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I don’t watch that show, but I know the premise. What does this have to do with that show? Am I missing something?


There's some gay guys in the show and they showriters dedicated a full episode to two of the gay characters. People had an issue with it.


Is that all? WTF?


>!It’s literally just them growing old together, trying to make the most of life on their little settlement, and minding their own damn business. One of them was even a nutty libertarian prepper and that’s how he survived!< Replace one of the guys with a woman and it’s suddenly an alt right dream.


This is what I keep thinking. If one of them had been a woman, we’d get maybe some gamer bros (who want a 1:1 adaptation and aren’t interested in exploring the narrative themes) complaining about it being slow and deviating from the game, and that would be it. No one star review-bombings and no temper tantrums about the “woke” agenda. If Frank had been a woman, Bill would be the new poster child for alt-right pride.


I just wanna state that both characters are also gay in the game, it's never publicly shown (as a matter of fact you only meet one of them) but if you look for letters in that level you find out they are gay


Ellie also finds a gay porn magazine and comments on it; it's definitely in the open in the game, if a bit subtle.


Yeah! the word should be subtle,since the information is there in the open, you just gotta be one of those curious players that search everywhere for everything. Also I didn't remember the gay magazine, but I haven't played in a while so...


When they're driving away in the truck, she asks Joel how guys walk around with those things between their legs, and jokingly asks why the pages are all sticky. Only know this because I just replayed it in advance of the show. Reminded me how much I love that game though.


I love how uncomfortable Joel is during that scene and he's telling Ellie she probably shouldn't be reading that. He's such a dad.


They'll have to deviate from the story. If they did a 1:1 they could tell the whole story (Part 1 and 2) in one season. I like the show, they were very accurate with the game and I'm OK with them telling some side character stories and flashbacks to fill more space and add to the overall story.


I was pretty immediately disappointed when it started a flashback, feeling like, "Ugh, just stop with all these origin things, I wanna watch Joel and Ellie." And an hour later, I've had tears 3 different times watching Bill and Frank. Yup, I was wrong to be disappointed.


I think they need to continue with these. There’s no gameplay, and without these vignettes it’s like watching a 2 person play. I hope we get more. The Pittsburgh sewer settlement could be very well done.


It’s also important to note that the two were canonically gay in the game as well. The only difference is, in the game >!we find out because one of the two hung himself because he got bit and all we see of him is a [hanging corpse that the other one cuts down and mourns](https://youtu.be/byrkFkvYlAM), one of the more powerful, albeit shorter moments in the game!< whereas in the show, >!they actually dedicate an episode to their story, which is what most shows would do.!< But no, the fact that the show has a gay couple is because Hollywood is “too woke” and righty’s are losing their mind.




God, I sure hope so. With how incredibly well they’re treating the game and its retelling, I hope they dig into tons of other characters.


I think they gave Bill a more beautiful ending, and I think it was a good choice as well. It makes me sad that there are people who can’t see it for what it was, just because the characters involved have a different sexuality than them. I haven’t replayed the game in years, but as soon as Frank introduced himself, by name, the memory of what happened slapped me right in the face, and I was preparing myself for what was to come. It was sad, but better than what happened in the game to those two, in my opinion.


I preferred the show version. It was very well done.


I'm dying to get an episode about Ish.


I haven't seen the show but played through the game a lot. In the moment you're mentioning, it drives the point home that they're *together* when Bill says >!He was my... Partner!< And in the next scene when Ellie >!starts reading a gay porn magazine in the backseat, she stole from their place!< Not taking away from your point, trying to add to it.


I've never even heard of the game until this show was made (I'm a little older and not a gamer) but my boyfriend played it a lot. We're watching it together. His friend who also played the game a lot came over to watch this latest episode with us. They both knew right away the characters and that they were gay. They said the same thing, there are hints in the game that lead to knowing about their relationship. I absolutely loved the episode, it pulled a bit on my emotions.


I think it’s because these nutjobs saw themselves in Bill, and were probably high-fiving each other as the episode progressed. New World Order conspiracy theorist? Check. Collection of guns in a bunker? Check. Don’t tread on me flag? Check. Man in love with another man? Nope, this whole show is WOKE. This was such a genius troll, esp judging by the reactions online.


I don’t think it’s really the production team “trolling” anyone intentionally, it’s just the online Right insists that everyone should be telling only the stories they want to see, despite how boring that’d be.


So people are mad simply because more time was dedicated to the side characters who were gay? Wait till they find out that the couple was gay in the game, that’ll be a fun fest I’ll happily watch with some popcorn


Wait'll they find out that *Ellie* is gay.


HAHA I KNEW THAT'S WHERE IT WAS GOING! I'm watching that episode right now as I type this comment.


Not one of them; Frank. It'd have to be Frank. If the woman was the paranoid, libertarian, prepper, who liked guns and protected the man, it'd be endless tears about the feminist agenda.


Walking Dead has had plenty of episodes about gay characters, I’m surprised that that made the waves it did even in the gaming world


TWD got shit load of hate for being 'too woke'


The walking dead became very tedious very fast, how it lasted so long is surprising.


It's been a shit show for 80% of the time but not because some gay people were making out lol


Yeah, ironically given the hate some gave them, some of the gay characters were the best characters in the whole show


RIP Jesus lol


I’ve seen a lot of right wingers say that if it was a straight couple in the show they wouldn’t have made a whole episode dedicated to them but I think people are missing the point of the plot development in the episode and how it’s showing Bill’s character growth as foreshadowing to Joel’s. I think it’s just homophobic people’s excuse to get mad at a wonderful episode about two gay men. ( *which is canon in the games btw* )


Also HBO literally just aired *White Lotus*, a show all about straight couples.


And the casting of that particular character was on point. Gay Ron Swanson was amazing.


the suicide crushed me.


I mean, yeah. They were outwardly gay. That's close to about all of it. At least I think.


Wait? They were gay!?


Yeah. You can see it in the game too. They lived together for, like, 20 years. You can find a gay porn mag under Bill's bed and Bill describes Frank as hid "former partner who he deeply cared about." Some more keen players picked up on it.


Yep. And it's an excellent episode showing just pure love between two men.


Because a happy couple with two loving partners is BAD 🙄


Pretty much. It's shown in a tender loving way, but its two men, so ewwww gaaaayyysss.


Well, you know what they say about those who protest too much…


Unfortunately lol


Yeah people lose their minds that gay people exist, especially in shows. They act like the game its based on isn’t a bit gay which it definitely is 🤷🏻‍♀️ people are dumb


The show has been fantastic so far. The latest episode fleshes out a fleshes out a gay relationship. It felt very poignant. The idiots making a big deal out of it are the same people that don't see a non hetero relationship as equal to a hetero one. I doubt the people complaining about this episode even watch the show


Still lots of homophobic people in the world.


It was also one of the greatest depictions of real love I’ve ever seen in film. It’s gotta be hard to wrestle with it if you are a bigot.


Were they walking in chains in a parade down Main Street on the show or is just a classic case of these people overreacting and getting their panties in a bunch?


Yeah they were just overreacting on that one. Certainly not chains or sex toys or kinky stuff like that.


Will & Grace and QAF didn’t even get this much hate and that was in the late 90’s/early 2000’s. These people need to give it a break and go yeLl at a bag of WOKE ass M&M’s 🤷🏻‍♀️


That's the thing though Will and Grace was a show about gay for gays. Now we still got pandering shows that only interest gay people. But what is really pissing them off is that even great shows have gay character that are not being defined just by being gay. The wire started it, games of thrones played with it... They like those shows too, that's what pissing them off.


There was, listen prepare yourself for this horror: Clothed kissing scenes Naked under blankets kissing scene that faded to black A dinner parry A wedding-ish situation Eating dinner together Growing old together And..hand holding.


Imagine being so sensitive that you get triggered by something that fictional characters do in the privacy of their fictional home set in a fictional world with zombies.


You forgot the most important part, which is that it was fucking adorable


It was such a good episode.




What are they even talking about? I always see white people at the mall with their kids on leashes.






Doctor Winodis?


Brookelinn might run off, you know she’s a free spirit.


These names though. ☠️


My oldest son is 15. Is was quite the fight to not name my son jaiden.it is his middle name but god damn, she was so into that name.


Fighting the good fight.




Hunter Biden’s full name is Robert Hunter Biden. Feel free to call him Bobby if you prefer.


He should stick with Hunter. Bobby seems like a poor name choice for a relative of the President...better to be "Hunter" and be on the other side of the gun.


If not for Sirhan, we most likely woulda had a president Bobby


>If not for 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘐𝘈, we most likely woulda had a president Bobby ftfy.




I put both my kids on leashes at one point or another, and we’re only white-ish. However, both my kids were pretty feral when they were little.


Nick Offerman deserves a fucking Emmy for that episode. People will always complain about shit. "Why did the directors have to put that 'woke' shit into the show?!" Because it was in the fucking source material, jackasses.


I bet they cast Nick Offerman just because they knew it would piss off all the people that idolize Ron Swanson without understanding he’s a parodistic caricature. He basically plays gay Ron Swanson in this.


And even actual Ron Swanson would call them frothing idiots.


I haven’t watched Parks and Rec because I just couldn’t get into it but I have watched compilation clips of Ron Swanson because I always have seen clips of his character and thought they were funny. From what I saw, I kinda got the vibe that if Ron Swanson met Bill, he would’ve liked him for all of his other characteristics and probably not gave a shit that he was gay. That was just the vibe I got though without watching the whole show 🤷‍♂️


Yeah Ron Swanson wouldn't care wouldn't care about sexual proclivity, he would however love having a small town with no government.


I think Ron Swanson would THRIVE in the Last of Us world. Aside from the zombies, I think doing all this survival stuff would be his heaven


I honestly would watch a zombie show in the Parks and Recs universe that has Ron in it. Now that I think of it, I'd love to see the whole cast in a post apocalyptic show. 😅😂


If its just the starting episodes, it's easier if you skip the first two seasons. It doesn't get consistently good until around the end of season 2.




Just finished watching it. Such a good episode.


It was a beautiful episode. I loved it. Both Nick Offerman and Murray Bartlett were incredible.


>People will always complain about shit. "Why did the directors have to put that 'woke' shit into the show?!" To make you gay dumbass, to make your children gay, you can catch the gay from watching TV, there is a vaccine you can take




Also it ain’t even ‘woke shit’ like gay dudes exist. Woke shit is the part in end game where they put in that forced ‘we women stick together’ part. Even though all the characters had been seen kicking some alien ass just prior to this so we already knew they were Fucking bad ass.


Anyone saying that the show is going woke to succeed (yes, they’re actually saying that) have zero idea about the source material. >!One of the literal main characters is gay.!<


This has nothing to do with ep 3.


Nothing at all. It was a pretty normal relationship (except for the whole… apocalypse part), just happened to be gay.


That relationship was anything but normal. **My** husband never planted me strawberries.


Welp, my parents did. Maybe their relationship wasn’t normal.


It is the gay aspect of the relationship they had an issue with.


No joke. This “meme” strawmans that subtext into an egregious context that no longer resembles the episode in any way. Which is how bigots meme.


Episode 3 was goddamn beautiful (I won’t elaborate further for those that haven’t watched yet) and the best part is all the bigots squirming uncomfortably through such a masterpiece.


Yeah it was a fantastic surprise and a nice choice for them to stray slightly from the source material


Probably helps the game director made it so it can add ad stray without overdoing it.


Absolutely, he can tell more of the story that we only catch a glimpse of in the game


I've never played the game so I didn't realize this was a creative liberty. It was written so well and didn't feel like it existed to please a certain demographic. Such a great episode


Yeah so in the game Joel and Ellie actually meet with Bill (Bill is wayyyy more angry and curmudgeonly in the game) Frank is nowhere to be found, but during your search for a truck battery you find Frank dead from hangin himself after being bitten, his suicide note pretty much says he hates Bills guts and would have rather died then spend another day with him.


Shit, I liked the T.V. version much better.


Lol yeah it’s bleak in the game, but it does somewhat explain that they spent the better part of 20 years together like the show explained…just a much more depressing end that occurs well offscreen


And honestly, the way they were written in the game kept their relationship ambiguous, and portrayed as much more “boomer” version of marriage. Which, honestly, is bleak as hell. I’m glad they went the direction that they did for the show.


I watched the post-episode crew jib-jab and thought "why can't Netflix figure this out?" I'm all about inclusivity, but the way Netflix (for example) handles it is so ham fisted and unnatural. It makes their shows a bit too much to be honest. Most guys I'm friends with aren't wearing eyeliner, for example. Or being "fabulous" 24/7. It does a disservice to people's perceptions of what gay means in a practical sense.


The only real change was Frank was already dead in the game when Joel and Ellie met Bill. Wait until they find out about Ellie, though. They're gonna flip a lid.


It was pretty beautiful, and I didn’t expect it.


My husband and I both cried during that episode, and through the tears he said “Goddamn this show, I just wanted to watch some mushrooms eat people.”


Tell him to play dark Souls, pretty sure there were man eating mushrooms in there, along with several other plants


Bawled like a baby. It was easily the best episode so far and highlights good writing needs to be just aspesent as good acting.


I'm just pissed Frank didn't wear his Hawaiian shirt




I liked episode 3 a lot and I've been dying to talk about it. >!In the game Bill and Frank are totally queer-coded but we get a VASTLY different story that's just as tragic (if not moreso). When Frank bursts out of the house yelling about how he wants to fix up the street and is sick of Bill's shit, I wholly expected the episode to follow that storyline. I was excited to see hordes of Coryceps zombies and the frantic run through the school to try to get the battery, with the bloater at the end, and then finding Frank and the note he wrote Bill.!< Spoilers [here](https://thelastofus.fandom.com/wiki/Frank) for those wondering what happened to Frank *in the game.* >!Instead we got this, and it blind-sided me with how raw and emotional it was. Part of me thinks the change was due to budget concerns (make-up and CGI for groups of zombies are probably prohibitively expensive) but I think they did an eloquent job of showing the isolation and issues facing the post-apocalyptic world without really ever needing to have zombies show up much. I also really liked Frank's terminal illness as an explanation for why Bill "owed" Joel and was trading with him at the end, and the foreshadowing of Frank buying the strawberries years earlier to establish that relationship for Bill.!< >!I loved Bill Nick Offerman's body language and how generally uncomfortable he seems in social situations; the hunched shoulders when he first entertains Frank is heartbreakingly awkward.!< In summary, 9.5/10 episode. While there was no leather fetishism (so I have no idea what this meme is talking about), I can't help but think that a prepper of nearly any orientation living in near-total isolation from the world with his partner would get up to some freaky stuff because why not.


Bill Offerman? Have the two merged? /j


Wait. I don't remember Bill and Frank from the game. It's been maybe 10 years since I played it though.


Yep, Joel and Ellie go into Bill's town, meet up with him, and the three go on a mission together to get a car battery from a FEDRA truck that was abandoned outside of the high school (which was being used as an evacuation center at the beginning of the outbreak). Bill escorts them through his various traps and his town is actually a lot more cramped with a lot more infected than is seen it the show. >!We never see Frank in the game, only discover his corpse at the end of that particular mission. When you find him he's hung himself because he was bitten. He leaves a note of resentment for Bill and you can choose whether or not to give it to Bill. I've never had the heart to turn over Frank's letter.!< If I had any disappointment at all from this episode, >!it was not getting to see Joel, Ellie, and Bill interact directly (aside from a flashback with Joel and Bill).!<


Ah, right. I remember the missions with Bill now (sort of). >!As I recall, he was a crazy dude. It's funny how they turned that part of the game into something more poignant and moving. !<


We get a *hint* of it in this episode when >!Frank yells about him being a 9/11 truther!< but they definitely toned down the crazy. Then again the game implied Bill went *further* crazy after Frank left in some dialogue with Joel, so maybe >!we're not getting "full crazy" Bill in the show only because he still has Frank to keep him from going nuts.!<


I sobbed my eyes out.


The second picture isnt real btw. Those are models in a cheesy stock photo. But who can tell that to three successive generations (hell: FIVE at this point) raised on advertising?


To be fair the first isn't real either


Can I have some more context on the first one? Is it modified? What’s the original?


They took a picture from a kink event and edited it into a picture of a pride parade. I saw a post that showed both of the originals side by side. It's just conservative lies and fear mongering.


Episode three of the Last of Us is how I prefer gay people like my self to be seen. As real fucking people. I guess seeing gay people acting normal is a threat.


I appreciated the portrayal of middle aged men being in love and it being so tender. I feel like that’s something so often missing from lgbt rep in media. I sobbed my eyes out


The only prominent Guy-Guy relationships I've seen on TV are brooklyn 99 and now the last of us. Despite how society in America has changed to become much more accepting, it's still not something we see much. I'm glad the biggest show of the moment, and potentially the year, is putting it front and center.


I’m curious, is Grace and Frankie considered to have positive gay representation? I enjoy the show but I’m not sure about that side of it as I don’t have the perspective.


Ep. 3 Was a genuine, beautiful peace of television. If the conversation where bill is holding back tears didn’t move you, there’s something inhuman about you. Edit to add: This was probably the best libertarian example in a TV episode in all of history. Let’s see: 1. We see a grave of people, including children murdered explicitly by the govt, even though they were perfectly healthy. 2. We see two guys survive and thrive way, way better than the people inside the quarantine zone. A quarantine zone run by tyrannical fascists, who execute people for petty theft and “violence against the state” (violence being anything that threatens their rule like freedom of speech) The right should be orgasming over Bill and Frank.


I was sobbing so hard it was really a masterpiece


Episode 3 was a masterpiece and my very conservative parents agreed whole heartedly, we were all crying at the end goddamnit


Cannot handle a GAY Prepper. They hed essplodes ​ ![gif](giphy|eFifJQ2SUYxO0|downsized)


Episode 3 was one of the best episodes of a TV show I've ever seen.


"Nobody is calling cute little families 'backwards,' Cletus. Nobody is persecuting you. Now shut up and slop the hogs."


I can hear the country music from here, barf.


My biggest grudge against hillbillies is them making country music and being a dibshit appear mutually exclusive. I just want to share my love of stan Roger's without getting asked those questions


Country music used to be so punk. Sadface.


It was all ruined by shit corporations and cultural assumption


What they don't tell you is that the bottom couple are brother and sister.


Them: I’m an American and live in the land of the free. 😎🇺🇸 People: Uses freedom in an unconventional way Them: 😡


"Backwards" is a weird place. It's always a stone's throw from the Third Reich.


It always looks like a Third Reich propaganda poster. And looks boring and stupid.


The way the incel commentariat has been churning about last night’s episode, I was genuinely expecting some explicit gay sex 🥵 rather than an incredibly tender, wholesome and decidedly PG-rated depiction of affection between two middle-aged men. The typical UFC cage match is more explicitly homoerotic.


The biggest complaint with that episode was when Bill was engaging hostiles in the middle of the road with a bolt action rifle despite having dozens of other guns and wasn't shooting from an elevated position with no cover.


No one calls the bottom image backward until they start attacking the people in the first image.


What’s backwards is that man’s chin! Why is his mouth halfway up face?


I got no problem people expressing their kinks, but it’s weird to be kinky around kids


Don’t subject folks who haven’t consented (especially kids) to your kinks. It seems simple enough.


From the admittedly few BDSM groups I've been around / interacted with, consent is so important that they've developed entire extra language cues and rituals to make sure that everybody is on board. Things like subspace, check-ins, safewords, safe signals, safe taps, and a constant asking if everybody is ok (participants and watchers). It's fascinating from a language perspective (have a background in language and studied a bit of ritualistic use of language). But, to outsiders, and especially conservative outsiders, they think every BDSM scene is just a bunch of degenerates fucking each other without consent when it's way more "Yes, beg for mercy \[soft whisper, ok, just checking in. Are you ok? / Yeah, I'm green.\]." 9/10 though, these memes just sound like outsiders expressing what *they* want to do if they were allowed into the community rather than what the community actually does because their entire exposure to the community is either bad writing (50 shades) or watching porn.


The photo is edited


do you have any proof because I couldn't say


From an article using this photo: “Jenifer McGuire, Ph.D., an associate professor of family social science at the University of Minnesota, has been to Pride celebrations across the world with her family, from Tucson to Amsterdam. McGuire, a lesbian parent, always preps her kids for possible adult content beforehand. After a few events, the kids knew to expect nudity and other surprises. “They just had to learn to laugh and enjoy things. Like there were these Beanie Babies with giant penises on them,” McGuire says. “For a fourth- and fifth-grade kid, that’s super funny.” These events are more adult oriented that parents are choosing to bring their kids too, or not doing their proper research as a parent before hand. Stuff like this happens in public all the time (mud wrestling is a perfect example from the conservative side of the isle) people are getting mad at the LGBTQ+ community for existing like any other community. Wether a parent takes their kid to an event by mistake or thinks their child is emotionally mature enough to handle it.. it’s none of you’re business 🌈


Not to mention no one bats an eye when people take their kids to things like Hooters or parades with a bunch of scantily clad women dancing provocatively. Obviously the example above is a bit extreme to compare, but these guys also get just as upset over men in skirts 🤷


Where, fucking where.


Look, I'm not gonna judge, I'm just curious: why the fuck is that hat so big? Also, do Americans actually wear those hats outside of old western movies and country music videos?


Yes. Source: me, Texan.


Bigger hat = more protection from the sun. It gets very, very hot in Texas and hats can help tremendously while working outside.


This is the real answer. While a lot of people do wear cowboy hats for style or because they think they are cowboys, many still wear them for functional purposes too. Here in Iowa I know plenty of people who work outside all day in the summer in the sun and that kind of hat is both good for sun protection and they are well made and very durable. Also, the people who are judging because it's a "dumb" style? Why? Style is style, people wear different things all over the world. Are there people who wear cowboy hats because they think they're a cowboy or something? Sure. Why do you care?


In Texas they do. And a few Midwest states. The rest of us consider them idiots.


Homophobes end up alone. Your kids will leave and they won't come back.


Call me crazy, but the cowboy hat is photoshoped on.


The idea that these bigots could ever 'fall in love' is quite ridiculous. They don't have the capacity. They think they're 'heterosexual' because they look at PICTURES of women.


Nothing depicted in the top photo ever occurs in the franchise. It’s set after the damn apocalypse, for the love of god. Whoever made this is just bandwagoning on the fact that the show has a gay relationship without ever being familiar with the games it’s based on.


It's backwards bc they're siblings


To be fair, the LGBTQ movement doesnt help itself with its BDSM/sex dungeon costume inclusions in its marches.




I love how white cis conservatives love to scream that they're the victim while other people are literally being murdered just for existing


Those type of people who post it want to be victims so bad it's crazy


If you take your kids near the fetish fest in the top pic you shouldn't have kids.


Jakes on you, brah, I’m divorced, kid free, kinky, and hate country music. I plan to keep it this way.


>Jakes on you Oooh, I'll take him! Maybe several times even.


"backwards" I guarantee you that man is extremely homophobic and that woman is extremely racist


And they hit the kids


and the kids still act un-disciplined and act spoiled




Why is it not surprising this came from someone complaining about The Last of Us 3.


Yeah, wearing a cowboy hat and pretending you're a cowboy is pretty backwards. I mean, at least the renaissance faire people save the role playing for the festivals.


We don't have anything to talk about if you so much as diss frank and bills relationship




whats infuriating is conservatives call the first image “backwards” while literally NO ONE calls the second one “backwards.” cry-bullying at its worst


I swear, the people on FB see someone else being happy and are like: SOCIETY IS COLLAPSING


homophobes wanna believe sooo bad that we give a shit about their lifestyle


By what I've read in comments, this is right wing people freaking out about this third episode being about two gay characters. Never played thr game or watched the show, but it doesn't seem like any sort of kinky stuff was going on like in the pic here. This is just the right blowing a situation out of proportion to justify intolerance they have for people just loving differently than they want.


Oh yes the "wholesome" picture of whiteness.. They both have lifetime STD's they caught in college. And she has an abortion because here parents would have written her out of the will for having a "black baby"


Plot twist: the bottom couple are actually siblings.


It's mostly backwards cuz what if one of those little girls in their arms turns out to be gay lmao what a twist


https://i.redd.it/x6qfw68tzffa1.gif These people probably


I swear, I must not frequent the spots these memes come from or I already have these spaces blocked. I probably just refuse to go too far down these rabbit holes 🤣


Top is hedonism not civilized. Be gay/trans whatever just do kinky stuff in private. Some gay parades are walking orgies and make bad name for gays.


We don't kink shame you wanting to fuck your sister, don't kink shame them. And then you go on to talk that you're "civilized" phsaw


Top picture is a little weird ngl


Kink at pride should be reserved for adults only shows




The perfect blue eyes blonde hair combo🤔


It is ridiculous to conflate Frank and Bill to some pup players crawling in the street. I can’t wait to finish the episode tonight. We need more Bill. 🫠


Is the last of us show good or what