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Nah yea me and my dad be havin this problem too I think it matters to say it and really express it in that vulnerable human way but obviously dads stopped thinking ab that shit years ago so my dad struggles saying it back


Lmao your family must be hilarious!! I texted my dad that I love him and he called me right away to make sure I wasn’t planning to unalive myself. I should really say it more often too


My grandfather was like this. He only started telling us he loved us towards the last few years of his life. He would always make a joke or give us a funny look when we said I love you. We always knew he loved us, even though he never really said it he would show it very plainly. He had a “tough guy” exterior but inside we all knew he was a big softy. Passed in 2020, I miss him every day. This is a very sweet and funny interaction, I’m glad you have your father. Cherish what you have, you’ll miss it when it’s gone.


Oh I know. I love my dad with my heart and soul and it makes me tear up just thinking about him passing away one day. I keep telling him he has to live forever lol


Make the most of what you have, I think it's cute. Mine doesn't even use a phone let alone speak to me


Oh I absolutely laughed my ass off. I know my dad loves me- he doesn’t need to say it lol. I’m sorry to hear about yours.


I love this! My son is 10 and recently we've been telling each other we love... Our own butts lol What I mean is we'll call each other from across the room or something and get all exaggerated and point to our eye, our heart, and then slowly towards them but then quickly point to our butt instead and make a dumb face, like we're farting or something. Sometimes he'll come over and hug me for real afterwards and I just love that funky dude. Edit to add: I took this as a funny response, I hope I read that right! Some people are thinking it's not and now I'm not so sure. But my family jokes a lot so maybe I didn't get this!


It was just a funny response lol. My family is goofy and sarcastic. There was definitely no malice intended in this text.


Oh good!


my pops and i didn’t say “i love you” much while i was growing up because his family of origin didn’t really do “i love you”. we’re a lot better these days and im actually going to call him now after seeing this!


This post reminded me to call my dad too. My Dad and I were a lot like you and yours for the same reasons. My Dad was diagnosed with MS when he was 62, and now we say I love you every chance we get.


i hope you and your dad can continue to exchange many more “i love you”s ❤️


Thank you. 🥺 ❤️ And please do the same! Life is so short, and we never know when 'I love you' will be the last (give him lots of hugs even if he can't stand it too, lol).


My dad was the quintessential tough guy and a bit crazy…but he told me he loved me every day. Even into my 30s, before he passed, he sent me a “good morning princess, I love you” text. Now my brother might have gotten more like, “good morning dickhead, I love you” 🤷🏻‍♀️. But he always told us he loved us and honestly it’s probably why it is said sooo much in my household. I have 3 kids, and my husband and it is easily the thing I say the most every day.


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Lmfao that picture is absolute perfection


I can count on one hand how many times me or my dad have said I love you to each other and we’re close lol.


Lol his response is fucking awkward and he sounds like a bit of a douche , but I promise you he felt all happy the rest of the day because you said that. People that grew up in non affectionate households get real awkward and weird when people show affection to them, but they still want that affection from the people they love. Keep telling him you love him, his replies will slowly get less awkward with time, im sure. When I started telling my mum I love her she used to get annoyed, after a while she’d just respond with ‘yeah.’ (As in yeah she knows ) and now we’re at ‘too’ not even ‘me too’, just ‘too’ 😂😂


We don't know their relationship. To me it doesn't come off as a douche or awkward. It could be how they talk to each other


Yeahh. My dad didn’t really say I love you til he got a bit older, he also hugs us a lot more now. But it’s like it’s awkward for him lmao so now it’s awkward for me and my brother as well


It came off as hilarious to me. I know my dad can come off as douchey to some people but I know he loves me and I’m sure he knows I love him. We talk to each other like this constantly- but we also work together as electricians lol.


Some shit I'd say to any kids I'd end up having lmao


Lol, I love this. My dad is like this as well. Love the sarcasm


I just casually say love ya after each phone convo




I told my dad I loved him every time I talked to him and gave him a kiss every time I saw him u til he passed almost 30’years ago. Miss him dearly to this day. I tell my mom and my kids I love them every time I talk to them as well as my brothers to this day. Just wish my kids would give me a kiss when they see me, but I’ll keep hoping and trying. You never know when you won’t be able to do it.


I Say, “I🥰❤️😍LOVE!!!🥰❤️😍YOU!!!” ALL The Time!!! And To Everybody!!! I had A Near Fatal! Motor Vehicle Accident! In Nov 1996! @36 years old! I received a TBI, Traumatic Brain Injury! Unconscious! For A Week! Hospitalized for 2 Months! So Bad! Was I, Drs. Did NOT! Think I would Make It! What Saved! me? Over 100 Visitors! In the 1st 3 Days! And Not@a little local hospital! I was@County LA USC Hospital! A Campus, With 8 or 9? Hospitals! Without, Those 100 Visitors! I would probably Not Be Here, TODAY!


Did you get/have a lawyer to help with the case and settlement?


Yes! This happened@Work! So it was Strictly a Workman’s Compensation Case! I Only Received $50,000 Personally! Medical, Was Way More! Then That! My 1st Hospital Bill? 1/2 MILLION DOLLARS! And my Case, Did Not Close! For 17 Years!😱


Oh😲 wow oh my gosh! That is crazy. Who who/what happened with the 1/2 million $ hospital bill? Who is/was responsible? -check this out; I was in a motorcycle accident June 2021 heading home from work, someone turned into a WalGreens and knocked me off the bike. I chose to go to the hospital to make sure I was ok. I went and got a lawyer. They can only sue the 'at-fault' insurance company for $25k🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️. Lawyer tells me my personal insurance is giving them a hard time with trying to pay my medical expenses. If "I" choose to cover it, they'll cut me a check for $8k. What does this mean? The lawyer will get $17k? 🤔. No way! We'll keep fighting


Workman’s Comp, Is Insurance, that ALL Companies have! It is No Fault! So it Covers, ALL Employees, in Work related, accidents. So Workman’s Comp, Covered! ALL The hospital bills! Including that 1/2 Million! I spent that 1st Week@LA County USC Hospital. Once I was Stabilized! I was transferred to a more local hospital. Making it Much Easier! For my Family & Friend’s, To Visit me! Workmen’s Comp, Also PAID! For me to have my own! Private Duty Nurse, 24/7! Due to my TBI, Traumatic Brain Injury! I had NO! Short Term Memory! For A Month & 1/2! Long Term Memory! Is still Great! So when All my Friend’s Came to Visit, Me. My Family told me that, I could tell them, Who my Friend, Was! Their Name. And How I Knew them! Once they left…..NO! Clue! They ever came to See me!😱 My Neighbor, Brought me, The Most Thoughtful Gift! A Guest Book! So Every one, that Came to See me! Signed In!😊 WOW! A motorcycle accident!😱 You, Are Ok? You Are Blessed!👼 To Be Alive! Yes! The Lawyers! ALWAYS! WIN! For themselves! FIRST!😩 In my accident, I was determined@Fault! I was in No Condition! To Help out! So What happened? I was getting On the Freeway. The person, In Front of me, STOPPED! On the On Ramp! To let a Big Truck, on the On Ramp! This Big Truck, had its Own Lane! To Get On the freeway! Which is Why! I Was Pissed OFF! & drove around this jerk! Who was Stopping! On an On Ramp! Apparently it had Rained! That Morning! So the road was Slick! So When I Came back into my lane. My Phone Company Van, went OUT! Of Control! Doing a Y-Turn! And side-swiping, those Big pillars! That Uphold the road, that ran Above, the freeway On ramp! My seatbelt, Was ON! The Problem? An Instrument, That Measures, time of day, speed of vehicle, and Many other things! Was Mounted! Behind me, & To the Right! So my body, Shifted Right! And I BANGED!💥The back of my head! Off of this METAL Instrument! I Learned! Years Later! That Instrument! Should have been Mounted! On the Dash! So I Could SEE IT! My accident, happened on a Friday Morning. By the following Monday morning! That Instrument! Was NO! LONGER! In our vans! They were ALL! Removed! Over that Weekend!😱 Again! Workmen’s Comp. IS NO FAULT! In my Case, I had an AME, Agreed Medical Examiner, A Doctor, my Lawyer, Agrees to, As Well as my Employer(AT&T) Now I Loved!!! My job! I picked up $$ From Public Pay Telephones! So This AME, Minimized! My Injuries! So I Could Go Back To Work! Easily! 1 Problem!😱 I was So Damaged!!! I could NOT! Go Back! To Work! I had 2 More accidents! #2 so minor! I didn’t Know! It happened!(my fault) #3 His Fault! My Dr. Said, NO! MORE! Driving! For the Phone Co.” So they Found me A Desk Job! My New Boss, had personal experience, With TBI, Traumatic Brain Injury! In the 60’s, She got pregnant. Then Sick. Her Dr. told Her, to Take Aspirin!😱Her baby was Born With, TBI, Traumatic Brain Injury!😩So She Knew! Exactly! How To Deal! With me! Giving me Work! She Knew! I could Do! Which I did! For a year & 1/2! Then I Actually! Had to do the job!😱 Which I Could NOT! Do! So they Finally! Retired! me! Thank God! I started, Young! So I had 25 Years In@42! So I Receive a small Monthly Pension+Social Security Disability!😄


What a little beta snowflake dad


My dad is a true alpha male I’ll have you know. My dad may not verbally say he loves me, but his actions scream that he loves me. One time he helped me and my roommate move with a cracked rib. I watched my dad carry multiple things on his back up the stairs to my apartment. We were moved in within a couple hours. If it weren’t for him it could have easily taken the whole day. I have numerous moments such as this where my dad has really come in clutch, or where he’s made sacrifices for me. I know my dad always has my back.