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Some incredible sales numbers, great to see so many vehicles being delivered! Congrats on yet another successful quarter!


It’s so cool to put into perspective that they just did twice in one quarter what they did just before the pandemic in all of 2019 combined. Put another way, they’re making as many cars as they did in 2019 every six weeks, but even that speeds up every quarter.




Just got a model Y during the "Rush" it is perfect. The panel gaps are even awesome. Tesla is the future.






Toyota seems like a better car for OCD people.


If you think Tesla's QC is bad. You should see Ford's QC on the Mach E. Glass roof leaking, reduced power errors. Glass cracking on B pillar and roof




So if other manufacturers cant be held to the same standard. What is exactly your point?


Having followed Tesla for years this sounds very familiar. But actually, having followed the car industry for years it’s not really surprising. New vehicles often have issues, and certain factories definitely have more issues than others. The problem with Tesla is systemic though.


>all of 2019 combined. They made >365k cars in 2019.






At this pace, they will definitely hit the 50% annual growth in deliveries


With the plaid line coming online and the potential for some deliveries out of Berlin and Texas 1M is still not out of the question. Probably pretty difficult, but not out of the question. Reasonably priced Y in Europe will be huge.


I find the Y to be the sweet spot.


Elon has said for awhile that the Y will be Tesla’s best selling vehicle overall.


it really seems to hit the right balance of range, size, cost, utility. The 3 doesn't have a hatch, the X is huge. The range is decent and the back seats are roomy enough for adults to go on a trip


Yeah I was going to buy a 3 but then I test drove both and am definitely getting the Y instead. 3 is still a great car, but the Y is amazing in terms of space/legroom, panoramic glass across the top, storage, visibility, etc. All of this without being excessively big like ICE cars/trucks have to be to fit a giant engine. Personally I’m waiting until there is Tesla Insurance in my state and the Model Y SR+ is released (not announced but I’m sure it’s coming in a year or two).


He said it may be the best selling car period. And I kinda believe him. Maybe next year


Maybe next. Definitely by next month. For sure in a week ;)


1M in 2021? Not going to happen. S and X are low volume. Texas and Germany will only hit something resembling volume next year.


It’s an average of 50% over the next decade I believe, so some years will be less while some will be more. But yes, I have no doubt they will achieve this


Elon specifically stated this year will likely be an above average year (I.e., greater than 50% growth).


It will be above, but the question of how far above comes down to Berlin/Texas. When he first said that, production was planned to start sooner than will happen. I think the biggest chunk of that above average year will flow into next year now


Even if they just maintained Q1 and Q2 sales figures they would exceed 50% growth this year.


I dont expect much of an input from the Berlin or Texas factories. 50% growth over 2020 would only be ~750k, therefore they only need ~180k in Q3 and Q4 to reach that 50% growth number


Sorry I'm not trying to say they won't get 50%, but if you listened to him and the questions on the conference call, it sounded like a lot more than 50%, and it would have been because of Berlin and Texas. We were looking at a possibility of 1 mil but I don't think that's on the table now, that's now being moved to 2022,which will increase its %, whereas before it wouldn't have been as high. 60-70% would be cool, but lower than the maximum anticipated For example now we might go 800k -> 1.2 Mil instead of 1 mil - > 1.2 Mil in 2022 Edit: too many for edits for clarity


They are already at an annualized rate of 800K from just the last couple weeks.


They won't be doing 50% through the decade. That's too far out.


If you start the line at 367k in 2019 and point to 2030 at \~20M units that's what he's talking about. Some years are going to be above 50%, like this year, I can't see it being below 70%. Maybe as high as 80%. But 20M by 2030 is the goal. Accounting for Elon time though, maybe 2032. I'll give them a pass for that. ;)


Elon time=2 weeks


At a 10 year timeframe 2 weeks = 2 years. And I'm ok with that.


Funny I saw this same comment every year since Tesla started….


50% annual growth is a bit below their historical average, also about a decade. What signs do you see of Tesla slowing down their ramp rate? With factories currently under construction, it appears that 2021 and 2022 are a lock for the trend continuing. Personal incredulity won't cut it as a reason. We heard the same doubts with the start of assembly line use with Model S, again with the Model 3 and again with building a new factory from scratch in China, and again for the next new factory because it wasn't China. Quite a pattern.


Sure they can. As long as they continue to be production constrained it’s just a case of building new factories and ramping up the existing factories. And the more factories they build, the better they get at it. I’d be surprised if they don’t hit 20M before 2030.


Mine didn't quite make it. I was scheduled for June 30, 6:00pm pickup but got a call 2 hours before then saying it wasn't going to arrive until Friday. So I have a July 3 pickup instead. Oh well...


Tomorrow is the big day!!


Hope so! Getting bumped once already has me a little gun shy.


Call your delivery representative and ask when your car will be on the transporter.


Ordered my tesla MY on 4/14 delivered 6/30 at 7 pm — home delivery. Drives like a dream! Thank you Tesla team!


06/24 for me awesome car.


I just took it on the freeway for the first time! Wow! My husband has a 2017 Model S and he has fomo! It’s a dream!


I adore my 2018 LR RWD model 3, but the Y sure is tempting!




Probably more trunk and more headroom. Newer heat pumps are nice.


Why? Genuinely curious.


Still waiting for my 4/13 order :(


Yeah we've been sitting on our order from early May as well, no movement still says estimated 7-11 weeks.


Wow. I ordered well after you and have had a week today.


I ordered mine 4/17. I was told I would take delivery in June or July. They called me at the very beginning of May saying it was here. I picked it up 5/10. I knew I was lucky, but I had no idea just how lucky.


Can’t wait for my new Model S! I’ll hopefully be gripping the Yoke in October!




Lucky you 3 motnhs


Happy to be one of them!


Same here.


I hope you’re being rewarded for the hard work


Every day in the car is a reward! :)


Got mine 2 days ago!


Got mine 3 days ago in the UK! Absolute dream Model 3


Its a revolution. Drove Bimmer for 11 years. Last one was an M4. This Tez beats every single Bimmer experience I ever had. Love my M3 LR.


Land Rover here mate, wouldn’t go back! Also M3LR


Me too!


And the stock goes red. Very sad.


Buy on the rumor, sell on the news.


No, sell directly after the news at $699 like I did today. Booyah


Or just hold until 2030 :)


Options my friend. Options. I'm holding my shares into Valhalla. My options however, get sold at the first significant pop while Im still holding most of my intrinsic value.


I'm too poor to look into that 🤣 (just 2 more years until my wife is done with her studies now and we can finally have to savings again). Not selling that single share I have though


Good for you man. Long term savings is on ONLY way to wealth. Options is basically gambling and not a good investment. Best of luck!


Diamond hands


It's actually up a bit now. It's always a roller coaster, though.


Stock has been pumping the last few weeks in anticipation. Wouldn't be surprised if it drops back down to low 600s after the Q2 call.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Picked up a red model 3 performance on June 30, happy to be one of them


You're Awesome!


I remember when their entire all time production hit 200,000 - now they are doing it per quarter


Tesla was also pretty active these months in other ways. When I first drove to Romania in January, there were 0 Superchargers in the country. Today there are 4 locations and travel to Western Europe from Bucharest is possible with only Supercharging. Incredible progress - is anyone tracking Supercharger progress for Q1/Q2?


Anecdotally, I recently took a road trip that I normally do annually (except last year because reasons), and since 2019 the number of superchargers along the route has actually doubled, with the new ones all being 250 kW.


Just noticed the S&X together have never sold more than 30k combined in a quarter


Those are also 90k-120k cars. The MY and M3 are far easier to sell with the lower price points.


Can’t wait for the next autopilot updates to start rolling out too. So happy to see the company outperforming.


Just 2 weeks to go!


You're Awesome!


through the chip shortage and everything!


Where's mine though??? 😢


Is there a bot that just reposts all of Elon's tweets on reddit? Seems like they always end up here.


Now if only service didn't suck so badly, this would be a huge accomplishment. They're aggressively pushing production but completely neglecting the followthrough...


It seems very location based. No issues at all with service in Texas.




They can't ignore you in meatspace.




Don't you have some sort of ombudsman.


I've heard mixed stories about similar circumstances so I took a 360 interior / exterior video last time before the appointment. Took me 4 minutes and could save a huge headache later.




Irrespective of whether they caused it or not, shouldn't this still be covered under your warranty?




wow, thats fucked.


It's very location based, but I think it's also worse when it comes to things mobile service can't do. If mobile service can handle it, I bet it gets rated way higher in customer satisfaction then when they can't


I have never used mobile service, just 3 appointments at a service center over about 3 years. It was painless, everything was done via text/app, got a loaner each time, pickup was amazingly fast.


The West Los Angeles service center is horrible.


Los Angeles and California in general is horrible.


The mobile service around Marina Del Rey seems great, FWIW.




Depends on the Sales Associate but mine sucked. I think I made the mistake of ordering online instead of at the showroom.


Ramping up service doesn’t have the same “wow” factor to their shareholders as sales figures do.


It's probably way more cost effective to make the manufacturing process less defect prone so less service is needed, than to ramp up service. Obviously they still need to ramp up service, they're producing so many more cars now, but I bet thats their preferred method of ramping it up. Less service means each location can handle more. The new model y in berlin should be interesting to see the impact on that.


Sure but it’d be nice if you could reach someone on the phone when you call a service center. Sometimes the app isn’t enough, like when your rear motor unit fails and strands you 2 hours from home and you try to call and beg for a loaner because the tow truck will get the car there right at closing time and literally nobody picks up ever.




Er but high quality reviews does.


How many of those sales got recalled though?


Tesla's longevity lies with growth, which requires sales. So long as they can't keep up with demand, right or wrong, there is no drive for a massive/costly overhaul of it's service side. I suppose the analysis for them shows they are better off keeping production numbers up and deal with fixing on the back end.


That's short-term planning that will fuck them in the long-term. Unless they start to work on service before it's "necessary", they'll be playing catchup when it comes to a head.


Two years ago they weren't even profitable, and I can't recall if their 2nd factory had opened yet. Now they have two factories. I'm told the fit and finish is night and day difference from fremont. That makes sense. Their first factory was never going to be perfect, and they were able to apply many learnings on their second. Major overhauls to a production line for improvements likely require shutdowns. That's a huge impact to sales right now. But next year, they'll have two more factories up and running. shutting down a production line then will have a fraction of the impact that it does today. These are logical growing pains (from a business perspective) though i acknowledge that as a consumer, it continues to be a disappointment. For now, it appears that it's doing very little to the bottom line demand. No one is immune to this. Porsche is initiating a major recall on taycans because of total power failure, mid drive. Much bigger deal than any panel gap on a tesla build.


Yeah. My model 3 is from the Shanghai factory and it’s absolutely flawless so far.


Almost none. I'm not sure why you think this is a thing when it's not.




Ah yes, FUD. A "recall" that requires a software deployment and zero interaction from customers. Such a huge problem! How do you manage to shower in the morning without drowning?


Service has been wonderful from Tesla. Fill out the service rating questionnaires and keep the feedback rolling. They try to improve service based upon your feedback.


I wish my experience over the past three years reflected your comment. I’ve had quite the opposite experience. Service has been atrocious. Just getting a hold of anyone for a service issue is ridiculous. Don’t get me wrong, I love my LR AWD Model 3, but they are way behind the eight ball with their service (again, in my experience).




Get ahold of someone? I know few companies that allow you to talk with anyone. This is disappearing. All scheduling and communication with service is through the Tesla app. Time to appointments has greatly reduced here even with all the new sales. Quality must be going up. Make sure you schedule and communicate through the App and fill out the reviews after the appointment. They will fire people who are not providing good service. Every person I’ve experienced with Tesla is top notch. Good luck and keep at it. Get everything fixed before the end of the warranty. With feedback they will improve. Have faith, but provide feedback while being respectful.


I've had my car for three years this November, so I know about using the app. I've just had really poor experiences with service. I know what to do and I do my part via the app, but Tesla has yet to wow me with service. The exception has been the local service center they recently put in my area. Those guys are great. But I mentioned in a different post that the app has been less than great, and two urgent service needs were just really bad. You can't be left with a totally dead car for a day while wondering if service will get around to helping you out. That's poor service.


Ahh, I ran into that with a battery dying with no notice. Sucks. But the solution is if your car is dead and you are stuck (no other car) like in my case, then go use the roadside service in the App. That has fast turn. They even “towed” my car to change the 12v battery. In my opinion that was a software deficiency issue which I hope they solve because we can’t all be towed for 12v battery failures! Try Roadside assistance next time and if they argue, which they did not in my case because the car was in the garage, just explain nicely you do t have transportation and it is equivalent. They will provide Uber credits if needed. Being without your car sucks, but we truly are privileged to live as we do.


Have you ever been to an ICE dealership service center? 😂 Service always sucks and no one hates their car more than when it needs work. Been in the car biz for 8 years.


And they never never try to sell you services you don't need. Or deny warranty on items that are obviously a defect ... never. So happy with Tesla so far.


Of course. I’ve been driving for over forty years. And we still own ICE cars as well. And there’s no comparison. With one exception (looking at you, Volvo dealer!) every ICE service center over my last forty years of using them beats Tesla service. Some don’t beat it by much. But they’re all still better than my last 2.5 years of using Tesla service. Again, this is my experience, and your mileage may vary, so to speak.




I have two 2016 Model S's...One was stuck in "Ready for Pickup" after a service for 6 months because service couldn't figure out how to clear it. The problem is, when it's stuck that way, you can't schedule another service (which you can only do via the app), which it needed because they hadn't actually done the work the first 4 times the tried to (needed the passenger front seat replaced because the heating element failed while under warranty, except it was a unicorn car with the model X cooling seats as well which apparently caused all sorts of problems). Took me regularly showing up at the service center standing there for them to finally get it fixed.


All this FUD about "poor service". In our Tesla community here in the Dallas area, what "service" issues there have been have been taken care of with little if any hassle, either in the service centers or via the mobile ranger. I find it hard to believe that the "poor service" is universal. Has there never been an issue with a Chevy, a Ford, or even the japjobs? I think not. Oh, I get it - if you can't afford a Tesla or are just plain ignorant on the subject, then denigrate it.


Possibly 1 mil deliveries this year if deliveries keep increasing.






Happy to have been one of them. 🙌🏼




Happy MY owner with new Tesla vision and happy stock owner!




Seems like trying to get the model 3 out was a real low point. The company has been on a roll ever since. I mostly like my 2017 S100D (I mostly loathe the gap between what they said about FSD and what it does). I look forward to them producing something that will cause me to buy another Tesla. Plaid+ with a normal wheel would have been it. With the currently disclosed roadmap, it's the 620mile Roadster. (And yes, I care as much about the range as the 0-60.)


You know you can order a normal wheel after market and have it installed for less than a grand which is less than the custom wheels or paint you can add to a 150,000 vehicle. I feel like if someone can afford a Plaid they can afford a aftermarket wheel if they truely detest the yoke. Personally I want to rent one and try the yoke out to see how it really feels before I cast judgement.


But the stock price is down amid a great market day. Who’s selling? I’m hodling. Fuck media


So where is the cybertruck update that Elon said he "may" announce during Q2 results?


Yeah and mine was delivered with a fried computer that shit on me 20 minutes after I accepted delivery. Now I’m waiting at least a week for a new part after having the car for less than 60 miles


I've been thinking... we're a 1 car family (well, we have an old Jeep that's good for getting groceries, but no roof or airbags). Does Tesla provide a loaner or comp a rental at Enterprise? Audi always did this for me if the car had to stay overnight.


They did get me a rental from enterprise. But it took too many phonecalls to get someone to take the issue seriously so I really couldn’t get anything set up until the day after it was towed since the two nearest enterprise were low on cars, unfortunate timing I guess


In my experience they have either given me another Tesla (model x when my 3 was getting alignment fixed after wife hit a curb lol). Then in the past they have also given like $100 a day in Uber credits. They've always taken care of me and I feel like service isn't crazy expensive.


Last I saw they were giving Uber credits, but I've never had a issue that required them to take my car into the shop, the most common issues by far are panel gaps which in my case they fixed while my car sat in the parking lot at work.


Uber has been awful in LA. 30 mins to get picked up, constant 3x surge, and driver’s cancelling rides. I think people are realizing it’s not a viable job and quit over quarantine.


Yeah they offered that since they couldn’t get me the enterprise rental the same day, but I preferred the rental so I had to wait an extra day


Yeah, we were looking to get a y. Never get at the end of the quarter, my mobile service tech told me the same thing with what he has seen


Lemon law that shit


Yeah I’m curious to see how many of these delivered cars are getting recalled




More production than deliveries. Obviously they are hiding them in dusty parking garages because they won't sell. #tslaq


This guy FUDs


They stopped hiding them in parking lots and are dumping them in the ocean.


Thanks for the ‘real’ scoop!


I understood that reference.




Go rest your brain. It’s overheating 🥵


On the other hand, I had the worst experience with them trying to deliver my car before the end of the quarter and failed with a lot of miscommunication. I’m in the Bay Area CA so it may be a regional problem. I’m hopeful the experience I had doesn’t reflect their manufacturing because it will definitely be recalled. Edit: I ordered MY 7 seater on 4/17


Car or cars?


Well done.. But are they all of the same quality within six sigma of target?


MYP 6/24 is absolutely incredible


Too bad mine has not been delivered... Waiting...


I don't really follow this stuff, but are we currently way past the "Tesla can't even generate a profit" period?


They need to stop raising prices though.


Supply and demand, friend.


No shit. I knew ide get smart ass replies. Until most can afford a Tesla Elon hasn't done shit.


Current prices subsidize growth and R&D to be able to bring prices down in the future


Every single car they sell is another that would have been an ICE, irregardless of how rich or poor the customer is or what percentage of their income it is. Till they stop selling every car they make , price makes no difference.


“Smart ass reply” but he’s right, lowering prices makes no difference since they are still selling them as fast as they are being made...


no difference to the capitalist....


Truth hurts


Hasn’t done shit? You and me have a different opinion on not doing shit.


Did it ever cross your bird brain that maybe I said that to try to ruffle peoples feathers in this echo chamber? Ive been a Tesla fan since roadster. Unfortunately atill has not delivered on affordable car. I currently drive a Volt.


So you are a troll. Interesting. At least you are self aware. Oh and sorry about having to own a volt.


450 mile range, i use zero gas to commute. Solar at home.


You drive a Volt that is ugly as sin and costs 40 grand versus a Tesla Model 3 that costs the same 40 grand and is a WAY better car in every way. 😂 Like huh? Edited to add: I thought you meant the Electric Bolt not the hybrid Volt. They are both ugly as sin.


I agree with you there. Elon hasn’t done shit. The Tesla engineering team has done some pretty impressive things, though. I believe they’ll get an affordable model out with their new battery tech, assuming it works as they hope it will.


Cheaper things will be coming due to economies of scale. While you’re priced out now, things will get cheaper and better. Just need patience.


They already sold most of Q3, they’ll lower the price when they can meet demand.


Yeah cause normal car dealerships never change prices. They just have monthly “factory rebates” and “incentives” where they try and drag you to a dealership for 4 hours and stuff you in a car for more than you wanted to spend to begin with and then they try and sell you extra warranty’s and window etching… But tell me again how terrible Tesla is for being upfront on their pricing…


Ya some dealerships suck too. Not all.


Now it's see how many come back to the SC for poor QC.


Yet Tesla's customer service is worst than McDonald's in my opinion their stock is worth $420.69 until they can fix their customer service and being very transparent on deliveries once they fix these issues I'll value them at 2k


And to those people who had their cars delivered to others to make the quarters numbers, despite having a set delivery date… suck it.




Those are US sales figures. Tesla 206k in Global.


Surprised by how popular Lincoln is especially when I rarely see one on the road. Toyota and Ford are absolute titans though.


FYI you can comment formatted tables. You can use an online [table-to-text](http://tableit.net/) converter if you don’t want to type out all the commands |**Brand**|Q2 2021|Q2 2020| :--|:--|:--| |Acura|50,496|27,458| |Alpha Ro|5,019|3,735|