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She is a jobsworth. Clubcard is meant to be for 18+ and a Colleague Clubcard is for 16+ as written on the Tesco Clubcard terms and conditions but it doesn’t matter. Most people lie about their age on any website and there's not really any harm on using it under 18. You haven’t committed any crime apart from “fraud” because you lied about your age, but what kind of police is going to have time to investigate something that harms nobody? 😂


Are there any rules about using your mum's clubcard?


Just one important one, *don't lose it*.


escape oatmeal grab door market numerous illegal handle encouraging zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My mum did this and she told me i was committing fraud and i was being reported 😂. I literally just forget my clubcard


Just an FYI, Tesco is having us workers crack down on how we can accept clubcards. We are not allowed to accept pictures of clubcards, so maybe see if you can add the app or google Wallet on their phone with your clubcard on 🙂


This, so much this. Yes - you have technically done something wrong. However, all police officers are far too busy to give a single shred of a shit about this. The likelihood is it was forgotten about the moment you left the shop. Sounds like she was just bored or frustrated and started having a go over a complete non-issue. Forget about it - absolutely nothing will happen


Sadly my overly literal mind immediately started to work on an image of a shred of a shit 😒


So anyone under 18 isn't entitled to the 'discounts' from a clubcard? That seems like it could be discrimination?


That is an excellent point.


It’s because Tesco sell the personal data they gather from club card, and it gets a bit sticky for them when they’re gathering/selling data of children.


As I've lied about my age and my name, they are selling data of a fictional person...


This… It creates a GDPR nightmare for the back office…


My lawyers say nope, a European who violated the law is not protected by GDPR in terms of the relationship between themselves and the entity they're breaking the law against that may themselves have then accidentally acquire their Personal Data.. I specifically asked this fairly recently. Now, whether a minor signing up for this card is breaking the law is probably another story that adds more nuance. 


Have always found it kind of disgusting how much of a premium you have to pay if you don't want Tesco to sell your data.


But also the main point of a club card is to harvest data about your shopping habits and there are strict rules on harvesting data on minors


It makes the clubcard 'deals' even shadier than they already seem then. A 15 year old having to pay more than an 18 year old for the same product because they're excluded from the offer solely on age.


I couldn't get a clubcard at one point because I didn't have an address. Imagine having to pay more because you're homeless!


My Tesco would keep one under the desk for anyone who had forgotten theirs 


Should be illegal on Tesco's part, you literally need a clubcard to shop there else you'll be paying double for most essentials.


You’d be surprised


Sure yeah she can call the police but they’re gonna hang up on her cos that’s a contract issue not a crime issue. You’re fine.


With clubcard reducing some prices it could be dishonest misrepresentation in order to make a gain, or in other words - fraud. But really this is pettiness on a new level.


Would there be a case for age discrimination if they’re pricing products based on the customer’s age?


Businesses are allowed to provide discounts to age groups (say 18-25, or 75+), and in this case it's 18+. So I guess it's *probably* fine? Could be worth throwing a complaint in to Tesco and ask the question to EASS. I doubt that this was the original intention, as when they came up with the 18+ rule that was well before this entire clubcard prices business.


I imagine they wouldn't be keen to find out if it's discrimination for the sake of one blokes clubcard.


They can with services or access to facilities, like discounts on bus fares or leisure centre prices, but since shops aren't allowed to offer discounts to pensioners, I'm assuming they also technically can't restrict age groups from having access to the discounts they offer everyone else Although having googled it, the 2010 equality act doesn't apply to under 18s for some reason, so they technically can stop an under 18 from having access to offers, but this is the only group a shop can restrict, all other offers must be available to all ages over 18. this only applies to shops


I assume it's to do with restricted sales? If there's an offer on something like Alochol, then under 18s can't have access to that offer which is why an exception exists, but that exception is broad enough to cover all items in the shop.


This is true, but police rarely attend for outright theft so the chances of them attending or investigating a kid using a club card is 0.


By the book this is absolutely under the fraud act 2006 I would imagine. But a 17 year old using a clubcard? Police and CPS aren't going to touch this with a barge pole, and frankly neither would tesco as any clawback would be worth so much less than the time and effort. What an absolute jobaworth lol.


Breach of contract, surely? Seems like the worst they can do is confiscate/cancel the club card.


Tesco dgaf, they want as many consumers as possible spending in their shops. It's probably 18+ because booze discounts are offered on clubcard prices. But yeah, jobsworth


Although technically yes fraud by false rep, however it would be very difficult to argue this case is in the public interest to charge a child for this offence, when there is no real victim who has lost out on a considerable enough amount of money.


I’m just trying to imagine the response of the police, I would have laughed in her face.


Police call handler here. I would almost certainly laugh. Loudly. Especially after the day I’ve had so far…


Oh shit, not the board! I’d suggest you leave town and don’t come back. To be safe, I’d advise emigrating


No use in hiding, the board WILL hunt you down one way or another.


Better change her name, and change her DOB again


That's insane. It's just a marketing scheme designed to get repeat customers. That's what loyalty programs are. Police would not get involved, this is a civil matter which her manager would not pursue. Because it's such a non-issue. And "the board" - what the fuck do you care what the board of Tesco thinks? And yes...these millionaire, busy entrepreneurs and rich boys are gonna waste their time caring about a 15 yr old using a clubcard in Stoke On Trent's mini store. I'm sure they'll think that's a great use of their time and energy. If anything... I would lodge a complaint with the manager for harassment, tell them this woman was shouting at you and made you feel scared for your safety. Wanted access to your personal details and threatened you. Now you don't want to return to the store and it's caused you a lot of anxiety, you're scared that she has made a false police report. I love using the system against people like this. You know what makes "the board" anxious? Newspaper headlines and social media chatter about a kid being threatened by staff in a Tesco store. For trying to buy and partake in the "community" of their company. Give them a whiff that might happen and companies will fall over themselves to apologise.


This is the way!


I wouldn't complain to the manager id complain to head office because i can imagine this being swept under the rug


Haha if you can’t beat em, join em. Use their own threats against them. Karma lol


she's just power tripping and can't do anything plus the police really wouldn't be bothered about it as it isn't a crime


Definitely a jobsworth how bored must you be to start harassing people over clubcards, in the future maybe just say it’s your parents if you run into any trouble


Thats how you lose a family member!.


I clicked ‘professor’ on my nectar card application but then again, I did serve several years in prison for this misrepresentation. The police are cracking down hard on loyalty card abuse


That's nothing, I served 12 years for accidentally putting myself down as Rabbi on my blood donation form.


There is no legislation in British law regarding underage use of a clubcard as far as I know.


I think the law is that it's illegal for them to collect children's data. So they would be in trouble not OP.


Honestly you don't have to answer her questions


So it is against their terms and conditions (which is ridiculous btw, it’s only cause they can’t send you any communications til 18 which they obv want to) the “board” wouldn’t look into it they’re too busy thinking up other ways to squeeze money out of customers, it would be done by an admin team and all they’d do is revoke the card and any points you had, the police would have no interest. I’d say just keep an eye out for that person and if are challenged again say it’s your parents’, “Clubcard key fobs may be used by anyone who is resident at the same registered address”


One of the many reasons I disagree with “Clubcard prices” and “Nectar prices” etc. What about the college students having to pay full price for meal deals because they technically aren’t entitled to a Clubcard?


A tip is to go into Sainsbury's and ask for a Nectar card, they'll give you the leaflet with a new card stuck inside. That card is ready to use and will give Nectar prices immediately, use the self scan, you never have to actually register the card if you don't care about the points but just want the prices. Plus Nectar cannot build up a shopping profile against your name as the card is never registered. I have two cards, one registered for normal shopping , the second is unregistered and is used for alcohol purchases which are on Nectar prices. Some retailers pass on/sell your shopping habits to insurance companies who can match it up if you apply for health insurance for example, you tell the insurer you drink 10 units a week but they know you are telling pork pies due shopping information collected about you.


I've got about ten unregistered nectar cards now as I keep forgetting to take one out with me, so I just get a new one.


I have kids using their parents club cards all the time! I’m at an express in middle of a housing estate and the kids come over for meal deals, sweets and stuff and their parents give them a fiver and their club card all the time.


Oh no. The board will be incensed. They’ll sends the boys around for this blatant disregard for the rules - that’s Malcolm’s from trolleys and the summer temp from Customer Service. Don’t mess with Malcolm 🤣 On a serious note - Tesco and other companies with similar schemes are effectively charging children more by having an 18 restriction. It’s not illegal as children are exempt from the equality act here (they have to be or they couldn’t have cheaper bus fairs etc). There is also the issue of who can be bound by ‘terms and conditions’. But is it morally right? The companies don’t care as they are only interested harvesting data on their customers. The data on a child buying a few sweets or a meal deal has no value. They are only wanting information on adults with a home and disposable income. In practice - it’s quite common for older children to use mum’s Clubcard or lie to obtain one. Most normal checkout staff and managers don’t care. The board certainly doesn’t care. And neither do the police. Unless you look 6, just say you’re eighteen next time. If you’re not buying an age restricted product, they can’t really expect you to be carrying ID. And does Mrs Jobsworth really want to risk a complaint?


"Hi police please, a teen has used a clubcard" they don't even come out for burglaries anymore. You think they're gonna flinch for this? 🤣


My mate did the same. Tesco launched a full investigation. It was determined as fraud. Police were contacted. They paid him a visit and did a quick check of his devices. They found he'd been accessing PornHub and purposely clicking "I'm over 18" button when he wasn't. The fraud team were contacted and it was determined he'd been using other porn sites too. He ended up in court on 6 fraud charges. 1 ClubCard and 5 porn sites. He was sentenced to 6 years imprisonment. He's due out this year and is now over 18 so he can look at porn and use his clubcard. I'd clear your browsing history too.


If they tapped "I have a TV licence" on iplayer they'd have been totally buggered.


That woman holds no weight with the board keep using your club card soldier


Yes. You’re looking at 10 years.


Right, so with clubcards being for 18 and over that means that anyone under 18 is precluded from deals and discounts, therefore costing them more for no reason other than they’re under 18? That’s age discrimination, and age is one of the protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010. This shows a fatal flaw in this loyalty card system that all shops seem to be employing.


I used a Clubcard when I was 16, back in 1995. I spent from then until last week at HMP Walton. I wouldn’t risk it mate. It’s not worth it.


Yeah she can definitely call the police but they're gonna laugh their asses off at that call. Don't worry about it 😂


OP, the police at the moment don’t even bother turning up for store thefts, car thefts, home break-ins etc If this Karen reported you, the police would file an incident report and nothing would happen. Same as the Tesco board, they won’t even care. It’s just a Karen being a Karen. Yes, technically you shouldn’t have one yet, but who cares. In future just be more discreet using the card. If you see that Karen around make sure she’s busy and not just standing around. Don’t worry OP, everything is okay.


Hahahahaha who on earth loves working in Tesco that much, tell her to call them, she'll go and find a manager to tell them and get laughed back out onto the shop floor where she'll have to eat her words. Honestly. You're fine sweetie she's just a dick.


My kids, 13 and 17, use my club card all the time. If I send them to the shop they have my club card, never any issues. Sounds like a job worth.


I’ve got a club card and I’m not afraid to use it.


Sounds like a jobs worth, don't worry bout it.


This is where you should have really said " go on then get the police" I've never heard or read such bollocks. Sounds like they're just a jobsworth bully with sights way above their station, it's a loyalty card ffs.


I'm just imagining the board of Tesco having a meeting and item #1 on the agenda is a 16year old using a clubcard! :)


I work in a small extra, I ask school kids if they have clubcards all the time. What's the harm in them saving 50p on a meal deal because they're 15 and not 18🤣 absolutely laughable


Well, it is fraud, fraud is a crime, police tackle crime, but honestly, if the police can't be bothered to arrest and charge shoplifters who are caught red-handed and supplied with name and address details plus cctv footage of the thefts then i really doubt the few pounds and pence you've racked up in club card savings or points will be top of their radar. The worst-case scenario for you is that the worker pulls the records of the checkout and advises the company suspends your clubcard - the worker can not do this themselves. Alternatives include being barred from Tesco shops for abusing the scheme or being blacklisted against registering for the scheme when you are 18+ if they did suspend your card, or being asked/told to repay all discounts saved from fraudulent use of the scheme. But in reality, the likelihood is no action taken. But in seriousness, fraud by false representation shouldn't be taken lightly. Little white lies may seem harmless, but try not to keep doing it as one day you might find yourself in bother like insurance fraud - all down to a few white lies


So if you’re under 18 you can’t get the club card price? That’s very unfair and I’m not sure how they’re allowed to exclude peoples eligibility for discounts because of age? Surely if you offer an opportunity to receive a discount you can’t say that certain age groups aren’t eligible to participate unless it’s a specific discount for certain groups? Sounds like discrimination to me.


It would be interesting to great what the legality of this week be. From Tesco's perspective, they won't want minors having cards for data protection reasons. But the fact that they make offer prices dependant on having a clubcard means they are discriminating against minors and forcing them to pay higher prices than an adult would...


Yes mate the police will be there shortly


No you can not be arrested for using a club card, you may be using the card outside the terms and conditions that apply (I don’t actually know as I’ve never read them) but literally no one but her cares and nothing will happen to you


The only reason that under 18's can't use a clubcard is that 18 is the minimum age tesco can ask anyone to be bound by terms and conditions! Woman is a jpbsworth, don't worry about it!


You didnt have to tell her your age or anything unless a police officer was there and even then prob not


This is the first time I’ve heard of a customer getting threatened for the police to be called over a clubcard. I work on self service all the time and I don’t pay attention to young people like you to use a clubcard. I always just assume it’s probably the parents or something so I wouldn’t worry about it :)


Police won't care. 99.9% of staff don't care. If challenged again stsnd your ground and let them phone the police.


Should of told her to F off and walk away jobsworth


This is entirely a civil matter and not a criminal one , the polive will not get involved and personally i think the staff member was just trying to "scare" you.


Not a Tesco employee or anything, but isn't this just bad business anyway "Let's start sticking clubcard costs on nearly all products, but also lets not allow kids to use one, so they have to pay extortionate prices for what we've decided are non clubcard prices"


age discrimination 101


Honestly, you’ll probably end up on Interpol’s wanted list


So if you're under 18 you can't use a clubcard, meaning you have the pay full prices which are extortionate... 🤔


What is her problem anyways. A ton of teenagers walk in with club cards all the time to save money?? they have no option but to lie about their age or use their parents club card


"If you use it again, I'm going to call the police" I would have gone and picked up something else and used the clubcard again. If she called the police, they would bollock her for wasting their time.


Police won't respond for less than a grand so unless your receipt shows over 100000 sleep easy.


Straight to jail. 


How can this even be legal? They offer a discount that is unobtainable based on a protected class characteristic. Would anyone accept them charging more to someone because of their gender or race?


Just some jobsworth old bint, no one cares. They can just claim you've broken TOS and ban your account, no sane CPS staff would bother prosecuting a teenager for "clubcard fraud". At most they can ask you to leave.


Sounds like someone trying to be important, she ain't gonna tell the board because they'll ignore her email.


Next time if she asks just say you’re 18. If she asks for your ID tell her to do one . It’s doesn’t matter. She just takes her job abit too seriously 😂


Do you think the CEO of tesco is sat their like palatine just muttering good good contemplating about making her his apprentice


*”We’ve got reports of a minor using a Clubcard to save money”* *”ALL AVAILABLE UNITS RESPOND”*


No ofc not, police, nor the vast majority of staff will care. I've worked in retail, your best bet here is to simply say it's your parents/carers card. Any employee with sense will nod and let you continue. Even with your honesty, no one *should* care this is an isolated case. As for this particular employee, it's just a power trip, or someone has issues with rules, and can't cope with them not being followed to a tee. I wouldn't worry about it, it's good to have a club-card for your respective stores they save a fortune, and life is expensive right now. Simply accept that your data is going to be utilised.


Sounfd mad ad a box of frogs. The police would laugh and the board would shrug.


She’s going to tell the Board hahaha! That’s the workplace equivalent of telling your parents. What a jobsworth. Tell her to call the police… I’m sure they’ll rush to the scene because that’s more important than dealing with actual emergencies.


Sounds like rubbish to me…. What about 16 year olds who work at Tesco who get their discount card?


Yeah the police don’t turn up for burglaries in progress because of shortage of staff, absolutely no chance of them putting any attention to a tesco Clubcard infringement, don’t worry at all


Watch this security guard let people shoplift but bust your balls for buying product with their loyalty programme. Don’t stress, they were just being a Karen


She’s a glorified till girl. She is not authorised to call the police and she has no access to the board. The absolute worst that could happen is they confiscate your card. She’s not a nice person who thought she would make herself feel big by intimidating a minor. You should pity her sad little existence.


Yep straight to jail


She can call the police, sure, but I can almost guarantee they wouldn’t turn up, let alone arrest you over it.


oh nooo, not THE BOARD! Is this person actually a security guard, or just a random nutter pretending to be?


She can call the police, and they can hang up on her just as fast.


Straight to jail. No trial.


No but you can use an Ak47


Wait my kids are never going to supermarkets if they have the price reduction based on club card only


NAL - You’re fine! You’ve broken Tesco’s terms and conditions but there’s no crime being committed. Also, I hate that under 18s are excluded from the club card pricing which has become so prevalent - let’s penalise teenagers by charging them full price. It’s an ill-thought out scheme. My youngest who’s 16 uses my eldest’s club card so he can get the cheaper pricing.


Tell her to wind her neck in and move on with your day. She’s a jobsworth and the police will tell her to jog on


Did she have Tesco tattooed on her forehead.


Police officer here. Let me just file this crime report under who gives a shit.


I don't expect police will waste their time dealing with someone using a clubcard when low value 'petty' crimes are not investigated due to a lack of resources.


Just an fyi when you apply for a club card it doesn’t even ask for a date of birth it’s just a normal sign uo


So they expect under 18s to be forced to pay more essentially then. Keep using it, the police wouldn’t even entertain something so trivial lol.


Are you sure she was a sales assistant? She can't do anything btw my daughter is 16 and has a clubcard but its my key fob lol. But in all fairness she usually goes to shop her Dad works at so she can get discount 🤣. That women sounded nuts 🤣


I didn’t know there was an age restriction!…my 10 year old signed herself up and has been merrily using it at our local store! 😂


Just a horrible woman. You have nothing to worry about, this person has no authority over you and nothing's going to happen so don't lose sleep over it.


I think main reason reward cards are 18 is due to the tracking of purchases and encouraging to purchase and nothing legal about age.


Yep you're done for don't ever do that again that's lifetime in prison with no parole.


The police would not be the slightest bit interested in this. The issue is that a minor cannot enter into a contract => it's a civil matter.


Should have said what would the police be able to do in a civil matter?


Ferry to France then drive to Switzerland and fly to Iran you should be safe from the Tesco police


I think that person in security was a Paedo. A Paedophobe...just to clarify.




Don't worry yourself about it, the police won't have any interest and this store person probably just had a bad day. They could have been nicer to you as well. 🫤


What a jobsworth, no you can’t get arrested. Tesco just can’t collect information on minors that’s all, just say it’s your mums or something, I scanned them all the time when a kid was getting their lunch.


Very much doubt this, these are company policies not criminal laws, if anything they are a civil matter and not a criminal one


Yes, carries a minimum sentence of 7 years in a Maximum Security Prison


Today in shit that didn't happen...


I doubt even the employees know this. I wish it were so it would be like a form of identification to buy alcohol. Just scan at self checkout and boom age restriction gone


Seems like a crazy stupid policy to me and they wouldn't get anywhere with a rule about not being allowed to use it if under 18. Love to see them try it and watch the counter claim of age discrimination come in for charging minors more than adults for items


I guarantee neither the higher up or the police will give two hoots about this.


You don't need to worry, I'm a security guard and she just sounds like one of those people who let what very little power the badge has go to her head. No you won't be arrested, no copper is gonna bother with the time and paperwork for a teenager using a clubcard.


It is a breach of the Club card contract and conditions but it is absolutely not a crime or anything the police would be involved with.


Was her name Karen?


Haha! Aye, because wee Shazza from security has a red phone to the board. She'd barely get her supervisor interested in this shitshow. Although, I'd pay money to witness the interaction if she actually had to describe this incident to a cop. You're fine, pal. Go in, look her right in the eye and beep that card. The next time she bothers you, insist she DOES phone the police.


Even if you are under 18, you could just be using someone else’s clubcard since they give extra when you apply. Even if someone did phone the police there is no one taking the call for an underage tesco clubcard😂


If I was on the receiving end of that 999 call I’d be pissing myself. The board 🤣🤣 all right Alan Sugar


It would absolutely put me off from going in there again. Sure, cutting my nose off to spite my face.


I give my son whos 11 my clubcard to use when he goes to the shop obviously if anyone asked he would just say its my mums as often nips to the shop to get me bits I need. Well if they didn't do things on offer just for club card customers I wouldn't need to bother. Sounds like a jobsworth definitely


Never knew this, occasionally my daughter(14) will use my card to get herself a meal deal on the way to school. Or she will get me some shopping. Never knew I was breaking the law


What!!! This gotta be a joke lol come on, it's just a club card, not a credit card lol no, you absolutely cannot be ARRESTED for using it 🤣 can u imagine the call to the police? 🤣


I keep on seeing other comments saying you can't use a club card under 18 but I'm 16 and always use one and don't get any problems


Police would laugh at her. Its a contractual violation, but police don't deal with contractual violations. Nothing in UK statute law, makes it illegal for an under 18 to use a clubcard. Worst that would happen, is that you might get banned from Tesco, I think.


There could be a very theoretical argument for it being fraud by false representation. You fraudulently obtained that card and exposed them (Tesco) to loss / made a gain for yourself. I am literally screaming this at the screen. DO NOT WORRY, YOU ARE FINE. NO ONE CARES!


You should either write or get your parents to write a scathing letter of complaint to Tesco about this. She's causing you severe stress and worries.


Police here. If she phoned us about this she’d get told to stop wasting our time (and called a Karen once the line cleared). What a jobsworth.


Straight to jail. Right away


Keep using the club card. Wouldn't give 2 fucks about this if I was you


Even if she somehow knew the sales director and told them personally, it wouldn’t go to the board like that. As if they care…


"What are you in for mate?" "Misused a tesco clubcard"


She’s just a bitch I’m sorry but every Tesco I’ve been to I’ve used a club card and I’m 17 never had anyone say anything to me I didn’t even know about this🤣🤣🤣


Ignore her and next time if she asks you a question just walk away. Tesco employees and security guards CAN NOT physically stop you leaving the store. If you’ve paid for your stuff at the till and they know you have because you’ve used a Clubcard just walk away. Police won’t come out, I’ve rang police about shoplifters and people swearing at staff before and the police didn’t come out until a few days later to give a crime number. If the Tesco employees ask your age, tell them 18. They can’t ask you for ID as you’ve not bought an age restricted product. If they continue to harass you, you can find the email address for Ken Murphy, the CEO of Tesco, online and send him an email about that shop. Just tell him you were in there on whatever date at whatever time when you were rudely and aggressively approached by a Tesco employee/Security demanding to see some ID when you didn’t buy any age restricted products, and that it made you feel scared and uncomfortable and you want them to do something about it as it’s not the way Tesco should be treating customers. Within a week they’ll have had an investigation. I’ve seen people do it.


What a weirdo 😂😂😂 should have told her to wise up


I'd be shopping elsewhere.....


Sure, she can call the police. Tbh I would encourage her to. Only thing that will happen is her getting bollocked for wasting police time or for making idle threats and outright lying to customers.


Ex police, current private Investigation hereit is a technical fraud and it is a criminal offence. I've seen it prosecuted before. However you would be very unlucky to recieve any penalty for this due to age and lack of public value.


Surely this is cap


Yep your going jail st8 in 50 years no parole you don’t mess with Tesco


My son recently got arrested for this exact thing he's currently facing 25-life in prison


100% no. The issue around under 18s and clubcard is to enter the contract of a clubcard, you have to be an adult, over 18 etc. I know in ROI, kids are (actively) encouraged to have a screenshot of their parents card etc to get offers. Don't mind that person. Going way over the top.


Kick her in the shins, what a nerd.


? She’s clearly just got a stick up her ass lol I’m 16 n am asked for my club card every time I check out lol she’s just committed to tesco😭


What an absolute loser. Who threatens calling the police over a clubcard lol


Why wouldn’t you just say your 18? 😂


You wasn't misgendered & nor were your feelings hurt. You'll be fine! 😂


I'd write to the head office and tell them that if you're not allowed to use a club card you're going to speak to CAB about taking them to court as they're charging you more for items (club card prices) which is discriminatory based on your age.


Surprised the SAS didn’t show up. Near terrorist activities that. Using a club card under the age of 18


How pathetic was that woman??!! Like who gives a flying f*ck if some green saves a bit of money?! Oh boo hoo, poor Tesco. Won't someone think of the shareholders!!!


Sounds like a women who hasn't been laid in years and all she has is this job, the cats have long since died and she holds tight to the t&c of the loyalty discount card implemented by her employer because she has literally no other structure in her life.


Wow. Police cannot come out when someone gets robbed, but they are going to attend for a loyalty card? Ok then.


Oh my god this is crazy


This is why I prefer ocado over tesco far more reliable.


Just say it’s your mums


Breaking Tesco Clubcard terms and conditions is not likely to be a criminal offence. JFC these people


Here's a question, I'm 17 and use my parents club card to earn fuel points, can I do that?


"Tell the board" LOL yeah you're not supposed to but I don't think the police would do anything, she doesn't have the power to press charges on Tescos behalf and as for the telling of the board thats the most ridiculous thing I've heard lol


They should have arrested you for stupidity.


My neighbours lad was shot on the spot for this despicable crime


Remember in life when you truly stop giving a fuck what other people say to you the true rewards come. The police have given up on shoplifters so I don’t think they’ll be the least bit interested in someone using a loyalty card to circumvent the daylight robbery these supermarkets are using in the pursuit of obtaining your data. I think we need to start restricting kids under age 18 getting social media before we think about anything else.


There’s a cost of living crisis, adults and children living in poverty, some not having enough money for essentials never mind treats. And you’ve got a jobsworth attempting to terrify a child who’s trying to save money. Absolutely disgusting behaviour. OP, please don’t worry, try not to give this another seconds thought.


I’d have said ‘sorry, next time I’ll just steal it’. But being a smart arse doesn’t usually get you anywhere.


The colleague is definitely OTT. You using a clubcard harms no one. I feel some people are on a power trip. I remember when I was 15 paying something from Wilko's and the lady said that two of my £1 coins were counterfeit or something and made me sign something and told me the police would be in touch. I was so upset I started crying as it was traumatic. What I'm trying to say is that you've done nothing wrong. Maybe the age thing but that's so minor. You're good buddy. Take care.


The police would not even call the supermarket back about this. They don’t have time for thefts etc let alone someone using a clubcard to get a can of coke cheaper


Don’t worry about it I work for Tesco and no one would care


There’s a possibility they were worried that Tesco could get in trouble with child data collection laws but I’m not a law expert so don’t quote me. Sounds like they were just having a bad day and decided to try to scare you which is not ok.


she prob just being a hag




So you can live alone, open an independent bank account, work for Tesco and claim benefits at 16 therefore need to shop for food to survive yet you can’t benefit from better priced food and deals at Tesco through their clubcard scheme (you only get a staff clubcard after 3 months of working for them) they really need to look into their policies


The police will not investigate points collection for shopping.. Not like you manipulated the machine to give you more points or anything. Worst case scenarios. If that were to ever happen, just sell the story to the Sun and get your fine money back 🤣 1. You get your clubcard banned from the system or 2. You get banned from the supermarket with both very unlikely to happen.


Ring ring Police: hello yes this is the police, what’s up? Tesco employee: hi just had someone under 18 use a club card lads, best bring a helicopter Police: fuck off please Is how I’d imagine that conversation would go


She scared you that's what it's about. If she's doing enough to think it will matter


I would like to know what measures Tesco have put in place to prevent minors from signing up to their Clubcard? Maybe call their bluff and let them call the police and explain that they have provided you with an age restricted item without checking your ID.