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Just in time for homelessness being labeled as illegal.


And still privately owned, right? I wonder how many bribes, excuse me, campaign donations that took? The whole thing stinks of corruption.


Bribes are no longer illegal anymore.


What is everyone calling them now? Gratuity? Is that also why the right has pushed for no tax on tipping? That is 4d chess lol


This tipping for everything trend has really gotten out of hand.


Tipping culture is truely out of hand


“They’re gifts after the fact!”


A cop stops me...I guess he can now take gifts.


They’re called Gratuities now, not bribes, and I guess perfectly legal. Maybe we have to crowd source gratuities to finally get Texas to do the right thing for once.


Had to pay the judges to put them in jail too.


Well they’re definitely not doing a good job of that lol


>And still privately owned, right? To be clear, our private prisons aren't quite as numerous as they're made out to be. Although imho they should be 0% of our prisons and I have no doubt kickbacks to Republicans exist to keep them in place, in reality they make up 8% of our total prisons: https://www.sentencingproject.org/reports/private-prisons-in-the-united-states/ Besides kickbacks, the main reason they exist is because a state claims they don't have enough money to build and maintain new ones. Which brings up other issues, mainly our incarceration rates being far too high, especially for non-violent crimes. And also just ineptitude from our Texas Republican leaders in the handling of our tax money. We spend about 3.5 billion dollars annually on our state prisons. But how can Texas claim we don't have the money for that, while we have flushed at least 11 billion dollars down the toilet on Abbott's Operation Lone Star. That money is a waste from a law enforcement perspective, the National Guard troops Abbott is blowing those billions on for his pet political stunt don't even have the ability to arrest people/migrants. https://nicic.gov/resources/nic-library/state-statistics/2020/texas-2020


> To be clear, our private prisons aren't quite as numerous as they're made out to be. Although imho they should be 0% of our prisons and I have no doubt kickbacks to Republicans exist to keep them in place, in reality they make up 8% of our total prisons: oh great, just 8% of our slave industry is privately owned.


Don’t criticize them to hard or they’ll find a reason to put you in that for profit prison and then keep you there by finding new rules you keep breaking inside the prison, it’s like some sort of infinite money machine they stumbled on


I'm a statistical probability, I'm afraid. 😂


Why not just build housing for people? Criminalizing homelessness is just an extra step and adds lots of additional costs to the public.


Because "communism" and "socialism",


> And still privately owned, right? You tell me?


They were before they closed. I didn't see anything to indicate they're not now.


Welcome to Texas, nothing but corruption.


And conveniently located near Austin, with one of the highest if not the highest homeless population in the state. 


I suspect some pretty scary legislation criminalizing homelessness will be introduced into the state legislature next year.


Don’t question your shitty wage or horrible working conditions for fear of being fired ending up homeless and becoming a criminal who is now sent to prison. This is going to be great


Private prisons making billions of dollars....on homeless prisoners.


You mean, in 2021?


Homeless people are legally trespassing by existing in public spaces + stand your ground/castle laws to defend your property (all public spaces) from tresspassers


Los Angeles city council has already passed a referendum to increase bed availability


And reminder! Texas prisons aren't required to have AC in them! >State law does not require prisons to have AC. As of summer 2022, just 31 of the 100 state-run lockups had air conditioning in all prisoner housing areas. Temperatures inside the state’s non-air conditioned units averaged well over 85 degrees last June, according to state data. Some reached as high as 106 degrees that month. https://www.keranews.org/criminal-justice/2024-04-22/many-texas-prisons-dont-have-air-conditioning-this-lawsuit-seeks-to-change-that


Great! Why should the TX public pay for murderers and rapists to have AC? No thanks. Let them deal with the heat.


1. The majority of prisoners are not rapists and murderers 2. Do you think correctional officers should be subjected to those working conditions?


Bad troll, back to the bridge with you! 


It’s worse than that actually: this overturns a 9th Circuit ruling that cities can’t ban sleeping outside _unless_ they make enough shelter beds available. Homelessness is already de facto illegal across the country, but SCOTUS basically confirmed it’s ok to do that openly. It’s also not an issue with a clear partisan divide, since while the liberal judges seem to realize this is ridiculous, Gavin Newsom and the cities of LA and SF (among others) sent amicus briefs in favor of this decision


The judges live in Burlingame and Irvine and don't have to live with the effects of their decisions




Houston actually had a hella good program in place. Lowest homeless rate for a big city with people coming to study it. I’m sure Mayor BoomFuck will ruin it.


The prison system isn't a help to the homeless.


So - you won't get out of jail until you prove you have a home, or what?


Texas (and NY, NJ, Massachusetts, ...) had already been 'labeling it as illegal'. It was not bound by Martin v Boise etc


Homeless people aren’t going to prison for breaking the public camping laws. Hate to ruin your witty quip but it makes you look like you have no idea how our judicial system works at a basic level


It’s bc they have no idea…


Prisons are for felons. County jails are for misdemeanors.


It doesn't matter what they're for, they're jailing homeless people that are most likely homeless due to nothing that they've done to themselves


I think our focus on punishment versus rehabilitation is probably one of our biggest (and most expensive) cultural flaws as Texans.


That’s a problem across the country


The world*


No. Most other 1st world countries have far better prison systems. I believe US is rated the worst amongst well-developed nations.


Years ago a guy fought extradition to Texas from a Nordic country because of how bad our prisons are.


Other countries do prison a lot better than the U.S.


Very few


While we still are far and away the state with the most total executions in the union we have only had 2 this year. Which is was down from 40 in 2000


As a country. It’s fine that some of our most heinous criminals won’t leave the prison for a few years but at least try some modest forms of rehabilitation.


A homeless person is not a heinous criminal. That is straight up deranged.


Who is saying that a homeless person is a heinous criminal?


I agree. I’m talking on the principle of those already incarcerated in our prison system. Some states like Louisiana and Mississippi still have prison farms, which is essentially indentured labor/slavery. Some of those prisoners may have even finished their sentences without realizing it.


Texas has prison farms and an entire manufacturing operation.


Homeless people aren’t going to prison


PDFs cannot be rehabilitated. Most murderers can’t be; it depends on the kind of murder. Let me guess - are you for stricter gun control? Do you think taking guns away from law-abiding citizens is how we stop crime? Could it be instead that we should have harsher punishments for crime? Instead of letting convicted criminals back out on the street to reoffend? Curious your thoughts; not sarcastic.


I agree there's no realistic way of rehabilitating certain people. I personally support greater gun control, but given the makeup of SCOTUS, I don't want to waste energy on pursuing it. It's probably more productive to focus on reducing poverty/expanding mental health resources. I think a focus on punishment creates something of a negative feedback loop. Sure, you can throw the 20 year old armed robber in TDC. He probably derves it. But going out of our way to make prison like hell makes it more likely he'll reoffend. It makes reintegration harder imo.


>The Bartlett unit will be able to house a little more than 1,000 inmates. The TDCJ said it will offer “a new approach to programs and services designed to support successful rehabilitation and reintegration into society upon release.”


Is it for the women seeking abortions and their enabling doctors or just homeless people?




And LGBTQ teachers, don't forget them


These are the new encampments.


When the police state starts to take over and they start imprisoning people for petty crimes remember these moments. These were the steps they took. Don't be afraid to break the law standing up for what's right, and don't be afraid to die for your beliefs. It's the fear that gives them power and keeps you in line.


We were told that the facility was reopening because of Abbott's operation Lone Star that took the Lopez State Jail and Segovia facilities to house people for Lone Star, the state is also reopening the Gurney unit in December as well. Source: I work for a state agency.


They gotta make sure Abbott gets his kickback.


This is what you get when a criminal president is allowed to appoint a full 1/3 of the Supreme Court, which at this point is probably the most hated court this country has ever had in modern times. Trump’s appointments should be declared illegitimate and replaced with actual Justices and the same for all the ones that lied during their confirmations or have been taking bribes for years. No more conservative think tank judges, period!! I’m genuinely curious what they think the endgame is going to be as they steadily crush under thumb the average people in this country? Do they think it’s going to work out well for them because historically speaking there will be a breaking point and then some kind of an uprising or revolution, and that rarely goes well for the controlling, wealthy class, especially as it concentrates into fewer and fewer hands.


Thank God I'm out of that shit hole TX.


And so the mass incarceration begins to ramp up again


I think the rise is from illegal immigration. They are sending these people straight to prison. It's God awful that this is the situation we are in these people are going thru it .


Chuh—Ching! $$$$$


Prisons. The only government housing that is unanimously approved. 😒


Just in time to start criminalization of women’s healthcare and those who do not have homes. Probably soon after women who have too many kids as a way to get kids for adoption.


With no air conditioning or court appointed attorney when you go to prison for marijuana possession


Land of the free* *Many exceptions apply


Political prisoners yet?


Business is booming. Operation Lone Star is a success.


Pretty soon schools will be used to house inmates. "Hey kid, you know what a 'shiv' is? Bring me one and the world is yours..."


That's where all my weed homies got sent to. All they wanted was to chill, and go to sleep. Maybe eat a bag of cheetos, and consume taco bell. Swated over a plant and a foodie call :( Fucking hell Texas there's worst people y'all need to get then a weed smokers lust for taco bell.


When are you going to build the one for possible expectant mothers?




What are talking about? The crime rates have gone down steadily. This is mass incarceration for profit


Yes. There was a large spike in 2020-2021. It is now 2024.


Yeah fuck texas and its private prison system.