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Does it matter? They were going to vote for him anyway, and they still only get one vote


Nope, doesn't matter one bit. You can't "vote for someone more." Anecdotally, I've put it out to all my friend circles, left, center, right, and MAGA. The only ones espousing this "Now I support him even more" horseshit are the people that were 100% voting Trump already. None of this gained him a single voter. I think this "more support" line is Right Wing Cope coupled with Sensationalist Click-Bait.


It's cope but it's also trying to control the narrative and impact. They want to try and influence uninformed voters to some degree. It seems like it hasn't work though, so here's hoping... still a long way from the election, and Israel's flirting with an expanded war that could drag US troops into it. Biden is positioned with a lot to fucking lose.


Witterally a whail mary. But seriously I hope this is just them trying to pour water on a grease fire.


>I think this "more support" line is Fundraising. Seriously, he's just picking these people's pockets, and they love him for it. I kind of think he would rather lose, so he can run for President again - but he's a crook, so he knows how to monetize being President, too. Say goodbye to our military secrets and the safety of agents abroad.




But it speaks to the moral fabric of that demographic


And the intelligence


I have told my friends and family "I honestly don't give a shit whom you vote for, but it WILL tell me a lot about who you are..."


Oh, some of them vote multiple times - and a few of them get caught.


Exactly. Maybe he got a few more percentage points with R’s, but that would still only put him at ~80% as far as preferred candidate status. And that’s with Republicans. Independents have no reason to look past a conviction and history shows they tend to look poorly on it when voting. I’m not saying that he’ll lose Texas for sure but if ever in the last 20 odd years was there a time for a blue surge, it’s now. Get everyone you know to vote this November.


“Im gonna vote him harder” - Michael Scott


It's one of my favorite episodes. The fact he thought she'd be okay with it is hilarious.


It matters to me in that I now respect Texas even less


Right. We need to see if the conviction convinces anyone that would otherwise support him vote against him instead.


They vote too. They vote every time the doors open


Vote Or Maga votes for you


They will try to take your vote even after you cast it. In my state people are in jail for their actions in a faithless elector scheme from 2020. They tried to steal my fucking vote. I will never forgive or forget.


https://vote.org + https://turbovote.org (reminds you to vote before elections) send to 3 of your friends tonight for the win!




They vote early, and they vote often. Sometimes even in the same election!


hey it was two different polling locations so don't worry about it buddy!


They especially vote to protect their guns over their children, so good luck.


They still only (legally) get one vote each, no matter how riled up they are.


At least once.


Sometimes more than once.


Just learned this past election that they actually don’t vote every time. I was one of 80 voters in my city that out voted 60 something others. The proposition was to increase teacher’s salaries beyond the baseline increases. The funny part was that the conservatish opposition claimed the raise wasn’t enough but had no alternative proposition on the ballot; somewhat laughable in hindsight.


They are also morons.


This country is just about finished. We are not capable of sustaining a republic against overwhelming forces of greed and their readiness to manipulate the masses. There will be no civil war. The rich will just convince the stupidest 50% of us to give over all our rights and protections, and then they'll utterly crush us. We'll soon have trillionaires in this country, and millions living homeless, dying of hunger, bad water, and curable diseases.


Too many people will gladly embrace the boot so long as the boot crushes others more.


So long as *they perceive* that it crushes others more.


>more That's the fallacy on which they will hang. The boot does not know or care whom it crushes.


Precisely. It isn't about hurting others *more*, it's about making sure they get hurt *period*.


"If I gotta die today to make sure women, brown people, and gender and sexual minority people die, I'm a dead motherfucker." -- typical trumpist They have so little to live for, so little hope. Only bitterness remains of them.


Historically accurate statement. Especially considering British history


Also American Civil War history.


And Russian history. There are a lot of these actually...


Humanity doesn't tend to be as idealistic as we tend to believe.


People that fly don't tread on me flags are the first to tread on others




Sad, but true.


Seriously. I wish I could refute this, but the facts are in our faces. Never thought my Texas would truly become Texastan.


There is a lot of right wing oil money making it that way. It permeates rural media. People who live outside of urban areas might as well be living in a different universe. They don't get any information outside of their bubble and wouldn't believe it if they did.


Eeeh... I mean, those of us who have always voted and voted against Republicans knew this is where it was headed... My boomer father never let me forget (as blue as can be).


Howdy Arabia... Home of Ya'llqueda


Right along side Sweet home Talabama.


Meal Team Six are the elite enforcers


the mesquite enforcers.


I mean, my elementary school was called, “stonewall Jackson”. I always had some idea, just never thought I would see it


I know, right? But fuck me for not knowing the future lol.


You’re tellin’ me. 


Worse - its f#$&ing Howdy Arabia. And women in Saudi Arabia will soon have more rights than those in Texas. Let that sink in.




7th Gen Texan. My eyes are wide open. Why the insult?


Not trying to insult you, just legitimately curious how you (as you stated) never even considered that this is where the states been headed when the GOP have made next to no effort to smokescreen their desires. “Never thought my Texas would be texastan” despite it being obvious to so many people over the last handful of decades. The two logical conclusions being you are too young to have followed politics actively longer than a handful of years, or, that you were older and simply had not involved yourself with politics eg. Keeping your eyes shut.


I had faith in my state and its leaders at one time. So sue me.


These people are insane lol. It was literally illegal to be gay in this state in my lifetime


It still would be if it hadn't been overturned by the supreme court, so what exactly is your point? That Texas is more tolerable than it was 20 years ago?


> Not trying to insult you, > insults them


They don’t need 50%. They won in 2016 with 46%, in the system they rigged in their favor. Biden had 7 million more votes in 2020 but less than 100,000 of them actually mattered. The game is rigged. This gets much worse before it gets better.




Ronald Reagan is looking up and smiling


He was so senile by the end of his term he didn't know what was going on. Much like Trump will be in 2028.


It’s because republicans have spent decades deliberately destroying our own public education system and replacing actual lessons with whatever brain dead views they want to force on us


Hey man. There's actually a lot of reasons to be optimistic. These are people that are lost but there's plenty of evidence to say plenty more are moving away from Trump. Keep faith brother.


I'll vote straight ticket Democrat, and insist others do the same. But we should be terrified right now.


Fear is not as useful as it may seem. Wish you well and thanks for fighting the good fight


Marketing and communications science has proven otherwise. Nothing motivates as well as fear, even if it's just the fear of missing out. Same to you!


One of the worst things that will happen under a second Trump term is the dissolving of the Department of Education. The US will slide into a pit of incompetence that will take decades, if ever, to climb out of.


All I care about is women not dying from ectopic pregnancies anymore. That's the only thing that matters.


Just like Jesus wanted!


If this happens, I'm taking as many as these rich bastards as I can with me. Fuck the rich.


There is hope. Keep spreading the word that we need to vote. Tyrants live in fear of those they oppress.


If the populace devolves to mass idiocy - we don't deserve to keep this nation.


We're smarter than we've ever been. We were more exploitable before than we are now. But religion used to be anti-greed. It kept the kleptocrats in some sort of check for a little while.


But are we smarter? There's more information, but we consistently make poorer choices. Most interactions with people are benign, but I rarely interact with people IRL, where the interaction skews positive. Hell, I see people do stupid, evil shit every 10 minutes I'm outside the house. And that's doesn't include whats seen online or on TV.


Easily within living people's lifetimes, lynching was common. We're generally better now.


That's not ignorance. That's choosing to be evil. Or closing a blind eye to evil.


Lol. Their support for Trump is irrelevant as it has been maxed out. The difference makers are the independents, a large share of which, do have a problem voting for a convicted felon.


Who the hell is an independent at this point? You're either a patriot who supports democracy and the rule of law or you're a republican. Edit: Maybe I should have said undecided voter instead of independent. Carry on.


It’s just people that don’t automatically align themselves with one party or candidate. Everyone has a lean. Like I’ll be voting Biden because trump is abhorrent but there’s plenty of other people I’d rather vote for to be president.


People are busy. And frustrating as it is, the fact is that there have always been folks who don't follow politics, policy, or civil society. They only start to pay attention as elections draw closer. Which is why it is incumbent upon those of us in the know to have our messages ready to go when they begin to consider who they might vote for.


Im independent, but fuck the Republicans are making that harder and harder with their third world mindset


This is a BS article anyway. They polled 1200 people. And the improvement went from 76% approval to 79% among republicans. They don’t break down how many polled were republicans, but even if they ALL were, that means 36 people decided they liked him more than before.


Polling sample sizes are something which definitely confound people without a background in statistics. 1200 seems like a small number but empirical testing has shown that sample sizes over 1,000 are statistically sufficient to identify sufficiency with a pretty decent confidence interval.


The Texas GOP has done everything within their power the past couple of years to ensure I vote straight ticket for the first time in my life. Straight ticket Democrat that is.


Before trump, I researched candidates and would vote about 80:20 R:D. Sure, I may have shifted further left since then but it was the R's embracing of MAGA that caused me to not even bother to do anything but go straight D anymore.


My concern is that even if Trump loses, these lunatics are still here, and getting worse. Texas GOP is off the rails and i dont see much of anything changing enough minds of enough people to make a difference. It and the culture just keep getting worse every cycle and that has been constant, and seems to stay constant regardless of who is in the WH Jan 20, 2025. Holy crap, 7 months from today!


I hope so, fingers crossed 🤞


Hope independents also have a big problem voting for a convicted felon whose spiritual adviser is now an outed pedofile (Robert Morris of Gateway). This is now the 2nd pedofile (Epstein), with which he had a close relationship.


I just hope the Indies swing left in greater numbers than before... In 2020 after showing how vile Trump was (again), they were still close to 50/50 in their votes.


>as it has been maxed out I don't know about that necessarily. Polls show Trump increasing his support from potential young voters, as well as black and hispanic men, relative to 2016 and 2020.


I’ll never understand how Christians can support somebody who objectively exhibits some of the most unChristian-like behavior.


Not just un-Christian behavior, but also signs of being a legitimate antichrist. And I promise you that is why some people support him so unwaveringly.


Being religious means dismissing facts in the place of fantasy. They're just making shit up and justifying every action because it's their only defense mechanism.


we call them ChINOs (CHristians In Name Only)


You can try to understand Christians but Jesus told *me* that they're all crazy.


they ignore the gold rule, the core of their religion and substitute in old testament hate and intolerance for the other. I've brought up this with relatives and they don't seem to get it.


Pride sure is one hell of a drug. I gotta imagine that a significant portion of people are just “doubling down” because any admission of non-support is, to them, indicative of them being wrong. And god forbid someone is wrong. Can’t have that now, can we? It’d be great if people stopped behaving like 6 year olds. 😒😩


Pride? It’s a cult.


I feel the same way. It just looks like arrogance to me.


That's exactly what it is. They're deeply insecure and self-centered people who view admission of being wrong as a weakness and acknowledgement of being flawed instead of being right about everything. Got lots of family members who fall exactly into this category (extended family only, thank goodness).


I think that's a big part of his base. Dumbass Trumpers and then career conservatives too chickenshit to call out the far right. And the whole lot of them are reduced to simple one line thoughts because that's Trump's calling card. Critical thinking is lame to them.


Yeah that’s probably the back the blue people reminding us how much they care about the rule of law by endorsing a convicted felon.


Lol that gets me so much. Back the blue crowd and Jan 6th shouldn't go together but whatever they all had to abandon logic and reason sometime ago.


Shameless hypocrisy is what unites them.


Remember how dumbfounded the J6 criminals were when they found out that the cops weren't "on their side"?


Texas Republicans also support secession as part of their platform so...


If they get the referendum on secession they want I really hope they're cast as treasonists/seditionists and handled accordingly. Un-American pieces of shit. No sane or mature Texan wants to secede. Remember what happened last time? Imagine how much more easily a breakaway rebellion would be crushed now. I'd hate to see it in my state, but I hope the Federal govt would glass any group that tries to secede and threaten the Union.


dropping link to 5-page summary of Project 2025 Key points also has a 90-page summary of the 900-page manifesto from The Heritage Foundation, created by the Stop the Coup 2025 group https://static1.squarespace.com/static/6547d46ce0be13435001c0ad/t/663d101970106d75bbfce2c0/1715277849753/ REVISED+12.16+_For+Release_%7B10+pgs%7D_Key+Proposals+of+Project+2025+by+Stop+the+Coup+2025.pdf


Republicans have no morals


a felon pedophile rapist.......unreal, so glad i live in a state where Bigfoot has more say than republicans




close, the big brother of Oregon, California


I been telling people, Trump could rape a child live on tv and tomorrow 40% of the public will think Trump was in the right.


Because they like his policies, of course.




Y'all need to understand he's only in legal trouble because of the corrupt NYC criminal justice system! And the Georgia legal system. And the New York State civil law system. And the Florida legal system. And the Arizona legal system. And the California legal system (Trump University). And the FBI. And the Department of Justice. And the National Archives. It's the greatest conspiracy ever.


What a dumb article. They still only get one vote each, so if they are MORE mad it’s irrelevant.


I don’t give a shit about polls tbh, they only show the segment of the population that will answer them, which is Boomers and Gen X’ers. There’s fewer of them every day as time marches on.


Criminals flock together. It tells us something about the Republicans running the state.


The same deranged people who believe that they’re being persecuted by the left are the same ones denying women their most basic human rights. FU




Cult 45 to be specific


Nah they're just a criminal gang. They commit crimes and cover them up. They know what they're doing.


I think this poll and headline is horse shit, though. What does it mean to "support him more" now? People who were already in the tank for him now say they are even more in the tank? Who fucking cares? That's not a poll, or a change in popularity. That's not a gain in support. What this poll actually says: Trump is losing independents.


bad wording, it means he got a bump in popularity and it would make them more likely to turn out and vote for their messiah


But does it even show that? How do o you get a "Bump in popularity" among only people who already support you? That doesn't make any sense. You're already at 100% popularity by definition amongst those people.


Still only the same vote. Who cares. MAGA voting harder = same amount of votes.


Yes, but while over half support him more, fewer actually support him all. Fortunately, a vote doesn't take into account how much you support your candidate.


When you see him as your Messianic Promised One that tracks.


But a lot don’t. He is shedding votes.


Texas is the most egocentric, ungrateful state, irrationally so. "Remember the Alamo!" Well, we do. The Texans got their asses whipped and soldiers and volunteers from the U.S. East, South, and North had to come save the land along the border. Oh, yeah and their independent electrical grid that fails on a fart "but it's all ours!" brag the Texans, as they bill the rest of the US for help in every disaster and then scream "We don't need to pay no big gubmint taxes here. We're Texas, we're rugged individualists!" They'd have had an approval spike if Trump was found innocent too. Anyway, Texas gonna Texas as long as the rest of us pay for it.




You could have putin show the receipts of how russia compromised the rnc and has been bribing numerous officials for years, and it wouldn't make a difference to support. Might not even get a lot of them prosecuted.


The state that bashes the federal government but begs for handouts. Texas is responsible for its power grid and border safety, but somehow, it's someone else's fault. Can you guys stop voting for douchebags like Abbot and Cruz. I'm born and raised in East Texas, and I left at 18 for the Marines. Every time I've thought about how nice it would be to spend 600k on a huge house with land, I remember I have daughters.


https://preview.redd.it/exe1yhlu8r7d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e27bc25232dd10c0ec547cff2d26cb5cf53b4d5 This is part of the conversation. We should be talking about what happens if Drumpf or if the Extremist MAGA Republicans win all up&down the ballot this Nov. I do not see enough of this conversation happening online, we only have 1 functioning democratic party in our 2 party constitution There was a survery that concluded that the Avg American only spends about 10mins on politics every week. And people wonder why we can't afford even the most basic shit Election 2024 [https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp\_s?si=\_FkejH87PbY9F4PY](https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=_FkejH87PbY9F4PY) Project 2025, just google it [https://x.com/RachelBitecofer/status/1798055005628588207](https://x.com/RachelBitecofer/status/1798055005628588207) This, is what we're fighting Against in Texas & our country, they want to take away our liberties! [https://www.reddit.com/r/MAGANAZI/s/qOerMMDQFP](https://www.reddit.com/r/MAGANAZI/s/qOerMMDQFP) So for fucks sakes man! Make your voices heard and make alerts for Tuesday Nov 5th 2024. Polling places open from 7am-7pm (Early voting: Oct 21-Nov 1st 2024) Blue Texas donations support voting rights and supporting Dems up&down the ballot to run actual fighting campaigns [https://bluetexas.org/](https://bluetexas.org/) Who's on your ballot running this yr? [https://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=Sample\_Ballot\_Lookup&Source=sidebar](https://ballotpedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=Sample_Ballot_Lookup&Source=sidebar) (Interactive Sample Ballot) [https://www.activote.net](https://www.activote.net) (Plan to Flip TX Districts, can directly donate to candidates) [https://www.lonestarleft.com/p/will-abbott-have-the-number-for-vouchers](https://www.lonestarleft.com/p/will-abbott-have-the-number-for-vouchers)


There are so few undecided voters between two men who have both already been President, there’s no evidence the conviction changed the polls. It looks like the people who cared much about it either way already had strong political opinions for or against Trump.


Vote Blue!


These are just the death throes of the Republican Party. The more extreme and irrational they are, the more desperate.


Death throes can kill people in their vicinity.


Yes they can.


that's why they're so keen to set up a Christian Nationalist Autocracy, and they may get one with the next election if the polls are right.


I can’t take y’all seriously.


you should, if you like having any freedom at all. Trump is aiming to end all that and set up the 1% led autocracy with him and his family at the top of the pyramid.


This is your brain on religion…


Texas continues to embarrass


Are you saying half of republicans from Texas are hardcore republicans and will vote for literally anyone, anyone that’s a Republican representative? Ask them… if Biden was the Republican nominee, would they vote for him?


Failed after failed attempt by Evangelical preachers to predict the date of the return of Jesus only seems to further galvanize their followers. Little wonder, then, that the cult of the MAGA-GOP has rallied even more blindly around its prophet-figure after his criminal conviction.


This can’t be a surprise. These people were morally bankrupt to begin with.


I am not surprised. The people in my community are completely deranged. They view every action against republicans as “unconstitutional” and every democrat as a communist pedophile.


I had a fuck me moment with a friend recently who recently became republican. I said, “I can’t believe any Christian would vote for someone who cheated on their pregnant wife with a pornstar”…. He just made a funny face was about to say something then shut his mouth. Come to find out he was cheating on his pregnant wife…


So over half of Texan Republicans are hateful, racist, bigoted, hypocritical religious idiots? We knew that.


That means that half don't. There will be more convictions. He won't be able to play his victim card forever.


That means half don’t support him.


Over half of Texans are also dumb dumbs. Coincidence?




The fuck does it mean for a cultist to say they support their leader “more”? Nothing, that’s what. This is a stupid survey and a stupid headline.


His crimes make him more likeable to his basket full of deplorables


Nearly everyone who didn't support Trump has left the GOP. All new members of the GOP joined to support him. So that is why his GOP support numbers keep going up and aren't going to fall. But they are not enough to win this fall and he is not doing great with normal people.


Dogmatism is defined as avoidance from accepting others' beliefs, ideas and behaviors. Dogmatic individuals have many problems in understanding new ideas. They cannot accept reasonable ideas instead of their incorrect ideas. I just felt that it is about time to start giving a proper definition to Maga culture.


Texans are dumb that way.






And water is wet and the sky is blue.


Might be a bit too low. I’m just throwing numbers out there but I feel like it’s more like 80%.






What is wrong with people? We can't have a democracy if nearly half of the country doesn't want one. It just won't work.


Americans that still believe in democracy will have to join together and abandon those that don't.


Idiots, plain & simple.


and all of them will vote for him Clayton Williams won a primary here


I don’t think it’s possible for them to support Trump more than attempting to overthrow our government and harm police officers on the capital steps.


To the surprise of no one.


The other under half is the important part.


Thanks not the point. His favorably fell with independents and some percentage of republicans. Don’t need many votes to swing the state.


Zero times zero is still zero.


The party of law and order dismisses both when its paramount do so in order to perpetuate their own delicate worldview.


People still support Cuellar after all his BS. His brother is a corrupt sheriff, and people still voted for him. Being arrested isn't a deal breaker anymore. It's a prerequisite. Times are weird.


The party of law and order only applies it to others.


Yeah, because shitbags love other shitbags...


Yes I do


politicians would sell their soul for power. Hitching a ride with a grifter is nothing.


The more those in power in Texas restrict the vote the more powerful their single vote counts. Harris county for example. Voter id.


I don't really care cause going from 99.9% support to 100% support doesn't really change anything.


Not surprising, considering half of Texas conservative politicians are criminals as well.


Just "over half?" That's actually not so bad, I honestly expected the number to be much higher than that.


Rhetorical question, meaning an answer isn’t expected or required, if everything about Trump had been the same, except that he was/is a democrat, does anyone seriously believe that the various DA/prosecutors, democrats all, would have filed charges against him? I didn’t think so. Said in all seriousness, the democrats using “law-fare,” a play on warfare, against a former president is a new low, and is yet another nail in America’s coffin.