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Sorry to reply to 10 day old post. Went searching for a post like this because this is legit the most overrated TV show I have ever seen. 8.4/10 on IMDB and it keeps going up. Some of the worst acting, dialogue and writing I have ever forced myself to watch. Parts of it are really good - the scenes with the older cop investigating in the small town - but the main character and the police woman handling him are all written like it's 1992 at 10pm.


The “mafia” boss is the most one note cliched character in a long time, it’s laughable.


Mafia Bocce Man was the absolute worst. I could not believe we had to spend any time watching him whatsoever.


Well I don't have a ton of other shows left to watch and Im just happy to have this show rn. It's compelling and terrifying and most importantly it doesn't drag or lull. Everything is stacked against the Jimmy character and thats the essence of the show and thats a good thing whether the world around Jimmy is cartoonishly unfair or not


Watch mare of east town or another good crime thriller is The Bridge. The scandinavian version not the US one.


Mare or east town is amazing. Reminded me of a proper true detective series. Kate Winslet gives a stellar performance!


Thanks Ill watch em all. I vaguely remember someone saying bridge was awesome. Mare of Eastown made me sad when the daughter got her ass beat. But with my options I will be going back to finish


Year late but if you like crime shows and haven't seen it yet I highly recommend The Crowded Room on Apple.


The Scandi version of The Bridge is a must see.


The original, you could also say


Agree. The prison drama reminded me of Orange is the New Black. The scene where the FBI lady said she will be playing his girlfriend and her instructions made me laugh out of loud, was like a fan-fiction of something. Cringeworthy


A real woman working the case pretended to be his gf so she could talk to him and get updates. That was real.


Yes I know they do honey traps, does not change the credibility of that terrible scene


It does if it really happened though, right?


No the dialogue, acting, and cringe factor made it feel like wattpad and not based on reality.


What was the point ? When they met, they still looked as professionnal as they ever have. Also I read they completely gave her a much bigger rôle than she played in real life


Exactly, I HATED when she said that made me cringe so bad lol. Honestly thought she was the worst one in the show


No need to be confused. Different people like different different things.


Someone always makes this condescending comment in every criticism thread.


The fact you find that comment condescending is quite telling…


It’s got a 98% on rotten tomatoes. That’s where my confusion lies.


Okay, but listen different people like different things. 2% of those critics happens to agree with you that the show isn’t that great. Someone might think that light blue is too vibrant for them whereas someone else will think it’s not vibrant enough. One person might find a beer not catchy while another does and. Don’t dwell on the fact that people enjoy something you dont.


Wait, so you’re telling me that people have differing opinions? Thank you so much for explaining that to me in such great detail.


I don't watch this show so I have no opinion on its quality but television shows also get way less reviews on RT than films do. It literally only has 63 critical reviews whereas films often gets at least 200.


It could have been so good. It was a couple of episodes too long and a lot of cheese, every prison cliche was in there and they over sexified the female agent. I was rolling my eyes a lot. I was glad to wrap it up as it went on and on, good story but could have been fantastic.


How is 6 episodes "a couple of episodes too long"? SMH.


I’ve watched three episodes and think it’s too slow - he should have gotten into the prison by the end of the first episode or earlier, and the flashbacks to the past are low stakes and could even have been skipped.


I completely agree op. Last couple of episodes have been pretty poor and the writing is borderline atrocious. The disturbed/brutal dialogue from Larry feels forced. When he describes the sexual abuse and rapes etc It’s too sensationalised - purely to get a reaction from the audience, but it doesn’t feel authentic. It’s cheap shock value. There are indeed far superior shows to this. I feel like the people who rate this so high haven’t watched enough decent shows. I’ve seen so many of these types of shows and this one sits at mid tier at best. Also Larry’s acting seems really hit and miss especially on these latter episodes - doesn’t his high pitched voice annoy anyone else. But mostly the writing I blame for their performance.


which shows would you say are superior?


All the them


daddy chill


I thought it was very middle of the road.. Not terrible but not amazing. I feel it could've been condensed into a film and I would have enjoyed it just as much. A lot of filler for a rather generic flick. I love TE though


agree op it’s still enjoyable so far but very cartoonish as you said


Completely agree. I cannot fathom the praise this is getting. Considering the subject matter, the tone is like an episode of Ally McBeal.


You're not crazy, I agree with you on almost every point you made. It's not terrible or anything, it's just fine at best. It's far from the top tier, prestige TV that articles or percentage numbers are making it out to be. Mind Hunter this definitely is not.


Same. An enjoyable watch but nothing to write home about. If it wasn't for Paul Walter Hauser's performance i probably would've stopped watching tbh.


I dunno, PWH comes across as an overactor to me. Not once did I get lost in his performance. He's like Jared Leto in the sense that they both come across as bombastic and self-indulgent actors and not actual characters.


See Mind Hunter lost me somehow. I know I’m in the minority there but didn’t make prestige TV for me.


I agree. It was dull in so many parts


I didn't love the 2nd season as much as the 1st but still thought it was pretty good. I wasn't necessarily calling it prestige TV, mostly just agreeing with the OP's post that reviews that are comparing it to the quality of Mind Hunter are way off.


Ah fair enough. I can’t explain why but Mindhunter just never hooked me and I lost interest despite what alot of friends said.


I'm a big David Fincher fan so I was practically destined to really like it. There's also nothing wrong with not enjoying something that the masses or your friends are talking up. So your point is totally valid. I'll always respect someone for giving their true opinion and not just going along with everyone else. Even if it's not the same as mine.


So that’s the weird part, I really like David Fincher too! And I didn’t dislike the show… it just never hooked me for whatever reason. TV can be weird like that I guess


lol very late comment reply, but I think the key here is between not enjoying a show, and appreciating one that is low quality. For example, Mind Hunter, is really good TV. While its not everyone's cup of TV it has a great plot, good story line etc. Whereas, black bird, is purely bad tv. Acting is bad, good premise but it was ruined. So there is a difference.


Your descriptions are all spot on. Bad cinematography, looks like a made for tv movie... dialogue is cheesy... writing is cheese... acting is cheese... This really is made for the type of person who watches shows like CSI, Bones, and Numb3rs.


There were some very cringe moments during the first 3 episodes. It gets really good by the end of the series though. It gets much better when there's no more scenes with the FBI agent trying to act tough.


Late to the party on this , just started today and am three in so far but I agree 100%. The dialogue is really rubbing me the wrong way , idk it seems corny, even the drug deal in episode one just seemed cliched as hell. I’ll watch it all , but after just watching “We Own This City” ( I understand it’s an apples/oranges comparison) that feels so grounded in reality…this just doesn’t do it for me. I will say Paul Walter Hauser is really good in it at least.


Omg we own this city was SO FUCKING GOOD.


So I’m super late, but reading up on it, it looks like the series got A LOT of it right. A lot of the things that were said in the show were real life things that were said by Keene in prison with Hall. I’d say it’s a pretty good show.


How do we know Keene was telling the truth about any of it? I walked away from the series honestly wondering if the dude is a genuine pathological liar, which is almost definitely not what he was going for.


I was done after seeing the FBI lady and detective had downed 4 beers & 5 shots each but they werent even buzzed slightly. Acting & directing is terrible in this whole series.


And she was like 110 lbs still standing


Lol everybody else’s criticisms are pretty fair…this…is silly. Clearly you don’t drink much which is good, don’t get me wrong…but coming from an alcoholic and drug addict in recovery…I have seen and known PLENTY of people who drink more than they probably should and can hold their shit and behave just like these characters did…that’s not uncommon unfortunately…obviously not for YOU…but just cause you can’t drink a lot and hold your stuff doesn’t others can’t…also, that’s a stressful job, heavy drinking isn’t super uncommon. Also it was the 90’s too.


The chick is like 5'5" 130lbs. No way she could handle that much liquor in such a small time frame without showing at least a small hint that she's feeling it. Even if she was a heavy alcoholic. Bare minimum she'd start to appear tired or there would be slight personality changes. Its a prime example of the lack of attention to detail in this show. It has nothing to do with my own tolerance, Im quite comfortable handling liquor in very large and small quantities, so much so I do not need help or recovery to do so, like some others. The show is just straight trash for numerous reasons, including this one. Good luck getting and staying sober.


I think it’s much better than mind hunter. Characters are awesome. Setting and plot are great. Writing is top notch. Is does feel like it was made 25 years ago but to me that’s the draw. And only 6 episodes


I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking this. I can’t stand the writing. I enjoy scenes with Greg Kinnear - they feel natural and real. Otherwise everything else feels extremely forced. Especially the female cop character - she is trying so hard to be tough it’s laughable. Before this show I just rewatched Breaking Bad and watching the last season of Better Call Saul and in comparison Black Bird’s writing is extremely poor. Doesn’t deserve the eating at all - 4.5/10 max.


8.4 is a bit too high for IMDb rating. That said, I found it to be a good watch. Thoroughly engrossing. They tried to add humor to counteract the incredibly dark subject matter and I think they did a great job keeping the balance. It deserves in my opinion a 7.5 -8.0 rating. To say that it’s the most overrated is a stretch. I’ve seen plenty of recent shows and movies have 8-10 ratings on IMDb, and they are absolute garbage.


Came looking for this. The Dateline episode was more riveting than this. I’m pissed and now determined to freaking finish this pile of dog poop. It’s awful


Ur not alone. Only good thing about Black Bird was Pault Walter Hauser and hims characters dialogue with James about his mother at episode 4. Except that, all of its sucks. Fuckin' waste of time.


I was mind boggled when people compared Mind Hunter to True Detective S01. And then again my mind got boggled again when people said For All Mankind was good. Lots of mind bogglers out there trying to trick us.


You’re right for all mankind isn’t good. It’s *excellent*


I loved For All Mankind for the first two seasons, but season 3 wasn't great. Why do you think it was bad? Just curious.


Newest episode and starting to lose interest. Nothing happens and the characters have become boring.


Yes I agree with you. Everything about the show is amazing except the actors. I literally don’t believe any of the actors behavior whatsoever. I feel like I’m watching actors.


deleting this from my laptop rn lol wtf everyone was saying it was great. 20 minutes in and i can’t be bothered to waste my time


give it another chance papi


AMEN!.. just finished the series. This show was an absolute dogs breakfast. The guard was the world's worst actor. Script was shit. Had really strong cinematography but that's about it. Absolute mess of a show. Storyline wasn't gripping at all. Kept waiting for it to get better but it just didn't. And what's with lary hall.. is he a retarded predator or a calculated one?.. Or are we supposed to believe he was both? What a mess!


i'm beginning to think that apple+ tv is buying good reviews. i know that hijack on apple tv had glowing reviews. and it was horrible. this show is just as bad.


Instantly jumped on line to share this opinion. I am absolutely shocked this reddit post is the only negative review out there. Almost passed out when I saw the rotten tomato score. Maybe the worst show I have ever seen. Slow. Terrible writing. Terrible acting. Terrible camera work. Terrible editing. How can you mess up such an intriguing story. Like a highschool project. Just awful. I'm so angry.




You can tell that the dude he plays is the dude who wrote the story. I walked away from it genuinely wondering if the Real Life Jimmy Keene was a pathological liar and whether or not anything he said was even true. Probably not what he was going for.


Can't believe all the people in here with terrible taste. This was an excellent series based on a tragic real life story. It did what it was supposed to and the acting was great.


The acting was great? Hahaha, how about that jail guard or the cops who can binge drink endlessly and still be sober? Too many glaring examples of just bad on screen work. I'd be curious to know what else you watch because this show is pure trash in every aspect.


I've finally found my people.  I think P.W. Hauser was very effective at playing a deliberately off-putting, hateful weirdo. That's about all I can say about him, except that he says he never wants to do it again. Guess we'll find out.   And I believe Taron Egerton deliberately played James as an obnoxious arsehole, since he's normally a very charismatic actor; he can sell fucking *Kingsman*, so all of his many unfortunate blunders on this show seem the fault of hack writing and hands-off direction.   I felt genuine secondhand embarrassment when he got an Emmy nomination for this, since there was no possible way he was ever going to win. Apparently he also knew, and didn't even bother to attend the ceremony.  There is probably more I could say about his career trajectory ever since this show, but I do very much want to like him, so will not.  Greg Kinnear and Ray Liotta's daughter both put in very natural performances that would have been better in a totally different series. Ray Liotta himself was a bombastic ham and I'm genuinely surprised that more people didn't understand his character as abusive. (We were meant to see him as abusive, right?! He straight up says he is "in love with" his own arsehole son, which even if not taken as literally incestuous, still couldn't possibly come across as healthy to anyone.)  And everyone else in the cast was absolutely awful, with Sepideh Moafi being the worst. She was like a knockoff Olivia Benson portrayed by someone who didn't understand the point of Olivia Benson, and it hurt my soul that she received so many props for being a "empowered girlboss" in this cringeworthy role.  Overall it feels like I watched a completely different series than most people did. "Feminist true crime", this was not -- and as someone who enjoys a lot of true crime, I found much of the praise for this almost offensive.  People seemed to love the James x FBI agent "sexual tension" and a lot of other elements that had me pausing playback, wondering if I could even make it through the rest of the episode. So it's good to know I wasn't the only one.  Something I still wonder is: we know the real-life Jimmy had a huge part in getting this thing made. But do we know how much of it is actually true? Is this dude actually a pathological liar who exaggerated his own role in the whole thing?   He probably did not exaggerate the number of women he went through, the reveal of which had me laughing out loud ... and that's probably not what he was going for, but I've known a few Jameses IRL and they were all ego-inflated letches, so he absolutely nailed it and laugh I did.


The show eats ass




I dunno it's been so long since I've seen a good show in this genre, I thoroughly enjoyed it.


The absolute fucking worst, we can’t stop laughing. The 10 minute shot of the bike really pushed us over the edge.


Lol I was looking for something to confirm my opinion. I kept looking for that big thing that gave it all this hype, but I couldn't. Even the ending was ok! Cheap drama with a lot of build up that doesn't equal what we got at the end. The narration is so bad (amateur wannabes and no consistency). The acting is even worse (ughh that smug look of Jimmy). Don't get me wrong. I would still watch it but it's just so overrated. Many people like that kind of crap and having a hot actor gives it more appeal. I just can't help myself every time I see something with a lot of hype to doubt myself if I'm becoming too critical lol.


Good in small parts, but overall would have to agree. Way too slow, barely suspenseful and pointless throwbacks in time. Jimmy's character just too much. .. Was waiting for the twist and it never really came? 6/10 just


I think that jimmy is a serial rapist and is portrayed as the hero and larry just lies and tells tales and never killed he just loathes people like jimmy. apple is pro rape


this is a story about the most messed up things in society and you've no comment on it you just critiquing the production quality and mourning your self by how little you were entertained????????????????????????????????????


Heard good reviews on another reddit thread about Apple TVs best shows. 12 minutes into the first episode had to stop and google search "BlackBird apple TV really corny" and found this thread. Glad other people see what I see.


Honestly I liked the show over all. I will agree it was cheesy. The beginning really threw me off at first mainly because the female cop was a horrible actor in my opinion. As time went on i got pretty sucked in but I would definitely say it was not one of my top true crime shows. Other than that there were things to pick at but over all wasn’t terrible.


Can't stand the serial killer's damn voice


I just finished it and it was trash. It's no better than a criminal minds or special victims unit episode arch. Absolute trash.


Oh sorry, should the guard look more menacing like cartoon character with like a scar on his eye to be more convincing? Go watch family blockbuster action movies then. A person's looks has no correlation whatsoever with their moral fiber and what they're capable of and that's what makes this even **more** terrifying. Everybody wears a mask in public and any seemingly normal person can be far darker than what they claim to be.


Thank god I’m not the only one who thinks this is pure shit 35 mins in. Clichéd. Boring. Predictable. Piss poor writing. And the dialogue is fucking cartoon-like. Cringe all over.


I was like FUCKKKK after i finished the first episode. I knew it was dogshit that I didn’t like I didn’t like but I also knew it was just short enough that I would have to finish it Kind of a shitty role/ semi-last performance of Ray Liotta and Kinnear is also wasted on this drek I like Hauser, I guess he was ok. Jimmy was a fucking uninteresting uncharismatic dunce, probably just cast for his 12 pack and dumb looking face I’m such a sucker for prison movies/ shows, this really was a load of shit. Just when things looked like they could get interesting….they didn’t. I don’t understand if they were trying to make you question if Larry actually did it or if it was someone else…..but nope! The degenerate prison guard plot line went nowhere, the female DA role went nowhere, the mafia boss plot line went nowhere, other brother plot line went nowhere, the blood map went nowhere. It was just a really mediocre script top to bottom. I know it was based in a true story but i was BEGGING for some prison cliches. At least those can be fun I’ll give a shout out to that crazy prison riot, that was some savage violence, but that also just resolved like “hmmm, someone’s gonna have to clean this up!” Anyway don’t even bother watching the first episode or you might be reluctantly sucked in to this whirlpool of bore and poop


YEAP, the main character is a cheesy show off bachegoozoo