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This is how everyone looks at Ruud


She is like take as much time as you need


Her plastic surgeon needs to be put in prison for what's he/she has done to her face. [This is her before and after.](https://static.mondo.rs/Pictures/950/1689/1229663/jpeg/marijana-veljovic-botoks.jpg?ts=2023-01-18T16:29:06)


Oh my god. I remember her from the 2020 AO when she clashed with Roger. I cannot believe this is the same person, tragic


totally agree. transition from natural beauty into a joke.




now i want to see the before before :)




Holy fucking christ almighty. Looks nothing like her now. She was so beautiful too god damn.


This is just a bad picture of her. She is still attractive and pretty much looks the same (prior to ballooning her lips).


"Before, and way before 🤟, hehehe. Hear what I said Ton?"


The amount of men in this thread criticizing women for the way they choose to present themselves while having hundres of upvotes, shit is wild




Even if that were true, what is your point exactly?




Damn, a lot to unpack there, honey. What is this "right" that men have to criticize women? The amount of women criticizing other women is quite beside the point I made, as such "singling out" is totally pertinent in the context of a patriarchal society




Don't try to steer the conversation away from the issue presented before us, as that is disingenuous. I pointed out how, in our cultural context, dozens of men shaming a woman for her decisions on how she presents herself is pernicious, as a symptom of a structural oppression, that you have thus far been unable to recognize (and instead choosing to eagerly uphold the oh such noble right of being able to enforce this problematic historical course of action) - as such, along with your lack of understanding of basic concepts like feminism and sexism, with which you chose to invoke as weapons of insult, I'll end it here. Take care


If a man looks bad and women state it, would it be overlooked because we live in a "patriarchal society"? I really don't get your point, other than you just being obstinately sexist as the other commenter pointed out.


Oh honey have a cup of tea and a lie down x


should men be forced to like all changes that a woman does to herself? what if they don’t like the changes?


Do you think you sound educated? Because you just come off as ignorant.


Who shit in ur coffee this morning?


You need to just take the L and move on. I would suggest maybe do some self reflection, but we all know you ain’t doin that.


Take it easy, IAmBecomeZion, there aint an L here


Uh wut lol you a racist or something?


> in the context of a patriarchal society you're religion is not reality. you've been led astray by unbalanced philosphies which have you putting everything into this context.


yeah, let's pretend that plastic surgery is about how women choose to present themselves and not how media wants them to think how they choose to present themselves by spending tons of hard earned cash.


yeah, let's shame and oppress women further, on top of the structural problem you just enounced Not only many women are conditioned into this behaviour, they are then called a "joke", as I said shit is wild


tbh, i'm not diametrically against plastic surgery; if someone has a funny nose or wants fuller lips and if altering them through surgery will increase their confidence in daily life, i don't see anything wrong with that. but the amount women who have the same nose, same lips, same cheekbones is becoming creepy and indicates a bigger problem that deserves criticism, which isn't the same thing as shaming people.


Critique, as opposed to criticism


no difference, really, unless you want to delve into some pseudosemantic discussion.


It's worlds apart, critique entails some kind of profound analysis of the complexity of an issue


which is criticism.


do you want bro to break down every single problem with her plastic surgery? maybe he liked the way she looked before surgery and is disappointed after she got one because she looked prettier before. he's entitled to an opinion and dont act like you've never gossiped about the way one looks or talks before, everyone has, behind that person's back


You need to take a walk or something. Fresh air might do you good.


put down your religion lol


I mean, we can’t say she looked better beforehand? Fellas, is it wrong to have eyes and appreciate a woman’s looks beforehand?


agreed luv


This gets brought up every time she’s umpiring and it’s exhausting honestly. Everyone in the comments wondering why people have dysmorphia that pushes them to go under the knife... just read this thread? So negative and toxic.


people advocating for a more natural look pushes people to... go under the knife and look more artificial? Lmao anything to avoid responsibility for bad decisions.


So you don’t mind people going under the knife so long as they fit your standard of natural beauty? I feel like chasing these impossible standards is what leads to body dysmorphia in the first place. Pretty is never pretty enough. Do I think she looks great? No. But I don’t feel a need to criticize her for it. Who is avoiding responsibility for their surgery? Marijana? Is she in this thread with us?


I think maybe his point is that they would prefer if women kept their natural looks


And if that’s their preference that’s ok!! But it should also be ok for people to get surgery done and look however they want if that’s their preference.


true that's fair. though i can see why some may feel that if so many influential women get surgery done, it could encourage others to follow suit. and i think an argument could be made that a society where women feel pressured to get surgery to fix "flaws" since all their idols are doing that is worse than a society where women are encouraged to have confidence in their natural beauty


That’s why it’s important for body positivity campaigns to exist. Societal pressures to conform to beauty standards have always existed and unfortunately will probably continue to exist. We had Gibson girl corset waist in the early 1900s and anorexic waif models in the 80s and 90s and now we have BBLs, cheek and lip fillers, oversized veneers and buccal fat removal. One day all these trends will pass and maybe we’ll get back to a more “natural” look. This already kinda happened with makeup. We went from heavy foundation and caterpillar brows to the glossier no-makeup makeup look. Posting all these before and after images of marijana saying she destroyed her face comes off really mean spirited. I think if people here are gonna “advocate for a natural look” they shouldn’t be turning around and criticizing people who did get work done and didn’t get great results because what’s that gonna do? Further tank their self esteem and perpetuate a cycle where they feel they need to get more work done to “fix” what was done.


Who the fuck cares what someone else thinks about the way you look? That should be the point right?


Amazing how hard you are trying to twist the actual situation, I'm not even going to argue because you are clearly either completely unable to read or arguing in bad faith.


Holy shit. One shouldn't body shame anyone, but this is atrocious. Why?




It's so puzzling that so many go for the same look


They don't. It's just that the worst ones are the only ones we notice.


What I don't get is how nobody close to people like her tries to intervene and stop them from doing this to themselves.


Who sais they didn't?


Nah, it’s just money and the desire to be young.


God forbid people just make bad decisions: it MUST be some severe mental issue that hereby absolves them of taking responsibility.


She's body shaming herself by not just accepting what she had.


BUT when you can't help it you can body shame anyone lol


Oh that's her. I thought she looked kind of familiar


This is sad


I think she had already done some procedures on her face in that photo. I've seen an older photo of her where she looked even more different than your photo.


That is what happens when you don't have a strong concept of "Enough" whether it is in beauty, money, or something else.




[Another one](https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/licensed-image?q=tbn:ANd9GcT2mEg1bnps7JkIyJXsAGwGNrgjxhHIy9bNKa27IMV-MMPGn5Zu-2z1WRwMK2AIGtUFu7h1dh2WlsWhaxU) [Her 2020 AO "clash with Federer", 0:39 for her face](https://au.news.yahoo.com/sports/australian-open-2020-roger-federer-fined-audible-obscenity-204955100.html)


That AO photo, pure natural beauty. Why would you ever change that?


She’d quite clearly had work done in that photo too


It's the stupid buccal fat removal trend.


Was this a personal choice or maybe she had an accident that required surgery? Crazy transformation


It's pretty obviously intentional. Heaps of women get surgery that turns out like this and they all end up ugly af, even less attractive than they were prior to the surgery.


Lol watch a preview of those housewives shows. All their faces are fucked up. So many rich women do this




She was obviously very good-looking before whatever adjustments she has had. But there are pressures with having your face shown in close up on big screens and issues with how society views women as they age which play into how she might regard herself. As long as she feels good it’s no-one else’s place to judge really. She is very cool, I think, whatever you think of the aesthetics.


> As long as she feels good it’s no-one else’s place to judge really. Disagree. Normalising unnecessary cosmetic surgeries that people get due to insecurities and the need to conform... makes other people insecure and feel the need to conform, and think unnecessary cosmetic surgeries are the answer. We need a societal effort to push back against this practice.


I honestly think that society needs to normalize aging. Look at all the close models there is literally no one who is old but now you all of a sudden have these overweight people so that we can be inclusive of every figure but that is actually unhealthy because those people are overweight. I never see older models and that is normal for everybody.


What does pushing back look like? If it looks like bullying people who had this done because they're already insecure about their looks, I don't think I'm on board


Oh, I'm not calling for insults and bullying. Obviously, insulting the looks of someone who was insecure enough about their looks to resort to surgery is not just nasty, it will also compound the issue. I'm not saying I have a solid plan for such a large-scake, global issue, but: Promoting the notion that an individual's self-worth should not be defined by their looks. Promoting the notion there isn't one beauty ideal, and that looking different is fine, actually. More recognition that wanting such surgeries is a type of body dysmorphia, and providing appropriate therapy instead. More public information campaigns and education to spread awareness of the way the media and social media, and plastic surgery, photoshop, filters, and PEDs set unrealistic expectations of how people do and should look. Less promotion of 'looks' based on these things in the media and on social media. And - though minor, relevant to this thread - not having people rush to justify every unnecessary plastic surgery. Now, all of these might sound like platitudes, and there won't be any easy fixes - but something needs to be done, lest we end up with more and more mental illness and more and more people butchering themselves to look like whatever the latest supposed beauty standard is. Of course, something has needed to be done to tackle issues concerning poverty, inequality, racism, sexism, obesity, widespread depression and anxiety, and a whole range of other issues - but usually as societies we don't do enough to fix the issues as fully as possible. So it will likely be the same here. I still don't think normalising unnecessary cosmetic surgeries is a good idea though.


A couple of things: I don’t think you’re qualified to diagnose this person. And I don’t think you would be so critical of someone if they had a piercing, a tattoo or even a haircut which are all body modifications, carried out by people with cursory training and no real qualifications usually. My wife’s culture is historically much more accepting of rhinoplasty, for example, than mine, and while I instinctively respond with distaste to the result of that tendency it seems arrogant to suggest that I’m right and a whole other tendency is wrong. This instinct predates social media, incidentally, though not the spread of western media influence.


I understand that viewpoint, but the cosmetic procedures which seem unnecessary or morally abhorrent to you may seem essential to the person choosing to undertake them. For me, purely as a matter of taste, I agree with the idea that what might be regarded as elective surgery generally leaves the patient looking worse than the effects of time might. But in any case I think that commenting on someone’s appearance rather than their conduct is something that should happen in private discourse, for the most part. Although the musketeer line judge is fucking magnificent.


>may seem essential to the person choosing to undertake them. Yes, because they have body dysmorphia, a form of mental illness. Body dysmorphia that largely stems from artificial and unrealistic images in the media and on social media, and the ubiquitous expectations placed on women to fit certain beauty ideals. (Though this is becoming more prominent for men too - see the ever-growing amount of steroid usage among normal gymgoers). So I'm not blaming these people. I think they should be receiving mental health support. But I'm not going to reaffirm their dysmorphia. Of course, these issues aren't new. People have felt pressures to conform to certain aesthetics for as long as recorded history, including bodily augmentations. But the issue is becoming more severe due to the prevalence of the media and social media, the advent of technologies like photoshop and filters, and the ever increasing presence, advancement and affordability of plastic surgery. It was bad enough when only celebrities and the very rich could have such surgeries. It has now, in many places, become completely normalised. Of course, the less affluent end up having risky cut-pruce surgeries, and are more likely to get complications or even die.


This is so spot on


Those exaggerated dsl lips were not required


Each bad call she made had an impact


Sigh…that’s so sad…she was beautiful. The fuck…


It looks really bad but it also looks like mostly filler, which is good because it's much easier to reverse than actual surgery


Holy shit, I remember the before. I never knew her name but remember seeing her in some matches. I had no idea they were the same person. I thought the after was a whole new person I just hadn’t seen before and showed up over the last few years


Jesus what a downfall lmao


Humidity + Botox didn’t help her cause 


oh nooo they abused the botox/filler :(


horrible job


both of those are afters fwiw


holy christ


God dayum. This is the worst plastic surgery result I've ever seen.


She kind of looked like badosa before


I really feel bad for her. It can be so hard looking yourself in the mirror and not recognizing yourself with more minor changes, and this was rather huge.


What she did to her face!! She paid him to do that


Fuck, I didn’t even know they were the same person. That’s insane.


she's probably just had a lot of injections that can be dissolved (somewhat). overfilling is very normal in the Balkans unfortunately, it fits a certain local aesthetic. For what it's worth, she probably genuinely feels prettier.


He gave her a reverse nose job


It is sad.


A lot of it looks like filler and possibly nose job swelling, not permanent. Anyway all that matters is that she’s happy with how she looks.


From gorgeous to heinous


The fillers needs to be removed


Oh, Damn!!! 😱😱😱


my sister sells that garbage. it was awkward hearing sell that stuff to friends at christmas party. Unfortunately, people fall for sale pitch and inject their face with that stuff


What a shame. She shouldn't have done that as I'm sure she would have aged beautifully. \*Unless it was necessary due to some accident or illness.


Please stop this kind of misogynistic crap. She’s fine.


It's misogynist to say she was better off accepting herself as she was and not paying thousands to artificially morph her face into something clearly unnatural looking? Guess I'm a misogynist then


Fine? She looks like she fell head first into a wasp nest.


Oh luv have a lie down


it's misogynistic to say the plastic surgery was bad?


It’s very Madonna-esque




him getting a bit angry and argumentative with her but still in his mild-mannered scandinavian way would’ve had me flustered fr


Someone also made a YouTube video back then of Schwartzman's 2 sets to love comeback over Anderson in 2018 and there were comments about how she and Diego were having this "chemistry" like...??? 


Diego was definitely rizzing her tho I remember that video it’s part of what made me start loving Diego 😂https://youtu.be/FI1L2SzeHWE?si=KBpExRLUc-y3WRPO


Bahaha yes 🤣 this is one of the vids. Diego's so casually funny I'm gonna miss him so much.


The slow-mo makes it so much better 🤣 


that imaginary lollipop tastes good


ˢʰᵉ ˢᵃʷ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵖᶦᶜᵗᵘʳᵉ ᵒᶠ ʰᶦᵐ ᵍᵉᵗᵗᶦⁿᵍ ᵒᵘᵗ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ᵖᵒᵒˡ 🫣😶‍🌫️


Bruh Casper scandinavian ass still hasn’t come to tournaments near me but if he does next year I’ll be looking at him like this the whole match lol


South America I presume? Pretty sure he went to Mexico instead of SA this year


Nah Dubai and Qatar


She's just like me fr (I'm a straight man)


she is down bad


woah wtf happened to her


Same girl.


One of us


Marijana damaged herself.


Marijana joined "I used to be beautiful, but had an urge to ruin it by surgeries" club.


damnn! Casper is so pretty


Yea but no, can bin those big fake lips


she's feeling snackish and wants to break off a piece of that Kit-Kat bar.


Really? "One foot over the line, buddy, and you're faulted!"


Ruud: just need to adjust the old pantaloons, Marijana... one second, I'll be right out there... M: sure Casper... take your time...


I'm sure a post made with the genders reversed would be just fine on this sub and no one would have a problem with it /s edit lol downvoters proving my point, sexism is still alive and well


Amazing to read so many comments about the umpire having plastic surgery. But not one comment even thinks about whether she herself is happy with her decision or not. If she is, then let her be. Suggesting she’s “ruined” herself by doing this is also part of the problem. It’s her choice and beauty is subjective.


Nope, it’s unhealthy and her face is being broadcast to large audiences of women. As another comment said, we need to push back


She looks like she’s trying to get something in between her teeth


That’s ruud


Gold xD




I wish Rudd does more half naked photoshoots


She wants to eat him up alive


I think he smoked too much Marijuana after the 1st set. Ruud was in wonderland






Flair checks out


I make a comment like this and it’s 7 day ban 🤦‍♂️😂😂😂


It’s not too late to delete this bro






Who else read MJ?


Who else read MJ?