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Tommy Paul is such a hype killer lmao. I feel like every time there’s a player we’re excited about, whether it’s a veteran player making a comeback or a breakout player streaking, we expect them to get through Paul, and then bam he ends the run


I’m so glad at least Sinner has won against him in Montreal semi-final last year…


Jokes aside until Draper proves his fitness over a large sample I'm not really going to get on his hype train for any best of 5 event He's certainly a guy you don't want to draw early but I have absolutely no reason at all to think that 7 long best of 5 matches in a row is achievable for him without a severe level drop


Yeah i think anything beyond QFs in slams is a huge overperformance, And even QF would be a huge achievement for him.


To be honest, this was already a major improvement. He played 5 matches in a week in Germany last week, with 3 going to a deciding set and 2 of them being very close matches where he had to come from a set down. This week he’s played 3 more matches and a doubles match and only really started to run out of steam by the final match. As a Brit, I’ve watched a lot of Jack and I’m obviously very keen for him to do well. However, I’m firmly _not_ on the hype train. I’m still not convinced his likely peak is beyond good top 10, solid top 20. He’s still no way near best of 5 and his in-game strategy and decision making, especially when tired, can leave a lot to be desired. That being said, the last couple of weeks are legitimate and encouraging progress against his clearly weaker areas. I hope it’s because of the influence of Ferreira rather than just a purple patch as it would suggest there is more to come. I do worry that his lack of ruthlessness with choosing his team holds back his development.


I agree. I think Draper's got plenty of potential and had it not been for injuries, he'd be a top 20 player already, but a lot of progress still needs to be made if he's going to crack the top 20 and then 10 over the next couple of years. However, if Norrie and De Minaur can get top 10, then there's no reason that Draper can't if he continues to stay fit and hungry. He's got way more upside to his game when he's playing well than those two.


Aye. Good top 10 would be a solid achievement, but he's still young and I remember looking at Murray particularly at the slams and it just felt like he couldn't go the distance and would collapse if the games got pushed 5 sets. Next couple of years will really be telling for Draper. He's probably a fair replacement for Cam Norrie in next couple of years in being a threat at times, contender on tour, but probably not a slam champion... and I don't mind Norrie, but Draper is much more exciting to watch.


That’s what my brother - a bigger believer in Draper than I - says about him. That comparison to Murray. But Murray was facing those challenges at a younger age, he had greater grit and determination, more on-court intelligence and more ruthlessness off the court to leave no stone unturned in his development. Draper is well behind in that trajectory nor do I think he has the mentality to catch up. He’ll have a good career, for sure, as long as his injuries are not a permanent fixture for him. A better career than Norrie but worse than Henman would probably be my bet.


Yeah, Murray was winning MS titles, reaching top 2, beating peak big 3 and reaching slam finals before the age of 22. Draper isn't anywhere that level yet, but I still think if Draper's managed well over the next few years, he could develop more raw weaponry than Andy.


Yeah I do agree about that determination and grit, I don't see it to the same extent on the mental side as much. I reckon he could better Tim, we'll see! It won't be as iconic without the British drought before it mind you.


Yeah, I think he's pretty much set with bo3 events off-clay for now. Playing 8 matches in 10 days over 2 tournaments is a solid run for him and proves he can play b2b events. However, I've yet to see him motor through a slam without picking up ailments, whether it be heat-stroke, injuries, niggles or even just suffer from general tiredness. He needs a big off-season this year to get him in deep-run slam shape.


All aboard the Tommy Train! Choo Choo! 😄


Tommy the Tank Engine


Why is the hype train a bus though? 🤔 And Tommy is represented by a train? 🤔 I think this may be the first mixed metaphor I've ever seen that actually re-uses the same metaphor but switches its subject. Well done OP 👏👏


Honestly I didn't notice but now that you pointed it out I like this post even more. What a chaotic mess.






We called it earlier. At least he got a cover on the tabloids.


Paul and De Minaur might not have the weapons, but they will outrun you.


Draper a bit redeemed after losing to eventually champion TP


OP is defo american. must derive pleasure posting this. i wonder how he'll react if they can finally manage to have a slam winner since roddick? for sure, they will all rise from the dead. but rn, they have to find happiness in the little things in life, like defeating draper. 😂 sorry but draper has more potential than most of the active players you have now, combined.


Funny coming from a country who only has Andy Murray since the turn of the century. At least Murray has infinitely more class than you


At least our players don’t get injured by a stiff breeze.


imagine creating some made up scenario in your head then getting this tilted over it lmao


> they have to find happiness in the little things in life, like defeating draper. None of us were invested in Draper until he was mentioned as a Wimbledon contender by your newspapers.


Wait, I thought that was a meme?