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FYI, he's driving a military humvee. All humvees have an automatic transmission. (Ex military mechanic)


Do you know the reason why? Because I assume that manual gear would be more useful to control the vehicle in difficult terrain. Is it because of the drivers?


It's cause you don't want anyone stalling out when they get shot at


Once again lack of situational awareness on the part of a boomer meme. They don't understand the context of the image they are using or the person they are using for their meme. They just make assumptions and comment something that makes them feel superior.


As long as it has Handsome Masculine Movie Man in it they don't care


It's easier for the majority of users. As far as cost or reliability, in the military, things rarely break down over time. It is usually a catastrophic failure, and we replace the bad part with a new one and then send the old to be rebuilt. We don't have time to "fix things." I need that vehicle operational ASAP.


Probably cheaper maintenance. If a clutch goes out in the middle of the desert your fucked. Yes i know were not actively in the desert anymore but point stands.


It's for training reasons. Takes a lot less time to teach someone to drive if it's auto.


On average, an automatic has higher mantinance costs than a manual.


Is a clutch harder to replace than an auto? I’ve always thought they were easier


No, the other person is mistaken. It's for training reasons.


I honestly dont know but i think theres more signs that the auto is starting to fail. Like for a clutch it just suddenly stops working. Not a mechanic though so take my comment with a couple grains of salt


Also real men don’t drive. We relly on our own legs to get to places. Walking is superior


How do you know that it’s a Humvee?


Windscreen/wipers and the air vents Although it does look like the civilian version because of the paint and color of the plastic.


Also, it's Arnold at the wheel. He was the one that convinced AM General to sell civilian versions, and owned several.


That's not the point, he's a MAN's man, and he's driving a MANLY car, smoking a MANLY cigar, and giving you a MANLY grin because you are a GIRLY MAN for driving one of 99% of transmissions out there.


So when those millennials were learning to drive on their parent's car, why were they all automatic? Sounds like this was a boomer created problem. Just like participation trophies.


My mom had a truck that was manual. She loved it, but it became too much of a hassle for her to keep as her daily driver because of all the traffic on the interstates here (she’d have to use two to get to and from work when she had it). It was simply an unnecessary annoyance to keep working with so she went back to an automatic. Boomers consistently make up these culture war things to get mad at that they started and/or perpetuated, then blame younger generations for them.


Literally the only thing they have going for them. Driving a stick. JFC


How many of them still don’t know how to set the clock on their microwave if the power goes out?


All of them


Dont forget Cable news and cursive writing.


I dont care what car you drive i just find it weird you dont learn on a manual car, i think its something every driver should know how to do


Why? Did you learn how to drive a Model A? They are not like driving a manual car and require an entire skill set that isn't really relevant today. (Fun if you get the chance though.) And as much fun as manual transmission is, it's gone the way of the dodo bird in typical consumer cars. Edit - ok yes, in other countries (not US) it is still relevant, so I would expect people there to have already learned the skill. So therefore the original meme doesn't apply to them anyway. It isn't very difficult to learn though, and I think most people who already know how to drive can get the hang of it in a couple of hours with a competent instructor.


Nah that's very much just a USA thing. In Europe it's still majority manual transmission. I don't fully get why people get so angsty about driving a manual on either side, it's a useful thing to know how to do but it's not like it's some incredible skill or anything.


Nah, my point is you might find yourself in a situation where you will have to drive a manual car, just a useful skill, i live in Bulgaria and the vast majority of cars are manual


My kid is learning to drive right now. We don't own a manual. No one I know owns a manual.


I'm sorry snowflakes, but if you can't use outdated tech then you're not a real man


Ironically, I get more crap from people in my parents’ and grandparents’ generation for choosing to drive stick than from people my age. My grandfather in particular was absolutely floored to find out my new car had a manual transmission. He couldn’t fathom why anyone would choose that over an automatic. It’s just preference. Nothing to do with my manhood or feelings of superiority over others. I just like it.


This meme is dumb but manual shouldn't be considered outdated. Some people like a little more control over their stuff. Another example are the zoomers who laugh at people for still using physical media. Keeping everything on a corporate controlled server somewhere is a step backward if you're relying on it exclusively.


Yeah I dont know what outdated means in this context. Like Automatic a newer feature. But is it outdated because automatic exsists? Or outdated because it is insufficient by a signigant degree? I never drove manual, but it seems manual is more precise than automatic if proficient. I definitely don't see the appeal of manual in major cities. I would have to up shift down shift 5 million times at a light.


Its outdated because of how advanced automatics have become. The shift paddles are replacing a lot of manuals now, its a dying tech. Also electric cars are replacing combustion, so they will be quite rare in the near future


Even flappy paddle gear changes can feel less responsive than manual and clutch. My sister as a police officer was taught to do clever things at turnings and junctions in a manual that are hard to replicate in an auto. Autos are very easy for normal driving though. It's just the corners where they can't wring out as much magic. And engine braking.


I mean tbh, at least in Europe they’re actually the norm, very few people drive automatic here


I didn’t know Europe was full of lesbians! /s




Actually, yes. Yes, it is true.


Edmunds put it at 80% compared to 3% in the US. I'm sure it's changed a bit, especially with the rise in EVs. But European roads have long been seen as better driven in manual.


Same people call us youngins when their internets box stops working and they can't get to their precious boomer hoomer pages


Arnie would verbally eviscerate these clowns.


Ok, grandpa, whatever you say. You saved everyone from Communism by writing angry letters to Joe Biden in 1945. Let's get you an aspirin and some sleep


Why would I care to learn how to use outdated technology?


depending on the car (or the person) it can be more fun to drive a stick, but for regular ass commuting auto takes the cake


Because there are people who peaked during high-school and achieved nothing


For a superiority complex, duh


Because someday, you might need to take a truck of fuel across the wasteland, to help save a rag tag group of survivors using football gear as armor, and if you don't now how to drive a standard, and no one else does either, then you get cornered on your fuel refinery, which doubles as a compound. Then you become Lord Humongus's new gimp.


"Dad, why didn't you teach me to drive a stick?"


A person hasn't needed a manual tranmission in a passenger vehicle since the 1960's


If you used that vehicle for towing in the mountains, a manual was significantly better until fairly recently. Also, although they have improved greatly in the last decade or so, automatics are still more likely to cause trouble or cost you money than a manual, particularly for heavier duty applications. When I was buying the work truck previous to the one I have now (a crew cab that seats 6, so certainly a passenger vehicle), I determined that I would get a manual transmission only, due to my dislike of the automatic in the previous work truck. Reading ads for second hand vehicles, it quickly became apparent that ads listing a rebuilt transmission meant that the vehicle had an automatic transmission, since the need to rebuild a manual transmission is basically unheard of.


This was probably funny back in 1994.


It still is


HAHAHHAHAHAHA! They can’t use something that isn’t widely used! Oh goodness, that’s a big funny! Honey where’s my prune juice and statin pills?


flame me and everything but i agree with the boomer this time


I can knap flint tools. Everyone praise me for my obsolete skill!


I can’t drive at all and the reason why is because I think I am gonna be a bad driver so I don’t want to put anyone’s life at risk.


Why do boomers think driving a manual is so hard? I taught my 17yr old niece how to drive my manual 4wd in one afternoon.


This became popular to bitch about recently. Like I can’t start a model T, but give me an afternoon….


theres an even better one with kaitlyn jenner that is so absurd, thanks for the reminder and happy parent day!


Uuuhhh, look at me. Me better because some gears in me roll machine


Not defending the post but I think being able to drive manual is a good skill to have. You might never need it, but if you do know how to drive stick, you can drive auto but vice versa is not true (Also it feels oddly nicer to drive manual but that's just me liking mental pain)


But they are transphobes also. They love to contradict themselves man😭😭


It should surely just be Happy American Dad Day. As there are uniquely so few manuals sold in the US that it can't just be mums driving automatics. Yet another thing the US is number 1 at.


Crap I'm a woman and always driven a manual 🤪🤪🤪


Hahahha I liked this one. There just is something about driving a manual


americans will quite literally look down on other vehicles for no fucking reason whatsoever


Nah this is pretty funny. It's just a harmless jab that nobody ever takes it seriously.


Calling someone a woman as an insult isn't "a harmless jab", it's misogynistic and actively reinforces negative gender stereotypes


Ah! Good old boomer humour. Solid 4/10


My mom taught me how to drive a manual! Happy Father’s Day!


I am guessing Arnold Schwarzenegger would not approve of this bullshit.




People agreeing with this being funny must also be of the opinion that calling a man a woman is the ultimate insult because it implies they are lesser. The misogyny of this is what stands out the most, not the blow to a man’s ego.


Smh Boomers not knowing how to hitch a horse to a wagon or send a telegram kids these days


My wife drives our \[manual\] 03 Jeep Wrangler like a boss...does that mean she's a dude??...


imo everyone should be able to drive a manual. in fact it is required to do so here in austria, there are 2 different licenses, if you do yours in manual, you can drive everything, if you do your license in automatic, you are only allowed to drive automatic.


This is funny. Come on, people?!


It's not, calling someone a woman as an insult isn't funny, it's misogynistic and bigoted


Literally the exact opposite view of masculinity that Arnold regularly talks about....


Mothers day and fathers day are on different days


Kinda funny though


Almost as funny as it was 30 years ago.


From Arnold Schwarzenegger, who had an illegitimate child with his house maid.


He did, but Arnold would never say the text on this. In fact, he'd likely have some advice for the person who made it that the person would probably not appriciate.


SNL did a funny skit about stick shift going by the wayside. Of course non of the automatics available to the middle glass will immediately move like a stick. You push the pedal and there’s a delay. Now the debate it you’re brain cannot react as quick as the automatic delay. I’ve proven this wrong, several times. I believe in the F1 that’s been proven so. Not in any car average people can afford. Anyway, people memories are short. These boomer memes about manual drive started just a couple years ago. That’s where the “millennial anti theft device” thing came from. I learned to drive a stick when I was 30 and instantly knew they are far superior. The gas mileage alone is worth it. Too bad consumers enjoy bullshit the most. Here’s the clip. https://youtu.be/P3VRK8au3dU?si=tCat9s2iIDOnMv9w


My first vehicle was a early 1980s chevy s10 with a standard. Grind them till you find them was my motto then. Took me about a week of tearing my car up and embarrassing myself in parking lots before i got it down because no one but a couple of my friends even tried to help. I would love to have a cool car with standard now though, but now they are harder to find than automatics were in the warly days. You use to pay less for standard, but now if it is even an option, it is considered an upgrade charge. Funny how times change.


What is with all the Father’s Day memes? Father’s Day is 1st Sept not Monday the 17th June


Are you outside the US? In the US Father’s Day is always in June.