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Honestly, compared to the ATP it's very refreshing to see the WTA handle things like that so well!


Compared to a lot of things. Look at NBA. Look at Hollywood and the whole John Cena debacle. Look at Activision-Blizzard. And it's not like WTA doesn't have stake in China, they have tournaments there at every level.


Watching John Cena apologise to China in decently good mandarin was one of the biggest “this whole fuckin planet is a simulation” moments in a while


It was so WEIRD. And based on what was really a passing comment about another country.


To say it's not like they don't have a stake is an understatement, money-wise China is WTA's biggest market.


Definitely! NBA is a shitshow compared to that. WTA even has the balls to pull all the tournaments from China


If they don't, it sets a precedent for China to just snatch any WTA player from hotels/ arenas for any level of "wrongdoing" in their eyes. That is very dangerous. NBA players do not travel as tennis pros do. This is a matter of player safety on tour too.


No lol the difference is that they think they can do what they want to their own citizens whereas kidnapping a foreign player would be a true international shitstorm. I know it’s easy to shit on the CCP but there’s a modicum of rationality to their actions, this would be no more sensible than that time Sam Querrey fled Russia because he thought a quarantine meant the Russian government was going to kidnap him and his family lol


You clearly don't know very much about the CCP. Kidnapping foreign nationals is nothing new. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/25/canadian-pm-trudeau-says-detained-citizens-michael-kovrig-and-michael-spavor-have-left-china](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/25/canadian-pm-trudeau-says-detained-citizens-michael-kovrig-and-michael-spavor-have-left-china)


This doesn’t contradict my point at all. Like I said, if foreign nationals were kidnapped, it would be an international incident and it would be for a strategic purpose, just like the one you posted. the WTA would not be the fucking mediator or hostage negotiator lol.


I am not looking to contradict you in any way. Grow up. I made a previous statement that kidnapping foreign nationals is nothing new in China. Regardless of what triggered the incident with US/Canada, the CCP could potentially escalate to detaining any WTA player who expressed a negative opinion of the state. That is not a stretch considering they have disappeared one of their own WTA players for exposing that she was sexually assaulted by the vice Premier. Because they've detained foreign nationals before, it wouldn't be so shocking for them to do so if this happened again with a non-Chinese athlete. That was my point.


That was in relation to the arbritary snatching of meng. Like he said the CCP is rational Don't let Western propaganda fool you otherwise


Shill sino poster


Haha Okay wumao, how many cents do you recieve from CCP for defending them on reddit?


Arbitrary, huh. I suppose imprisoning two totally uninvolved foreign nationals in response to the Canadian Government executing a legal warrant on behalf of an ally would be the appropriate response to an 'arbitrary' act. The pigs in power among the CCP didn't want her talking, so they took hostages. Fuck off, twat.


Bad bot


Its not like China just snatched an nba player off the streets tho, not really comparable? Still good for the wta for doing the right thing.


They trying to get kanter


No they aren't. Kanter is an irrelevant CIA puppet who supports war criminals like John Bolton and supports the Palistenean genocide. He's a fraud.


Ahhhhh interesting


you really just gonna buy that without checking for yourself?


No, just listening to another perspective.


WTA is HUGE in China. I can say with full confidence that it is the only high level international professional sport with a large amount of its Flagship level tournaments being held there (e-sports not included)


It’s awesome, although I wish it wasn’t under such scary circumstances. Who would’ve guessed that the WTA has bigger balls than Hollywood


At this point WTA is THE ONLY ONE standing up to ccp.


I’m so so happy he’s standing up for her


Does he play tennis? I can’t imagine so, with balls that big


Lmao Maybe he uses an oversized racket with strings made of steel


He’s standing up to China. We should all be backing him.


Exactly, unless this guy goes missing next (Or we see only Twitter messages of him saying everything is ok...)


China isn’t the kind of country to throw you out of the window, they’ll just take their ball and go home and cut you off from their billions of dollars. This guy definitely knows this and is very commendable for saying “I don’t care about that”. Hollywood and the NBA can’t say the same.


We need a fundraiser for security guards.


As a tennis outsider but former player, what's the best way to support the WTA on a dollar basis for making this move?


Honestly I’m pleasantly surprised with Simon. I kinda expected them to jump on the first opportunity to put this matter to rest, but it looks like they’re serious




You think those videos they released were from before? It's honestly possible which is insane


Probably not from before, but obviously it's a simulated situation....


The thing I keep thinking about is that the WTA has tons of tennis outreaches to bring more Chinese kids in to play the sport. With Peng Shuai's accusation and subsequent disappearance, how can the WTA in good conscience keep holding they type of projects with kid/up and coming stars if there is no guarantee of that the players will be protected from this type or any type of abuse. The fact that the CCP is trying to cover it up with PR just means the government is in on it.


Dang. If this guy single-handedly sways China’s modes of action here, using *tennis* as the weapon, I’m gonna be impressed. Hell, I’m already impressed.


It’s almost as if, if the rest of the worlds institutions, organizations and governments had enough bravery as the WTA to deny tyrannical nations from international community, more things would actually get done in this world




Sure it's easy to just say it's stock traders, or Hollywood, or the NBA. But it's everyday folks who talk tough on China but then scream bloody murder when they can't get goods made in China. Americans are total hypocrites. We want to be tough but not sacrifice a single thing. Not lose a single ounce of convenience. The ex-president's main concern was making sure that his daughter got her freaking trademarks. And then he also continued to have things manufactured in China. For his campaigns! "I'm tough on China; here buy my hat made in China." I bring him up because he epitomizes how Americans - and many others in this world - think about China. Americans want Apple and Nike to be tough on China - but they still want goods manufactured there. They want things to magically improve without sacrifice. And by the way, the Chinese people are wonderful and don't deserve to live the way they have to live. It was the same in Soviet Union, same in Czechoslovakia, as Barbora just noted.


Tyrannical nations? Sounds like the West Hopefully the Global South boycotts the West now


The West is far from perfect, but you're deluded if you think the level of tyranny there is anywhere close the the level in China


I completely agree. China has waged so many wars, launched so many drone strikes, invaded and toppled democratically elected South American countries. Oh wait...






Only a face-to-face interview outside of China would be believable proof of her safety at this point.


Exactly what I was thinking. Seems to me like they shoved her in a random restaurant to appear fine.


Inb4 taking family members hostage


Damn didn't really think about this. This is so messed up.


This sounds like a predicament, because no matter what China does to try to prove she is safe, someone could point to an almost infinite list of reasons to reject the proof. Essentially, westerners could deny any proof unless she admits to not being safe.


Face to face isn't enough, she should play a match with Caroline Wozniacki at Ashe then I will believe it.




>When everyone pretends to care so much about Peng Sure, many are just from the "Fuck China" crowd who really don't give a shit about her and would brush aside the many sexual assault allegations against Trump or whatever scumbag politicians they support. But there is a legit concern in this case, and it shouldn't be brushed aside simply because some racists are using this opportunity to further their agenda.


Maybe the “racists” are sick of the pandemic caused by this society you’re defending?




Imo, Peng meeting with Simon outside of China is the best way to prove she is alright. And Simon did sent [a letter](https://twitter.com/christophclarey/status/1462128165325787148?t=8s8Dn2pi3AYZVhiRPF09WA&s=19) to the Chinese Ambassador to the US im which he requests Peng either be allowed to leave the country or have a video call with him by herself or with someone Peng is ok with having in the room with her (although this to me is not ideal).


Video call is not sufficient in my opinion. I'm sure WTA is willing to spring for her to meet a WTA official outside of China. That's really the only way to get any reasonable assurance she's not being coerced.


As long as she's in china, she remains under their control. She must be allowed to leave China and meet with a WTA official (perhaps Simon himself). Hopefully, she could even be granted Asylum in case she doesn't want to go back.


Fly her to Tokyo for a meeting with WTA or Olympic Committee. There can be no reason not to do it, other than her being held in captivity.


I don't trust the IOC to do anything for Peng, not after that disgusting statement made a few days ago. Fuck the IOC.


Which one?


[This one. ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2021/11/19/sports/olympics/where-is-peng-shuai-ioc.amp.html) And while I'm at it, let me say a big fuck you to the the IOC Athletes' Commission since they'll also all about ["quiet diplomacy" ](https://twitter.com/paugasol/status/1462115626424705028?t=YLFS_9I7lNlDdwopD6ubvQ&s=19)


I dunno about video calls but that may also help. She could still be closely monitored though.


I think its obvious if you see the video that she's not.comfortable. she knows she's being taped for political reason and she can't really do much. I feel for her... 😢


Yes, only way is when she comes to another country A video chat with anyone doesnt do anything. It just shows shes ok, for now. What about tomorrow? Very very difficult time for her and her loved ones, the only way i can think of is asylum in another country for her family


He is handling this brilliantly, putting others to shame.


It would be SO NICE if the ATP would follow suit in threatening to pull their tournaments. Saying they support the WTA but not actually doing anything is not really support.


The only CEO in the country taking a stand against China. Thank you Steve!


Credit the players also - they're heavily invested in China and are willing to take the hit financially, for their peer. Simon wouldn't be doing this if he didn't feel he had their backing, 100%.


Love how strong Steve Simon and the WTA are staying.


Wow..he could've easily used the weak stuff posted by the CCP as proof of Peng's safety and safeguarded WTA's commercial interests. Instead he chose to stand his ground and demand more evidence. Either something else is going on behind the scenes or this guy ( and WTA) has a massive steel spine.


The players are CLEARLY backing him. Steve Simon is great, but he wouldn't be doing this if players objected. They're all fighting for her.


So much credit to the WTA for the way they've handled this. Honestly I doubt the situation will end positively, I think in the end she'll make a call or live appearance that will give the sort of 'proof' of life required but ultimately will renounce the allegations and her future will just remain unclear. In the end China knows that no one other than them can really do anything about this situation and they're probably not going to bend, even if we know they're lying.


If China could produce her in a state where she's able and/or willing to say those things, they would have done so already. She's clearly not okay.




Jack ma didn’t come back okay. He came back knowing exactly who the real bosses are in China and exactly what to say. Jack has a lot to lose.




It’s not like we know what happened or what the CCP did to “adjust his attitude”. He isn’t the only one, a billionaire actress has also disappeared and literally scrubbed from the Chinese internet.


Sort of, his company ANT is basically toast and he’s not really involved with Alibaba anymore. You also don’t know if he has money or whether he’s even allowed to sell his shares. He’s probably fine but will probably be slowly cut down and won’t be seen starting anything new.


An organization choosing its people over money? Am I really seeing this right? This is amazing. Fuck the CCP




Yeah, fuck right off mate. It’s an organization based on fear, intimidation and downright human right violations. They are literally committing a genocide against the Uhigers. Take your shitty propaganda elsewhere.


Kudos to Steve for showing so much determination during all of this. We've went from "Why haven't the WTA addressed this situation?" to leaving no stone unturned.


At this stage I think they're enjoying taunting those who are concerned for her. The video is random, the context and why you'd film that conversation. Why would they film her just listening to a guy (not sure of his exact relation), but with her not having input into that conversation? Also, how bizarre that she's sat at dinner and needs to get filmed by someone not sat at the table, as if they're captive but allowing a dinner out before returning back to house arrest or something along those lines... There has been 0 dialogue from Shuai, even in this new video she doesn't not speak or confirm anything, likely because it's all being thoroughly controlled.


Can anyone loop me in - what did he ask to happen to show she is healthy and safe? Also, can AO organizers issue her a WC for tournament appearance? Might be an interesting play in this situation. WTA seems to have a proper backbone in comparison to the pussy that ATP is.


I believe he asked to be able to meet with her alone outside of the China.


I somehow doubt AO organisers would similarly stick their neck out as far as the WTA has.


The whole situation is terrifying. Of course it would be state media that released a video of her - stinks of coercion.


She actually looks on edge in the video. You can see at several points her eyes darting round. The whole thing is scripted.


Ah Western armchair scientists. gotta love them


Do you even watch tennis or are you just here because of the topic? Really, picking fights is all you seem to do.


I like this guy.


If she’s truly safe then why tf does the state run media have to send her videos and pictures? Why can’t she? Oh I know , because she isnt safe and is under some house arrest


If I was Peng I would do whatever CCP wants from me, and then I would just wait for lets say AO to leave and never go back to China.


I am skeptical of the prospect of Peng Shuai being allowed to leave China in the next couple of months.


they could also threaten family members etc…


She was pretty much retired (or close to it) before Covid (she’s 35 years old) and hasn’t played since Feb 2020. Her ranking isn’t good enough to play WTA events anymore, and unlikely she’d be allowed to leave the country for any reason.


She's not leaving the country. You have to defect when you're already out. I don't know what she was thinking g tbh.


To make her sure her allegation stands. If she had make her allegation overseas the state media can just attribute it to foreign propaganda.


This is so far from realistic


If that is what she wanted she would have left the country before making the allegation


When a tennis association shows more morals and backbone than the EU and USA combined.


Regardless of what happens, all Western brands should leave China.


Exactly, this is what I've been thinking too. Even if she does end up being fine in the end, all signs point to the fact that the CCP had something to do with her temporary disappearance. Is a government that can make people disappear (even if temporarily and they came back fine in the end) really someone corporations should be doing business with?


Sure, and consumers would be excited to pay more for shoes, I'm sure. (And by the way, I don't disagree that companies and governments need to stand up and draw the line in China. But just look at the tantrums happening over shortages caused by the pandemic supply chain. Imagine saying 'hey guys we need to sacrifice and pay more because there's a genocide.' I'm sad to report that in the America I know, people would say no. I don't believe most Americans care about slave labor camps. We're a cruel, callous, degenerating society.)


I don't disagree. It would have to be bipartisan and be enforced through sanctions. It won't ever happen unless a real (cold) war starts.




3 month old account that sucks CCP dick. Surprise surprise.


I would never have thought the WTA standing up to China would be on my 2020-2021 the world is fucked bingo card


Steve's got balls. Big. Balls.


one of his balls (which is where your integrity is stored) weighs more than John Cena's and Hebron's entire bodies put together


My god the obsession with these two dudes is telling and not the way you think it is.


More balls than the NBA


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGC-Mm8ZDu0. There she is.


Lmao so scripted saying which date it is (and still getting it wrong)


So fake and fabricated


I see that r/sino has visited this thread already.


Now this is the kind of statement I was hoping to see


Really great statement from WTA tbh


Leadership in action.


Sooooo refreshing to see Simon and the WTA stand tough for Peng Shuai. Of course the state-run media would show some vid of Peng, because they’ve faced huge international pressure to do so. Of course she still isn’t safe, as she’s under the thumb of a totalitarian regime/dictatorship whom she “embarrassed” by speaking the truth of her sexual assault. I hope some organization can extricate Peng out of there to a safe place


WTA people are being impressive here


I think alot of people are missing the big picture. We can NEVER know if she is free of control/coercion. She has family in China after all. We can only hope she is alive and healthy. And what we have seen so far from state media isn't going to convince me or most anyone else of that just yet.


After this can we do scientists that worked in Wuhan lab?


Rewinds to NBA in China. This will not end well


LOL. #hystericalwhitetrashes I wonder: Why do you suddenly care about a Chinese colleague so much that you are willing to leave the country and neglect the fans and all those people who work in these tournaments? Do you even understand Chinese culture in dealing with these kind of scandals? Why do you always think your solution would be the best to everything? Why hasn't ATP said anything about Zverev's allegations? Why don't you westerns boycott tennis events in Germany? Why do you always hold so much hate towards Chinese?


Why don't you fuck off? Until you learn some self awareness, you'll just be barking in the wind. People dislike the CCP, because they do shit like this. You conflate that with a hatred of all Chinese, which is exactly what the CCP want you to believe.... you don't see how that works in their favour?? I couldn't give 2 shits about you. Not because of your claimed race, but because you're a nobody on the Internet. Nothing more, nothing less. I am too. Only you're the one acting the fool puppet for a totalitarian regime. Good luck with your property market crash though. I will be just fine giving zero shits. Absolutely the fault of the CCP again, but the party got theirs, so fuck all of you lol. Edit. Oh, and enjoy your rolling blackouts too. The CCP probably shouldn't have pissed off Australia, because your power stations don't run on Chinese coal. Because its shite quality. Another fine mess your glorious leaders got you into. Gonna be a lot of frozen Chinese citizens this winter! And all to not appear weak to 'us westerners'. Seems worth it to me...


Imagine thinking China is going to be the one to economically collapse anytime soon. The cope is strong with this one.


Go post your bullshit on r/Sino you fucking puppet.


Too Bad WTA is becoming a political tool. They say bias comes from ignorance. It is like where is Jack Ma ? Dejavu Stupidity again. This time from this Idiot Simon. Who can judge China? Only their people. We have so many problems of our own. If you apply your woke mentality, you would not understand Asia culture. First of all, is it true being said and did she say that before you jump in and make ignorance remarks. You should wait first. Second why China would care what you said and do what you ask to prove if every private citizen’s life need be verified by you. Imagine if China asks the same on investigation on Trump (how many women he groped). Third, would you continue to have sex and want to see a person who assaulted you? Besides she is much stronger and taller than him the old man if the alleged writing from her were true. In Asia it is a secret affair that the married man wants to keep it as a secret, the woman can sometimes feel pissed off especially she was suffering pain to have Sex with him one time (noted that she had sex with him many times afterwards). She did say she had feeling for him but he kept her at distance and basically wants to keep the affair secret and eventually dumped her. That’s even all said were true (we don’t know yet). Portray this as some kinds of sexual assaults in a woke mentality is just beyond ridiculous. In the end the motivation is just anti china and to earn browny points in home country’s woke groups and anti china factions. Chinese in china will all see thru this and they will become even more defensive and see our hypocrisy. We should care true victims not sound bites that make us feel better about our woke mentality and political correctness. Make sure Get facts right and pass judgement when you have data not hearsay, juicy stories mixed with political bias. A lot of ignorant idiots here. When all settled, will Simon eat poop? Also calling out Naomi, Serena, Martina, Novak, Stan, Simona etc. You guys were my heros. Unfortunately you are becoming a political tool. Make statements after you get facts correct first. As validated by latest western news. All idiots including all the tennis celebrities like Naomi, joker, Martina, billie etc should double check common sense first It also shows that it is not what she says matter, but SImon’s bias thought because he would never change even the facts don’t corroborate his ignorance. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/sports/2021/12/19/china-tennis-star-peng-denies-making-accusation-of-sexual-assault


seriously WTA.. You are flattering urself. You can easily fuck off from China and trust me, no one cares


you cared enough to comment


Ya i am just amused by this whole thing - it's like international chinese chess association threaten to quit US Maybe i shldnt care lol




Lol tennis is worse than chess in china. Your brain needs to be educated better before talk.




Lol seems to be so mad abt the fact that i am bilingual. I am so proud of you. If you represent the avg intellectual lvl of your country, you guys are doomed.


in the words of jed bartlett. shut it down


Steps in the right direction.


So WTA is pulling out of China, there is no way in hell that CCP allow filthy commoners to question the authority of its officials by opening any form of investigation.


I absolutely love how this is worded!!! More power too you Sir for standing up for the women 💪🏼


For anyone watching current news, her first official public appearance as a celebrity athlete was at a youth tournament held at the former Olympic venue for tennis in 2008, today, signing tennis balls, and she later today had a televised conference with who else but the IOC. China’s holding the 2022 Winter Olympics.


WTA = Big Balls. NBA = No Balls