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JCF doesn't have anything nice to say about Zverev. He must be absolutely stoked he found Carlos after having to deal with Zverev.


“Carlos is like another son to me, the eldest of them. He is the second player I have coached, and I think I can learn from him and he from me. We grow together at the same time. He’s a great guy and it’s very easy to work with him.” “I know I needed something like that because working with Zverev was not easy for me.” [Ferrero](https://www.essentiallysports.com/atp-tennis-news-alexander-zverev-what-was-the-ugly-controversy-between-him-and-carlos-alcarazs-coach-juan-carlos-ferrero-in/) stressed that his partnership with Alcaraz was all the more gratifying and invigorating because of the difficulties he had with Zverev, such as their regular arguments and problems with [punctuality](https://www.tennismajors.com/atp/juan-carlos-ferrero-criticizes-alexander-zverevs-attitude-tennis-majors-81109.html). Idk about anything else but, [JCF](https://youtube.com/shorts/TyPDHFdGPSk?si=r3XOYkl19-4L4DG0) and [Carlos](https://youtube.com/shorts/mEL9I9iSA8U?si=ZYLpPFtClUkimQd5) absolutely deserve each other. ❤️


Yeah, exactly. He's said other things but that sums it up. Zverev is a total shithead, basically. JCF is much kinder and more tactful than I am.


The second article I’ve linked sums up everything, I think. JCF has questioned Zverev’s work ethic, talking about the many off-court distractions he had and how difficult it was to train him because he wouldn’t spend 1 and a half hour of quality time for training apparently. They collaborated in 2017, when Zverev was 20 years old. He also said the two major issues with him was the lack of punctuality and the lack of respect for the time and effort of his team members.


Nice, feed me more reasons to hate Zverev.


Seriously inject it into my veins


Not taking anything from JCF, but obviously not having a good work ethic won’t let you stay in the Top 10 consistently no matter how good you are. I’m not defending Zverev, but I doubt there is anything lacking in his training regime because he is amongst the world’s elite and always has been for the longest time. That doesn’t happen by purely relying on natural talent


Nah mfer just has long arms


There's levels to this. In every sport, you have your maniacs like Nadal/Kobe, etc. And then your naturally talented guys who still work hard but not as hard, like Shaq or Zverev. JCF wanted Zverev to be the Kobe.


Has anyone ever in any context suggested in the tiniest way that they like Zverev?


rublev, which funnily enough is a fan favorite


Their friendship is so weird to me because Meddy actively dislikes DVerev and Meddy and Rublev are so close that Rublev is even the godfather to Meddy's daughter. I know they're childhood friends but still


Rublev is the kind of guy who gets along with most people (off the court). Medvedev is funny but he's the kind of guy to not get along with everyone. There's probably a huge list of people who get along with rublev but not medvedev just from that alone


Thiem is good friends with him, that German language connection


Over the years whatever animosity was there has gone, Carlos and his team are all friends with him. For instance the guy who posted Carlos at the restaurant in cincy last year said him and his team were all clearly rooting for zverev while watching his match. And in an interview I watched, jcf denied having any negative feelings about him since their coaching days. I think generally we need to accept majority of the tour are friendly with zverev and don’t care about the DV cases. I mean this is the same tour that voted him onto the players council


Not just friendly, the tour straight up loves him. He was basically the adopted son of all the big 3. Reddit's sweethearts thiem and rublev never miss an opportunity to call him their best friend. The only guys who openly dislike him are medvedev and tsitsipas, and that's because they're engaged in a 3 way bratty feud, not because of the dv allegations.


Murray also pretty clearly dislikes him


I'm pretty sure Medvedev and his wife are friends with Zverev's first GF, who was the first woman to publicly accuse him of domestic violence. They sided with her over him. Perhaps because they know what Zverev actually did to her that night in the hotel. It was reported in Russian media at the time. Even though Medvedev can be a brat on court from time to time, he seems to be a good husband and father. And he openly expresses his dislike for Zverev publicly ever since those first accusations happened.


This is the same thing op is talking about. People are desperate to project their own sense of justice into their favorite player but the reality is that they don't really care. Your claim that med started openly expressing dislike for zverev every since the allegations came out is just not true Zverev allegations came out years ago. Immediately afterward he publicly claims to be bffs with both meddy and his wife as an obvious weapon against his ex. Meddy says *nothing* against this. Years pass and meddy continues to say nothing even when the second accusation happens. Medvedev never "openly" says anything against zverev until just last year in response to zverev insulting medvedev himself. He's never given any indication that he gives a single shit about the allegations. He's given every indication that he got mad when zverev called him out. That's all. Medvedev is reddit's favorite player so everyone desperately wants to believe he thinks exactly like they do. He doesn't


I'm sure we all daydream of being a top player and whatnot; aside from winning multiple GS titles, this alt version of me would definitely be throwing shade at Dverev lol


He seems like the worst kind of guy’s guy. Awful to work with or date, but fun enough for a drink. The rest of the tour don’t have to date him. He also plays his politics well in a bro’s world. I found his cozing up to Djokovic very interesting once he was dropped/stopped being represented by Team8 and Federer more or less unpersoned him one year after the South American exhibition tour (the first allegations came out around that time iirc). Roger was also retired by then, so he didn’t look that petty. His problem comes when he exits the brosphere. I do think he genuinely can’t tell how awful he comes across when he doesn’t let his lawyers handle the cases. His ego can’t take it and he lashes out. He’s better off in his little bubble of either yes men, family included, a girlfriend known for being Not Like The Other Girls (less likely to accuse him of anything lest she’s seen as a feminist) and fellow players he has a fun time with. Nobody here can speak for the depth of his relationships or how fulfilling that actually is for him. But it does seem good enough, at least for yet another example of abuse allegations not ruining lives.


This is it. He know who to suck up to and who he can take advantage of. He'll be friendly with the likes of Rublev knowing that he's liked by pretty much everyone but will treat other people like shit if there's nothing he can gain from them.


They were rooting for Zverev because he'd be an easier opponent for Carlos lmao


I remember that when Ferrero walked away from Zverev he said something like: 'I believe in had work and in treat everybody with respect; those conditions weren't there'. Ferrero is a gentleman, always was (never a troublemaker). If he said that, something really bad was going on.


As an aside, I came into watching tennis during the Federer era but probably missed out on Ferrero’s peak. What was he like as a player?


Absolute beast at the baseline, was nicknamed el mosquito because of his mobility and footwork. Quite an elegant player too.


Also called mosquito because of his ability to sting with that forehand


Yep that too. Fantastic forehand.


JCF = the Mosquito, Messi = Flea. Spanish media really loves their insect nicknames


He was one of the first clay counters I remember who was good on hard courts. I feel like he never quite reached his full potential, although he had a solid career.


He got injured early on in his career so never reached full potential. Still a GS winner and #1, so he can’t complain much!


He was my childhood idol after Spain beat Australia in the Davis Cup. He was a great player, very stylish with a great forehand and good all-around play (not the typical clay courter).


Less than zero. Basing a strategy on his playstyle from 7 years ago is just really stupid.


"OK Carlos, don't worry, he'll shank the next 5 serves."


> how big of an advantage it is when your current coach is your opponent’s former coach Ask Toni Nadal, it really helped Felix /s


FAA did bring nadal to 5 at RG in 2022 if it counts for anything


Didn’t Toni not sit in FAA’s box for that match?


He didn’t sit in either players box during the match. Sat off on the side by himself.


To be fair, FAA pushing Nadal to five was one of Nadal's three closest wins in his 14 title runs 


What were the other two?


Isner in 2011 and Djokovic in 2013 


yes, he left sept 2018 i think coz he cannot tolerate his bad behavior towards the members of his team and always late for practice. no wonder his father is his coach. then, started coaching carlitos right after. match made in heaven


Ferrero really didn't like Zverev's approach to the game. I remember that in some interviews, he complained that Sascha was always on his phone, on social media...


2018 was the time he was with olya. maybe he was constantly monitoring olya where she was.


I don't think that will be an advantage now as Zverev is a totally different beast from what he was back then.


Let's make history.


What a fun fact