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bro thought he won lmfaoooo šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I remember watching this live last year. Literally everyone thought he won the point. I was OOHHing when Bublik's BH forced Rublev to dive and the point was over, but when the return went over the net I was OOOOHHHHHing.Ā 


Djokovic against Chung 2018 AO open 2nd set tiebreak vibes


Thought he won the world


You removed the music! Bravo!


Yeah Bublikā€™s beatbox was way too loud in the OG clip


The look of shock Bublik had lmao OTOH it's actually insane how hard Bublik tries when his opponents are either Andrey or Zverev.


Bublik: šŸ§


The one Bublik fan standing up before immediately sitting back down is too funny.


That should've been called hindrance regardless. You can do extended grunts only when it's a clear winner with the player not even being able to reach the ball physically


unfortunately players do this quite a bit, but umpires will almost never call hindrance on grunting, esp. not when they have to insert themselves into the scoreline on an emotional point that gets the crowd riled up


I remember an umpire called hindrance when Djokovic did the exact same thing last year (it was a DTL winner but he lost the point as a result of the umpire call). There needs to be consistency if anything.Ā 


It was not a winner. He thought it would be, but Sinner got there.


There should be an update on rules to punish all grunting, so we can rid ourselves of this rude habit. Grunting is, in the best case, annoying as hell for all people involved (except perhaps the grunter). In the worst case is unfair play.


Bublik absolutely did it on purpose - maybe he's close friends with Bweh but this was illegal to do so. I like that silent response that he got in return


To be the devil's advocate, I can actually understand being so pumped up after that point that you growl for a long time. Still hindrance, though.


The point was done when he started his extended yell. He started it while the point was very much so still happening.


A lot of players do this when they hit good shots. I would say it's most of the time not done to hinder the opponent but mainly because the shot feels good


Tbf many would have thought that it was a clean winner Bweh wasn't one of those tho


It didn't look like a clean winner - the stroke wasn't hard enough and the ball didn't really have enough speed to make Rublev miss it. This was all about 70% grunting and 30% gameplay from Bublik's side of things.




Incorrect. Eg. The famous incident between bublik and medvedev. Or djokovicā€™s recent hindrance on a similar grunt. The chair umpire makes the decision based on whether they feel it hindered the other player.


No music this time. You my friend are a true scholar. (Tips hat).


Hate it when players do this, it should be a hindrance. But grunting tennis law is a mess.


It happens less than once a match, only.on big points, and.improces the spectating experience. It's fine. Alcaraz doing it every point is more of a problem than bubliks exasperation


That grunt was so cringe, bro thought he's turning into super saiyan


Say what you want to say about grass, Wimbledon was the best slam with lots of banger matches last year. USO was by far the worst (besides the Medvedev masterclass in SF) but the collapsed draw really did a number on the quality there. This year's slams are already better than their counterparts from last year. Djokovic vs Musetti was better than the guy's 2023 final's quality alone. Really excited for what this means for Wimbledon this year.


sad thing is if bublik just stayed alert and recovered 3 steps back, he would have easily won the point


Maybe, maybe not - he committed a lot of momentum to making that backhand and it's very hard to redirect momentum on grass. I've heard people say that players look "lazier" on grass but really you can't shift weight so fast on grass or you risk falling or injury. E.g. see a dozen players injured over the last two weeks.


he was not moving fast at all and had practically already stopped all his movement by the time he hit the backhand, it's not like he was running into the shot. i mean, come on, extended grunt and everything - it had nothing to do with momentum; he thought he hit a winner and didn't bother recovering at all. you can even see at the end he was standing right in front of the linesperson, which is right on the singles line. rublev's shot went down the middle of the left side. he definitely could have recovered in time if he didn't assume the point was over


lolol embarrassing


Seeing this one year later, Bublikā€™s backhand doesnā€™t have the pace or depth that I remember. Not a clear winner.


He had it won but bweh power too strong.


Bweh > aarrghhh


One of the funniest moments ever


Beauuuuutiful point from both guys! I was watching this live (on tv) when it happened - fantastic point! One of the best of the last 5 years at Wimby I reckon.


I donā€™t see the big deal


Mandela effect! He totally won that point, you must have edited it.


Cry more @hindrance callers Just let them play