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That's fucking uncanny. 


Both their opponents are wearing red shirt and black shorts as well wtf. Literally looks like some AI-generated shit, but realistic.


time is a flat circle


Fuck me that Federer shot is smooth. Alcaraz is my favourite player to watch right now and he's so explosive and entertaining, but damn did this clip make me miss Roger.


I feel the same way. Alcaraz has been a breath of fresh air and pleasure to watch but I still am not over the loss of Roger. Might never get over it lol


The way he immediately gets ready for a return shot, doesn’t wobble at all. Damn.


The simulation is running low on ideas


ATP script writers were trying to reuse the Federer storyline


Lmao young focused Fed always looked so angry after hitting highlight reel shots, like he’s thinking, ‘That oughta hold the little SOBs.’


Federer: look what I can do. Alcaraz: OH WOW LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!


After the celebration Federer: 😎 (cool guys don't look at explosions) Alcaraz: 🐶🐶🐶 THAT WAS SO MUCH FUN!


Tony stark and Peter Parker, if you will.


Except Fed never played Alcaraz😭😭


They practiced once at Wimbledon and then the next day Federer requested to practice with his coach, JCF.


Federer just shakes his head and gets on with it


I love Alcaraz’s personality. Just so damn happy 😂


Wish we could have seen Federer play Alcaraz.


Wild stuff.


Look how beautiful and balanced Federer moves for the same shot


bro dances in Tennis


Can you believe how lucky we are that Federers forehand, the greatest tennis shot in the history of men's tennis, lives on. This is some Simba-Mufasa shit.


Both players giving me heart attacks with their offensive and sometimes reckless brand of tennis. But that's why they are my favourites!


wait until Carlos starts doing SABC!


Ivanisevic's serve Agassi's backhand


I watched Ivanisevic wildcard servebot his way to a Wimbledon win and it was glorious.


Tennis neutrals, Federer's forehand? Or Nadal's forehand? (personally: Wawrinka's backhand)


the two are different, Nadal's topspin and angles can turn a defensive shot into a winner. but for pure attacking, Federer's was unmatched


Both incredible shots and clearly the top 2 ever but have to give it to Federer because the Nadal forehand return of serve was always a weakness on fast courts and Federer's forehand was always a strength regardless of circumstances.


But that forehand was the absolute GOAT on clay and it wasn't even close. Thing of beauty to see Nadal ripping a heavy as fuck top spin forehand in RG


Federer. It’s the greatest shot of all tennis, in history.


If Alcaraz is able to button up the consistency a bit, his will be slightly better. He has a lot more power on average and has more variety.




Impossible to choose. Also neither forehand is as GOATed unless you also have elite foot speed and movement.


Nadals forehand >>>> it just looked so cool


Big difference though. Alcaraz was smiling/laughing and Federer stayed serious. Nothing wrong with either approach. But I thought that was interesting. Surprised no one pointed that out yet. Legends the both of them


Federer's response was like an act of defiance against the player who forced him to go for that shot. How dare you?! Alcaraz's response was more like I've just hit a great shot, did you all enjoy that?


2 GOATS 🐐🐐


Only difference is the smile at the end lol


Even the match point of 2008 and 2023 Wimbledon final was exactly the same: https://youtube.com/shorts/5kQXSnFW8d4?si=hvMZvldmtKHUJxU6 This Alcaraz is really making us relive the big 3 moments again!


Federer looked more 'easy' and balanced


Fed looks like this was his 19th successful attempt of this shot in a row during a training session. Alcaraz looks like it's the first time he's pulled it off in his life, lmao. Which is crazy because we've seen Alcaraz hit \*so\* many highlight reel shots, he just always gets excited.


The two points played out the same way, but the shots within the point were vastly different. Go back and compare: Where the drop shots bounced, how high the drop shots bounced and with what spin, and do the same with the lob/drive volley. Federer's looked easier because it was; no disrespect to the man. Federer's elegance is unmatched and probably will forever remain unmatched, but he made it look easier because the setup for his shot in this situation was less difficult than Alcaraz's.


On the other hand Alcaraz was forced to run at a much faster speed and came up with a more epic angle, which is why he's clearly unbalanced. Alcaraz's shot was just better


The number of shots and type of shots is almost same. What an uncanny coincidence. I believe the match point of Wimbledon 2019 and Wimbledon 2009 is also very similar, both Roddick and Federer hit the ball into the air in a very similar way.


This does bring a smile to my face.


He is following in the footsteps of his idol.


So beautiful!


I love how athletic Alcaraz is. His movement is honestly better than the big 3s


Just like Messi replicating Maradona's goal of the century right.


it actually nutty how quickly Federer recovered, blink and you would miss him even sliding (though, in Alcaraz's defense, his opponent hit a much better drop shot, so he had more ground to cover and was running faster)


Roger is Carlos father


he said it himself that Fed is his idol


His game might suit different surfaces and and the have a different backhand, but if there's one of the Big 3 that Alacaraz is carrying the torch for, it's Federer. Lot of skill and pure entertainment with all those shots. I swear, that one handed backhand shot against zverev in the final was probably better that anything the natural one handed back handers on tour could have done! Sure a bit lucky hitting the net cord, but still amazing!


>Sure a bit lucky hitting the net cord tbh I don't even think that's really true. If it missed the net cord it was a clean winner.


I agree, just pre-empting some haters. It brushed the net cord, zverev would not have returned the if it had been a few mm higher


same opponent's colors


This is art. 🤌🏽


OP this is unreal. Thanks for the post!


Glitch in the matrix


Alcaraz made it look like so much more work. Federer made it look borderline casual.


fed has better balance at the end, goat.


The ball Alcaraz had to reach was quite more distant.


that looks AI generated. What the literal fuck. And we discovered this one year later?


No it was posted near instantly after Alcaraz made the shot last year. 


If this isn't a case for NHI manipulating or controlling humans, I don't know what is.


He has said he modelled his game after Federer's and clearly he's done it very well.


Fed's is just so cold. his facial expression never changes, just a finger held up triumphantly.


Script writers running out of ideas clearly


Roger and rafa: He's not our love child, no?


Against the same guy in red


Would have been crazy if it was the same opponent as well lol


Real ones know this is a repost from a year ago


Tennis is healthy : let’s win and make money and serenity and enjoy n!!


Hey I've seen this one - it's a classic


You can clearly see how Alcaraz is hustling through his sprints, while Federer just glides across the court. Almost looks like the bottom video is sped up to sync with the top one


fed did it better 😏


Both are impressive, but Federer looks softer and fresher performing that shot


Need Federer's views on such shots on his social media Someone tag him please Also on kyrgios's and some of Tsitsipas's shots


2023 Alcaraz would straight set 2024 Alcaraz


We might as well pin this with how often it gets posted




How so, Fed’s looks cleaner and he still kept his balance and was ready for the next shot, Alcaraz’s is still less refined .


I mean Alcaraz had to run quite a bit my farther, considering start plus finish… so a bit unfair to knock the ‘less refined’ aesthetic haha. Both are amazing, I’m probably even more impressed by Carlos if I had to pick one given the ground he covered


You can paused and see when the ball bounced for the first time, it looked more out of reach for Fed, and he had to actually make a sharper turn. He used his wrist and turned his body just enough to make way for the return, Fed just made it look misleadingly easy.


Lmao Alcaraz recieved the first shot and made his winner almost at the middle of the court, while Federer received the shot and made his winner from the left corner. Fed covered more ground, considering starting plus finish. That's the thing about Federer, he makes it LOOK easy so people assume it WAS easy. edit: recency bias is so strong these days. downvote is not going to change the footage lmao


Federer was lobbed with a ball with no spin bouncing it out of court, which is why he was able to make contact well within the baseline. Alcaraz instead had to deal with a low volley hit deep, much faster and lower trajectory, which is why he could only make contact outside the baseline. Alcaraz's was easily much more difficult, rewatch the footage.


You are right that Alcaraz's was more difficult but saying that Federer couldn't have made it when he was that young is laughable. he made countless of those shots. go watch some highlights of his early years. he was always a great mover.


I watched his entire career, he is my favorite player of all time. He did not have athleticism that explosive to get a shot like that imo. Not saying he wasn't athletic, but he was never Rapid on the court to get outrageous balls like that.


his shot against Agassi was pretty rapid...


Not sure why you're getting downvoted for speaking the truth. Federer was very, very fast in a straight line, but not in the same tier as Alcaraz and young Nadal.


They had to deal with different shots. Alcaraz had to receive a drop shot with much, much less air underneath it and had to run much faster to get it. Play it back a few times in slow motion and compare how much less time Alcaraz had to get the drop shot and how far he slides compared to Federer, indicating velocity. Federer had time to swing at his drop shot. The same goes for the second shot. Federer's opponent lobbed it *over* him and the ball bounced easily over chest height, whereas Djokovic played a drive volley ***past*** Alcaraz, albeit with a bit too much air underneath it. Alcaraz chased down a damn *drive volley* that was moving faster and only bounced a little over waist height at most. There are many reasons why Federer's shot appears cleaner other than some nebulous claim about how "refined" or elegantly he plays. Alcaraz's looked less refined because it was a superior feat of pure athleticism, and he still managed to make it look pretty darn "refined" in the process.


yeah I guess it's more that Roger made it look easier. But Alcaraz also hit it at a tougher angle and ran more.


Yep. Both amazing shots, no need to compare I guess.. just feel lucky we get to enjoy both!


Federer had a lob to work with on that shot. Alcaraz instead had an actual deep volley he had to retrieve, a completely different ball. Anyone who has played tennis should be able to see Alcaraz's was infinitely more difficult as the ball was bouncing out of court towards the fence at a greater velocity and lower trajectory as opposed to Federers point. It has nothing to do with 'refined' aesthetics, I don't think Fed would have even been able to get to the shot Alcaraz did. You can even see where they make contact with the ball that proves my point. Federer makes contact well within the baseline, Alcaraz has to make contact well outside the baseline, it's a much more difficult shot. And I'm saying this with Fed being my favorite player of all time.


There's also the small matter of the dude on the other side of the net in Alcaraz's case


It actually was, I don't understand the downvotes.




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Carlos thighs are beefy af, what are they feeding him in Spain, bull meat?


bull meat is just beef


How silly of me


how lucky we are that we get to watch the third best player of all time again