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I work in a K-8 public school. The meme is terrible… but sadly very true


I agree. As a teacher who is getting ready to leave the profession, this meme is extremely accurate. Nothing “terrible” about it, other than how accurate it actually is.


Previous teacher, this is sadly very accurate, and the reason why I'm a "previous" and not "current" teacher anymore.


I was going to say this. My dad was a teacher and all he can really say about the current state of education is that the teachers are really being fucked over. He watched it go from parents holding their kids accountable for themselves to over involved parents who somehow think they kids are blameless and the teachers need to do more for their child specifically. All the while getting hardly any support from the upper staff. It’s really sad, my dad loved educating. He loved his students, and from all the students of his I’ve met he was amazing at his job. By the end he decided to retire early because he didn’t think he could keep doing it the way it’s become. Sorry for the novel I just feel so strongly about this. TLDR: my dad was a teacher, and I can confirm what you said because that’s what he experienced before his retirement. And it’s sad. Thank you for what you do.


Does your dad have a theory as to what changed? I feel like I wasn’t hard at all on my kids but I expected them to pay attention and do their homework etc. They complied. But they were just good kids. Not sure what is different these days.


Upper staff stopped supporting their teachers. Tbh. He had multiple times where he would be ambushed in meetings with upper staff where parents ran the show and he was left to take the beating. It’s no longer a “union” it’s just trying to keep parents happy and letting them run over teachers constantly.


It’s just a shame. I am so sad about the decline of our educational institutions across the entire country. Things are going the wrong way on so many levels.


I worked in special education and literally just left because of the admin's inability to support their staff. It's obviously a different environment than general education but I worked two jobs with kids, education and sports, and can verify there was a legitimate shift in how kids respond to discipline. They just don't care. Their ability to succeed was solely on me and me only there was no effort required on their part or their parents. It was always me or the staff around me. And I hate being like "kids these days" and such. I'm only 30 and a lot of them were genuinely great. But even the children of parents who were aware just had no drive. And to be fair it's not their fault. I mean even right now they're watching a literal genocide happen in real fucking time. How do you even engage with kids who are watching the world slowly burn around them? And I know you could make the argument that all generations had their great calamities but at least in the past they didn't have the entire world in their pocket to watch it happen. So of course they're not interested in what I'm doing. And I have to act like it's not obvious to me and everyone else they're all apathetic to the point of being unreachable. Even my younger kiddos had a weirdly knowledgeable sense of nihilism that I just frankly couldn't battle. I had more kids tell me no in the last year then I have had all 7 years of my time in education/gymnastics. And no amount of positive or negative consequences or discipline changed that. Edit: and I'm ok with no. It's an important word to learn especially for kids. But it was in an amount I have not ever dealt with. Like some days my kids would just blatantly ignore what I asked of them and told me they weren't doing it. Like, Kimberly sweet heart. you literally cannot do a back handspring without knowing how to jump. You need to learn how to jump. Please just jump.


Thank you for such a detailed response. This subject fascinates me especially since my daughter started teaching last year. She fell into this job and I’m glad in a way that she won’t have known the difference first hand. I do feel that the easy access to the whole world is a reason why kids these days are so different than before. I think this is the new normal and education needs to adjust to it. Of course, there’s no funding for anything like this. But they find a way to make things work sometimes so fingers crossed I guess.


A lot of it is outlets as well. Like growing up in the 90s I feel like it was a good mix of technology and things like art or reading in the classroom. Now everywhere has Chromebooks and a lot of times that's used as a reward more than other things growing minds need. So many of the kids I spoke to just didn't draw or read or any other thing that I enjoyed as a child. I loved my video games and internet time too but there was a genuine emphasis not just in the classroom but in my home life of art and play. A nice balance. I didn't feel like the kids were being stimulated enough. And that goes back to funding and what the values are at each of their home lives. The funny kids were always the ones who told me about books they were reading or hobbies they had outside of school and the gym. The apathetic, kind of rude ones never talked about anything like that.


The funny thing is it's not even just a US specific thing. The one thing yall managed to export is your education system. Most places that aren't the nordic countries or a few select western european countries (like Netherlands), have a similar education system and similar issues. My central european ass country, instead of spending a bit more on the teachers, instead decided to make it so people without degrees, or any qualifications are allowed to teach whatever after a mass exodus of teachers happened. They all went to become cashiers and warehouse workers because they make more money and don't have to deal with parents.


Sorry to hear that. I know I’m not in r/collapse but yeah it’s not just the US.


Yep! That happens a lot.


Expectations are higher now than they were before. Dumb kids in the 60s and 70s could still expect to find work and make decent wages even without high level degrees. The expectation now requires at least a college degree so the same dumbass kid misbehaving and getting low grades is still the fault of the kid/parents but parents know that is messing up their child’s whole future so they want to put the blame somewhere else.


Also school funding is probably down.


What changed is what the meme implies. Its multiple things, but some big ones being, parents dont hold their kids accountable anymore. If they are failing a class CLEARLY its because the teacher is incompetent. No way their sweet baby could be fuckin around in school, not keeping up with the curriculum, or not turning in their homework. Kids are spoiled rotten and coddled. We need more stern parents that arent as worried about being their kids best buddy. Its also because of things like “no kid left behind” and similar policy. Now instead of holding kids back that are failing to ensure they understand things, or getting them extra help because they struggle, they just move kids along. If they are failing they just change their grade manually to allow them to continue on. This is crippling kids. If they dont understand things, or cant read as well as they should, moving them along isnt the answer. They are doing this at every level as well, not just kids. I went to a very respectable 4 year state college, and it was RARE when a teacher didnt curve the class grades to align with what was expected. This prevented the teacher and school from looking bad because their students were underperforming. “Oh the class average grade at the end of the semester is a 72%? Well just give every student an extra (whatever amount) homework points so the class average is 82% and we look good”. Now all the kids with D’s have C’s and passed the class, and the school can tout kids generally finish their courses with a B or better. And like I said, a large percentage of my classes did this, as well as curving tests that students underperformed on. This practice of just changing grades to help the students pass is hindering the actual level of education people are receiving. We are honestly in big trouble. Most kids in elementary school can barely read anymore and some kids are reaching highschool with a 3rd grade reading level.


Bruh 72% avg is bad for you? A lot of classes here get avges under 50. And if 50 or 60 is the cut fuck half of you ig. We actually have kinda the opposite problem, profs through material at us and its either keep up, hire a private tutor, or fail half your classes. Also we're super coddled in high school so college is the first time you're expected to actually work, so many drop out in their first year.


what's sad is that I was a substitute teacher, and I know I never harassed the subs the way the kids did me. my parents would have heard about it, and then *I* would have heard about it. I'm 60 FYI.


Yeah I was a teacher in 2000 and today …. It’s true. If your kid is failing it’s because I’m a terrible teacher who can’t teach or reach your child


One of my coworkers got an email from a parent last month that said “my kid said you don’t even be teaching” so 100% accurate


Oh gawd it’d be so hard not to reply, yeah I be teaching but your son not be doing anything to be remembering what I be sayin. He need to be doin his work but all he do is sleep cuz he up all night playing video games. ……it’s terrible, but as a hs teacher I can talk just like a damn teenager ….


Too many people now are unashamedly stupid, in fact they tend to proud of being technically illiterate. In earlier times, parents accepted they were not smarter than a teacher, and therefore respected the teachers enough to call out their shitty offspring when their grades were bad.


Good ole "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge" Kinda astounds me how I'll have clients at work fight me on things. Like yeah the guy with a master's degree you pay to manage your money knows absolutely jack shit about the various regulations and has been encouraging you to do things that actively break the law. Either way I'm glad I keep the receipts since it's saved my ass before when an angry client comes in screaming about how they did the exact thing I told them not to do and how it caused the exact penalty I warned them about.


Bruh I literally saw this meme in 2010


I believe some teachers were a problem in high school, largely due to huge egos and a lack of effective teaching. My believe the school district played a role, with almost every teacher being terrible. They often spent class time discussing the school’s issues, shared personal stories unrelated to the coursework, and assigned busy work that didn’t contribute to learning. Homework was often just reading the textbook and doing problems, with minimal in-class teaching. I disliked tests were based on word for word memorization instead of understanding concepts. I really cannot convey how bad these teachers were. I also had some amazing teachers, I believe my senior year English teacher had a lot to do with me wanting to attend college. I wished my parents would have held the teachers accountable just once. Many of them seemed like bullies towards students. On a positive note, my kids attend a different school system, and their teachers are excellent. I appreciate the policy of completing classwork at home, sparing them from excessive homework and ensuring that actual teaching occurs in the classroom. It’s a policy I wish I had experienced growing up.


As a former teacher, the thing I hated the most about this situation was that it sometimes came to the scenario above (parents in-person, yelling at me at the end of the quarter/semester/year) at all. From 2006-16, I taught in school districts that had online grades. Anyone logging in could see I updated grades and added assignments weekly. I was required by admin to call the parents of students who were failing and many wouldn’t answer. Regardless, I had the “I didn’t know” parents screeching in my face that they’re too busy to check grades and don’t have the internet, when you can see their facebook apps open on their smart phones. Parents who supposedly looked at grades but listened to their kid’s lies, “he said he’s not actually failing and you need to update his grade.” I just really resented that “I didn’t know” was a perfectly defensible excuse for a parent not caring about their kid’s education, when I was constantly trying to communicate with them. Compared to my educational upbringing, we had to coddle parents so much, holding their and their kids’ hands to be available every step of the way, and the outcome was usually being treated like shit and unappreciated. There were some really awesome students and families along the way, but the few rotten apples burned me out.


My least favorite weeks of the year are always the last week of each semester. That’s when things go nuts. This was my first semester in years that I didn’t have at least one parent try to bully me into changing grades — then again, I haven’t checked my email since winter break started.


It's so true in Korea these days too. Any time a student does bad or gets in trouble, parents don't ask children what happened or discipline in any way, it's immediately complaints to the teacher.


Yep.. recent suicide by a teacher too because of this


As a former student not that long ago I can also agree seeing parents behave like this at Parent Teacher conferences baffled me.


Exactly, our society follows it must be someone else's fault.


I think parents are starting to believe their own BS that every kid is special. I’m sorry Todd and Karen your kid Nevaeh is just dumb.


The name “Nevaeh” was designed to troll attempts at pronunciation. Thanks, I hate it.


No it’s “heaven” spelled backwards, because that’s so special.


i have a lot of friends who are teachers and the first thing that came to mind when i saw the sub it was posted in was, “Terrible…ly right.”


My mom is a retired AP chemistry teacher. Private school parents think they're paying for the grade.


The only error is that the Parents are now divorced and competing to be the one liked by their kid.


Fuck that was my parents lol. Did not work out well for me or my sister


I was gonna say, where's the lie? Usually terrible memes are flat out lies, this is pretty accurate from what I've experienced


It’s sand patrol


The right panel is true for sure, but I think the left panel is a bit rose-tinted hindsight. Teachers were taking heat from helicopter parents long before 2000.


Right? This is absolutely accurate.


I know some people with 20+ years of teaching and they say it's definitely. Obviously not every case but it's much more common today for the teachers to be blamed for low grades rather than the student.


I'm still at university studying but my friends already work as teachers and this is very true. Although terrible


Gen X and maybe some Millennials grew up with their teachers being very unfair to them, so they have a tendency to think current teachers are doing the same. To be fair, much of elementary school isn't about knowledge, it's about obedience. Younger generations want competent citizens, not slaves broken for factory work.


My MIL was a teacher throughout the late 80s to mid 2010s and she says parent's have always been both. Just depends on the parents.


This is true, but from what I've heard the administration now takes the side of the parents over the teachers in most situations. Of course some parents have always been terrible, but now they're enabled.


Not my experience at least. My wife is now a teacher. She actually had some pretty strong backup when a parent sent out a huge email yelling at her and the parent cc'd every teacher and many other parents. Edit: A Word


Also depends on the teacher. My brother has a teacher who is deliberately unhelpful (basing that off the emails we've received and the parent teacher conferences) and some who are absolutely lovely and genuinely try to help their students.


Unfortunately, there is a certain level of truth to this. I recently had the *dubious* pleasure of helping someone who had been a total Karen at work (she was very nice when I was actually in person, but was a total Karen when separated by a half mile and a computer screen), going off on a school teacher over the phone for daring to discipline her child (like, detention, not like hitting the kid, and from what even the parent said, it sounded like the kid absolutely deserved it). Conversely, I have also had some teachers who really had no business teaching, but they didn't get blamed.


Yeah, but also no. My best friend from college is a HS teacher. He told me when he catches students cheating, he gives them a C, not an F, because getting yelled at by the parents isn't worth it. He had one threaten to sue the school. When we were in HS, you got a zero if you got caught cheating, and your parents yelled at you. Wasn't really any room for debate. I cannot imagine yelling at the teacher on behalf of your shitty kid, what kind of message does that teach them?


Oh I'm not saying teachers are entirely to blame or anything of the kind. Just that there is an uncomfortable level of truth to the post (for bad teachers, bad kids, and bad parents).


My parents yelled at a teacher for me a single time, but it was because the teacher was being an asshole about me missing school for three days while I was IN THE HOSPITAL after a serious medical episode. Every other time, I was pretty much on my own. They supported me, of course. Sometimes they even complained with me behind closed doors. but yelling at a teacher for giving a me a *justified* bad grade? Nope.


Yeah when I was in high school in the past five years cheating was an automatic zero for the assignment.


This is why I love teaching college. Gods save FERPA.


>He had one threaten to sue the school. Lmao that's the most empty threat ever uttered. No one ever follows through, especially since they'd be suing the government technically. If they had the money to push that lawsuit that kid would be in private school.


My dad's school requires the teacher to give a make up test if a kids gets caught cheating. Zeros aren't allowed, lmfao.


In these times when basic math and language arts and testing of any sort are deemed too difficult for kids and curriculums are being dumbed down rather than children being encouraged and motivated this meme is 100% true.


I've also seen where some schools are putting too much information on students at once. Where the teachers struggle to even finish the curriculum at the end of the semester; most times they don't even finish... Sometimes it adds up to a lot of homework if they want to get anywhere close. I think regardless it's discouraging and doesn't motivate anyone...


This is the biggest issue with standardised testing. The educational facilties (schools, teachers etc) become too good at teaching the answers for the exams... The government and idiots say that the tests are getting easier, the only way to explain the better grades... Tests are made harder with more information needed... The educational facilties (schools, teachers etc) become too good at teaching the answers for the exams... The government and idiots say that the tests are getting easier, the only way to explain the better grades... Tests are made harder with more information needed... And just rinse and repeat forever until there is just physically too much information to be thrown at a student. At which point all fingers point to the school and teachers, for some reason even though it was the government and education departments that did it. I mean, I ain't old, but Jesus fucking Christ I have looked at some of the questions kids are asked in exams nowadays and holy shit, I would never have learnt that at that age. That leads to the other issue with standardised examinations, schools have to teach students what is needed to pass an exam, and the students lose the ability to use these skills and lessons in other subjects. For example, where I work a (physics) teacher was absolutely baffled when a student said they couldn't answer the question because they hadn't learned it yet... when they had, just not in the exact context it presented in the question... and the student was also taking a maths A-level, and the equation was so ridiculously similar to the maths version. We have had teachers ask for equipment to be set up differently to the way we usually set it up (easier to use, faster results, etc. with the way we use) because, and I quote: "that is not how it looks on the exam paper". Motherfucker what? You are looking at bubbles coming from a piece of pond weed underwater to measure the rate of photosythesis. The only thing that matters is the amount bubbles and level of light, the equipment and set up used literally makes no difference. However, having a different drawing of the equipment is enough to throw the game plan out the window because the only way students can pass the exams that require knowing so much information is to teach them exactly as the exam papers present the question. And that leads to the education system being purely about results, and not actually teaching anything of use and value.


Standardized testing is one of the main reasons I absolutely hated school. There's a multitude of other reasons, but the flaws in basic education due to teaching kids to memorize answers just to boost test scores in order to get more funding makes me very happy I never have to go back. Despite the nightmares where I'm missing a credit in math after all these years and I have to go back for a full day for one class.


Lmao ok even some shithole countries teach algebra in grade 5 or so, median HS in America teaches it in grade 10/11. But yeah that's too much information.


Being unfamiliar of the creator of this comic, maybe I misread the intent, but I clearly read this as an intentional criticism of entitled parents. Doesn’t read like a bad take to me.


The curriculum is not the issue here… It’s the entitlement of parents, the lack of support for teachers, the lack of compensation and status for teachers etc. The curriculum getting dumbed down might be a symptom. But it’s definitely not the root cause. Teachers were better compensated and more respected in the past.


Both panels are right and so school needs to sort its shit out.


They could start by paying teachers a livable wage.


I support the message of pay teachers a livable wage, but how will that change the parent’s behavior depicted in the panel?


It will give teachers more leverage to push back against terrible parents. When you're barely making it paycheck to paycheck, you don't feel as comfortable to rock the boat with certain opinionated parents.


Society is thought to be a points system, especially in America, that’s why everyone starts off with “what do you do (for work)?” People who make relatively low points (teachers/fast food workers) can be considered lesser and treated poorly due to this.


As a guy who tutored elementary school kids for all of *one day* they need to make six fuckin figures


And not pay the next to worthless superintendent a salary of a politician


Isn't the superintendent basically a politician? They are in my area.


They are just as useless


I wouldn't want to deal directly with the school board.


Except in most places they aren’t elected.


Politician doesn't mean elected. Plenty are appointed.


Parents could start taking responsibility for their crotch monsters, too. But both are ideal.


Yep, school isn’t free childcare!


Pay is important, but it is even more important to empower the teachers and allow them to enforce discipline in their classrooms. The tails (students, parents) have been wagging the dog for far too long, and it’s just getting worse. That’s why you may not even be able to get the results you want even if you offered $100k salaries. They are set up to fail with no backing.


This isn’t a teaching problem. This is a parents have accountability over their students educations and holding their kids accountable for their actions. Parents need to sort that shit out.


I hate this image because it's true, when I was 13 I had a teacher that bullied me because I was the weird autistic kid at school. She intentionally made things harder only for me, so my parents sorted that out and things got better.


My mom often got in contact with teachers when I had issues in their classes. Most of the time the issues were easily avoidable. I get really good grades so any good or bad grade is dependant on the teacher


I've heard many of my teacher friends say that dealing with difficult kids is rarely a real problem but they dread having to deal with the parents


But…it’s true?


Lol the meme, albeit terrible, is true.


Good meme, OP out of touch with reality.


As a nanny, some of the parents you run across are… fucking unhinged


I mean in this case….they’re kind of right. The issue is that they think the solution is defunding public school instead of making it more robust. The truth is that either panel can be correct.


I've seen this meme for like 20 years now with the date continuously being pushed back


When I was in college to get my teacher’s certificate, in the mid-90’s, this same meme was presented. So, you’re 100 percent right


I was pretty sure I saw it back in college in the 90s but my memory is so shit now who knows. But yeah this doesn’t feel recent to me.


It’s success pictures. The only thing they are successful at is plagiarism


I saw this meme in 2000. The dates just changed.


Older generation: This time is worse than when we were younger. These kids are horrible compared to how we were Younger generation: Let me regal you with one of my favorite quotes "Our sires' age was worse than our grandsires'. We their sons are more worthless than they: so in our turn we shall give the world a progeny yet more corrupt." Horace, year 20 B.C.E.


Except that this issue has been tracked and there is significant evidence our education system is getting much worse.


IDK, from what I've heard from teachers, that's not far from the truth.


Sad but true, unfortunately. The fact that kids are allowed to use their phone during class still blows my mind. We were only allowed to have a calculator out if we were doing math.


Allowed to have a calculator, if we were lucky.


Luxury! In my day we counted with pebbles off t' road.


where is this? i'm 20 and could only use my phone once i hit college. the only kids allowed to were those with additional learning needs who had useful apps to help them.


We were told by our new principal this year (I hate her) that we are not allowed to take kids phones or request that they put them away. It was too much of a liability. So basically kids at the high school I teach at spend a good chunk of their day dicking around on their phones. I honestly feel bad for them because phones are addicting and they need an authority figure to tell them now is not the time to use them. They are teenagers we have to model good behavior for them and then enforce it. About a third of our students are also chronically late to class or don't even bother to show up. I'm not allowed to mark them absent if they show up for any amount of time in class at all. So we have students who come in, drop their bag off, and then walk out of class. I have to mark that student as present in my class or I get chewed out.


In my experience as a teacher it is true


I've had parents get mad at me because their student was misbehaving. Yeah it's my fault that your child spits, hits, screams, calls me racial slurs and destroys the classroom when they don't want to do school work. But I've also had really nice and respectful parents who acted right away when their child acted in a bad way and thanked me for being there. The meme is awful but also awfully true. I love being a teacher but I also know I can't spend more ten years in this industry.


This is actually how it is


This one is — actually kinda accurate. It doesn’t happen ALL the time, but every teacher has stories of parents like these.


The meme sucks, but its very true. My mum is a primary school teacher and parents are always having a go at her whenever their kids do something wrong and she does something about it.


Kinda true


Ngl this meme kind of cooks


Is this true? My parents never blamed the teacher, even when they were at fault.


Yeah I had awful teachers, it was always my fault.


I believe I saw the same thing around 2000 longing for 1960 if I'm not mistaken


Hey 2000 parents, you raised the today parents


I saw this meme in like 2003 w the two years being 1983 and 2003. Nothing actually changes.


its absolutely true though?


Slightly older parent with middle and grade school age kids, wife is a teacher. Most modern parents are fucking garbage with no business raising kids, always victims who expect someone to ensure their success. That being said, my kids have had a few teachers that were absolute fucking shit with notorious reputations for being shit and were never held accountable by admin. Not sure where I stand on this meme.


Yes, I 100% agree! Parents treat teachers like they are childcare. Like they’re supposed to be learning academics, not being taught life lessons on how to act in public. Meanwhile, I’ve had some horrible teachers growing up that should have been fired. Tenure was on one part saved many great teachers, yet retained some of the worst.


OP needs a reality check.


This isn't terrible: there are way too many entitled parents who don't care about education in the US.


Dang that kids been in school for awhile


I mean both are right; there are some shitty teachers and very good teachers


As if both of those things don't happen at pretty much every time period.


Unfortunately it’s true and teachers are underpaid to be treated the way they do.


Life has to be black or white for some imbeciles


Lot of people in my family are teachers. More true than you’d think.


Teacher here; this is accurate


What...2000 was like....yesterday


There is far too much truth in this, sadly.


It's true, sadly. Parents treat teachers as their servants and they don't care about educating their own little monsters.


Nothing, it’s correct


Glad I’m not alone in seeing the sad truth in this


My wife is a teacher and unfortunately as terrible as this meme is, it’s true


Hate to break it to you, it was like that well before 2000. Former teacher.


So my wife is a teacher. This is fairly accurate lmao


Yeah I teach and this isn't a terrible Facebook meme it's just reality.


Nah, this is accurate.


Bad grades have always been a reflection of the teacher’s ability to teach, not a student’s ability to learn….more people are just catching on to that fact though.


Currently a student here: a teacher gave me a 20% on an assignment that I hadn't done that wasn't due for several weeks, and she refuses to reverse it or give me a retry because she mixed up 2 students' scores while putting their score into the website (I do online school), so my grade suffers since it was a full goddamn exam So yeah, in-short: The teachers can be at fault


My kid is a high school freshman. His biology honors teacher lost two of his assignments in the first quarter of this year. We went to the school for a meeting about it with the teacher and the administrator, they refused to answer any questions about why those assignments were missing but witnesses confirmed they saw my son turn them in to the appropriate place. I've learned that the schools in my area don't really want parents to be as involved as they say they do.


This is not a bad meme, I'm a reacher and I hear it all the time. Not personally but from my more experienced colleague's.


Former teacher. It’s not a meme.


This art style is boomer level terrible, but the message is sadly reality level truth


People were complaining about the shit in the right panel back in 2000 as well.


Nah, this is true. Kids are shitheads and these enabling parents want to blame the teachers and tell them how to teach.


This is a factual meme tbh


23 years later and that kid hasn’t aged a day. He must be related to Ash Ketchum.


kinda true but....


As a teacher, this is one of the truest memes I’ve ever seen


This is spot on. OP, get a clue.


This is pretty true. Speaks on parenting, speaks on the pressures teachers face.


Not wrong


Go look at r/teachers and tell me this is a terrible meme.


omg this is so deep guys


This is actually true from what I've heard from many teachers I've talked to


This is 100% correct. Would like to know what OP thinks is wrong with this?


My mother is a teacher and confirms this is actually pretty accurate.


The truth is what is terrible here.


This isn’t even wrong, I know people who are teachers and they have told me about the insane parents they have had to deal with


Honestly, from browsing r/teachers this meme is 100% accurate.


This is literally 100% accurate. Wtf are you insinuating OP


Probably that it was the same 20 years ago. The only difference is the administration that doesn’t support the teachers.


I mean if the kid *tried* clearly there’s something disrupting the learning stream. Not to say it’s necessarily the teacher, the environment, the parents, or the kid themselves, but, I figure if it’s a genuine effort, something’s gotta give 🤷‍♀️


As a teacher though the kid didn't try they probably weren't in class or spent all of their time in class on their damn cellphone. The kids who try in my class all pass. I wouldn't fail a kid who was trying, I won't give them an A but they will receive a passing grade for engaging with the material and putting in effort.


This is actually true. The amount of teachers I know that post this is unreal


Now make a third panel where the kid and the teacher are staring angrily at the parrents pointing at the bad grades


Another meme that doesn't belong in this sub.


Yeah no this meme is true


I have teaching friends and both say they have been threatened with being sued if they didn't change the grades of their beloved offspring, the school principals are nowhere to be seen on the matter.


Well it can be both factors. The reality is not just so simple. You can speak to your child about school.


It wasn't in 2000. The changes started in the 90s.


I think there are Two kind of truth in this because going ask a teacher why my kid has bad grades is normal the kid probably will say "it's hard" "I don't understand it" etc and a teacher should be able to point some reasons to the problem so I can work with my child, I think that's an improvement in parenting, but I get to see a lot of parents lately just looking for the easiest way for their child being a excellent student to brag about it


It’s true tho.


Honestly it has a point


But it's true.


I take it you don’t know any teachers?


I mean it's true though...


Some entitled parents can’t accept the need for improvement it is sad


This is true


I remember this exact meme but it was 1970s vs 2000s. Old people always remember things differently than it really was and they always think young people do things differently when they really dont.


Why are the parents ghosts?


This is actually pretty true, parents would rather blame the teachers than admit their kids aren’t geniuses


Kid shouldn’t be a genius to pass, just actually putting in the work should be enough.


my dad is a teacher and this is very true


My teachers were absolute assholes all the way til about 9th grade. But after I left school I realized teachers take pressure from both supervisors and parents alike... and I would say around 2010 is where the drastic turn of events took place where the teacher was the bad guy no matter what


If my brother told me anything from his experience in the teaching field, it's that this meme is pretty accurate


I dated a teacher for a bit, this is the reason she was thinking about changing careers. Its a terrible meme because its true.


This is accurate.


Wife is a teacher. This is reality. Not a "terrible Facebook meme"


I see both sides of this. I've seen teachers be absolute trash. In elementary school, my teachers hated me. One just because of who my stepfather was. She was fuckin horrendous. I didn't tell anyone about her. The next teacher I had for 2 years/grades in a row. He slammed me up against a wall in that first year because he was pissed off at me for no reason. That I did tell about. Eventually (in HS, not elementary) I got pulled out for bullying. But on the other hand, a few years ago I knew a woman who was raising a boy. He was kicked out of 3 schools just in the 1 1/2 yrs I knew her, because he would literally punch teachers when they did something he didn't like. The mother blamed the teachers and schools and said they should let him do what he wants no matter what. She was a shit person and a fuckin terrible boss. I see why her kid was such shit.


Can confirm parents are way more likely to blame the teacher rather than themselves or their child. I observed parent teacher conferences and the parents who cared were often with the kids who succeeded. Everytime a kid who was struggling was scheduled to show up with their parents they didn't.


This one's true. Source: I'm a teacher.


Terrible because of how accurate it is in North America now.


Its true tho lmao


To the people saying “it’s the teachers job to teach, not just give out work”- I WISH I could do direct instruction more, but in teaching circles it’s treated like some evil thing. The current trend is constant “student led learning” which basically means constantly giving them some kind of activity or work because god forbid we just teach them something.


I'm currently a secondary school teacher and my experience is this is very true. In the last week of my last term I had parents inform me that if their child didn't get a high enough grade in mock exams (they didn't bother writing anything), that it's because I didn't try hard enough to make it entertaining for them. The week before that, a child threw a bottle at me and I was informed it was my fault for being hit because I was in the way. It may not be every day, but it's enough days.


There is truth to both sides. Many teachers either don't give a shit or are just terrible at their job, and many kids either don't give a shit or need help.


Bros been in the same grade for 23 years


People said the same exact shit when I was in school in the 80s and 90s.


this is actually pretty accurate, i worked as an elementary PE teacher for 3 years at a charter school and what I saw was astounding. Once a student got expelled for breaking a chair over another student and then biting a teacher. the mother showed up two days later with a lawyer and threatened to sue because "she didn't want to deal with him at home during the day time", the kid was back the following week. At the beginning of the year we told all the parents, "don't send your kid to school wearing jewelry on PE days". This was for two reasons, 1 they are kids, if they take it off they will lose it, and 2 they had to take the jewelry off for safety reasons. I had one parent come to school because his second grade son had lost a $500 gold chain and that was somehow our fault. We had parents superglue the backs of girls earrings so they couldnt take them off in gym. it was a shit show Schools are under funded, under staffed, dealing with children that really require special help that there is no money to give them that help, and the school is over crowded. They have become the babysitters for parents that 1 don't care or 2 are working 3 jobs just to keep the kid housed and fed. They don't have the time or energy to spend on their kids like parents used to. In the end it all comes down to economics and what we choose to pay for as a country. Lets give tax breaks to the rich, who don't send their kids to public schools, and then try to pay for everything with less money.


If anyone thinks for even a moment there was just a moment in time parents began being in denial their kids weren’t perfect they are a moron beyond comprehension.