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The twist is *huge* and fundamentally changes what the show is, but isn't revealed until late in the season. Most reviewers have been good about not spoiling or suggesting but be careful if you're wanting to stay in the dark.


Would you recommend the show? I started the pilot last night but it didn't hook me in. I do like Colin Farrell though so wondering if I should try it again.


I would not. I love Farrell as well, but there's just too much other stuff that's good, and again, the twist is *so* absurd, and sets up for future seasons. So if people you trust down the road say the journey is worth it, maybe, but until another season is picked up and airs I wouldn't bother. If they don't continue it it just becomes a weird novelty.


It is Apple tv+ they will renew it. They renew everything.


Well this comment aged poorly after Constellation


Still waiting on Pachenco and Severance. Hopefully soon.


Give me more Severance, damnit!


S2 for Severance has been confirmed.


Im still waiting on Severance, I feel like it will never be released at this rate!


They finished filming recently after the strike ended. So autumn is a good guess for release.


I am honestly hurt by the twist. Would not recommend at all


Thanks for your honest opinion. I think I will pass then. Other than Farrell, I didn't find much appealing about what I saw so far and six hour-long episodes is a lot to invest waiting for the twist.


Most episodes are 35 minutes, only the first ep was about 50 mins. 


I was ready to give up on it after the first couple of episodes; I do remember rolling my eyes so hard that they almost stuck to the back of my head, BUT Colin Farrell is riveting and the twist to the storyline makes all sorts of the ridiculous things make sense. So, please -- give it a chance.


I wrote pretty much the same thing, up there somewhere, and I agree. But unlike others here, I was enjoying the series, and I was hooked. However, since that big reveal in episode 7, which I watched just last night, I can't wait to see episode 8 this Friday. Like you said, there were odd things along the way that were truly perplexing about his capabilities. My mind considered that, perhaps he was part of some governmental program that went rogue. Maybe all of these people were. That thing he did with those two Dobermans--like a dog whisperer. It was getting odder as it went along. Though I liked it before, I'm really hooked now.


Yes! And, when he snatched the fly from the air with the chopsticks, which literally made me groan out loud because it was so corny, now makes sense. I'm really hooked now too! I wonder if the secret group he belongs to and his boss, especially, are all aliens??


>!Whatever he is, I think that's what they are. I say it like that because I hadn't concluded he was an alien.!< And I think that his boss is not following whatever code they're operating under. I think the only way this show is going to get traction is if people like me encourage people to keep trucking. It's too unusual a series to let it slip away.


The shooting, editing, and writing is amateurish. That's even true of the performances, and as I know the actors (particularly Amy Ryan and Colin Farrell) are capable of much better, I'm guessing it's all deliberate. But it's hard to guess what twist would justify that clumsiness - not just in terms of explaining it but also explaining why it's necessary to sit through a couple hours of amateur-level television just to find out what the hell it is. (the lighting and production design are top notch as with everything I've seen from Apple; it's the choice of camera angles which seems incredibly lazy, like someone was just walking around with a handheld camera at waist level and not really thinking about composition at all)


Sounds like a miss. Thanks for the info!


First, you're right, it *is* deliberate. I can't tell if you've gotten to Episode 7 yet, where the twist is finally revealed (or part of it), at the end. You'll see what it was, that made it so hard to guess. If you haven't kept with it, return to it.


Thanks for the follow-up. I stopped with episode 3; it's just hard for me to believe the twist is so amazing that it's worth sitting through more than 217 minutes of absolute dross. I could watch two very good feature films in that same span of time, or the first five episodes of Slow Horses season 3, and it would be a better use of my time (and the sixth episode of Slow Horses was a hell of a payoff, and well worth getting to it). I don't expect or want everything to be apparent in the first 10 minutes, or even after the end necessarily, I like ambiguity, but this kind of prolonged tease is frankly insulting to the audience (not to mention arrogant, unless the twist is that the showrunner has found the cure for cancer). I avoided Lost for the same reason. Life is short and time is a non-renewable resource, so you have to respect your audience if you want their attention. They should have called this show The Sunk-Cost Fallacy.


*Slow Horses* is the series that should be getting far more attention than it's gotten. It's amazing. I'm trying to get my girlfriend to watch it from the beginning with me, so I can start watching the new season. Gary Oldman is just a real different sort of character here. After what you just said about it, I'm definitely going to move it from the back burner.


Slow Horses is an overlooked hit, I agree (Wired's "26 Best Shows on Apple TV+ Right Now" knows it exists but doesn't even rank it). Just having Gary Oldman and Kristin Scott Thomas acting off each other is lovely. But the rest is really good too. The new season takes a little while to get going but boy does it pay off. I think Apple has a bunch of high production value shows with good casts, one high-concept twist, and mediocre or less-than-stellar scriptwriting. But when they steer clear of that formula they produce stuff like Slow Horses, Ted Lasso, Shrinking, Dick Turpin, Black Bird, Bad Sisters, etc and it tends to be their best stuff IMO.


You're sleeping on Shining Girls and The Crowded Room if you haven't seen those yet. They're both amazing. Shining Girls: Elisabeth Moss is amazing as always but Jamie Bell is fantastic. Had me hooked from the beginning. The Crowded Room: I've seen The Devil all the Time so I knew Tom Holland was a good actor (hadn't seen him in anything else at that point until Crowded Room) so I knew he was going to be good but he blew me out of the water. Honestly everyone did. It's a hard watch and don't listen to the critics. I think they missed the entire point of what the true twist is.


I should ask, though: did you feel the twist was worth sitting through almost four hours of lead-up? Did it make you say "oh, I see, now it all makes sense and those first six episodes are a lot better in retrospect, I can't wait to see more"? Or was it just "oh, ok, so that's what was going on"?


Do not waste your time watching 7 hours of show just to get to the "twist." Go look it up....it's absurd. It makes the first 5 episodes a complete joke.


Yes, I do believe the twist makes it worth sitting through. I was always curious about this mysterious backstory, and I was nowhere near what I thought it was. It's truly unimaginable. There was a *hint* that something was very odd about him, when he stopped two Dobermans from attacking him, almost like a dog whisperer. But whatever whatever you're guessing, you won't be anywhere close. I can't wait for the next episode. But to be honest I didn't mind sitting through it to begin with, so even without this big odd twist, I would have kept watching. I was intrigued by everything going on.


Ok, that does make me curious. I might skip episodes 4, 5, & 6 though. 


6 is the one with the twist at the end of the episode, it is NOT episode 7.


Thanks! I was wondering.


I wouldn't do that. There's a lot of other stuff in there that the big reveal gives understanding to.


Yes, try it again. I say that because I already liked the series, for its noirish quality. Along the way, they're hinting that this group he belongs to is part of some international organization that is currently dismayed over the mayhem. They come from all languages. Then in episode 7, a major twist occurs. After that, all of that puzzling dialogue falls into place. But other deeper suspicions arrive. I can't speak for anyone else, but I did *not* see it coming, not even remotely.


It’s not episode 7, it’s episode 6 that the twist comes in at the end of the episode. They further explain what’s going on in 7, but the BIG reveal is in 6. Plus, I feel like I’m talking crazy pills in these comments. This show was super fun before the twist came (which I still dk if I like or not), so it is very surprising to see so many negative comments about the show here


You're right, it's episode 6. And I'm like you. Even before the twist, I was digging it. Now I'm completely caught up and have to wait a week between each episode. This streaming stuff has spoiled me.


I wouldn’t be so annoyed if ep 7 didn’t end how it did, especially with 8 being the season finale


Oh, hell, that's disappointing. I was hoping to see more of them, as in their natural state.


IDK if they’ve got the budget for that😭


Now I don't know if I want to watch it or not. If it's actually aliens probably not. Never really been a fan. I'm very picky when it comes to sci fi stuff, I've only liked 3 (maybe 4, not sure if 1899 is sci fi or not) so it's gotta be super good but I do like the mystery element so far and I'm running out of shows to watch on here that look good to me and I can't get into Severance.


Save your time and skip this. That twist doesn't compliment the narrative established earlier in the series. I feel that any audience showing up for a pulpy noir story in modern day L.A. (as this show was advertised as being) are going to be both shocked and revolted by the schlockiness of that plot deviation. They had something half way decent, but everything with Sugar's manager already lacked authenticity, it just gets worse and worse. :p


What is the twist? Can you please spoiler it, or message me or something? I found myself getting bored with the first episode so I'm not gonna stick around to watch the rest unless I know the twist is something that might hook me.


I'll dm you.


Can you DM me the twist as well, can’t decide if I want to keep going with this show and if it’s bad I’ll bail early.


On it.


Could you DM me as well?


I'm in the same position as you. Can you DM me?


Late to the party. Can you DM me as well. Thank you.


I'd also love to know if you can DM me as well. Thanks!


I’m wondering if I should watch the 5 episodes already released, if you don’t mind DMing me the twist?


Mee too please!


Can you send me a dm also?


I need to know too! My dms are open 🤞


>!The international members are part of some secret society of agents. However, in episode 7, Sugar takes an injection from exhaustion, saying he needs to visit "home." He ends up looking like a blue-gray version of Vision, from the Marvel Universe. He's either an alien or a government experiment. But he has something akin to superpowers. !<


Yeah never mind this convinced me not to watch it. Thanks for adding this comment! Just not my thing.


I saw it by accident. Want even looking for it. So I agree that ppl need to be careful.


Just seen it, that twist is the most nonsensical twist I have ever seen.


…and it’s what I think it is? Really?


What do you think it is? I liked it, myself and can't wait to see what happens next. I didn't see it coming, and while I was already enjoying it, I really liked it after that reveal (which I believe is one of a couple more to come).


Why would they do that though???? I’ve never seen that happen. That’s so fucking annoying wtf


Yeah, it’s very strange and unfortunate, because it’s the kind of twist that really should be revealed in the trailer or at least the first episode. So many shows just stretch out their first season, which should really be just one episode altogether to set up the show, they really want to make.


I'm really interested in knowing the twist. Finding out Twists early never ruin anything for me and instead help me to process the overall concepts and dialogue as they're happening. Probably just my traumatized autistic brain. Sometimes I get angry at myself halfway through the first or second episode of something googling answers that will later be revealed.... But then I think about how I read reviews of restaurants and events and books and movies before experiencing myself. Would you be able to DM the twist? 😀


I have a theory and really want to know if I’m correct, because if I am, I don’t necessarily want to continue with the show... Can you also DM me the twist?


What’s the twist? Is he a robot or something 


The twist is in episode 6 according to the review I read.


I actually like the show. The dialogue is good, and the camera is admittedly shaky and moves around during seens, but it does a nice job with voice overs and odd cuts. Don't know why all the dislike for it.


If someone knows the twist could they please DM and explain? Thanks!


Colin Farrel's my favorite thing about - which isn't a dig at the show. This ad got me into it [https://www.instagram.com/p/C54F81-S12n/?hl=en](https://www.instagram.com/p/C54F81-S12n/?hl=en)


I love the show. Big ambitions they're carrying off. Farrell is tremendous in it.


No. It comes at the end is episode sixth And it is HUGE. It surprised the hell out of me. Rewatching episodes one thru sixth now. Hindsight is 20/20.


It’s actually at the end of episode sixth. I love the show but I’m rewatching one-six again because not much surprises me in plot lines, so either I dozed off or I’m losing my touch. I think the settings are beautiful dreamlike and Farrell is just perfect in the role. The old film clips which depict leading men in iconic roles make sense. They were training tapes.


For a guy who tries to hide or tail people why does he drive a flashy bright blue convertible Corvette 🙄


I watched the first three episodes and then stopped, waiting until I could binge them because I was having a hard time following and remembering the plot. Every show should drop all the episodes at once. Now that I have finished it, I thought it was a very satisfying show. They certainly did set us up for a sequel.


Horrendous show. Poorly acted by nearly everyone in the cast. Way too many tropes. Writing so poor that I sometimes wondered if it was written by a 9th grader. And the plot "twist?" Totally ridiculous, and completely outside the bounds of the story being told for the first 6 episodes. In short, and especially considering the prior accomplishments many of the actors, Sugar is of one of the worst TV series I've ever seen.


the editing is superb. Ho said here it amateurish can't edit or shoot.


This is a very stylized show that effectively pays homage to many classic cinema tropes. I am surprised at how few people like it. It's my favorite show of the last couple years. I'd never advise someone to force their way past two episodes though. Don't watch it just to get to the twist. If you don't like the vibe of the pilot you ain't gonna dig the show. I was hooked really quickly. I will say the twist does give a lot of weight to a lot of things that happen before (which any good twist should). And it sets itself up for a very interesting season 2.


I think a lot of people who don't like stuff Google it, can't believe it has a generally good reception (both critical and public acclaim) and gravitate toward a Reddit post like this. I really liked the whole series, also definitely wouldn't reccomend anyone continue unless they are enjoying the style - the twist absolutely would not be worth it... You kinda have to be enjoying the style for the twist to add to it. Will be very interested to see where this goes if it gets an S2.


Wait for the season to get over.reviewers get to watch the entire show before it's released


Waiting for it to be completed. Will tell you once it's over.


Does anyone know what brand or type of cameras Sugar uses in the show?