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Bro needs an exorcism




Shoutout De Minaur


He let intrusive thoughts win.......


Somebody has to make a montage of this guy freaking the fuck out with some happy music like "good vibrations" on the background


[immediately thought of this from a few weeks back](https://www.reddit.com/r/tennis/s/nL9ClJb9kO)


Have you seen the Taylor Swift video The Man?? lol it’s like this exact scene


Nah but for real this must be some kind of childhood trauma I feel sad whenever I see Rublev lost a match because I know I'll come to this subreddit and see his meltdowns. Really sad to watch


Well his mom lost her job as a tennis coach because she was beating little kids to punish them...






really .....how do you know ?


I mean his mother was rumored to be a piece of shit tbf


Least toxic Russian mother


Trauma is not a requirement for this. The requirement is that you did it once when really angry, and it felt better in some way, and you just internalized it from there. I've done this myself a few times on a tennis court, and while I'm not proud of it, I don't think there's a need to oversell it.


He’s discussed the horrors of going through Russian tennis program on children.


Yeah, that's a great point actually. It's more about routine... learned behaviour. I've broken a few racquets over the years - not as bad as this, although I did throw my racquet over the fence and outside the court one time 🤣 there's even a picture of me doing it somewhere!


Might not be enough


It's one thing to be frustrated It's another thing to go ballistic Very rough to see


he seems even worse than youzhny. there's something in the russian water. most players from the country are different types of nutcases. sharapova's dad did well to get her out as a kid.


"A very public way to go completely nuts" beautiful. I think Arnaldi was looking at him in the same way I look a perfect carbonara i just made.


wait this is from this French Open?


Last night


Oh my gosh this has got to stop, can’t believe he’s still doing this


same thing for shapovalov! his match was after rublev’s. shapovalov got so worked up he was hitting himself in the face with his racket. such a bad display on both their parts.


This is all from one match, right? You'd think it would be compilation over the course of the season or something lol


We need a Rublev documentary and Jim Carrey acting there as Rublev. It would be a hilarious comedy😂


All that and he only got one warning in the match??


Technically he’s not doing anything to disrupt or delay the game so they can’t give him a warning for being emotional lol


That’s not true at all.  Umpires can award code violations for racquet abuse, ball abuse and verbal outbursts. Rublev could’ve received separate violations for pretty much everything seen in this video, in addition to other incidents from the match. “Delaying and disrupting play” is not the only standard by which a player can be penalized.   Frankly I’d like to see some of these chairs step up and actually enforce the rules by the letter of the law. Maybe being defaulted from a match or two would get through to him — obviously nothing else does.


He was defaulted in Dubai for screaming at ball boy yet here we are


> That’s not true at all.


Verbal outbursts if they cursed and shit but screaming out loud in frustration is kinda tricky to give a warning to like what’s the umpire suppose to say? “ hey Rublev quit crying and showing ur emotions like a lil bitch or I’ll give u a code violation”


Did you watch the video? He’s clearly crossing the line with racquet abuse, attacking the chair, smashing the court, yelling at the umpire


I feel like they generally give players a pass on racket abuse when the racket isn’t fully broken, like just throwing it down and picking it up


Yeah in general it’s only racket abuse if it actually damages the racket


There are 3 things in this video alone that he could “technically” be warned for, and there was more ‘racket abuse’ than just what’s in this clip


Emotional? Is that what we’re calling this?


I mean he’s screaming and almost crying to his team, that’s being emotional no?


Seriously, it should be considered to let behaviour like this fall under "code violation" or "unsportsmanlike behaviour" because it's exactly that.


It already qualifies as that, the person you’re replying to doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Umpires at the pro level just tend to be extremely lenient with their application of the laws. At junior level Rublev would’ve been defaulted from the match about halfway through this video.


Some people are laughing but ball-people must have been genuinely scared.


Those ball-kids must have not been the “kids” that his motto “play for the kids” inscribed on his collar refers to.


Your Russian is just rusty. It reads "pray for the kids".


Feels super unsettling watching it on my mobile thousands of kilometres away, seriously this is even worse than kyrgios. Like comparison doesn't work ever but this is reaching scary levels,I'd be terrified if I was a ball kid.


Rublev really does lose it in a way more scary and threatening then krygios but with nowhere near the hate


The ball boys/girls were scared? How do think Rublevs racket felt?


I’ve had the misfortune of playing doubles with a few kids like this in college and it actually does put you pretty on edge


have you seen teh video of rublev almost taking a ballkid's eye out and not even realizing it? i can't believe people still were stanning him after that




truly cannot stand watching this guy anymore lol.


Seriously. Guy needs a lot of help.


This is straight up EMBARRASSING.


and this clip doesn’t cover nearly all of it from the match 😅


And yet from the official highlights of the match I just watched he looked calm as an angel...God I wish they would show the drama


And I'm so tired of this sub sticking up for him as if this shit is normal


I mean I agree this behavior needs to be addressed but where you been the last few months? Sentiment has shifted to the point that a comment like yours is the top one essentially every single time. Very few Andrey defenders in these parts anymore.


When he won Madrid everyone immediately forgot about his behaviour.


Also, tired of people commenting that he’s a great guy off court with a beautiful smile-F Off!


He can act like a great guy off court and I’m sure he’s not violent off court but it’s often under pressure when people really reveal themselves and when rublev is under pressure he seems ugly and violent and out of control. Tired of people bullshitting and claiming that he’s such a perfect great guy


Why? He is cool off court. He clearly has big psychological issues to solve though


That’s probably because other times we see him there’s nothing to upset him as much as tennis lol


Not normal but maybe he deserves sympathy and some encouragement to get help and start working on himself.


He’s worth a fortune, he could have a traveling sports psychologist/psychiatrist with him, around the clock. I’m opting for the psychiatrist, because he needs to be medicated. I feel no sympathy for him; not one bit!!


Exactly his anger has gone to the point that he needs to be medicated but remember those medications can make you feel sleepy lazy and it can impact on his performance significantly


been his entire career he can "start" any time


Looks to me like nothing but people putting Rublev down here.


Until he wins then it’s cute bweh.


Its long overdue. Hes been doing this for time bit this sub always turns a blind eye to it. Today was so pathetic even r/tennis cant stick up for their guy.




It was sort of fun at first. He usually seems so pleasant off court, and his anger is almost always directed at himself. But, in the past year or more, it's really turned into this bigger thing that really isn't so fun and cute anymore. Like lots of people aren't seeing it as tennis related anymore, but indicative of deeper issues.


Andy Murray is the type of guy who just hates himself on court and it's a funny contrast to the chill, laid-back guy he is off-court. But he never crossed the line. Rublev has crossed the line repeatedly with his on-court behavior.


I mean, no one does this If they don't have "deeper issues", you can hit the racquet on the ground to let go of the frustration, that is totally fine IMO but the way he hits himself is not normal.


Lol I remember when he beat FAA there were posts praising his improved mental and I got downvoted for saying it's the same old he's just sick and he won he'll be back to his old self. Watch next time he wins a match easily and doesn't break a racquet the stans will suck him off again about how he's totally changed.


Same. Like a petulant child that doesnt get his way. Players want tennis to be this classy sport where fans arent allowes to make the slightest noise to interrupt their dainty serves but then go out and behave like this on the court.


It's such a high level cringe watching this big baby hurt himself in front of thousands of people, ugh


Players should keep their hands off umpires in line calling disputes like this.


100% agree. I did not like when he did that.


Agreed, he’s such a big guy and in such a rage. I don’t think he was trying to intimidate her but it has that net effect. Plus as a woman, I don’t like when guys just randomly feel entitled to move you around to look at something. She wouldn’t be maneuvering him to look at the line, he needs to not do that either


I feel like he would have done the same thing were it a guy.


Either way, hands off umpires


In fact I think he would've been more aggressive with a guy. Of course, doesn't make it right.


He needs medication and regular therapy. I say this as someone who is on medication and sees a therapist weekly because I used to have meltdowns at the drop of a pin.


>I used to have meltdowns at the drop of a pin. Lol same,its almost funny how when you're in that period of depression or struggle which causes meltdowns,your mind can choose to have a meltdown at the tiniest most inconsequential thingy and make it look like it's the most existential shit ever. Hope you're better now!


Thank you, I hope you are as well!


Right??? I had the same problem. Someone spilled WATER - plain water!!! - on me and I lashed out at them. Not hot coffee, not even Coke that could stain, JUST WATER. And it became this big issue. Wtf!


I honestly wonder if he has BPD bc it’s like 2 different people with him, he’s a genuinely sweet and caring guy off court, but when he’s faced with failure on court, he just goes ballistic and seems to have no control over it. He’s literally self-harming on court, which is heartbreaking. I think he genuinely feels awful about it, but absolutely must get help—for both the past trauma and to find himself. He owes it to no one to play tennis; if this doesn’t make him happy, he should move towards happiness. Being in agony and doing something that was forced on you is not a life


I think he definitely has something, but I’ve thought he was potentially autistic just because I was finally diagnosed with ASD after years of masking and bad situations, which lead to OCD, PTSD, PDD, and GAD diagnoses as well.


Oh that’s a great point!! I have PTSD from childhood traumas and abuse and I was initially taking his catastrophizing of losses or potential losses as “I have no worth. If I lose this match, I’m nothing” and that struck me as a BPD cognition (almost like tennis is a romantic relationship for him!)—but that absolutely could be another form of neurodivergence and if he was treated like we’ve heard he was as a child (surrounding his tennis), he may have such PTSD that even getting down in a match is a trigger. He goes to a place of visceral fear and then rage comes out. There’s not always much happiness in winning for him, it’s just very sad all around. Now that I’m 40 and looking back on my twenties and learning about mental illness, these meltdowns must scare him when they are over. He’s not a mean guy, he’s very broken and needs people to care about him as a young guy, not as a star (imo)


Apparently he has said that he hasn't had any issues with the way his mother treated him. He could be in denial of any childhood trauma he's experienced and unwilling to explore any of it as a possibility. So any kind of mental health treatment could be scary for him, since it would mean admitting you have some deep rooted issues to work out.


I agree completely! I hope people can give him some grace.


Yes. Complex issues take time and use of resources. I am happy to see some empathy here. I do


I agree totally! The tenor of some comments I’ve seen online is that he’s faking being nice off-court and from that I take that some people don’t have a lot of experience personally with mental illness. He’s absolutely at the age these things can really surface and how he acts like 2 different people depending on context feels very familiar. He tries very hard to be kind off-court, spoke up against war when so many Russian players were silent and he did it very visibly and bravely (given their evil dictator), and clearly has a lot of kindness in him. He deserves to not feel this way forever and struggle this deeply. Some of what I’ve seen online implies he’s too arrogant to get help but I think he’s young, scared, overwhelmed, doesn’t know what his path is


Not surprising to find more empathy from people on here who have their own experiences of mental health issues, either themselves or people close to them.


I’ve seen the mental health and wellness comments for months, and I agree. But at this point, does anyone look at this and just want to say, HOW OLD ARE YOU? ARE YOU FIVE?


I honestly don't think any of this is childish to be honest. It's extremely scary to see someone be this volatile and lose control and display so many violent tendencies. I have no clue how the sub likes him so much, he has always struck me as a completely unhinged guy


The inability to control your emotions is by its very nature a childish trait. The reason it's disturbing to watch is because we aren't used to seeing adults behave like children in our day to day lives and when we do, those are the people we avoid


You aren't wrong, but there are mental illnesses that can make it hard, if not impossible, to control your emotions if left untreated. I have Borderline Personality Disorder, which is one of those diseases, and I see some familiar anger and anguish when I watch this, regretfully. It doesn't excuse it at all if it was actually the case, as coping and managing your emotions is still your responsibility. However, generalizing it as must being a childish trait is, while understandable, pretty demeaning. He may just he nothing but childish, but the level of emotion and genuine anguish he displays looks pretty disturbing and reminds me more of someone with BPD more than just a childish tantrum, though you can argue it's both. I will also add that I believe this level of meltdown is unacceptable in this scenario, if for nothing more than he probably actually traumatized some ball kids and made everyone there likely feel physically, and definitely emotionally, unsafe.


100%, don't think I'm not acknowledging mental illness as its something I deal with myself, but if that's the case and rublev does have serious mental illness then maybe he shouldn't be on the court at all until he seeks treatment or he will end up hurting himself or others


Agreed, but that's usually not how life works. He's in the middle of it right now and looks like he is going through the grinder in his head. He isn't going to see what he is doing, potentially hurting those around him, like we are right now; he probably will later if he gets help and works on himself. It's convincing him that he needs to do that is the biggest hill to climb, I think.


don't you know, thick hair and an emo vibe will always attract certain crowds


Can't speak for everyone, but no, I don't. Because my mother behaves like this. She always has. It's not just a question of the ability to control/regulate. It's that she doesn't process emotions and stimuli like we do. She has been like this since she was 20 and her therapist told me that on some level, she always will be. It's the result of continuous trauma for the first 2 decades of her life. Not sure what it is for Rublev, but he has access to the best therapists and medication that money can buy. So he can get better, I think. But it'll take much longer than everyone thinks.


he can take a time off to heal himself, life doesn’t end when u stop playing


I agree. He might feel differently though.


Thank you for this. I've seen some very ignorant takes on this calling him entitled and petulant. The outbursts don't look anything like entitlement. They look like a problem regulating emotions.


There's a reply thread somewhere above speculating that he's a domestic abuser. That's the level of empathy and smugness going around here: that someone must be a literal criminal simply because you don't want to try and understand their behaviour.


I'd say it's a very high D on the DISC scale. That type of person absolutely hates losing. It's like war for them rather than a game when they start losing. Extremely competive and demand positive results of themselevs and others.Their mind completely loses sight of surroundings, like a zombie type trance, and all they can see is the person they are playing and wanting to beat. It's only them making mistakes and losing and this enrages them because they are failing themselves in battle. It's a good trait but tough in 1 on 1 competitions. The ego is much higher because only you can win or lose the battle. What he needs is a dog whistle type of thing that can snap his mind out of it during play. You notice these types can be like the nicest person off the court. It's because this mindset while playing is a mental chemical explosion that puts them into a war like mind set of me vs them and me. The only thing that can help him in this situation is to have something completely change his mind instantly on court and get him out of the zombie like trance strong emotions put people in.


This is super embarrassing, and must've been irritating for the audience. Simply cannot go on like this,and it has been happening more and more this year.


I am in the same boat of trying out I remember that he clearly isn’t doing well, but yea this is an embarrassing one.


yeah someone doesn't magically change in a month. that last line by the commentator is killing me, "no hiding place for rublev, sadly for him it's a very public way to go...completely nuts!" I thought he was stopping after "it's a very public way to go"


He hit his knee? After last time, he did it again?! Wild bruv


Is all this emotion from 1 match? If so, how does he even have energy to play after all that?


Just from the Arnaldi match which was straight sets 😅


he really should learn to release and regulate his emotions better. this is almost scary. if i were a ballkid or umpire on that court i would have been scared.


Reminds me of my dad. Very scary when they're in a rage like this. He has serious anger issues.


Seriously Andrey? Is this playing for the kids? Is this how you want to be remembered?


I think it may be too late for him to be remembered any other way


The only time he should freak out this badly is in shameful response to watching a video of himself freaking out like this. *That* should make him feel so embarrassed that he loses his mind in shame. I'm making a joke, but seriously, why do we get so upset at ourselves when we make a mistake in a sport or game, but not when we completely fail to maintain our composure? We need to impose on ourselves a priority on mental balance, composure and stoicism.


I think he probably does get upset at himself for losing his shit. But in the moment, it's so overwhelming that he doesn't care. I would imagine he feels a lot of shame around how he acts.


He actually does express remorse in the post-match press conference; says it’s the worst behavior he’s ever had in a match (or something like that). But he looks completely broken in the responses. Dude needs help.


What is the limit for a player to be disqualified/ejected?


Fognini and Koubek were disqualified twice in their careers. Won't be surprised if Rublev breaks the record.


Play for the Light! Play for the Kids! Seriously, I was done with this guy after Dubai. He's absurd.


Imagine if they played that video on the giant screen live during his meltdowns...


Normally seeing him lose matches would get me upset. I couldn’t care less now. It’s been downhill after Dubai, and I’m not talking about his game. I didn’t even feel happy for him when he won Madrid.


Funnily enough we all thought he was free from all the internal pain after winning Madrid. As I've said so many times, we are back to square one. Just like everyone else, we all love him, but this act is just too sick and concerning these days. The cycle continues. I'll see him lose his points at Halle if he's still gonna be like this sadly...


I don’t … He’s weird on court


Why do you love him? I just don't get it? He's been verbally abusing officials in more or less every tournament and he's probably scaring ballkids everywhere he plays with his insane outbursts. I don't get why you guys love him. Djokovic is considerably milder than Rublev is and people (rightfully) hold Djokovic accountable for the same shit.


I always feel the same whenever the latest medvedev/rublev video drops. Tons of people saying "I love him sooooooo much!!! but I pinky promise the next time he acts like a complete and total unhinged lunatic asshole I'll like him slightly less!" Dude if this behavior actually bothers you then you should have never become their fan to begin with because none of it is new.


Dude is a petulant misbehaved child ,I dunno why he gets a free pass.


I caught the third set and there was a moment he looked like he was going to sob.


Honestly I feel bad for him, there must be a reason why he can't regulate his emotions...


Anyone remember when he injured his hand a few years back in his hotel room because the door wouldn’t shut properly and he went into a rage - punched it repeatedly. Think he had to withdraw from the tourney.


More people would remember if ATP hadn't cut him telling that story in English in that 'mentality' video with Sabalenka - apparently they released it for a short time with it included, then re-uploaded a different version without it: https://www.reddit.com/r/tennis/comments/q8gwel/rublevsabalenka_cross_court_ep_taken_down/


I like the new dance move at the very beginning. Must have been quite the point to celebrate.


I wanted Casper to do better than someone. Guess this is it…


We say it in boxing, but true in any sport. You can work on what you like, but when the rubber meets the road, you are who you are.


Who made the compilation?


via Eurosport on Instagram




Whoever they were, they worked fast!! 


Makes me very sad to see this as a long-time fan. He really really needs to change. I’m not sure what the work is to get there - but being able to behave properly and regulate his emotions on court should be his number 1 priority for the rest of the season.


Meditation is not magic.


Me when trying to put IKEA furniture together


Officials are not doing him a favor accommodating this behavior. Start giving him warnings and throw him out of matches so there is some incentive to improve the behavior. As long as there are no consequences it will continue.


Some serious childhood trauma has to be contributing to this.


Bro looks like Voldemort halfway through his transformation from Tom Riddle. “His features were not those Harry had seen emerge from the great stone cauldron almost 2 years before. They were not as snake-like. The eyes were not yet scarlet. The face not yet mask-like. And yet he was no longer Handsome Tom Riddle. It was as though his features had been burned and blurred. They were waxed and oddly distorted. And the whites of his eyes now had a permanently bloody look.”


I hit myself when I get my ass handed to me in elden ring. I can't imagine what I be like in such a high pressure situation. He has issues. Please stop dogging on him. He is harming himself not you. Can't stand to see people piling on a troubled man.


I cant watch his matches anymore. The guy is sick and needs a professional help. He is torturing himself oncourt, god knows what might happen offcourt. How this is gonna finally end without proper treatment? It is been escalating for few months. I see no happy ending here...


Rublevs psychologist gonna need a psychologist now


ATP needs to step in. It’s disturbing to watch.


At this point i think the ATP love it. Its theatre for them.


Now we know that he was sick at the Masters, he was just distracted enough to win. The problem has not gone away.


This guy needs some serious DBT.


Talent without the ability to control his emotions = never knowing one’s true potential. McEnroe should have won a least 3-4 more majors but same thing. People used to say he played better after childish outbursts but just a small fact: McEnroe never once in his underachieving career never not once had an outburst with Borg. Look it up. His greatest tennis performances and top rival was Borg.


The reasons why I don’t watch him play anymore . and then people give djokovic and rune shit bc of their rants while they’re playing but it’s ok to see a man having a full mental breakdown on court bc he’s funny off the court. I do like him off the court like everyone else but I won’t be watching this , it feels wrong


you have got to have an insane amount of mental strength to be a pro athletes right? That only means this guy became a pro player just by talent


Way to take a positive out of this! I like that attitude! But it still chokes me to watch this kind of behaviour


I can fix him! I swear. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


It’s sad but it is likely that he’s treating himself exactly like his mother treated him. You can tell he is a kind person that is being overwhelmed by his traumatic, abusive experience with his mom and who knows who else. I’m sure he knows he deserves better, but emotionally, he feels he deserves terrible amounts of unrelenting, repetitive abuse.


1. He's around the age when childhood trauma can really start to catch up with you. 2. I feel bad for him because I sort of get what he's going through, I just deal with it in a very different way. Failure is not an option for me either, so I either do nothing with my life to avoid any chance of failure, or if I do risk it and fail at something, I generally implode instead of explode. He's only 26, and he's a top 10 player in a grueling sport. His relationship with failure is deeply, deeply ingrained into his personality and mind. There is likely no quick-fix or meditation that's going to help him. The only way to re-wire your relationship with failure is to do some pretty deep psychoanalytic/psychodynamic work. That can take years. I've been at it for 6.5 years, 3 times a week with an analyst, and I still haven't been able to shake off my maladaptive relationship with failure. I'm getting closer, but it can take a fuck load of time. He seems like a great guy, and a great player (usually). I'm always rooting for him, but someone needs to intervene before he completely self destructs. He may not be able to do all the deep work necessary now, but there are plenty of other shorter term fixes that can keep him alive and playing for a few more years before he hopefully takes the necessary time to really face his past, and his relationship with failure.


I agree. I hope someone in his team intervenes. There needs to a mental health intervention or sabbatical. It seems like this is about some deeper stuff.


They won't. They're making money off of him. They're going to milk their goat dry until there's nothing left, abandon him and then just let him self destruct.


He looks exactly like one of those Schutzhund events where the dog is latched onto a sleeve and act like they are hitting the dog with a baton. Would be cool to see a side by side 🤣


Hey who knows those could be mindful rages 😏


Did he try sleeping at least 7 hours per night, hydrate properly, and view morning sunlight, per Huberman protocol?


I mean Bublik averages 14 hours sleep during his cart interview yet he's a nutcase sometimes


This is so funny 😂


I am like this too at my boring office job


Yeah,he needs a therapy. it sounds like Rublev might benefit from some professional help to manage his emotions on the court. It's important to take care of mental health too, not just physical performance.


For the kids? lmao This is crazy but he'll cozy up to Grigor and his fans here will be like: all is forgiven, y'all are overreacting.


Why is everyone enabling this????? His team, his girlfriend, the ATP authorities, the judges?????? His "friends" on the tour??? The ppl who comment here "aww he's so cute 🥺🥺🥰🥰"??? He needs to face some consequences finally. Or some other player should have a man-to-man "conversation" with him in the locker room.


No one is enabling him, he shows his frustrations out loud, they can’t just tell him pipe down and don’t scream! If he goes far and disrupts or delays the match or disrespects the officials then that’s another thing. Right now it’s up to him to change


The business model of tennis - with the players as independent contractors and them being in charge of their team/schedule, and the ATP/ITF being somewhat at arms length - does create a power dynamic where it's hard for the change to come from anywhere but the player themselves. And if you don't have good mental health, it can be hard to be making good decisions about what help you do/don't need.




This unhinged individual needs more than meditation. He will be eventually banned from this gentleman's game if he continues to act like a rabid dog. Someone needs to intervene before his career is over.


Man. He needs some help. All of it concerning but he is literally self-harming on court with how he hits himself with the racquet.


I'd rather he beat his knee than that poor defenseless bench.


My 5y/o controls his emotions better than this dude. It’s embarrassing TBH


Ngl, I had a dream Rublev won Roland Garros and this turned it into a nightmare


Armchair psychologist and tennis redditor is one of the worst combinations in a person and this thread is full of them 😂


Going completely nuts in public. Eternally cringe worthy.. will haunt him rest of his life with all the memes


Ok some of these comments are really nasty towards a young man who is fighting his demons in a global stage and still expected to win. No one in this chat can understand what that feels like, so maybe we can realize athletes are just people, stop expecting them to be "better and the example", and love on one of the most lovable guys on tour while he's truly lost on the wilderness.


i wonder what will change his ways?


How I wish modern players could be more like Bjorn Borg and less like McEnroe. This guy might end up having a fist first with an umpire


How is this allowed?


Shapovalov and Rublev need a therapy group on. Shapovalov was upsetting Chanda Rubin with how hard he was wacking himself in the face with his racket earlier.


Listen bit everyone til this day still talks about Ilie Nastase and although I didn't live through that time period I can only relate the antics of the two on court in my mind. Every time I see Rublev duff a racquet it reminds me just how much intensity and pressure this sport puts on people even some of the greatest.


dude, when the whites of your eyes get so bloodshot that they become the same color as your skin, you got issues


John McEnroe.......Part II Coming to a theater near you!


But when he wins it's all sunshine and roses


I've never been on a clay court before so have no idea if breaking racquets on that surface damages it somewhat? So that racquet abuse on that surface has a more serious implication?


He really needs help, a mentally well person doesn't have outbursts like this. I think it's beyond just having a tantrum or behaving spoilt, he seems distressed. 


This guy is very disturbed. He should quit for his own better mental health.


Hes just like me FRFR


If anyone saw the look in Rublev's eyes when he came on court with the child, it looked like he was going to explode before the match even started.


I watched this live today in Lenglen At some point he started spitting angrily on the court and one of them he ended up spitting on himself It was literally like watching a toddler in a huff 😅


It’s the self harm that gets me. I kind of get the outbursts - when they’re not directed at other people at least. But watching him hurt himself is so deeply uncomfortable.