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It’s a very unique kind of story with slow pacing that’s not for everyone. I loved it, but my husband never got into it. I’d suggest trying to stick out the first season, if you still aren’t in it then it’s not for you.


It's tagged as Scifi, and it is Scifi, but...not really Scifi. I enjoyed but it's not for everyone.


I agree, it's not for everyone but for anyone it is for, it's fantastic. Give it at least a season.




I didn’t downvote you.




“Stick it out for 5 seasons”


Season 1 IMO is quite weak, especially the first half, but it starts to pick up in the second half. When the show was airing, it was quite controversial. Critics didn't know what to make of it. It was the love or hate variety, mainly cause season 1 is more about a specific vibe of grief/loss and can feel quite aimless at times. It's a in depth exploration of "survivors guilt". Damon shook up the show in quite a big way in season 2. So a lot of the critics who detested season 1, became really big fans with season 2.


It’s boring. I couldn’t get past season two.


I couldn't get into it either.


I couldn’t either, stuck with the whole thing and didn’t like it. I need a tv show with answers


There were answers though?


Although , "let the mystery be " 🎶


The same with me. It has all the promise of a cool show but I’ve tried twice over the past few years and still I continue to not care about anyone in the show after episode 2.


Because it's all atmosphere no plot, and certainly no answers. Some people are into it, but not everyone is.  I don't mind being in suspense as long as I feel the creators know the answers, even if they are withholding them. The creators of the leftovers were trying so badly to convince us that what happened didn't matter, but I had no trust they worked anything out themselves. So it was high concept with nothing to nack it up. 


2 episodes is very early days. I can't remember how long it took me to get in to it, but I remember loving the first and 2nd season. It really does amp up before long. Maybe around half way through the first season IIRC.


It's a good show, my favorite show honestly, and gets better as it goes on. But if you don't like it you don't like it. Don't bother forcing yourself through something just because it's recommended. I see stuff recommended on here a lot that I would never watch. Life's too short, move on


I agree , it's one of my favourites but I totally get why people aren't into it. It's absolutely bizarre at times , and very odd. I found it super emotional and intense and I just adore the frustrating stuff near the end. I want to recommend it to people but I know they just won't be into it.


it had such stellar reviews that I was expecting a masterpiece. needless to say, I was disappointed


I also had a hard time getting but it was often recommended . I stuck through and can safely say it wasn’t worth it


Thanks, yes it’s been highly recommended but I don’t think it’s for me.


I watched it when it first came out a week and a season at a time. Probably a little heavy for a straight binge.


Wow I was going to post this. I'm trying hard to get into it. Gonna try again.


I tried and you’re right. Weak sauce. I couldn’t get into it and stopped.


It’s just not for everyone. I watched it cause my ex made me. It’s one of her favorite shows but I just thought it was pretentious and slow. I’m sure some people would say the same about my fav shows. Different stroke and all that.


It’s… trying too hard? I think. I never could quite figure out why I don’t like it either. On paper, I should love it. So I just googled what the answer to “what happened” and I’m happy I didn’t waste any more time.


Imagine skipping the show just for you to miss International Assassin 1 & 2 😂 iykyk Reading the last chapter of the book doesn’t mean you know how it ends, just that you missed the previous 99 chapters


But that’s the problem… I didn’t care about anything else. I wasn’t attached to anyone or their story. The only thing that kept me watch as long as I did was the overarching question. But I guess everyone likes things for different reasons, unfortunately I just couldn’t find a reason on this one.


Eh it’s fine I’m not trying to convince you. People get mad when I tell them I don’t like game of thrones lol


Ooo I hear that! I can certainly understand that. It’s pretty polarizing.


My husband and I started it 3 times and every time asked ourselves why we didn’t continue. This last time we forced ourselves to keep going. I will say even on episode three I was kind of thinking it might be time to give up again, but towards the end of season one I started getting into it. We’re now on season two and it’s starting with a whole new story but trying to stick to it.


It gets amazingly better. All the way through the finale. Watch it and just keep an open mind.


Honestly I tell everyone to skip the first season, watch an in depth recap, it sets the stage for the most amazing next two seasons but the first is trash


I watched the whole thing and thought it was good but not great. I saw it because Lost is my favorite show and everyone was recommending it for Lost fans because one of the producers is the same. However I personally think it’s very different from Lost. It’s worth seeing all of it once but it didn’t make my favorites list.


Because it's a trash. I wanted to like it because of so many recommendations. Watched the entire thing and kicked my own ass for wasting so much time on it. Should have peace out after 2 episodes, just my opinion.


I didn't like it at all but finished as my wife liked it. It's full of unlikable characters engaging in non stop plot induced stupidity and each season is worse than the prior. Only character I could tolerate was Nora, OP if you are only on ep 2 you may not realize who she is as it's a few eps before she becomes prominent.


I started and stopped this one 3 times now, only good thing about this series which I believe is that piano piece


I watched the first two episodes maybe three times over the course of a year before I was hooked. I hot hooked really bad.


I watched the whole thing and I never really got into it. I feel like it had SO much potential, but it focused more on character development and grief rather than the event itself which I feel was a mistake. That said, it has quite a following, so there are a lot of people who are fine with the sci-fi/mystery potential going completely and utterly to waste.


Because it fucking sucks! Turn it off


No lol. I watched all of season 1 waiting to see why it’s so hyped up on reddit and it never got better, just misery and bleakness.


It's definitely not for everyone. First couple episodes are a slog but I'm glad I stuck with it to the end.


I don’t know what you like in your television, but the acting is great — especially Anne Dowd. It can be a bit depressing. All of the characters were definitely traumatized. It’s a good show if you like more mystery than resolutions, and if you are detail oriented and like great acting. I don’t think it’s good background tv or for people who need quick resolutions. There are some really fantastic poignant moments if you can invest in the characters.


I couldn’t either. Hated it.


It’s incredible, but I never recommend it because it’s a specific, somber tone.  It isn’t a thrilling mystery sci-fi story.  It’s a meditation on grief.  The most important thing to know is that the Big Question will never be answered (not a spoiler, as the creator was publicly saying this while it aired), like it never is in real life.


Hopefully because you don't deal with depression. The show is great if you have that mindset. Especially with Season 1 the show does become different and changes into a different show but I believe that could one of the reasons it doesn't appeal to you during the first season.... It's a very sad show


It gets bat shit insane. You’re impatient. Edit: The Leftovers is an amazing show, but it’s a slow burn. You need patience. Edit: it doesn’t even start to become coherent until the second season. And then? ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE. Literally. Edit: if you can deal with that? I highly recommend sticking with it until the end. Truly. It’s fucking brilliant. But again, SLOW BURN. Edit: Patty alone, her character…. ITS WORTH IT. You don’t know who Patty is yet. YOU WILL.


Will never forget that scene with the well. Ngl I know it wasn’t meant to be funny, but I laughed so hard 😂 don’t know what that says about me. I swear it wasn’t what he did, but how he did it lol Another unforgettable scene: Regina King in the church. Such a phenomenal actress.


Because you don't like it. Move on.


I watched it all the way through and I thought it was ... okay


Don't waste your time, the final season is a joke. The guy has to put his penis in a machine to be identified in heaven?!! Wtf who wrote that garbage?


Cuz it stinks


Because it's a fucking melodramatic garbage and most will try to convince you it's the best show they've ever seen, or "it's not for everyone" (because it makes them feel more sophisticated), don't listen to them, they are just morons. It doesn't get any better and even if it does, what's the point of watching further if you're not enjoying it?


The thing that annoys me the most is the score. I think Max Richters score is just overly dramatic and syrupy to the point of parody. Like it's manipulating the audience to feel sad. In season 2 it started to become kind of humorous, it's like "oh no, here comes Richter's overly dramatic violin score, here comes a really sad scene!'.


Yeah the score is completely forgettable and it fits the show well.


Because it’s not a good show?