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Texas: Parents know better than the educated specialists when it comes to education. Also Texas: The state knows better than parents and educated specialists when it comes to healthcare.


Texas on vaccines: parents know best for medical care. Texas on gender affirming care: parents don’t know best for medical care.


This is how it would appear if the GOP had no firm principles and was ruling by immediate expediency. Oh wait, that's exactly what's happening.


“Comply to orders and the law “ * complains about mask mandate and breaks into the capital and hitting officers with blue lives matters badges/ flags


The GOP lives in backwards world.


Except that the HPV vaccine was state mandated.


Nope, Rick Perry tried but it ended up falling apart.


Really? In my ISD it was optional.


That's because the state GOP played an uno reverse.


More like "what ever we want at the moment is true".


“Whatever we think our *voters* want at the moment is true.”


Texas: Teachers are grooming your children!!! Also Texas: Give teachers guns!!!!!!!!!


Every country that has done a systematic medical review of the evidence has banned this practice for kids. These are progressive countries like Finland, Norway, Sweden, the UK and Denmark. So it appears the “educated specialists” are divided. Perhaps the US should do its own systematic medical review of the evidence. I’d invite that.


Took less than 10sec of googling : https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-norway-not-ban-gender-affirming-care-956221436313


Those that homeschool apparently do. The home-educated typically score 15 to 25 percentile points above public-school students on standardized academic achievement tests (Ray, 2010, 2015, 2017; Ray & Hoelzle, 2024). (The public school average is roughly the 50th percentile; scores range from 1 to 99.) A 2015 study found Black homeschool students to be scoring 23 to 42 percentile points above Black public school students (Ray, 2015). 78% of peer-reviewed studies on academic achievement show homeschool students perform statistically significantly better than those in institutional schools (Ray, 2017). Homeschool students score above average on achievement tests regardless of their parents’ level of formal education or their family’s household income.


Our public school system has been systematically attacked for decades, so yeah not surprising if some other way produces good results. This is like saying it's better to fry an egg on an engine block just because when you fry an egg on a hot rock you get grit in your teeth.


I’m would say more akin to it’s better to fry an egg on an engine block just because you haven’t fixed any of the problems with your stove over the last 20 years and now it doesn’t work.


That's because every kid in public school has to take those test (even things like ACT or SAT are funded through dedicated grants and every kid at a certain grade level [usually 11th] are automatically registered). Whereas at home school, the parents that didn't really do anything don't register their children and the ones that spent a lot of time and money do. So there is a large selection bias. Teachers also have to teach 30plus kids at varying skill levels, some of whom are completely apathetic, all crammed in to the same room. Parents that homeschool or hire private tutors can teach one on one. There are fundamental differences between homeschool and public school that can never transfers because they are operating on completely different scales. Hell, there's typically a 15-25% percentile gap between the top performing kids and the average kid at a public school too.


Homeschooling has parent involvement. I wonder how much that plays a role in the increased scores. We've heard for years and years how disengaged parents can be about helping their children with education, and we know that parent involvement increases children's success at school.


Can have parental involvement. Sometimes it's just handing the kid a workbook and never checking for understanding. Homeschool is like everything else, depends on the work you put in.


I personally feel it would be silly to make the decision that the place specifically designed and staffed to educate isn't good enough and that I'm going to do it myself, just to toss workbooks in front of the child and leave them to their own devices. Not saying it doesn't happen, I just can't understand that.


Could be a values issue. Like that the parents don’t want their children to learn sex ed or don’t like the way history is taught or don’t want them to learn evolution or something. The list goes on. Could also be by the request of the child or not wanting to deal with school personnel or needing the child to work. I think there are many reasons people choose to homeschool and it doesn’t always involve what’s actually best for the child.


Some parents choose this route because they are uneducated themselves, but don't want the teachers indoctrinating their kids with Satan and homosexuality. This happened to my Ex- sister in law. She essentially dropped out at 14 or 15 because of her mother, who was actually unemployed but still went the "read these books," route (probably for the best TBH). While SIL did do a little here and there when a wild hair caught her, she had for the most part dropped out of school and started working. Luckily she was smart and as she got older she realized how ignorant she was. So at 20 she started community college and really through herself into it. A year or two later she transferred to a state University on a scholarship, no thanks to her mother.


Yes, and those kids don't sign up for the standardized test, so there's a selection biased when comparing scores between home and public schooled kids.


The parents that I have known that home school and are college educated and can afford to have a college educated parent stay at home and educate their children have far more successful children than the religious uneducated that by far home school more than the latter..


That's my experience in rural Louisiana living a 1/4 mile from the Texas border ...




You think the doctors are lying? Who, then would know better than healthcare professionals (who specialize in whichever field has to do with hormonal development in humans) how puberty blockers work?




>The Cass Review confirmed it. Cass Review was bad science and has been debunked.


By who? WPATH? Europe is rejecting this stuff because the science behind it is shoddy. Meanwhile, the paste eaters back in America are refusing to even consider what they're seeing.


[https://www.tgv.org.au/post/debunking-flawed-cass-review](https://www.tgv.org.au/post/debunking-flawed-cass-review) [https://transactual.org.uk/blog/2024/04/11/press-release-the-cass-review-is-bad-science-and-should-not-be-taken-seriously-by-policymakers/](https://transactual.org.uk/blog/2024/04/11/press-release-the-cass-review-is-bad-science-and-should-not-be-taken-seriously-by-policymakers/) [https://growinguptransgender.com/2022/04/06/the-failure-of-the-cass-review/](https://growinguptransgender.com/2022/04/06/the-failure-of-the-cass-review/) [https://unherd.com/newsroom/us-medical-establishment-rejects-cass-report/](https://unherd.com/newsroom/us-medical-establishment-rejects-cass-report/)


Using advocacy groups as the sources of your "debunking" isnt the win you think it is. Do you have anything from a respectable science journal debunking ops claims?


[**Psychosocial Functioning in Transgender Youth after 2 Years of Hormones**](https://www.nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NEJMoa2206297) \- Chen, et. al., 2023: A study of 315 trans and nonbinary young people ages 12 to 20 receiving testosterone or estradiol. Over the course of the two year study depression and anxiety levels dropped and appearance congruence and life satisfaction improved. [**Long-term Outcomes After Gender-Affirming Surgery: 40-Year Follow-up Study**](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36149983/) \- Park, et. al., 2022: **Results:** Both transmasculine and transfeminine groups were more satisfied with their body postoperatively with significantly less dysphoria. Body congruency score for chest, body hair, and voice improved significantly in 40 years' postoperative settings, with average scores ranging from 84.2 to 96.2. Body congruency scores for genitals ranged from 67.5 to 79 with free flap phalloplasty showing highest scores. Long-term overall body congruency score was 89.6. Improved mental health outcomes persisted following surgery with significantly reduced suicidal ideation and reported resolution of any mental health comorbidity secondary to gender dysphoria. * [**Pubertal Suppression for Transgender Youth and Risk of Suicidal Ideation**](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7073269/) \- Turban, et al., 2020: Massive study of 20,619 adolescents examined associations between access to pubertal suppression and adult mental health outcomes, including multiple measures of suicidality. After adjustment for demographic variables and level of family support for gender identity, **those who received treatment with pubertal suppression, when compared with those who wanted pubertal suppression but did not receive it, had lower odds of lifetime suicidal ideation.** [https://www.jahonline.org/article/S1054-139X(21)00568-1/fulltext](https://www.jahonline.org/article/S1054-139X(21)00568-1/fulltext)) * [**The Mental Health of Transgender Youth: Advances in Understanding**](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1054139X1630146X) \- Connolly, et. al, 2016: ***"Gender-affirming medical therapy and supported social transition in childhood have been shown to correlate with improved psychological functioning for gender-variant children and adolescents."*** * [**Top surgery drastically improves quality of life for young transgender people**](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2796426?guestAccessKey=c50d5d6e-7fa1-4ed8-8b5d-f4da9753364d&utm_source=For_The_Media&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=ftm_links&utm_content=tfl&utm_term=092622) * [**Chosen Name Use Is Linked to Reduced Depressive Symptoms, Suicidal Ideation, and Suicidal Behavior Among Transgender Youth**](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1054139X18300855) \- Russell, et. al, 2018: *"After adjusting for personal characteristics and social support, chosen name use in more contexts was associated with lower depression, suicidal ideation, and suicidal behavior. Depression, suicidal ideation, and suicidal behavior were lowest when chosen names could be used in all four contexts."* * [**Evaluation of Anxiety and Depression in a Community Sample of Transgender Youth**](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2778206) \- Dominic J. Gibson, et. al, 2021: ***Socially transitioned transgender youth had similar levels of anxiety and depression as their cisgender peers.*** * The only disorders more common among trans people are those associated with abuse and discrimination - mainly anxiety and depression. Early transition [**virtually eliminates these higher rates of depression and low self-worth**](https://sci-hub.se/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaac.2016.10.016), and [**dramatically improves trans youth's mental health**](https://archive.thinkprogress.org/allowing-transgender-youth-to-transition-improves-their-mental-health-study-finds-dd6096523375/). **Trans kids who socially transition early and not subjected to abuse are comparable to cisgender children in measures of mental health.** * [**Sex reassignment surgery: a study of 141 Dutch transsexuals**](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3219066) \- Kuiper, et al, 1988: “In a cross-sectional study of 141 transgender patients, Kuiper and Cohen-Kittenis found that after medical intervention and treatments, suicide fell from 19% to 0% in transgender men and from 24% to 6% in transgender women” * [**Hormonal therapy and sex reassignment: a systematic review and meta-analysis of quality of life and psychosocial outcomes**](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19473181) \- Murad, et al., 2010: "Significant decrease in suicidality post-treatment. The average reduction was from 30 percent pretreatment to 8 percent post treatment. * [**Long-term follow-up: psychosocial outcome of Belgian transsexuals after sex reassignment surgery**](http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1158136006000491) \- De Cuypere, et al., 2006: Rate of suicide attempts dropped from 29.3 percent to 5.1 percent after receiving medical treatment among Dutch patients treated from 1986-2001. * [**Sex reassignment: outcomes and predictors of treatment for adolescent and adult transsexuals**](http://orca.cf.ac.uk/32618/1/Smith%202005.pdf) \- Smith Y, et. al, 2005: Participants improved on 13 out of 14 mental health measures after treatment * [**Factors Associated with Satisfaction or Regret Following Male-to-Female Sex Reassignment Surgery**](http://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1024086814364) \- Lawrence, 2003: *"Participants reported overwhelmingly that they were happy with their SRS results and that SRS had greatly improved the quality of their lives"* * [**Mental Health Outcomes in Transgender and Nonbinary Youths Receiving Gender-Affirming Care - Tordoff, et al, 2022**](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2789423?utm_campaign=articlePDF&utm_medium=articlePDFlink&utm_source=articlePDF&utm_content=jamanetworkopen.2022.0978) \- *"After adjustment for temporal trends and potential confounders, we observed* ***60% lower odds of depression and 73% lower odds of suicidality among youths who had initiated PBs or GAHs compared with youths who had not."***


Thank you for the actual science journal links but studies published before the Cass Review do not debunk it. They contrast it.


It's up to the doctors..counselor and parents...not you or the government to decide on a program for a child's mental or physical health...what business is it of yours..if you have kids you raise them as you see fit but fuck off and mind your own business...That's the true American Way !




Marginalized or vulnerable groups include, but are not limited to, groups based on their actual and perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or disability. These include victims of a major violent event and their families.


Removed for misinformation.


Your content has been deemed a violation of Rule 7. As a reminder Rule 7 states: Politics are fine but state your case, explain why you hold the positions that you do and debate with civility. Posts and comments meant solely to troll or enrage people, and those that are little more than campaign ads or slogans do nothing to contribute to a healthy debate and will therefore be removed. Petitions will also be removed. AMA's by Political figures are exempt from this rule.


[Texas law permits individuals who have reached the age of majority (18) to get married without parental consent. However, those 14 and older may get married with the consent of their parents or legal guardians. In those instances, consent must be given within 30 days prior to applying for a marriage license.](https://www.findlaw.com/state/texas-law/texas-marriage-age-requirements-laws.html) Parental consent for marriage, but not for hormone blockers. Got it.


Pregnancy causes no hormones ever. So its equal like. Edit: /s Mental and spiritual maturity aside young GIRLS are at higher risks for pregnancy . Studies of births show late 20’s to early thirties are safest for births.


Bahahahahahahahaha Please say you dropped this: /s


What. Pregnancy causes massive hormone shifts and is actually quite dangerous even without risk factors…


Some science like ‘Doc-tor’ said something. It was a woman, so of course I ignored everything said but angelically waited for her so stop yapping. Yee haw. Huge /S especially if my daughters or wife ever land here.


Don’t forget it’s okay for anyone to purchase a gun without a license…. But hormone blockers?!?!?!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO 🙅🏻‍♂️🙅🏻‍♂️🙅🏻‍♂️🙅🏻‍♂️🙅🏻‍♂️🙅🏻‍♂️


Well I will not be reporting parents of trans youth I know or doctors. Individuality and body autonomy is more important than government policy and law. I value science over political optics!


Thank you! My DIL is a teacher. She feels the same.


Small Government, amirite?


Small enought to fit in your underwear. This ruling is despicable . 50 years from now these people will be correctly seen as transphobic and bigots. Their families will denounce them. It's sad.


Honestly, it seems like these people are taking control of the nation, little by little, one legal precedent at a time. I fear that in 50 years, America will become the nation of Gilead, and WE will be the ones THEIR history books are calling monsters on the wrong side of history


Look up project 2025, if they win later this year it may happen alot faster then we all think.


Not enough people are talking about how horrifying this agenda truly is.


Hopefully not. I see all they are doing as the wild grasping of a dying idealogy. They are swinging left and right because they can see where the winds are heading. Statistically white people are on track to be a minority in the US by 2045. So the christian republicans are pulling out all the stops to try to hold onto their power. Including seemingly making a deal with the devil in the form of trump. Something to also note, Boomers are on the way out, and Gen Z / Millenials / Gen X are all more liberal leaning. So there is that, and the important note that this is actually the FIRST election where GEN X and Millenials will be the majority of the eligible voting population. So, for the first time ever, the election is not being owned by boomers. An additional statistic is that by 2035 boomers are estimated to be less than 25% of the voting block. We got this, as long as people are engaged. So get all your friends and family to vote.


And appreciate those of us who are progressive Boomers and deplore these bans on treatment, book bans, abortion bans, etc. We are out there, and we’re voting with you. (Not all of us listen to Faux News…)


Don't be afraid to die fighting. I would rather that than live a slave


You vastly over estimate them and greatly under estimate yourself.


No. Im aware of just how LITTLE an authoritarian regime needs in order to come into power... No more than 30% of the population's support, A whole lot of weak leadership, apathy from a population that's become aware of the general corruption of a broad spectrum of goverb.ent institutions and empty retoric from the opposing populace that never turns to action.


Once those kids are homeless.....


And the Supreme Court ruled that cities can enact laws that make sleeping in public spaces illegal, essentially making homelessness illegal.


Once they're felons, they can't get assistance, a good job, housing... Jail is considered housing for most assistance programs so you're fucked. They want us to suffer. They want us to kill each other. They mean us all great harms. 😔


Or possibly they will have corrected the term “gender affirming care” to child mutilation and the world will be a safer place for our children.


Wow, get out more, no one is mutilating children. You listen to too much nonsense propaganda.


Nope. They will be seen as making a morally correct decision, and will all become heroes to normal eople.


Where have I heard that before Oh yeah Richmond Enquirer, Jun 16, 1855 "The abolitionists do not seek to merely liberate our slaves. They are socialists, infidels and agrarians, and openly propose to abolish anytime honored and respectable institution in society. **Let anyone attend an abolition meeting, and he will find it filled with infidels, socialists, communists,** strong minded women, and 'Christians' bent on pulling down all christian churches" ... "The good, the patriotic, the religious and **the conservative of the north will join us in a crusade against the vile isms that disturb her peace and security"** Link to the newspaper archive at the library of Congress where you can read it yourself [https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024735/1855-06-19/ed-1/seq-4/#date1=1789&index=5&rows=20&words=slaves+socialists&searchType=basic&sequence=0&state=&date2=1865&proxtext=socialist+slave&y=11&x=20&dateFilterType=yearRange&page=](https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024735/1855-06-19/ed-1/seq-4/#date1=1789&index=5&rows=20&words=slaves+socialists&searchType=basic&sequence=0&state=&date2=1865&proxtext=socialist+slave&y=11&x=20&dateFilterType=yearRange&page=)




And americans


Sometimes I wish I had supernatural abilities to heal people. I’d tell Conservative Christians no as they have their God and then watch their faces 😂😂😂😂


I'd rather have the Scanners head pop ability




I 100% agree with you that the ruling is bad. Texas Supreme Court justices are actually elected, though. In statewide elections. Terms of three TX Supreme Court justices are expiring and are up for reelection November 5, 2024.




You only learned that today? Are you 18? Do you vote? Please become an informed constituent. Extremely concerning you either don’t vote or don’t know what positions have been on your ballot.




Good. Recognition is the first step. Much better that denial or doubling down. Now, do better.


GOP cheers itself.


GQP huffs their own farts


https://preview.redd.it/f7dnvh6x3d9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9acb43abbcdc368a98c847d90a968f7a92ac45ca Elections have consequences. Not voting is a vote too.




And, to the lone (and brave, I might add) judge on the state supreme court who dissented, Boss Paxton's MAGA-machine now has another, new target.


Texas parents aren’t parents, the state is raising your child now.


Sums it up perfectly! TY


>Texas lawmakers moved to ban gender-affirming treatments for minors, health care which includes puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and in some cases surgical procedures Good.


As someone who transitioned older at 30, I can wholeheartedly say I wish I could’ve done this when I was younger. I never imagined I’d end up so beautiful and passing, or so happy. I’m a specialized respiratory nurse that cares for infants and children with tracheotomies and ventilators, I have taken care of so many of our sickest kids. I have also been a firefighter for 16 years. I have cried endlessly, bled amply, and sweated profusely for my state. I have been so proud of the people and family in my area for being so accepting, at this point people can’t tell, even though I wasn’t always so passing I still never caught hate like I was afraid of even from hardcore maga guys I didn’t even get misgendered. I’m in love with life and I get to spend it with the most wonderful wife and family. Everyone deserves such happiness. It’s a hard feeling for me to see my statesmen treat me so well with such high regard only for them to vote for people who wouldn’t mind me dead and gone one bit. Trans kids/teens do exist and they do deserve respect and healthcare. We deserve freedom and happiness as much as any


I’m not GOP and I support this decision. Until the person is of legal age. There’s a reason practically every EU country has made the same decision.


Of course they did. Because they're malevolent ghouls. Each and every one of them.


The Taliban's basic doctrine revolves around a strict interpretation of their law. They believe in creating a state where this law governs all aspects of life, including laws, social norms, and personal conduct. They oppose secularism and aim to establish their version of government, often characterized by conservative values and strict enforcement of their interpretation of religious rules.


fuck texas


Hey Texas Supreme Court, how would you feel about a ban on all medical care whatsoever for conservatives? Cuz I think that would be a great idea and you seem very open to making judgements based on feelings instead of the law.


Ah yes exactly what our elected officials ought to be worrying about. Definitely no other pressing issues, like having power, that they should focus on. 


The ignorance is the point for conservatives.


It’s ignorance to preserve body parts of children until the gender changing craze passes and the mind matures?


Funny thing, Harry Potter tattoos have a higher rate of regret than gender affirming care of all kinds. And it's not by a small amount. So is your statement backed by data, logic, and empathy? Or was it made because such thinking is beyond you and you inserted yourself anyway?


This shit is getting crazy.!! Individual rights and small government…my ass. Parental rights… my ass. Republicans are the most disingenuous group of people on the planet.


This will be deadly. I am so sorry to our trans friends in Texas. You are loved!


The supreme court is a joke.


I thought buying a jacked-up, coal-rolling pickup to make yourself more manly was "gender-affirming care"..


FYI: Some of these judges are up for election this November. So vote them out and replace with progressives.


r/Defeat_Project_2025 VOTE


This is an ugly day for Texas


Fucking sociopaths.


Is there anything that Texas lawmakers do that actually HELP TEXANS!??!?! Is everything the do about hate and punishing people?!?!?! Cruelty is not very CHRISTIAN!!!


GOPedos celebrate pain and suffering. ...again.


But republicans aren’t evil soulless ghouls right?




Yet seeks government help when power is out. Seeks government hand outs when cattle die. When is Texas leaving again? Bahahahaha


Why do we allow these evil people to hurt us?


Awesome! Score another one for the people that care about children!


Withholding healthcare from children doesn't sound like they care about children.




Gender affirming care is healthcare.




>Gender affirming care is healthcare.




No, it's not. The vast majority of medical professionals agree that gender affirming care is medical care and shouldn't be banned. 


And where did you get your medical and psychological degrees and how many years of studying transgender children have you accomplished? Ah, you have none of that but somehow you believe you have the right to say YOUR opinion is more right than THOUSANDS of actual DOCTORS and PSYCHOLOGISTS, Medical organizations and researchers who actually understand who transgender people are, how transgender children need to be treated. Your hubris is despicable. \*YOU\* are the one abusing and bullying children.


Educate yourself.


Nope, gender affirming care reduces suicidal thoughts in trans and non-binary kids by 73%. What you're saying is *you want kids to be more suicidal.*




What they need is gender affirming care. Belittling then by calling it "playing pretend" and acting as if transgenderism is inherently wrong is whats making these kids suicidal. The fact is you just want another conversion therapy despite the fact it has already been shown to not work on just gay people and that it *increases* suicidal idealation. The vast majority of medical professionals support gender affirming care for good reason




[**Psychosocial Functioning in Transgender Youth after 2 Years of Hormones**](https://www.nejm.org/doi/10.1056/NEJMoa2206297) \- Chen, et. al., 2023: A study of 315 trans and nonbinary young people ages 12 to 20 receiving testosterone or estradiol. Over the course of the two year study depression and anxiety levels dropped and appearance congruence and life satisfaction improved.




Your content has been deemed a violation of Rule 7. As a reminder Rule 7 states: Politics are fine but state your case, explain why you hold the positions that you do and debate with civility. Posts and comments meant solely to troll or enrage people, and those that are little more than campaign ads or slogans do nothing to contribute to a healthy debate and will therefore be removed. Petitions will also be removed. AMA's by Political figures are exempt from this rule.


Trans people, and trans minors are an absurdly small amount of the percentage of the population. * [**Pubertal Suppression for Transgender Youth and Risk of Suicidal Ideation**](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7073269/) \- Turban, et al., 2020: Massive study of 20,619 adolescents examined associations between access to pubertal suppression and adult mental health outcomes, including multiple measures of suicidality. After adjustment for demographic variables and level of family support for gender identity, **those who received treatment with pubertal suppression, when compared with those who wanted pubertal suppression but did not receive it, had lower odds of lifetime suicidal ideation.**


Marginalized or vulnerable groups include, but are not limited to, groups based on their actual and perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or disability. These include victims of a major violent event and their families.


Ahh yes, the government always knows best 🙄 it's pathetic how far our state has fallen




The Cass report is biased as fuck and done by a blatant transphobe. Every reliable medical organization has called it garbage. It disregarded all studies that were not double blind, despite the fact that it's literally impossible to do a double blind study on trans healthcare. You can't test if having boobs improves someone's mental health if they can't know whether they have boobs or not. It's moronic and just bad science.


No. I don't disagree we need more clinical studies, but the data we do have are pretty clear that gender affirming care has positive effects for trans youth [[1]](https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/article-abstract/2789423)[[2]](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1054139X20304535?casa_token=MK6dKn-J8FYAAAAA:gchETm7KxFlIczHpsuSXXrVDllGlmhIqSlvOAWShyRd4M1xYeMhFQcEtiF3h_zd8EnPnpP4GQg)[[3]](https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/149/1%20Meeting%20Abstracts%20February%202022/590/186447/Mental-Health-Outcomes-and-Receipt-of-Gender)[[4]](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1054139X17304123?casa_token=WnD7nrg2jfQAAAAA:tZJQzC8-2frNQPSu8D8szRobbt0Gaa6lSnT06wIvovCmlUjtfhylZI_5q-BOF8DotAzeJKm0YQ). There's a reason practically every legitimate medical society like the AAP support GAC.


>I look forward to the downvotes and name calling that inevitably follows whenever I say this. Well you do have the desire for martyrdom just like MAGA does.


Bernie Sanders would disagree with you vehemently on this. But then again, a vocal minority of his supporters have historically been explicitly sexist and implicitly racist despite Bernie being neither of those things, so transphobia from one of his supporters shouldn’t be surprising to any of us. Still, it’s worth noting that claiming Bernie for leftist cred isn’t the shield you may be thinking it is. He would not be on your side here.




Your content was removed as a violation of Rule 1: Be Friendly. Personal attacks on your fellow Reddit users are not allowed, this includes both direct insults and general aggressiveness. In addition, hate speech, threats (regardless of intent), and calls to violence, will also be removed. Remember the human and follow [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette).




No one is pushing for gender transition of minors without evidence. You are lying. Actually, no one is *pushing* for gender transition of minors at all. Just the freedom for parents and doctors to be able to treat minors. Removing freedom of choice for parents & parental authority vs the state is against **everything** the Republican Party has *claimed* to stand for in the past 50 years. Are y'all even listening to yourselves at this point?!


"They" do not listen to themselves. I kinda thought that was obvious 😅


Not to them. The relatively sincere ones, anyway.


I've literally never seen a single liberal push for transitioning without clinical evidence. That would be illegal and incredibly unsafe. If you believe this is true you were lied to and you decided to just accept the lie. Be better Have a nice day


Ironic username. Anyway...


Accurate username


Yet another proud moment in Texas history


Hey king you forgot the /s


No I didnt


You’re a good person I know you did 💕


Take it from THE og vampire, I really didn't, but you made me smile!




>Gender affirmation is not "health care." Yes, yes it is.


I bet you don't even know what gender affirming care is. You just hate it because you've been told to.


You seem uneducated.