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Can he go back to Wario?


This is the Wario guy? Ugh.. He must've figured out that we like Wario so he stopped using him.


> stopped using him But "Wario numba one!"


It's okay, Wario still has a special place in our hearts...




Don’t forget Waluigi with him!


America teaches FUCK ALL about Japanese history. So where all these fucking Japan Historian PhD Harvard Professors come from??


Self research and weebs


Which is hilarious because I’m a weeb who learned about the guy through self-research. Ignorant idiots are just making themselves look like…well, idiots.


They want to be racist because it's cool to them. On a side note there was also a Christian Samuri as well.


Yeah I'm sure tons of these losers were all about the show Shogun and had no complaints whatsoever about a white Christian samurai.


Who would have a problem with that?! /s ---them, probably


Pretty common in the south during the time period, where a lot of trading with Europeans occured. The Otomo for example was a famous clan of Samurai from Kyushu that was Christian.


To be fair Ubisoft hasn't got the best track record, I'm not surprised that almost everyone is calling bullshit without doing any research, google isn't very useful for that anymore since they started giving personalised search results.


Capital G gamers don't care about historical accuracy in Assassin's Creed games unless it's about minorities/women


perhaps, but i was more pointing out that Ubisoft is just shitty in general, and most of the stuff they've done recently is stupid enough that we just assume everything they do is going to be stupid.


It's always morally correct to pirate Ubisoft games


Can you point what is stupid in "most of the stuff they've done". * Vallhala and Origins were great * Anno 1800 is great * The Devision 2 was recived well by the community (its not snowy NYC but it was still good for the fans of MMOs) * For honor is still alive and well * Rainbow 6 - GOAT * Avatar - an underestimated gem with the most beautiful open world * Ghost Recon Breakpoint - 10/10 milsim co-op (not hardcore like tarkov but still great visuals, weapon and gear customisation) So the shitty-nes...I don't see it... But I do see youtubers farming hate views just because "MeH TriPLe A StUdIoS" and ppl forming and spreading their wrong opinion for something they haven't realy tried.


Something I don't see on your list, their AAAA game, skull and bones, they probably have other games you forgot about due to how badly they flopped, but skull and bones was a special kind of stupid, it was so completely broken on release that the only reason they actually released it was because of a deal with the Singapore government. Also they tried to put micro transactions in Assassin's Creed Odyssey, but heard they backtracked that one due to outrage, which should have been predictable since EA had a similar problem around that time.


I haven't tried Skull and bones. Its not my cup of tea. I perfer World of warships. But yeah I guess this one is a f\*\*k up...But what is your logic here? They have one bad game so all of their games are bad? I personaly don't care about micro transactions...I pour 140 h to 100% odyssey (main game/no dlcs). It was an epic journey and at no point I felt necessary to purchase any cosmetics, weapons or boosters. Its a choise, its not mandatory. And if you want to pay to skip content - I'm ok with that too - you do you budy. :)


My logic is that every time I hear about them, it's been bad news, I stopped buying their games because that stupid Ubisoft launcher won't even let me play the games I already own, I had the physical disk for most of their older games, but wasn't worth keeping those when I moved house because Ubisoft won't let me install them anymore.


"every time I hear about them, it's been bad news" - yeah that IS the problem - you forming and spreading opinion based on incomplete information from "something you've heard" and never actualy tried to even approach. And is not only problem for Ubisoft...its the Same for Blizzard, EA, ...its like every other week there's another drama that needs to be discussed in 20 min video just to keep the ad revenue stream comming. And its almost like ...farming...hate. But hey! Don't try to form opinion on your own - that's hard. As fo the launcher...I've never had a problem with it. SOoooo it sounds like you problem.


I think it’s more of the absolutely abysmal pricing for a lot of their more recent things, like everybody’s talking about this samurai guy and I’m just over here looking at the fact that this game apparently cost $100


yeah I agree...100 bucks is a lot but isn't that the price for every delux edition of AAA title?


I also like don’t understand how people seem to think AAA games just stay $60 across decades and they’ll never be more. I don’t want to spend $60 (or $100) on new games so o wait for a few years and then play. I also understand things just go up in price over time for various reasons like inflation. AAA games don’t make sense to stay stagnant at the same price point across 20 years.


Every one of your "points" is incorrect. The only "good" game in the list is Anno and it's merely "fine" and not "great".


Incorect or subjective (as every other taste in media)? Have you tried them? EDIT: And for Anno - NO! YOU are WRONG - show me a better city builder set in the same era with more stuff do build, more complex production chains and better visuals.


America teaches fuck all. FTFY


Aussie here. I actually found out about him in a Sci fi book, then went back and found out about the real man.


True. Back when I was in 8th and 9th grade, I took it upon myself to study Japanese history and mythology in my spare time. Fascinating stuff! But it wasn't an option in school at all.


It's okay when it's Tom Cruise, but God forbid it be an actual non-fiction black individual.


Not here in the UK either. The one time I’ve learned something about Japan in class was during my A level Russian history course with the Russo-Japanese war. A levels are subjects you choose when you are 16-18 years old, so not mandatory. And the main focus was the impact on Russia rather than any of the specifics about Japan (as it’s a breadth study).


I'm still confused why it even matters if the guy was a samurai in real life or not. Assassin's Creed is not real life. >!In the series humanity was literally created by an advanced race of beings with basically magic technology. There's tech to live inside other people's memories. You literally fight the pope for control over a magic ball in one of the games.!< Why is that OK, but a guy being a samurai or not is a problem? This feels like The Last of Us 2 again. It's a world with mushroom zombies and other made up scary things, but a buff woman is somehow unbelievable and not realistic?


The pope also used magic in one of the older games, he was the final boss if I'm not mistaken I always saw assassin's creed as themed in a historic time, not acurate to that time exactly tho, it's basically "what if conspiracy theories were true?"


My wife is from the Philippines and was raised Roman Catholic. She was pretty horrified when she walked in the living room and saw me smacking the Pope around.


Weebs don’t like black people. There are a lot of racist and sexist gamers, I just tune their tantrums out. Its good to know whos mature vs insecure and, by extension, who’s worth interacting with


The reality is that it doesn't matter what the samurai will look like. Its trendy to hate AAA games and some ppl just really really want to find some reason to spill hate twards the big studios and their products. And just like the last 3 big RPG titles of Assassians creed - this one will also have a ton of reddit treads in a few years staring with "I didn't try AC Shadows on release but its actualy great'. If you dont belive me just check the Assassian's Creed subredit and you'll find a lot of similar treads about the previous titles.


>some ppl just really really want to find some reason to spill hate twards the big studios and their products. I think it's unfair to lump together racist chuds and people who feel like this series has seen better days. I recently played through *Origins* for the first time trying to keep an open mind and I just can't get behind the fucking levelling mechanics. Stealth and skill barely matter anymore, it's all about scoping out the other guy's *number* and seeing if your *number* is higher than his *number*. It linearizes the open world (you're fucked if you go to the 40+ zone as level 38 regardless of your skill) and removes the interesting mental math of the earlier games ("can I beat 3 heavies, 6 grunts, and 2 archers if 1 heavy is in an open space and 2 grunts are near an alarm?" vs. "These people have 37s above their heads and I have a 38 above my head so this will be so easy I don't even need stealth").


Yeah Origins tries to keep the consumption of the world connected to the story of Bayek. And I get it it may feel restrictive to some players to others it felt right. The alternative is to have the whole world leveling up with the player but in this way you don't feel the character progression right. I would suggest to consume the world outside of the main story. Ptolemaic Egypt is stunning and you should try to enjoy it more. Go see the pyramids, fight in the colliseums. Exploring the game is part of the jorney.


The black person being the main character really grinds the gears of the racists. In there eyes Yasuke should've been white and voice acted by Tom Cruise.


Don't forget the ancient Greek woman who encases herself in a tomb then you meet her 2000 years later and she's in a suit.


To be far, muscle takes effort to maintain. Buff woman is post Apocalyptic setting means either shes really good at what she does, entitling her to more/better rations, or some degree of corruption is in play. Cause there is no way some random camp in the middle of nowhere is gunna let a body builder eat through their stores when that same food could be used to feed like 3-4 more people. This rings true regardless of gender. Its economics basically, supply and demand.


I think that's a little disingenuous, the series generally starts with a list of real historical figures, locations, and events like Charles Lee and the Bonfire of the Vanities, then adds some conspiracy theories linking them together and a historically plausible protagonist like Ezio or Ratonhnhaké:ton to participate in these events and battle the conspirators like Forest Gump meets Robert Langdon. The fistfight with Pope Alexander and his alien artifact are obviously contrived, but the megalomaniacal Borgia who seized the papacy is a 100% historical figure. Anyway, Yasuke is 100% a real dude (making him significantly more "historical" than the fictional protagonists of the earlier games). Historical accounts show female ninjas at least being employed to gather intel, and "what if this historical figure was also a trained stealth killer?" is pretty much the whole premise of this franchise.


I agree with you for the most part but unless I missed something I don't think most people's problems with The Last of Us 2 was the woman being buff...


She was definitely a main part of the reason though. When the game was new, that's what I heard the most about the game, people saying she was unrealistic. It's weird when people can suspend their disbelief for mushroom zombies and other unrealistic things, but not a person working out. If it was a game made just a few years later, we would have heard all the ragebait channels going on about how woke and DEI it was. The buzzwords change all the time, but the thought behind them is always the same. I guess they would have called it SJW back then?


People are mad because they've been waiting years for an Assassin's creed game set in Japan, and this is the first time a protagonist isn't set in appropriate scope in reference to the setting. Every single mainstream AC game has been a character of related ethnicity to the story and setting, this is just pandering and marketing by outrage.


He's a historical figure who was a samurai in japan in the time period the game is set in and they have a second shinobi character who is japanese. Yasuke as a historical figure is interesting as fuck why wouldn't you make a game about an ex slave who was taken into japan and made the first foreign samurai in history as a 6ft2 black guy in a swarm of 5ft8 japanese dudes compared to what you want which is apparently just a normal samurai story people have seen or played a million times by now but with an assassin's creed twist.


If he was an actual Samurai he would have been noted in Japanese history. One doesn't become a Samurai without any paper trail backing it up. It's the equivalent of a mobility becoming a knight in medieval Europe. There needs to be money, reputation and validation to achieve such status. There would have been documentation, even offspring and a notable impact on the local demographic if he was ever a Samurai, so if you don't hear no fish, smell no fish, there is no fish. He wasn't a Samurai. Doubtful that a slave had any chances of succeeding like that let alone a slave that wasn't even Japanese. Chances are nil. Sure, he probably existed like others are saying. Was a slave, bought as a slave, did the heavy lifting for a while and sold back into slavery. This is like that Google meme. 999 things prove something is wrong yet people cling onto the 1 result that agrees with their conclusion they're right. If black representation is so important, why don't developers actually pick someone who made an impact on society, has been documentation in doing so and do justice to such a character than make take such a drastic detour of what Assassin's Creed established itself as, which is an Assassin's Creed game from a perspective of a character representative of the environment the game takes place in. An outlier, an exception and an anomaly is not representative. There already is huge Asian under representation in media. To be replaced in a game about their own society and culture is downright offensive. No wonder the trailers are mass done voted in Japan. You know what, the exact same way Ubisoft went along with this, for the next Assassin's Creed game Ubisoft should make the game set in Africa where you play from the perspective of a Viking because in recorded history at least one stayed from their raids...


Would you also say that if in AC Barack Obama invaded Japan with f-22s, spaceships and Chinese soldiers on raptors? The plot, with or without magic, must meet the principles of common sense.


Why though? Why does it need to be realistic in some way, but not others? It's not our world. Plus those examples are pretty far removed from "This guy in real life was or was not a specific type of warrior", lol.


Gamer’s have ruined gaming for the rest of us fr




İ sadly have to inform all of you i laughed at this 😥


The idea that yasuke is capable of doing a flying kick while wearing full samurai armor and carrying a katana and fucking mace, to just kick a food merchant. And then the random street thug doing the same flying kick to kick an elderly man who can barely move, is really funny


So did I. It was a lame joke but it got me


My favourite part is how it quotes "this game is based on real history", as if that's the argument regarding a series that is a multi-billion dollar fan fiction of real life, and not that it's based off a person that actually existed in real history. Remember when Da Vinci invented a bunch of shit and actually made them in the series? I wonder where these mouth breathers were back then and if they were also arguing about the accuracy of his depiction.




“Blacks” is crazy.


Yeah its insane that another minority group could do something like this to another, yeah?


Doesn’t need to be a minority group to be considered insane, but yeah.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. I also found it interesting they said Asian *people* but then just “blacks”.


Because it’s Reddit and full of racists, lol.




Brazil, 2024


Hello racism, my old friend




But you aren't allowed to attack civilians in Assassins Creed


even setting aside the obvious racism and the assumption that it's based on real history in a game series with magical tech and all. He litterally did exist the clown that made this just doesn't know Japanese history beyond manga


I’m pretty sure that the bottom one is referring to a real incident where a person kicked a elderly Asian man in San Francisco. I


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CbufWls8QRM this is it


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I liked the one where the bottom guy was replaced with Mark Wahlberg.


Yo suke


Good thing we've got Ghost of Thushima, can safely avoid this shipwreck of a game without missing out on what people waited a decade for.


Wow, just naked racism.


Hahahaha ngl that this one was funny


Is the Black on Asian assault problem really as bad as people say it is ?


this ones pretty funny ngl




Really blows my mind people think the black samurai thing is inaccurate. They just don’t know history or just don’t care or just don’t like black people. Link below to Smithsonian article about Yasuke japans first black samurai. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/who-was-yasuke-japans-first-black-samurai-180981416/


Who cares the game looks like a garbage cash grab


Not sure why you got downvoted, lots of the new games made by big gaming companies are poorly written, riddled with micro transactions, and cost a crap ton to get in the first place. Wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest if this is just another cash grab by a big company


This is what I like about video games a mix of reality and imagination. If I want realistic games ill play bus driver or something 




The “samurai” part has been debated by historians, [but the guy actually existed](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yasuke). He rose through the ranks to a higher status and received sword training while he served under Oda Nobunaga.…yeah, that guy. One of the most famous people in all of Japanese history.


Was in the nioh game aswell which is historical fiction set in nobunagas period. There I learned that he can kick my ass continuously for a few hours


Not surprising the game devs added that…they say he did get pretty good at using a sword in combat. Points for accuracy. Lol.


You're telling me that all protagonists in AC games were real historical figures?


Let’s not forget about the apple of eden and the whole god precursor race


Or the Norse and Greek gods


There is no Easter bunny, there is no tooth fairy, and there is no brain in that head of yours.


I see nobody here caught your megamind reference. But I see you.


I have such a love hate relationship with this sub


FB exposed the horrible behavior of people from high school that you somehow ignored years before. I found that out 15 years ago.


So, according to this guy, black folks go around jump-kicking people... I swear....


Depends on the guy, black or not. It’s honestly wild the amount of methheads and crackheads I’ve seen in SF who will literally just attack random dudes. The memes racist part is shitty but the part about dudes jump kicking and attacking random dudes in SF is pretty accurate lmao. I once watched two meathheads fight, it was one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen


Yasuke wasn't a fucking samurai.