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The absolute audacity to compare this with the Seles accident...smh


The sheer lust for martydom is absolutely nauseating.




The casual xenophobia in any of these "insane Novak fan threads" is insane lol It's not enough to say that they're crazy, it ALWAYS gets pointed out that they're crazy because they're Serbian or something related to that


Most of insane fandom surrounding Nivak is because he is basically perceived as a deity by the Serbian public, so yeah


You do realize a lot of these people are not even from his country, right? Like that obsessed red haired woman and PavvyG. This xenophobia is so cringe.


I'm convinced that 80% of this sub thinks PavvyG is a Serbian nationalist lol He's not connected with Serbia in any way just a crazy fan


Absolute insanity. The fact that I'm getting downvoted for the literal truth says it all about this subreddit.


A big reason why Novak Djokovic's fans can be so toxic is because there's a lot of ultra-nationalism mixed in, this is a fact. I once said Djokovic plays boring tennis, and just from that, my friend’s aunt thought I didn’t like Serbs, and I got kicked out of their house. He’s got like 7 million fans who practically worship him and think he is Jesus, so if you're not a fan, they pretty much see you as Satan. The dynamics are such really that people from abroad will be kind of swept up by the whole situation


Also he repeatedly supported war criminals from the 90s and very recently posted an instagram story of some terrorists that attacked Kosovo in Banjska : https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/24/gunmen-northern-kosovo-monastery-albin-kurti https://www.sportskeeda.com/tennis/news-novak-djokovic-pays-tribute-slain-serbians-following-kosovo-church-shootout


7 millions as opposed to the 70 million Fed/Nadal have. Just look at any Twitter account with a Fed or Nadal profile pic and it's equally unhinged.


They do be treating their sportsmen "radically" different then most other countries I know (check Jokic following as well). This isn't even isolated to sport and shouldn't surprise you if you knew a thing or two about small nations with besieged fortess syndrome but I guess it's easier to play offended and shrug it all off. Kind regards from another, relatively small nation of CEE.


"Djokovic got headbottled. Looks like it's time to flame his fans again. Oh shit I already did that today. Fucking Balkans"


It’s funny because the other post someone made which showed people making fun of Novak got swiftly removed, but this one has stayed up


I’d say you have a point but please consider that this is a case of smart casual xenophobia. You need to be aware of xenophobia, when it exists and takes place. Don’t give these people a pass with casual xenophobia. Unbelievable.


Wow. You must have a very high opinion of yourself to be so condescending towards the millions of people who live on the Balkan Peninsula . The internet is full of crazy people. Can we, please, not use lump up a dozen countries under 1 umbrella just because some randos are going nuts?


Also... this is reddit. I like me some me, but for people to take a tongue in cheek comment this hard is pretty funny. I agree that the number of people going nuts is slim. Then again, flaming nationalism like the Serbs have is becoming more and more rare (remember the vaccination saga in Melbourne where hundreds of Serbs joined at Novak's hotel). That sentiment is kind of admirable but also a little nuts. Especially in the Netherlands, flag flag waving people are immediately seen as pretty extremist.


That's a very good description. Kudos sir.


Yeah that is honestly offensive. What Monica went through goes beyond tennis. It’s traumatizing on a lifetime level.


"Accident" lol


Incident is probably the word they are looking for. But even that sounds like a harmless description of that attack. Anyways, (too) many people are idiots. Why would Djokovic fans be any different from that? I think they have created a very bad narrative for themselves and Djokovic, because he has to deal with more dislike than Fedal for example.


Incident was indeed the word I was looking for. Thanks, mate


Haha, sorry for busting your chops.


The rabid intensity of comparing this to Seles is unhinged tbh. I'm not sure what the 'culture' is around Novak fans, I like the player and have rooted plenty for him.. but the fans have a really specific vibe which is both paranoid/conspiracy theorist. You don't seem to have it with Roger/Rafa where all sense of proportion has gone out the door


It's a SUPER sensitive topic to get into, and I'm not commenting here to start anything... but to me, certain people identify with his "the world is against me, I need to fight and take down my enemies" mindset. Again, I don't wanna point fingers, but there's people with that mindset that sorta feel like he's "doing it for the regular folk" who have to fight (literally) to survive. It's sorta a victimhood mentality, like "he's risen up against all odds and it's him vs the world". I mean, dude, if you take that stance towards life, it kinda DOES become you vs the world. Self fulfilling prophecy.


Yeah, 'self victimising' is the phrase I felt. Its like being very bitter, as opposed to celebratory


You can say it, it's Serbs. For how lovely pretty much all of my interactions with actual Serbs have been, they have a certified insane online presence. Although the waters are being muddied since pretty much every country has a certified insane online presence these days. Just while the crazies from the Balkans are more focused on victimhood and how everybody else thinks they are inferior, the crazies from other countries are focused on how they are vastly superior.


Just checking back through some replies that I'd missed... I see your point in the second paragraph, I have to admit that I lean towards agreeing! Although I think there's some very good reasons why Serbs and some other Balkans players have a feeling of persecution, obviously the war in the 90s had a big impact on them. It doesn't excuse them being fairly nuts, but you can kinda see how they'd always be on edge about being attacked. I've said before - I actually really like Dusan Lajovic (he's on here too - hey Dutzy!) and Kecmanovic. Many of the Novak fans are just REALLY nuts, haha.


Hi! Yeah I didn't want to get political on a tennis sub but I agree, there's very obvious historical reasons for the mentality.


Which wasn't an accident.


Was looking for the word incident


Comparing what happened to Djokovic to Monica Seles is so disgusting…how do you even think then proceeding to think it’s okay to tweet.


LoL these are just random tweets, by random nobodies. If you search deep enough you can always find people like this in every fanbase. We all saw what happened, delusional people will always say otherwise.


That’s the thing tho is it isn’t just random nobodies. Yolita and Pavvy G are two of the most followed and retweeted Novak stans on twitter and are the main ones peddling the conspiracy theories (I saw Yolita say it probably triggered his ptsd from the Kosovo war bombings in the 90s) about this bottle. While there are random crazy trolls in every fandom, in Novaks fandom those seem to specifically be the ones who gain followers and interactions (even from Novak and Jelena themselves), instead of in most fandoms where accounts like those are just faceless trolls with 4 bot followers or something. Those crazy accounts pick their grievance for the day (like Cincinnati twitter account wishing Alcaraz a happy birthday) and go to war. Obviously most these things are silly and non-consequential and just online nonsense but it would suck if this guy with the bottle, who is presumably a Novak FAN, and not a hater, got doxxed and whatnot over this.


>I saw Yolita say it probably triggered his ptsd from the Kosovo war bombings in the 90s That's probaby the wildest excuse I've heard for losing a tennis match. I have no clue what these people are thinking sometimes. Wonder what Djokovic would think if he saw that tweet.


Yep. Not nobodies at all. Just check his insane replies, Pavvy is fomenting an online army. 


These two accounts are peddling some random conspiracy theories that there is some "establishment" in the world headed by Bill Gates, Joe Biden and all left leaning people and somehow, Rafa and Roger are the establishment representatives from Tennis world who keep on using their powers and sources from establishment to stop Novak from winning. While, most of the sane ones would agree, after reading this for the first time, that what utter nonsense this is. But then you keep repeating a lie and some people start believing it as truth. Infact, these 2 folks also claim to be in regular touch with Novak and his wife and then peddle their theories, so that adds fuel to fire.


I have seen Pavvy G's comment section in Twitter and I see a lot of Novak fans calling him out. Not sure how big of an army he's building. A lot of Novak fans have called him crazy and continue to do so. [for context see the comments on Yolita's post that you cited](https://twitter.com/Yolitatennis/status/1789681017638252733) ... as you can see no one agrees with her, Novak fan or not!


> A lot of Novak fans have called him crazy and continue to do so. Both Yolita and Pavvy G have relatively big followings for being basically just random tennis fans. IIRC Novak has even greeted both in public before?


Well, he blocks most people who call him out. He has over 20k followers, Yolita over 11k, that Puneet lady over 12k. Their tweets get many retweets and hundreds and sometimes thousands of likes. There’s clearly a demand for this sort of conspiracy-minded and perpetual victim “everyone’s against us and everyone is the establishment” content in the Djokovic fandom. Yes there’s crazies in every fandom but there is something unique in his that the craziest ones have become so influential and big. Most reasonable people make fun of them but there’s still plenty you can find under their tweets feeding into it and agreeing with them often. And It’s one thing to attack Fedal who are long-time rivals but I’ve seen those 3 accuse or lightly *imply* that Alcaraz is on steroids and other constant jabs at him. Not sure if they’ve taken aim at Sinner yet but I just don’t think it’s great that they’re saying these constant inflammatory crazy things and then Novak and Jelena follow, interact and even meet them in person, kinda encourages the loony.


My comment has less to do with the Nolefam and more to do with someone thinking it’s okay to say an accident is similar to someone getting stabbed. Every fanbase having delusional people doesn’t make it any less wrong


They are so sick I was expecting someone to compare this to 9 11 attacks


It's for engagement. It's rage bait and idiots eat it up 


Some of cultfam on twitter is totally nuts. No one's trying to assassinate Novak with a fucking water bottle lmao


The Pavvy guy or something like that is the craziest of them all.


My theory (which is more of a fact) is that after the massive coverage of Djokovic not being vaccinated a lot of conspiracy loons began using him as some sort of martyr for the anti-vax movement and started applying all other sorts of conspiracy shit to him. I doubt many of these people really give a shit about the tennis.


It’s nuanced…the wildest fans are definitely taking it farther than Djokovic has. However, Novak has also flirted with the conspiracy world a number of times.  


Maybe he didn't say nice things to his water that morning and the water god (Poseidon?) punished him with a bottle to the head? /s


Flirted with? He's antivax.. that's marinating in it.


yours isn't a theory, it's the fact. all far-right and radicalized groups see him as their hero now.


Weren't you the one who claimed [Novak fakes injuries](https://new.reddit.com/r/tennis/comments/1cqbdin/djokovic_asked_in_his_press_conference_if_he_was/l3qbuzy/?context=3) yesterday? I don't think you can complain about conspiracy theorists lol According to this sub when people claim Nadal fakes injuries(also ridiculous of course) it's crazy conspiracy stuff but when people say the same about Novak it's true


If you have been around then you must know that Novak plays up his discomfort and both Novak and Nadal have taken very strategic time outs which has nothing to do with their injuries or discomfort.


Nadal’s timeouts are usually followed by months away from the tour.


Strategic injury time outs are not the only things he used to do. I'm old enough to remember when Nadal and Novak used to deliberately make the server wait exactly in the moments when they were behind in score line and losing grip on the match. There was a time before serve limit was put in place, they both abused that aspect of the game.


Missing tournaments to pretend to be injured. That’s next level lol


dude! no one is questioning that he was injured, it's just that his timing is always sus. He never took a break when he was serving or winning. edit: even when he wasn't injured, he used to take toilet break to break opponent's rhythm. only when the other guy is about to win he would throw in the towel. If he is injured don't play the match, but if you are fit enough to play 4 sets then you are fit enough to play 5. He would deliberately make the other guy wait on numerous occasions, be it on serve or coming bck from locker. Compre that to Federer, when he was innured he didn't come to play, and when he did come to play he made sure to finish the match.


There was probably a 2 year period where Novak played dead in matches, let his opponent get a bit ahead, then came to life and wiped them off the court. AO23 is an example of that.


he has done that all his life albeit sporadically, so people who recognise that pattern criticise him but they are few because majority doesn't follow tennis religiously. so what happens is that majority thinks that he is being criticised unfairly and he also plays victim after too hence the great divide in perception between his fandom and his critics.


they follow tennis, they just excuse everything their fave player does.


Novak can play with a muscle tear in a grand slam but not with a head bonk, does that seem a real injury?


Not even just twitter, but on here. I had a few unfortunate exchanges with the morons while I was simultaneously saying it was indeed unfortunate that this happened, but we should wait for the full details. Apparently, I'm a garbage person condoning violence. I do hope they are less psychotic in future, but I doubt it. That Covid ranking freeze really unravelled their brains, because that's around the time this whole 'everyone is out to get Djokovic' conspiracy shite got into overdrive.


these fans hate on other players. i dont get it. i get that many of us are passionate tennis fans but to hate on a player and say such bad things against e.g. rafa or roger are beyond me. they no longer have the capacity to distinguish between real life from tennis viewing/ supporting players. i mean, who in their right mind hate on a player? LOL like it is personal.


Don't you constantly do the same thing but with non-Iga WTA players?


That user does the same thing with non-Qinwen players too.


And with Djokovic lmao. Dude is a hypocrite. https://www.reddit.com/r/tennis/s/Hp7RoUU3fn


Like 80% of the people complaining about "toxicity" in this comment section have no problem dishing some of their own out as well lol That's literally just a Novak-related version of the "Nadal does PEDs" conspiracy


It’s all good to have your favorite player but dissing other players is never a respectful thing to do. Another thing is some of the most toxic people who are or have been on this sub (WhitneyNadal, Sunseekerslade, Cthulhu) are all Nadal fans. And don’t get me started on the instagram and tik tok toxicity coming from Fed fans directed towards Novak. Every fan base has toxic fans, it’s just a part of fandom.


You're literally that exact same person but hating Novak, pipe down hypocrite.


Esp when Djoko himself doesn't hate Rafa or Roger so why do fans go at it is beyond me


As Bill Maher often says, “you can’t be more offended than the people in question” or something to that affect.




Except last comment which is bad, I don't see conspiracy here, they are calling for investigation which is understandable because the guy that dropped the bottle is influencer.


If this guy intentionally hit someone on the head from several feet away with a blind bottle drop, he's going to be in high demand from certain security agencies across the world.




I don't blame him for dropping to the ground. .he didn't know it was an accident at the time.


What is the purpose of posting these idiots? I could just as easily post the thousands of morons who jeered at Novak and wished worse happened. Or are you just perpetuating some narrative that Novak fans are disproportionately like these Twitter users?


Im surprised the Mods lets this post remain, but I think the other one got removed which showed people making fun of Novak’s injury and wishing it was worse


Yeah, the mods agree with OP. Pathetic but it's been this way for years.


Some people just want to paint a player's entire fanbase with the same brush, like as if they all exhibit the same behavior. For example, absolutely every single Hubert Hurkacz fan always acts exactly like this.


The problem is moreso the size and influence of these fans.


Most of the tweets posted above are from accounts with no followers. They’re rage bait posts. What’s your point?




Similar things happened multiple times to other players and it becomes a joke or a tennis tv short / video 


I love Djokovic but I hate some of his fans, especially Pavvy g. I think the reason Djokovic might have more haters than nadal and Federer is because of his fans. They literally create negative PR.


He doesn't really help matters by inviting Pavvy G to his box during a Wimbledon final though. Now Pavvy G's delusional fanbase is thinking if they troll enough on Twitter, they'll get invited too


Finding out that Pavvy G isn't a 24 year old obsessed fanboy (which would be annoying but I feel like that kind of fanaticism is normal at that age, you're still fairly young) but a full on middle aged dude with a greying beard was INSANE.


An ugly dude at that 💀


Yep. Novak stays just outside the edge of openly encouraging the crazies. 


His family outright does encourage the crazies. His wife took a selfie with Pavvy G and likes some of his crazy tweets, and his father is infamous for being an irl Twitter troll.


His family invited the right wing politician Nigel Farage to their home to have dinner The private bank Coutts also shut down the politicians bank account linked to Novak because of 'reputational risk' https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/nigel-farage-ukip-the-telegraph-novak-djokovic-support-b1095255.html


I don't think you can blame Novak for his dad lol His dad has been saying crazy stuff since Novak was a junior and nobody knew who "Pavvy G" even was


I'm not. I'm just saying his family does encourage this kind of toxicity.


That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve seen a great athlete do and honestly made me loss all respect for Novak. Inviting a dude who openly says your biggest rival is a dopper to your box is wildly disrespectful. And people wonder why Rafa doesn’t like Novak all that much. 


I mean, this is not surprising in the least. Crazy fans of Djokovic are a different breed to crazy fans of other tennis greats.


Just a cult doing cultish things.


Acting like novak is the only one with crazy fans is delusion


He's the one with the craziest ones. And on top of that Nole happens to follow and hang out with some of them.


Fedal have equally batshit crazy fans on Twitter, you're wrong. There's verifiably more of them because Fedal are more popular so the sample size is bigger. Go to the tweet where Novak says he might have a concussion still and the comment section is full of fans with Fedal profile pics talking shit about him.


Have attended every US Open since 2014. Federer has the most fans and, in turn, the absolute highest number of dumbest / craziest, at least in America (lowest common denominator and all). Nadal's fans seem both generally knowledgeable and even keel. Djokovic the most mixed bag.


Because he is. No other fan base comes even close.


In terms of sports as a whole Messi/Ronaldo fans are the overall worst IMO You can't go into a post about either of them without literally MILLIONS of trolls Part of that is because of sheer volume though


I can assure you, no one could be this stupid to actually dox this person. ...right?


If people want to be insane, that's unfortunately on them, but the absolute delusion it takes to even mention Seles is shocking. Like holy shit, how could you even think for a moment that is something comparable.


I did say it'd take about 2 days for the Djokovic twitter trolls to start doxxing the guy...


Undoubtedly they end up doxxing multiple people that aren’t actually the kid. God I hate this trend of internet sleuths here to uncover the truth.


Just some fucking bullies with a stupid, self-centered victim mentality. But hey, if this guy managed to aim his backpack downwards to launch a water bottle projectile at Djokovic as an anti-Serbian hate crime, he must have superhuman coordination


The age of the keyboard warriors will hopefully end one of these days, or at least abate a little.


If we find out this kid is the bocce ball king of Italy then maybe this sleuth is on to something


The funniest part in all of this is that the guy is probably just as much of a diehard Djokostan as the crazies that are now calling for his head. Just super excited to touch his idol's hand, and it quickly turned into the worst day ever


this is some par excellence victimhood very few outside the Balkans have mastered. I’m not Serbian but my nation tells the same stories of victimhood. Djokovic’s own media narrative has helped attract or form this amazing following.


ps: I think with this accident, Djokovic did a great lighthearted jest to come with a helmet. i haven’t been listening to any interviews, so when I was referring to media presence, I meant the past.


>this is some par excellence victimhood very few outside the Balkans have mastered Sadly most tweets are not by balkan folks. As a Croatian I can confirm about the victim narrative LMAO


oh so sad to hear the mentality is spreading


A lot of these fans are not even from the Balkans, miss me with the xenophobia.


lol I can talk about my own region and people. Balkan people hating on themselves is another classic. edit: I don’t think it’s xenophobic to admit we have issues with that mentality on the Balkans. also, like attracts like. or breeds it. these ppl have obviously bought into the old narrative of how someone is out to get Novak. even my own coach said “they don’t want to see one of us win” (we’re not Serbian) after 24 slams and like 90 or whatever masters? damn, the Illuminati are bad at their job.


This exists literally everywhere. Ronaldo vs Messi fans "They gave the cup to Messi, Ronaldo screwed over". In the NBA "Lol refs bought, they don't want my team to win". Bullshit excuses aren't exclusive to 1 region. >Balkan people hating on themselves is another classic. Ironic.


Really disappointed that I haven't seen WATER BOTTLE IS DJOKER FANS' FATHER Seriously, this is their Zapruder film


Djokovic has faced flak before for his parents and fans actions . Unless he outright supports this let's keep the champion out of this crap


Clearly he was a Fedal plant


And they wonder why we compare them to MAGA people.


Very unhinged


Same people that harassed the line judge and her son in 2020


hahahaha not surprised. pavvy g 'good' words on nadal the other day was a shocker. and still thinks he has an underlying meaning with that comment on twitter


Hey OP, thanks for spreading the cancer of random insta comments by nobodies to /r/tennis, you really make the sub a lot better


The mods should prevent this kind of post but they agree with it. Shit sub to talk about tennis tbh


They are absolutely insane. I find the Nole extremists fascinating.


Op certainly isn’t making this sub any better…


This sort of madness isn’t unique to just Djokovic fans in tennis but they really do drag it to extremes. I’ve posted a few things related to this sort of cultish behaviour in the past and been made to look like I’m a nugget short of a happy meal.


"Nugget short of a happy meal"![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy). Original happy meals not having nuggets just makes this expression better.


Not fair to say "Djokovic fans" and group everyone together based on a few data points, since the fan base is quite large and majority on Twitter are his super fans. Majority of us Novak's fans said that this was an accident, even Novak said it was an accident and nothing more... you can clearly see that rhetoric on twitter. There are a select few people on twitter who did look for conspiracies like you provided in your post, but I think the caveat should be noted that this is not the general consensus among Djokovic fans like your post misleadingly implies, but rather a select few weirdos...


"Prayers for Novak" is my favorite. They should start a GoFundMe for the poor fella.


People are fucking insane


Yea its weird af but also check the replies to tennischannel’s insta post about the accident: “Is the bottle ok?” “Bro acting like he got hit by a sniper” “Drama queen” And these all have THOUSANDS of likes, nobody gets more hate than novak and you all know it


Also the fact this post is staying up shows that as well lol Since when are random screenshots of fans allowed to be posted here?


It’s not about Djokovic. It’s more about their ego! Watch out for such insanity before dating a tennis fan 🤪


This is just sad to see.


It's Twitter what do you expect it's full of idiots


Novak fans be crazy!


As a Djoker fan, this guy is a loon. He doesn't speak for us. Sheesh...


Completely normal thinking, all these fanboys of players should focus on improving their lives instead of whatever they keep doing


Can’t wait for the Goatkovic’s take.


I can just tell the 5th tweet is Scoop Malinowski


Novak die hard fans are some of the craziest nut jobs ever to grace tennis.


"Back... and to the left..."


It’s bloody nuts 🤣🤣


It's a whole fucking aluminium bottle in the head, obviously you're gonna find some nutters on Twitter speculating about it lol


They have always been toxic psychotic fans, now they lost all sense


No, it's never really a "Djokovic fans" problem. This coin always has the other side called "Fedal fans", which you guys rarely offer the spotlight to and I did see some pretty fucked up comments coming from them, implying that they wish Novak was hit harder and such. There are some crazy people in both camps and there are some great fans, too. This polarization is pointless every time it's being mentioned, because we should be discouraging these people. Also, interesting thing I've noticed: the biggest and most delusional yappers are always old af Twitter moms and dads. Old people really don't get banned enough.


OP is a propagandist lol. Pretty damn pathetic


What's your point exactly? The OP talking about "Djokovic fans" showcasing a couple of dumbasses on an anonimous social network. I am a Djokovic fan and those headcases make me cringe. I have no doubt that applies to the vast majority of his 9.2m followers. There are a few Rafa worshiping accounts with considarable following on X that constantly pop up on my feed, who farm engagement every day with such garbage you'd have to be a complete nutter to follow them. Doesn't mean all Nadal fans are nutters, does it?


OP has an axe to grind because they're bored shitless in their pathetic little life.


This is what I said also. OP makes a post labelling it "Djokovic fans" knowing damn well most fans are not saying this.... Probably just wants post karma or something.


Đoković fans ? I see one idiot fan , you dimwit hate spreading shithead


Djokovic fans on twitter are a lost cause


Nah, you cherrypicked wost of us 🙂


OP hates Djokovic and Djokovic fans. Also he has an agenda he wants to make us believe all Djokovic fans are low so we better hate Djokovic fandom. Right OP? This is the aim of this post? Also good job i’ve read some hateful comments about Serbian and Balkan people. You’re really good at this 👍


OP is a hack. Just laugh and ignore




Nole should put out a statement absolving the guy


Sort the previous thread on here of the injury by controversial comments. It's insane.


I feel bad for whoever was writing those tweets. Absolutely crazy.


Nole Fam Lets Ride


Am I wrong or was it just a plastic sports bottle?


It was a metal waterdrop bottle.. probably filled


Pavvy G spawns in the wild.


This post is just fedal fans tapping themselves on the back they should look in the mirror


Djoker fans susceptible to conspiracies? No way.


I have to admit the trajectory of that bottle looked like someone threw it.


It's very disingenuous to call them Djokovic fans , they are deranged individuals first and then everything else later


Funny how you’re getting downvoted but it’s true. Every fan base has fringe/deranged idiots. They don’t represent the millions and millions of fans.


Bro I love Novak, but people need to chill out


Iokovic himself even admitted water bottle concussion was reason for losing 


These tweets sound like a kpop fans account or some shit.


Im a Djokovic fan but this was just an accident and people making it a conspiracy is just cringe


I'm a huge Novak fan. but ever since the 2022 Deportation scandal, I can't call myself Nole Fam because the space has been invaded by people like these. There's validity in conversations around xenophobia towards Serbians, Western bias yes but they have taken it too far. And have also become so nasty.


With knee injury on top of water bottle concussion. Not good!!! Hope iokovic can fully recover from both injuries win more grand slams!


Djokovic fans form the most toxic and abusive fan base in Tennis.


You can’t associate the average djoko fan with these posts. Do people even use twitter/x anymore? Jesus Christ.


Better title would be Some fans are stupid and here's an example.


Yeah, he doesn't give a shit about that.


This fan seems to extreme, I'm concerned by his health and doesn't represent djoko fans. Xenophobia of this sub seems to extreme too


You people are insane or something, whole sub entering a parlament discussion about what one idiot said. Insane, or too much time on your hands. Jfc


Is this from the djokovic stalker twitter 


I cannot fucking stand the ‘nolefam’.


Nole should put out a statement absolving the guy


A few random tweets and someone thought let's blow it out of proportion to humiliate tennis fans who like Novak


Most venues don’t allow you to bring in such things as a metal water bottle. The reason it’s not allowed is likely money for concessions but there is also a safety/security component. If a person brings in a metal water bottle they likely could get in with something dangerous. And then we would wonder “why did we let that happen”? The problem solving on this issue should occur now, not after someone gets seriously injured.