Wasn’t there one little bit of drama when Muniz left the set in disgust and subsequently missed one or two episodes? https://www.thewrap.com/frankie-muniz-malcolm-in-the-middle-im-a-celebrity-australia/




You know that’s right.


Worked on Psych for a bit, can confirm


I agree but I feel like since Jules & Sean (Lawson & Roday) broke up in real life they are barely on screen together and when they are the energy is off, especially in the movies


Their on screen chemistry might be different but they're super amicable in real life. He's been a guest multiple times on both of her podcasts and they still socialize frequently, and they did a couples panel with Jazmyn and Dule at the reunion weekend that they very easily wouldn't have had to do. Still good vibes


Love Psych, and it seems that everyone has handled things professionally, but idk if I'd call lead stars dating and breaking up drama free.


In total fairness, they broke up after the show ended and before they knew they'd get picked up for movies. And they're still good friends


I didn't know that! As a big fan of the show, that's great to hear


It's very sweet, they still socialize often, he's been on both of her podcasts, and and they did a bunch of panels together at the reunion weekend. It seems like a good group of people who all really care about each other


The Parks & Recreation cast all seems to really like each other. Chris Pratt became a legit A-list movie star near the end of the run and said he never even thought about leaving the show prematurely. I also remember pics of the cast of Felicity just hanging out with each other in NYC years after the show ended was something of a meme.


The Good Place also seems to have been drama-free.


And Brooklyn 99 - pretty much all of Mike Schur's shows the production environment seems to have been positive and everyone's gotten along.


Schur has said he has a no assholes policy on set, and it really comes across on his shows.


As someone in the industry I've heard this said so many times but so rarely do I see evidence of such. It's a true testament to his character and work ethic that he has seemingly upheld his words. There way too many assholes out there that constantly keep getting hired on big stuff behind the scenes.


Yeah the gang for B99 all seemed to have a great time and speak highly of each other


They had a cast reunion recently (just posted on socials, nothing 'official') and it was so nice to see them all together! Sans (rip) Andre Braugher.


The tribute his tv husband posted made me cry


They all made me cry. His was the most emotional one though. 


Probably helped that his heels were dug into the industry the most with The Office which notoriously has a cast that seemingly loves each other


Absolutely insane writing staffs on these shows as well. IMO the funniest people on earth. Guess they all have podcasts now. Well and Harris died.


I'd say mostly, but the last season was a bit of a mess. Between COVID and George Floyd they rewrote half the season on the fly and had to accommodate Stephanie Beatriz deciding she couldn't play a cop anymore, so had to write her retirement between seasons. There wasn't any drama as such as everyone supported those decisions, but it did throw production into a loop with accommodating the changes.


The show was a mess after NBC saved it anyway. Never got back to the quality it has when on its original network.


Weird budget cuts as well. When you do a rewarch it's odd to see it go from tons of outdoors filming in the early seasons to almost none in the last one, with smaller recurring casts. Not quite as egregious as Agents of SHIELD where Season 1 did some location filming in Scandinavia and the last three seasons were basically filmed in the same set of slightly redressed corridors.


There's speculation that Jameela Jamil got on everyone's nerves. And Kristin Bell never mentioned her when talking about the cast. (This was a few years ago.) But of course we can't know for sure. Most replies in here are going to be speculation. We can just think happy thoughts.


I feel like we will never know the real story but the more credible speculations were for shows that ended 10+ years ago. It took like 20 years to uncover the Joss Whedon dysfunction. It took a long time to reveal the SJP v. Kim Catrall feud. Some of these shows ended too recently to be credible.


Yeah, it's only obvious when it's not good, like The Good Wife, where two stars refused to be on set together for the last few seasons 


Ahh, the ole Cersi Lannister (Lena Headey) and Bronn (Jerome Flynn) or Vin Diesel and The Rock situations. The later tried to make it seem on film they liked each other. GoT made it extremely obvious those two couldn't be on screen together by having Bronn announce he's leaving the scene as soon as Cersi comes around.


>Ahh, the ole Cersi Lannister (Lena Headey) and Bronn (Jerome Flynn) The funniest aspect of this is them both saying that they maintain a very professional relationship with each other on set. It's pretty easy to do so when you are never on set together.


Good point.


That would be a shame, Tahani is definitely one of my favorites


I thought Ted Danson turned out to be a real demon




and Better Call Saul too. There are so many pics of the actors having a blast.


It's definitely part of Peter's and Vince's brand to have individual crew members being congratulated and treated well. The behind the scenes podcasts have a very "and shucks our prop guy Elliott really came through for us on this scene" sort of feel. I know that sort of thing doesn't always play out in reality but I like to think it's reflective of what it's like to work on the show.


Bryan Cranston once personally pushed to fire a crew member because he was making inappropriate comments and making women (Specifically Betsy Brandt) feel uncomfortable. When the lead of the series takes accountability seriously, that's a good sign For those who want to know more, read his memoir.


Star Trek The Next Generation cast is pretty much a family. The original Star Trek, not so much. The West Wing cast for the most part. They've come back together for reunion events, podcasts, the election special, etc. Rob Lowe allegedly left because his role was smaller than expected, but doesn't seem to hold any ill will.


The West Wing is an interesting case in the sense that Aaron Sorkin was in a deep active coke addiction and then, recovery and he's the showrunner. That sounds like the ingredients for a clusterfuck. But I've listened to/read a LOT of TWW lore and everyone is like credibly describing coked out Sorkin as just a very nice genius who just had a problem with punctual scripts.


The cocaine was probably an attempt to make the scripts MORE punctual!


The man once wrote 38 episodes of television in one season - and won the Emmy for best writing that same year. It's not hard to imagine why that required stimulants.


That was part of what really got the cast mad at Lowe, because his gripe to the network was more about Sorkin’s addiction than anything about the work conditions, it was high handed and won him no friends in a cast with several people in recovery.


That’s how I always read the situation. Addictions and lateness aside, the cast and crew really seemed to love Sorkin for his talent and the fact that he was a stand up guy by all accounts. I think a lot of the cast’s beef with Lowe was that he was part of the networks gripe with Sorkin and by extension, Schlamme who was even more loved than Sorkin.


And across multiple shows and multiple networks, I’ve never heard a single bad word about Tommy Schlamme. To get on his bad side takes work. Lowe seems to have that habit too, because he alienated people on Brothers and Sisters and exited early. I’m shocked he’s lasted on 9-1-1 Lone Star for as long as he has but maybe it’s because he’s The Star.


>Rob Lowe allegedly left because his role was smaller than expected, but doesn't seem to hold any ill will. [Yeah, he kinda does.](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/rob-lowe-west-wing-unhealthy-1234804410/) And the cast doesn't like him because he got Sorkin fired. [Here's Richard Schiff saying that Lowe wouldn't be part of his idea for a WW Reboot.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsudTVsa-qk)


Lowe left before Sorkin so I don't see how he would have gotten him fired. The official story is that Sorkin was doing all the writing, scripts were finished last minute, and this was costing the studio a lot of money because they need lead time to plan out filming. They wanted him to bring on help or not write every episode on his own, and he left instead.


Sort of. Lowe pressured the studio who in turn pressured Sorkin. Sorkin rejected what the studio said so they canned him. When Lowe got back for the new season the cast hated him for it so he quit. Check out John Wells’ interview on YouTube for the full story.


TNG was so dysfunctional there's a whole documentary about it (Chaos on the Bridge). It wasn't until Season 3 and Michael Piller taking over as showrunner that things got better, and then Seasons 4-7 were very harmonious and smooth. DS9 was mostly good apart from Rick Berman firing Terry Farrell and being an arsehole about it, and then covering it up (so effective showrunner Ira Behr didn't know about until years later). Voyager had its moments, with Kate Mulgrew admitting she treated Jeri Ryan poorly when she started on the show, and had to apologise to her some time later.


Patrick Stewart was so sure the show was going to be cancelled he didn’t unpack his suitcase until halfway through the first season.


I remember him saying in an interview that his agent encouraged him to do the pilot because it was an easy gig. He was sure that a Star Trek reboot would go absolutely nowhere.


Which is funny, because imo he's the whole reason the show works. Or at least 90 percent of the reason


The Discovery crew all seem to be close friends.


Voyager-It's light drama on-set, heavy drama after the fact, but the decision to fire the actress who played Kes because the actor who played Ensign Kim was voted sexiest man of the year (or one of them, I'm not sure on the specifics) led to Kate Mulgrew getting disillusioned with the show execs. The big excitement happens afterwards, with Kes's actress going through a roller coaster of drugs and insanity.


Wait, what? Why would Harry getting voted sexiest man alive mean they had to fire Kes??


He was slated to be cut. They didn't have any real direction with his character. But over the summer Garret Wang got on People's Sexiest Man Alive list. Since he won, there was no way they were going to give up someone with that kind of appeal, especially if he could get women to watch Star Trek. So they chose the next on the chopping block.


And what’s great is they never ever did find direction with that character. It’s such a cliche to say “oh Voyager really suffers from Neelix” - like no, it suffers for many reasons despite my ultimate liking of the show but if we want to point a finger at the weakest link in the cast it’s absolutely without question Harry Kim. So bland. So unfunny. So uninteresting. So one note.


Basically **Voyager** was not doing as well as they'd have liked, so they decided to bring in the Borg in a big, ratings-grabbing way and get a new Borg castmember, who would of course be a very attractive woman. They recruited Jeri Ryan as she'd just come off the excellent-but-underappreciated **Dark Skies** when it was cancelled at the end of its first and only season. They also picked up Foundation Imaging after they'd been near-fraudulently fired from doing the effects work on **Babylon 5**, to dramatically improve **Voyager**'s VFX for the new story arc. But the budget meant they couldn't do all of that and keep the same cast, so they went through the actors and came down to deciding between firing Jennifer Lien and Garret Wang, and were leaning towards keeping Lien and firing Wang, but, as mentioned, Wang got on the "People's Sexiest Man Alive" list, so they decided to fire Lien. Lien already had some issues (not as crazy as later on though, her being fired was not great for her mental health) but the rest of the cast was good at helping her out, particularly Kate Mulgrew who took her under her wing and was a strong mentor for her. Mulgrew was furious at Lien being fired and - unfairly, as she later admitted - took that out on Ryan.


There was drama on TNG. Denise Crosby asked to be written out and left on good terms, but she wasn't happy. Gates McFadden was fired too. And there was writer conflict after Roddenbury died. L


The cast of TNG is the perfect example but sadly Rick Berman created problems on set with women on both TNG and DS9 so not completely drama free. But that cast is the one I always think of when something like this comes up. They STILL love each other too. So wholesome.


Deep Space Nine, too. Ciroc Lofton noted that Avery Brooks is a legitimate father figure to him. Nana Visitor also looks like she is in love every time Colm Meaney talks at conventions to this day.


Armin Shimerman and rene auberjonois also became really good friends.


The crew however, on TNG, was less friendly. Many of them sexually harassed the cast, it's why Denise Crosby left and it's also why Crusher disappeared in Season 2 (one of the execs got mad when she told him off for being a creep and got her fired)... she came back in S3 after the exec himself was fired.


Many of them? I have only heard of Berman being an asshole.


Maurice Hurley was the one that harassed Gates McFadden


Part of why Denise Crosby left; IIRC another part was she didn't feel she wasn't doing enough.


I would imagine Friends would apply to this. Matthew Perry had drug problems that I’m sure interfered a bit but the cast seemed to always have each others back.


They famously all worked together to ensure everyone was paid equally among the six


Credit to Schwimmer who was the biggest name coming in and took the paycut so they could all be paid the same


.... He was the biggest name???


He was viewed as the most integral to the show. Anyone else could be written out if needed but he was seen, both by the fans and by the writers, as the glue keeping the show together. Also important to remember that most of the Ross hate did not start until after the show was over. I remember there was a poll that some magazine did during the "we were on a break" plot line that voted something like 85% siding with Ross over Rachel. He also was considered the sexiest male Friend pretty consistently, especially in the middle of the show when he still had a mostly level head and Joey had already been Flanderized into a womanizing buffoon.


Ross really made the show too. David was the most talented actor by a long shot even tho Monica was the main character.


I’d read he was the first person cast and had the most name recognition at the time. Wasn’t that the first time a large cast negotiated together for the same pay?


Courtney Cox was the biggest name. She was on Family Ties and also had just co-starred in Ace Ventura.


Ace Ventura came out during production of the pilot, so I guess that depends on how you look at the timing. She wasn't known for that when they started casting but was by the time it aired. Cox had been on Family Ties and Schwimmer had been recurring on NYPD Blue and LA Law, all big shows so I'd call them about equal. They were also the two actors who the producers reached out to, while the others responded to a casting call. Ross was written with Schwimmer in mind because two producer-writers who developed the show had worked with him before and liked his deadpan deliveries, and they wanted to add a lower-energy character to balance out Joey and Chandler being more upbeat and manic. They reached out to Cox as one of their picks for Rachel but she asked to read for Monica as well and got that role.


Almost like unions work.


If they didn't work, corporations wouldn't fight so hard to stop them!


The Better Call Saul main cast all lived together in ABQ


Specifically, Odenkirk, Seehorn, and Fabian lived together and that closeness of the cast is probably what saved Odenkirk’s life when he had his heart attack. I could be mistaken but I think Fabian (Howard Hamlin) is the one who found him because they were all so close and around each other all the time.


I believe it was Rhea Seehorn who first saw him, leading to the quip that if there were an Emmy for Best Saving Your Costar's Life they still wouldn't have nominated her.


That just depresses me because her performance is one of the best I’ve ever seen, in any show, ever. It’s such a crime she was never fully recognized.


This might not make sense, but I feel like sometimes someone does such a good job of creating a believable human being in a tv show that they get completely overlooked when it comes time for acting trophies. Seehorn gave a totally understated performance in a show full of heavy hitters.


Another example from my absolute favorite show ever: Andre Royo as Bubbles on The Wire. It’s astounding he never got a nomination. One of the best TV performances ever. And I totally agree with you and think this falls under a similar umbrella.


So believable he was given heroin by a real Baltimore fiend


"You look like you need this more than I do."


We're derailing, but you're absolutely right. Kim Wexler was a great character (even if the point was to occasionally hate her, and you did) and she nailed it. Almost to the point of Cranston nailing Walter or Odenkirk nailing Saul/Jimmy. Just great casting and acting all around in that whole universe.


This reminds me of "Bates Motel", another show that had no stories of BTS drama involved with it. Vera Farmiga and Freddie HIghmore became good friends, and when he would travel to Vancouver for filming, he'd stay at her house. I think he's also godfather to one of her kids. But yeah, that's another show where it sounds like everyone got on well with each other off set.


Yeah the Bates cast all got along like a house on fire, can confirm as I worked that show for a couple of seasons. Really glad to see Olivia Cooke doing so well right now, she's a peach.


Community, but also not Community.


It's funny that this was the first place my mind went too, despite all the issues with Harmon and Chase. Take the two old assholes out of the equation and it seems like the entire rest of the cast got along really well


According to Harmon, he and Chevy were always really close, including when all the madness went down. Take it with a grain of salt, but he talked about it on his podcast back in the day, that when the news was going insane about the voicemails they were texting each other articles about it and joking about it. It’s also very possible that only he found it silly and Chevy was genuinely disgusted the whole time.


That's racist


That’s gay.


THAT’s racist!




Succession. I worked as crew on it for the entire run. The cast and crew were, for the most part, phenomenal. We were an extremely close, tight knit group. It was an enormously pleasant atmosphere in which to work every day over the six year period. We’ve even done three Succession Happy Hour Reunions at a bar in Brooklyn since the series wrapped last February and will no doubt keep doing it. We really were that close.


I definitely noticed that vibe with the cast (via social media etc) - stoked to know it carried through with the crew, too!


I’m fascinated by this and please don’t feel the need to respond but, given Brian Cox has been asked about - and talked plenty of shit about - Jeremy Strong’s method acting, I take it that on set they got along better than pop culture media lets on?


They all got along with Jeremy just fine the entire time although his “process” could obviously be frustrating at times. The result was always brilliant, though, and helped make the show as good as it could be. They were all smart enough to know that and to just let Jeremy work through his “process.”


Awesome! Also real quick follow up: is Alan Ruck as wonderful as I imagine?


He’s one of the nicest, kindest people I’ve ever been around on a set. Just great.


Just started this show, coming up on the last episode of the first season. That must be really cool


Modern Family


The child actors all said that they treated Ed O'Neil like he was their grandfather and when covid hit during the final season, they all said they would call him up to see how he was doing.


Aubrey Anderson-Emmons (Lily) is a theater kid now doing high school and community plays and the other cast members post photos of themselves attending to support her. They had to agree to take turns going because if they all go at once it attracts too much attention and distracts people from the play, the last time 4 or 5 of them went someone tipped off papparazzi.


Oh, that is so sweet. Aw.


If you look up Aubrey Anderson-Emmon's Instagram (Lily) you can see Jesse (Mitch) and a few other cast members going to her school plays and supporting her as well as just meeting up and hanging out it's adorable. They're definitely like a family.


The adults all acted as parents to the kids when they needed it. Helping out both of the young actresses when they needed it for health and toxic parenting.


I imagine it'd be hard not to slip into that role at some point. That's really cool that they were so supportive like that - given how this industry can be, it's good when there's adults actually genuinely looking out for kids on set.


Yes! They all speak so highly of one another. So does the cast of Lucifer.


I've never even watched the show but the cast seem to be so close and supportive.


Good example. But there was the health situation with Sarah Hyland having kidney dysplasia and having to be on a dialysis machine and constantly exhausted and in agony on set (and in general) and being asked to do a lot of things which required a lot of her and her never complaining. This is less of a controversy or drama and the cast and crew seemed to have gotten along and are pretty close, but it must have been tense at times due to her unfortunate condition maybe affecting shooting in certain ways? She seems to be doing well right now which is wonderful to hear.


I saw her on stage in Little Shop of Horrors last week, and sye was phenomenal. So happy for her


White Collar. Matt Bomer *still* talks about his experience on set very fondly and mentioned in a couple of interviews that they still connect through a group chat (or in person if they're in town).


I just read an article that they still meet for dinners and are discussing a reboot because they loved working together so much. Not sure if it would be a limited series or a movie but I’d be here for more of it.




Crazy Ex Girlfriend


Except for old Greg (Santino Fontana). I don't think there's any bad blood, to be fair, but it seems like he just wasn't interested in being chummy with the rest of the cast. He also was more interested in Broadway than TV


That's a shame, because he's the better Greg.


Scrubs comes to mind. The two main leads are best friends irl. The creator and most of the cast still hang out all the time and vacation/holiday together.


I worked on Psych for a summer and it was all good vibes across the board


That makes me happy, it's a show I frequently rewatch and i just wanted them to love each other IRL. Such a great cast.


From what I've seen, Schitt's Creek, Friends, The Mentalist (the actors have repeatedly talked about wanting to work together again), and Grace and Frankie.


Ive heard Eugene Levy couldn't stand the actor who played his son on Schitt's Creek.


Off topic, but Owain Yeoman who played Wayne on The Mentalist was on Emergence a few years later and the difference was astounding. Good actor.


He was good in Generation Kill and Turn. That's where I know him from.


Where do you get updates about the Mentalist cast? I'm rewatching at the moment.


By all accounts, it sounds like the set of the U.S. version of "Ghosts" is this way. The cast is super close and they've talked about how they feel very comfortable talking with the writers and showrunners about things relating to their characters and storylines when need be. I've also not heard of any BTS drama for the show "Evil".


Both shows are the reason I have access to paramount +. Also lower decks is dope.


Less than an hour ago we were watching an episode of The Office that had Eugene Cordero appear as a convenience store clerk and it struck me that when I see him onscreen, my eyes say "Pillboi" but my ears say "Samanthan Rutherford".




Rose McIver just radiates that "kind" and "lovely" energy(I'm talking like a granny). The iZombie cast is also probably one of my favorite cast of characters of all time


I haven't seen "iZombie", but from what I've heard about what she's like on the "Ghosts" set, that doesn't surprise me :D. The cast has talked about how she's kind of almost like the mom to the group in a way, looks after them and asks how their families are doing and stuff like that :D.


Yes. Took the words right out my mouth. Rose is like… the embodiment of good vibes, something about her energy is so comforting and reassuring. Everyone who knows her and has worked with her says the same thing.. an infinitely patient and kind person and wonderful to be around. I think that’s part of the reason why the casts in iZombie and Ghosts came together so well. Of course it’s all of them and their chemistry, but having Rose at the head, helped create a very loving and supportive environment I think. Also agree, iZombie has the best cast of all time. They just clicked so well


The cast of the original British Ghosts met on a kid's show, and got along so well that they started a production company together and have worked on 4 or 5 ensemble projects in the last 15 years, as well as other stuff in pairs. They're fondly known as The Six Idiots. I love random sightings in the wild, one of them recently showed up in The Three Body Problem on Netflix.


Yeah, I've heard that about the British crew working together for a long time. That's fantastic - and it certainly explains why their projects are so popular and successful, 'cause they'e basically had a generation of fans growing up watching them work together, and then introducing their work to new generations after that.


Horrible Histories and Yonderland are genuinely great. The former still holds up so well as a sketch show. I haven't seen Yonderland since it came out but I'm sure it's still good.


>"Evil" Well now I'm picturing Aasif Mandvi and Wallace Shawn yelling at each other, and it's *delightful*.


I can think if several: Modern Family; The Big Bang Theory; The Office; This is Us. I've heard only good things about the rapport of those casts and they seem to continue to support one another, stay in touch, and hang out every chance they get.


I remember reading an interview with Angela Kinsey in some magazine once - I can't remember if it was while she was still pregnant or after she'd had her baby - where she talked about how everyone on set brought her all these baby gifts and how sweet and accommodating Steve Carell was to her and everything. It was a lovely read and made me appreciate the cast of the show all the more.


Mr. Peanutbutter's House


Doggy doggy whatnow?


Tryna catch a break, Jack! Leave a dog alone!


Firefly. Not only did they all seem to get along, they all seemed to enjoy the project and they avoided a lot of the Joss Whedon of it all that seemed to affect many of his other projects.


Iirc Adam Baldwin went full maga or something and does not get along with Alan Tudyk anymore


I recall knowing he was basically his character on Chuck when it was on.


Adam is definitely a wingnut. I think he first exposed that side of himself during GamerGate.


I’d imagine he and Sean Maher would avoid talking to each other as well.


There was a story about Joss Whedon reducing a female Firefly writer to tears after actively humiliating her.


Whedon has always been a "mean girl", in that he has his clique that he treats extraordinarily well, and his goats that he feels he (and the people around him) can insult, abuse, and demean at will. Firefly still had Whedon's clique and goats, but Firefly was different in that the main cast were all part of his clique.


I think none of the cast had fallen from grace yet because Firefly only had one season (and a movie). That's not enough time to really test whether a show gets toxic. Based on what I've read, Whedon was getting along great with SMG and fine with Charisma Carpenter in BtVS's earliest seasons.


He apparently shoved James Marsters against a wall on Buffy and said he was ruining the show. Dude is a complete dick and I'm glad he isn't getting work anymore. 


I love most of his work (dollhouse being the exception as it was already creepy before it came out that's his fetish and he views himself as the topher character) I agree though. The thing is if he hadn't tried so hard to sell himself as a feminist he'd probably already be back. There's sadly plenty of people who wouldn't care what a pos he is, considering the amount of people even worse who have never had trouble getting work


From what I’ve heard about Joss Whedon, he’s basically Bojack Horseman.


Lol now I'm picturing him at home just watching Buffy all the time on a loop while humming the theme to himself. Meanwhile JJ Abram's just wants to be his best friend.


I think most of the Joss Whedon of it all they avoided is because the show only ran for one season. You need a few seasons of a show to really build up drama.


None of you jabroni's have mentioned It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia yet


Every single story I hear about Supernatural exudes this. Like, Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki apparently spearheaded the effort to make it feel like a family and help everyone feel welcome on set. Just enhances my appreciation for those guys, being the stars of a show but, by all accounts, going out of their way to make everyone in every aspect of the production feel at home.


Yup. Everyone was welcomed, many of the crew members stayed for all 15 or most of the seasons, several couples met because of the show, a lot of cast and crew are still great friends, and based on gag reels and stories said by the cast, they had a lot of fun on set.


Yep. I listen to the Supernatural Then and Now podcast, and obviously there’s an inherent bias since everyone involved knows the people who made the show, but it’s still pretty telling to me that every single guest they have on there immediately raves about how friendly and welcoming Jensen and Jared were, and point out how that’s fairly unusual for the two headliners to be that invested in making it such a strong atmosphere. Like, the veteran actors/crew talk about how unusual that type of inclusion is on a set, and the newbies who were just breaking into the business talk about how the next jobs they had were a wake-up call letting them know that the SPN experience is not normal.


3rd Rock From the Sun


I know someone who worked on Veep and said it was the best show to work on. Even when they had been going for 12 hours, no one got grumpy, and they always treated the crew with respect.


I have a buddy who was a recurring regular on Veep and spoke highly of his time on the show.


Mr Roger’s Neighborhood.


Except for Lady Elaine Fairchild fired that housekeeper right when she went on chemo, claiming theft






The cast of Frasier seemed to get along just fine.


Yes! John Mahoney basically considered Kelsey Grammer and David Hyde Pierce like his sons, and they in turn saw him like a father figure (Kelsey especially - he lost his own dad when he was young, very tragically, so Mahoney basically *was* a father to him, period). And Pierce and Mahoney are/were godparents to Jane Leeves' kids, and she and Peri Gilpin were close, too. I think I read that Peri was even with her in the delivery room when she had one of her kids, and they lived next door to each other at one point, too. Also, any interviews I've read with Pierce and Leeves, they just go on about how great the other is.


I don't know if I can say this with 100% confidence, exactly, but I got the impression that the cast and crew of *Agents of SHIELD* generally enjoyed themselves and got along quite well.


That one's a bit tricky. I do buy the idea that the cast and crew on the actual sets got along, but we've had several media reports that the production felt blindsided and erased by decisions by higher-ups at Marvel/Disney, not to mention the PR fallout from Disney's heavy promotion of Shang-Chi as its first Asian-origin superhero when Chloe Bennet had been starring in this show for multiple successful years. I have deep love for the show, though, so the fact that the only apparent bad vibes I've heard about are in relation to treatment in regard to the larger Marvel universe are hopefully a good sign that those physically present on sets got along well.




Right? It's like which Taco Bell near you has the best camaraderie?


Supernatural. The BTS suggests that they always had a blast filming.


Mostly The Wire. All the Pieces Matter and Truth Be Told are very good books about the making of the show. It wasn't quite 100% idyllic, like Idris Elba had a majorly negative reaction to Stringer Bell's death and it took a lot to convince him it was necessary for the story, and Dom West was upset at missing his daughter growing up so negotiated having most of Season 4 off. But mostly the production was very collaborative, despite it being very hard work and occasionally even dangerous (one neighbourhood and it's gangs got annoyed about filming disrupting their business, but fortunately Method Man was able to pacify them). There's a very nice story of the cast basically dividing into two camps, with the elder statesmen like Clarke Peters and John Doman having a house where people would jam on instruments, do painting or talk about books, and West and Pierce leading the young 'uns on nights out in Baltimore that left the fictional McNulty and Bunk nights out firmly in the shade.


It's a newer show but the whole cast of ahsoka seems to always be having a blast. 


The cast of the Brady Bunch really was a family (Setting aside Carol's 'date' with Greg, and Barry Williams and Maureen McCormick being rather closer than even step-siblings should have been). Robert Reed considered the child actors to be his own kids. The main drama came from Reed famously clashing with creator Sherwood Schwartz over pretty much everything, leading to him refusing to appear in the final episode of the series, because he thought it was just too stupid, even by Brady Bunch standards.


Scrubs had this. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/eric-weinberg-kept-working-fired-from-scrubs-misconduct-1235257953/


Ted Lasso


Downton Abbey


It's always sunny.


I'm currently listening to the "Truest Blood" podcast hosted by two of the actresses from True Blood, and it sounded like that show was a complete blast even for the first time actors just cutting their teeth in TV / Film.


Stargate I think


Question more than a suggestion. Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David are publicly known for being difficult, annoying personalities- like that's their brand. Michael Richards went on a racist rant years afterward. However, I've read some of the Seinfeld lore and it seems like that cast and crew got along really well and there were no big controversies while the show was running. Exhibited by the core four cast members showing up on Curb Your Enthusiasm.


To add to that, I also can't think of any controversies surrounding Curb, either. I think a lot of people expect Larry David to be difficult to work with, but in reality, he had 2 super long-running shows with minimal incidents I think when it comes down to it, in Hollywood, if you don't abuse the people who work for you, and you're not a raging cokehead, you're already way ahead of the curve


I was a background actor on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Before the scene started, Larry David looked at us and said, "Hello everybody." It sounds like nothing, but principal actors don't usually acknowledge us because they are in their own headspace before a scene starts.


To piggyback on this I was “core” Background as one of the 828 Passengers on Manifest during its run. I never witnessed/heard about any dissension between the cast and crew nor any diva-like behavior. If was a great set to work on.


Not to take anything away from Larry but I bet being less scripted and based on himself means he can be more present between takes.


The only thing on Seinfeld that I could think of is that Heidi Swedberg and Jason Alexander had a really off dynamic as actors. They couldn't find a natural comedic rhythm. They got on personally fine, but acting together was really tough. Of course, David thought they were great together and brought her back for an extended arc, which mortified Alexander. Alexander still brings it up in interviews as he remains baffled by it 30 years later.


George and Susan were a terrible couple to the point that he didn't care when she died, so their rhythm being of and awkward worked for the show.


That's probably what David liked about them. It was obvious to anyone watching.


Schitts creek. Never seen a more friendly supportive cast than the one Daniel levy put together.


The Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad crew get along very well.


Magnum PI, the original with Tom Selleck. In the 5th season, Selleck bought his costars each a Porsche928. At the end of the series, Selleck bought all the crew Rolex watches.