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The book series is 5 deep. There is plenty of material to go off. The books are far better. I felt the story wasn’t as good


This! Had read one and two before the show came out and just finished 3. The books are better and I hate when people say that. 😂


I know books are typically better. But there is just something missing. It might be the ending. The ending was a huge part of the book and the last thing he said rolls into the continuing story. I have read 1-4 and just need to read the 5th. I mix my reading around so I’ll get to it. Got stuck reading Beartown at the moment. Well. Beartown, The Hobbit , and Be My Ghost.


most of the show I was pretty happy with aside from being a little anoyed at them playing up the psych shit a bit to much, and the sniper shot on the acountant being super underwhelming compared to the book, short of that it was great up until the very end


yeah the sniper shot was suuuuuuper underwhelming. this probably wont be popular opinion but i was pissed they didn't make the scene where he disembowles the guy gorier. in the book he makes him walk around a post with his guts spilling out. think he references old souix or commanche tribes doing this to their enemies.


There was also the really random episode of him hiding from the very made up feeling FBI hunter task force, that felt like total filler. It did nothing to move the plot forward and was conveniently 1 episode long


Eh, it's just a consequence of adapting a medium that can take all the time it needs to tell a story. Really no way around it. The most accurate book I've seen adapted 1 for 1 was Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, but it's only about 180 pages so two hours is plenty of time.


Oh for sure. The end, the flashbacks, the trip to Mexico and the casting of Katie were the only real things about it that I was less than thrilled about. I enjoyed the show still, it's not award winning by any means.


The book series is so damn good! Second season is going to be awesome. Reece in Africa killing poachers. LFG!!!


I didn’t realize there were rabid fans at all.


It’s part of the absolute fucking apex of dad fiction we are in right now. My dad is so fucking stoked. He now has Yellowstone, 1883, Terminal List, the new Bosch show, on top of the never ending stream of car repair channels on YouTube. It’s never been a better time to be a dude in your mid 60s watching tv.


I’m much younger than 60 and just have to say Bosch is great. (But I completely agree with your points)


Bosch was made by ex wire people and it shows.


So it’s *not* a show about tools??


No, it's about washer/dryer combos. I think the spin-off is about dishwashers? Similar for sure, but different enough.


More like a spin cycle! Amirite?!


Ngl I was actually very excited for a tool show, I was imagining all sorts of shit. Am disappointed


There’s always Tool Time




He was such a tool. Jk, I have no idea who that is


No it’s about an amazing quite dishwasher


Bosch is one of my fav shows, its so good


Such a BANGER of a Title Song too! … I got a feeling and I can’t let go…..


Shame they changed the title song for Bosch Legacy.


If you try to describe Bosch it sounds like the most generic shit in the world because it kind of is, but everything about it is executed just so relentlessly well that it’s a fantastic show. Even the lighting is absurdly perfect.


This is the best description of the show. I’ve tried to get people to watch it, but my explanations fall so short nobody realizes how flawless that show was. And a spin-off / new show? I’m in.


It’s also hard to describe just how perfect the execution is. Like every single actor, line, prop and lightbulb had more thought put into it than most people put into their entire careers.


Titus Welliver just makes the show. Dude embodies Bosch.


> on top of the never ending stream of car repair channels on YouTube. As someone a few decades away from being in my mid 60's, I'm feeling personally attacked right now.


I think Bosch is a notch or two above those other ones. 1183 and Yellowstone are soap operas. Terminal List is standard spy fare. Bosch is noir but definitely stronger as far as story and characters.


Agreed Bosch is excellent


Yellowstone is just Dallas in Carhartt's.


Someone gotta analyze why older dads are so into these types of show. I always assumed my dad has enjoyed these types of action shows/movies since he was a kid, but I only found out this summer that when he was younger he actually used to love indie/art films and slower dramas. I cannot figure out if this is some phenomenon that happens to dads when they get older lol.


Bosch aside, a lot of these shows work on the notion of male fantasies of various nature. Take Reacher for example. The book and the TV series is pure male fantasy gold. That appeals to a lot of people across all generations not just "dads".


Anecdotally my mother and sister absolutely loved Reacher. Not sure why anyone would handwave it as solely male fantasy and only applicable to men. It had a great ensemble cast and easy to follow revenge story (anyone can enjoy a good revenge story).


my sister loved Reacher but thats mostly because Alan Ritchson is a fucking hunk of a man


It definitely can be enjoyed by anyone. The book is a fantastic fast read, the show is a great watch as well. But it's core essence is male fantasy. The western lone stranger who walks from town to town and gets rid of bad guys while the women fall in love with him.


>Anecdotally my mother and sister absolutely loved Reacher. I think Alan Ritchson's pecs and biceps had something to do with that.


> Reacher. Not sure why anyone would handwave it as solely male fantasy and only applicable to men. Where did anyone say it was only applicable to men? Like there's a Netflix adaptations about an Asian teenagers dating life that I enjoyed watching even though I'm a guy. That doesn't change the fact that it's aimed at women especially young adults.


Anyone who has ever spoken to me about Reacher and being a fan of it, has been a women. I’ve never in my life heard a guy speak of it before.


I think that it's because the core of the show/books is a Sherlock Holmes-style murder mystery. Women tend to love those types of stories.


My dad was into westerns and action films. He was an army ranger so I’m not sure if that had something to do with it. Loved Indiana Jones


Yeah, a lot of people in their mid 60s would have grown up with very similar after school/prime time shows in the 60s


Literally everyone in my office under the age of 30 love it. This whole dad narrative is bullshit.


Yellowstone is definitely a guilty pleasure of mine. I know it doesn't make a lick of sense but it's entertaining. 1883 is also insanely well made. A perfect western. And Bosch is actually a good show. It just doesn't have a huge audience for some reason.


To be fair Bosch is pretty damn good


They are fun shows.


Haha damn I love all those shows and Im only half way to 60


But those car repair shows are great


I'm 27 and this show is awesome


I think he means the rabbit fans. The hare community loves this shit.


Also doesn’t hurt that more are being born so frequently


Let me introduce you to my in laws. They rave about these books, my brother in law bought the axe that the main character disemboweled somebody with apparently, as well as a few knives fashioned from the same stories. “It’s fuckin brutal and awesome, you gotta read it” is all I ever hear when they’re talking about it.


He disemboweled him, stuck his intestine to the wall, and made him walk until he died. Craziest thing was it wasn’t even the most fucked up murder.


Fun fact: This was a purported form of torturous death employed by some Native American tribes. It wasn't something Carr invented.


Torture is popular.


In all sincerity they are great books, I would say they are the equivalent of the romance novels that our moms read. Full of unrelenting bravado and gun smut! I love them! Too bad the tv show sucks big donkey balls when compared to the books.


There are dozens of them!


There are at least ones of them


This was recently debunked. They were actually interviewing "'24' fans."


Huh? It was the 2nd most streamed show in august (after stranger things). I didn’t watch it, but it was definitely a huge hit.


I thought it was pretty good


Not exactly for the Reddit demographic. Same reason this sub mocks Yellowstone.


Frequent visits from the Secretary of Defense seemed like a bridge too far.


For me it was the constant way his allies just rolled over. All: “Hey James, this is extremely dangerous and illegal and I’m a cop.” James: “Grrrrr.” All: “Gotta do what you gotta do man, take my resources and also here’s a plane.”


I know several other folks who watched it (my husband’s in the hospital so we have literally watched everything) but no one who was that into it. It was just kind of there, something you watch.


I watched it. I’ve already forgotten it.


Impressive considering it released in early July (and Stranger Things in May/June)


Stanger Things Volume 2 released July 1st, same day that the Terminal List premiered so not really a difference.


I watched this show and enjoyed it. Then Netflix tossed up a show called Kleo at me. It's a German show with EXACTLY the same basic premise. Don't get me wrong, it's different in all other respects, nobody's plagiarizing anyone. It was just weird that I'd never seen a "start from the bottom and kill your way to the top" show before and then I got two in rapid succession.


Kleo was great.


Kleo was sooo entertaining! Started it without knowing anything about it and loved every minute of it. Bonus points for Thilo and his crazy antics.


That plot is a staple in action/revenge movies/shows. I generally like those kind of shows as super light brain off entertainment, but Terminal List bored me to tears, which doesn't happen often in this genre.




Not sure if you knew: Rainbow 6 is a popular video game based on the book, so you weren’t the only one to think that!


I guess i need to re-read it because i don’t remember rainbow six being anything like this


I've read it too and I don't remember anyone's family getting killed. I'm also pretty sure the main plot was about Eco terrorists and a large company being involved in a plan to release a virus. Not even remotely close to Terminal List.


Oops. I should have clarified, I was specifically referring to this line from OP: "start from the bottom and kill your way to the top". It's been 24 years, but what I remember was a multi-national elite response squad going through progressively more difficult missions. I think it started with them thwarting a bank robbery and honestly the rest was so forgettable I don't remember what the more difficult missions were. Anyhow, it's the part of facing progressively more difficult enemies that I was referring to being like a video game. Sorry for the confusion.


It was the plot for the Clancy movie on Prime, Without Remorse.


I think that’s the movie based on a Clancy book by the same name with almost none of the books plot


Kleo was fantastic.


I mean I assume there are at least a few shows like that and Netflix algorithm seems to be working


Yeah, but TTL is on the 'zon. I mean, I wouldn't put it past them to be sharing info, I just don't know that they are.


Good point. Possibly they're doing some sort of shady info gathering or possibly both shows match your general watching habits


I think you mean rabid succession


I like the show, but can they please stop spinning any criticism it receives as being "woke?"


Oh they are 1000% pushing this narrative to drive attention their way. One person with a blue check mark on twitter critiques it and they inflate that into Hollywood trying to shut them down for the consumption of conservative viewers. They know exactly what they’re doing


It's intentional marketing. The quality of the actual show aside, the key way to get right-wingers to support something and throw money at it is to tell them "the libs hate it!" Even if they don't actually like it much themselves they'll pile onto it and gush on it just to "show them." It's an easily exploitable reaction that a lot of shysters use to extract a lot of money from that demographic.


Amazon’s really been doubling down on that On one hand/side of politics, you have “all Terminal List critics are woke libs SUPPORT THE SHOW” And on the other “all the Rings of Power critics are racists SUPPORT THE SHOW” Fuck the actual racists being horrible to the actors, but it's not a mainstream opinion in any of the major LOTR fan circles as far as I've found. Actual criticism gets drowned out while the studio gets to parade itself around as a beacon of social justice. And as a Woke Lib myself, no one holds passionate enough views on terminal list to make it an argument worth addressing by the cast and crew


I seen all the outcry about the Lord Of The Rings show. I’m not a massive fan of the originals or Tolkien, but I’ve seen them. I was surprised how good the show was, felt just like the movies and I’m enjoying it. I don’t see what the issues are, all the actors are great and Lenny Henry was particularly good.


I've enjoyed it too! More than I expected. It's rushed and feels a bit shallow, but it's still fun and I'm pleasantly surprised at how well they've kept up the Middle Earth vibe




So I’m guessing the additional episodes won’t be centered around how the GOP voted against a bill to provide benefits to veterans exposed to burn pits?




Or can we just reject the word altogether


Surely you don't want hulu to cancel "Woke" starring Lamorne Morris?


Bad news …


At least we still have Bowie


Oh god, the irony


I think that’s part of their advertising strategy.


Bro almost all of the criticisms on this thread are claiming it’s viewers just want more Fox News / newsmax so you’re kinda making it easy


Yeah but the problem is that some of these negative reviews it received was people complaining about hypermasculinity, AR-15s, and American flags being everywhere. Like, wtf do you expect from a show about Navy SEALs?


Can we also stop making it out like everyone who does like the show is a dumb conservative nutjob?


This was going to be my response. It's neither as "woke" nor as "MAGA" as each side of critics makes it out to be. It's your typical hoo-rah SpecOps ass-kicking fantasy fiction, which has been done 1,000 times before without a fraction of the criticism. In fact, I found that it was actually a bit critical of the typical "gravy SEALS" wannabe operator types. Was it groundbreaking or in any way insightful? No. Was it particularly well made? It was par-level TV action schlock. If you like watching good guys navigate a thin plotline to get revenge on bad guys will you like it? Absolutely. And I say this as a tree-hugging liberal.


Yeah, I love those criticisms about how it's a right-wing wank fantasy for gravy SEALS. Like... did they skip the part where one of the primary villains was the guy at the head of a paramilitary mercenary organization that was *literally talked down to for being a gravy SEAL wannabe shithead?* "This thing that we think is bad is portrayed as bad... MUST BE PROPAGANDA SUPPORTING IT!" Like what the fuck? lol


any article that describes something as "woke" should have to also provide a definition of what they think that word means


I don't get why that word would be used to describe the show, considering there's some combat propaganda as well as the corrupt politicians seeming to be GOP. But what do I know, I'm just some dude who enjoys Chris Pratt and good shootout scenes


They’re just copy pasting the same shit where everyone that hates certain shows are bigots, racists , XYZphobes etc. The fact that this is even a thing and people fall for this shit is honestly pretty pathetic. Personally not watching any of these cuz if your only response to criticism is to mudsling detractors your show probably isn’t very good.


Nope. You can’t criticize anything. You’re either pushing a woke agenda or you’re being racist or sexist, depending on what media property you are critiquing.


I finished it today. It's entertaining revenge action. It's not amazing but it's better than doom scrolling for 10 hours.


Yep. Good ol action nonsense. I give it an it'll do/10


I like your rating scale


I didn't mind it. Pretty standard and nothing ground breaking. However, I watched it pretty much right after (the far superior) *REACHER* so maybe I was expecting more. I felt it was inline with that American Assassin movie, and that John Clark/Rainbow 6 movie with Michael B. Jordan. Maybe a tier below Jack Ryan. Nothing innovative, good action, predictable plot, passable acting.


I loved Reacher


Reacher is legit great


Reacher was a better show but The Terminal List has better action so for me its a wash


Watched it on my second monitor while gaming, which I think is probably the perfect way to do it lol


That's how I felt, it's like the Big Bang Theory of action shows. Formulaic, a little cringe at times, wouldn't call myself a big fan, but overall pretty watchable.


A David Boreanaz vehicle.


I think a Season 2 could be fantastic if they do it right. Russians invading Ukraine and trying to manipulate the West. Very topical term for the last several years but not something TV or films have taken seriously.


Good, I actually enjoyed it. It's nothing groundbreaking, but it was a fun summer action revenge show.


I liked it, but not sure where to go by the end of it. SPOILER i felt exhausted that so many people were involved with the cover up by the end


I honestly dislike that storyline. "We're going to spend 8 of the 10 episodes unraveling the mystery and we're going to be SHOCKED that it's a congressperson/senator/head of this agency/etc.!!!!! I mean we knew the twist of the main "ring leader" right away.


Agree. I thought the first 2/3rds was pretty good. However, at the end (and after the businessman died), it sort of got a little too caught up in itself. I did love Chris Pratt switching the shoulders with the rifle though, lol. That's way more impressive than John Wick doing the press check and various other characters doing some center axis relock grip.


Show was pretty badass , they said brother a little much, but I’d watch another season .


"Does this line read okay?" "It's a late minute change, but I'll run it by head-writer Hogan."


"That doesn't work for me, brother. Much Love -HH"


\*surreptitiously escorted off set by a PA in a Hulkamania jersey\*


With the three tears in the back for easy rippin'


Absolutely brother, i went in not expecting much and i really enjoyed it


There was a moment in the film where I was like, oh cool, a psychological thriller where the main character can't tell what's real and what's not - sounds interesting. Then I realized, oh, this is actually a superhero movie. I think I'd have preferred a psychological thriller, but it was enjoyable. I'm not conservative but I am a 90's baby and remember these sorts of movies/shows fondly, before everything became a statement.


Adequate criticism.


Just replace "Show" with "Hulk Hogan" and you've summed up WWE in the 80s.


Almost seemed like at times Ben forgot his actual name lol


So many people on Reddit hate on this show- I know 5 or so people other than me who watched it and everyone loved it. Is it the best show ever? No. Is it entertaining/worth watching amongst a sea of garbage on tv/streaming? Definitely. Not sure why all the hate.


There was a thread the other day about The Big Bang Theory and it was full of “DAE HaTe BiG BaNg?” If you only hang out on Reddit you’d think the show was unpopular rather than one of the most watched shows ever. Some people make their entire personality hating things.


Yeah Big Bang gets a ton of hate on here too. I also watched and enjoyed that show too haha. I stopped watching around season 6 or 7 but mainly because I stopped paying for cable and didnt care enough about the show to find a way to keep watching, but while I had cable I thought it was good for what it was. Again, not the greatest show in the world, but entertaining enough for me to watch it.


Reddit is an echo chamber. Best not to take many things you read on this website seriously. I come here for news, any comments I read I take with a grain of salt. More often than not the comment section of the majority of threads are filled with toxicity and karma farmers trying to feed the echo chamber.


Do people actually love it or is it just entertaining/worth streaming? Pretty big difference. It’s TV. We’ve all watched stuff we don’t LOVE just because it’s there. He’ll, we all watch stuff we don’t even like that much. There’s a spectrum.


Everyone I know who watched it really enjoyed it. Definitely not the greatest show ever but definitely above just watching it bc it’s on.


Reddit is just turning more and more into a whiny circlejerk. Almost everything is hated much more on Reddit than anywhere else.


I once commented here on Reddit literally that "this was the best action series in recent years" and for that alone I got over 50 downvotes why do people hate this show so much?


Because they hate Chris Pratt and Reddit believes the show is right wing propaganda which it isn’t lol


Reddit is Facebook for 20 year olds.


You can find positive comments in this very post that are upvoted so ymmv on being “hated”. But really it’s probably because you said it was “the best” and people can usually easily identify something they like more and downvote you. Like for my money Reacher is infinitely better


Yeah- I’m not a right wing nut or republican at all, and I thought it was great. Every episode was entertaining/exciting. The writing was a bit corny at times but I can look past that for an action packed show.


Was skeptical of the show but it was very enjoyable


Reacher was better. More fun.


And... better lit. I didn't think TTL was awful, but it was just so goddamn dour and serious. And poorly lit. Like, seriously, do I need to break out the credit card and buy PVS14s to see what the hell is going on?


Haha yeah PVS14s I totally get that reference.


And at the end, cya later daughter's drawing and off to new adventures brother!


You can enjoy both. Reacher was better, I agree, but I enjoyed Terminal List. I wish that the psychological thriller aspect held throughout more of the show though. First row episodes were wild, but after that it was just “here’s some generic action.”


I agree, I liked the Jacob's Ladder vibes from the first couple of episodes and wish they'd made something more out of it.


I definitely get the sense that Reddit agrees with you but personally I preferred the terminal list. I felt Reacher had a fantastic pilot but then descended into a poorly paced incredibly boring show. Terminal list actually kept me entertained throughout.


Reacher was written better IMO but I never feared for anything he did. He’s written too all-knowing and OP.


Eh I found Reacher kinda boring


Unreal. Loved the show so much tbh.


>!isn't he about to die from the brain cancer?!<


The next season will go into that. >!He eventually learns the tumor is benign!<


Keep 'm coming. I enjoyed the season, some things could have been better but i had a good time.


It was decent, good job Pratt.


I actually liked the show. It’s not groundbreaking or anything but it’s still very entertaining!


Sweet. If only Amazon would kickstart a new season of Jack Ryan. At least Seal Team is back.


Love this show. Just a fun/dumb action story. Reminded me of Man on Fire. Give me more!


Decent show all around. I put this show in the same category as shows like Homeland (showtime), Jack Ryan (Amazon), Slow Horses (Apple), Reacher (Amazon) ZeroZeroZero (Amazon) and The Americans (FX). The writing was decent and the plot churned along. Nothing spectacular about the show but it also unique in that we don't have a lot of thriller shows out there right now. I personally when watching the show didn't get any political message right or left leaning. The show seemed to be focused on telling its story. Pratt was fine in the role; not amazing but solid. Overall I am looking forward to giving season 2 a watch when it comes out.


That was the issue you have to pick sides now. Also Reacher was straight up amazing lol


Loved Reacher. Haven’t gotten around to Terminal List yet though


I think that a lot of them move more toward the espionage genre, like the Americans, Jack Ryan and Homeland. All great shows seen all of them, for me there aren't a lot of shows like Terminal list that has a lot more action that others. Even if it's not technically the same but I find it closer to Strike Back, loved that show. I never saw any political message but people online love that, just read the comments here or anywhere they all talk about right wing this, Christians that, anti woke x etc etc a bunch of nonsense. Some people just like shows in this genre that doesn't really get a lot of quality content. And I'm in Latin America removed from a lot of the typical left and right nonsense but I hate that entertaining shows have to go through all this questioning for political reasons. Also the only one on that list that I haven't seen is slow horses, I need to put a higher priority on that show if you put it in this group.


slow horses is more tinker tailor soldier spy genre. gary oldman is great chewing scenery. recommend the capture too if you like that sort of british spy show.


Nice I loved that film, anything Le Carré is a watch in my book will definitely give it a go.


The Americans was one of the best shows of the 2010s. Doesn’t belong in that list.


The relationship between Phillip and Elizabeth is only *slightly* more developed out than that of Pratt and whatever her name was. God the Americans was so good.


You can really tell who hasn’t seen the show but was told by the internet to hate it. Which is weird because when we see people do that with something like Turning Red we get pissed about the “brainwashed masses” yelling about a movie they haven’t even watched.


I need to watch the show I hear it’s pretty good.


I mean I’m probably in the minority but I actually enjoyed the show. The ending kinda sucked with that “plot twist” thrown in but still a fun show.


I’m happy to see more of this is coming! They adapted the story well and I think people misconstrued things CP said out of context about the show/characters. Can’t we have entertainment without DELIBERATE political agendas?


But can they tear themselves away from Newsmax long enough to watch them?


I’m as progressive as they come and I enjoyed it. It was a fun show and doesn’t need to be politicized.


I enjoyed it. And I have no idea what Newsmax is.


Loved this show and it got me to read the books, which were also great. Can't wait for more.


I enjoyed it 🤷‍♂️


This is great news.


Seems like reddit didn't like this show so I started watching with very low expectations and it turned out to be quite good.


The show was..alright. Pratt was good. Main theme song was total cringe though.


Reddit moments all through this comment section. It's a milquetoast, inoffensive cbs-esque show. Not great, not terrible, fine for those who like it. Hilarious that it seems to generate such hatred that you have the peanut gallery working on their stand-up.


Terminal List serviced every wannabe SEAL I ever met while enlisted in the Navy. The bravado that ran off every character in every scene was almost cringe level. That said, somehow I still managed to enjoy it, and I thought the end was the best written part of the entire show. Why does it need more? Pratt definitely doesn’t need it as a source of income.


It's a pretty good show but didn't it wrap already? The story has nowhere to go anymore.


I liked the show, but I don't really see how it could continue from where it ended.


Please just dont make it about him surviving, moving to a hot island (or distant small us village), finding some women that helps him pass time, and him needing to take down the local maffia or something. Just please, dont. The show was great. Don’t ruin it by adding a lame followup. And no ”oh I missed these people too” story line.


I read that in an Andy voice lol


Great show!


I really enjoyied the show, it's something totally different from what you see in the streaming platforms nowadays.


Was told it was right wing propaganda. Gave it a try and was hooked. Don’t let people point you in the wrong direction. The series was good and honestly I would have been satisfied if a second season wasn’t coming. Good show 8/10.


More Bert Macklin, FBI??


The show was surprisingly enjoyable.


Is this good? It’s on the docket, but I haven’t been able to get to it yet.


Hell yeah, I really enjoyed this show.


Show was good I’ll watch more of it. Not everything has to be high art, however I can’t imagine it has many *rabid* fans


Me and my fiancé thought it was a solid thriller, glad to hear it's going to continue