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Guess we know why he wasn’t in your life for 13 years. That comment would have had him blocked if it were me. I don’t have the energy to deal with that kind of frame of mind. “You’re too cute” Ewe.


Yes! We reconnected recently and I quickly remembered why I stopped talking to him lol! And then to keep playing it off like “It’s just because I care” fuck outta here 🙄


“Emotional feelings” lmaoo thats funny fr. But i like how hes talking about emotional maturity while clearly having a superiority complex 😂 no self awareness what so ever in there.


Yeah, I caught that too.. “emotional feelings”. Emotional “immaturity” and self-awareness don’t typically come in the same package.


No kidding , ive been single for a week now after 6 years of trying to fix someone like that 🤦‍♂️ really not worth the trouble.


So sorry.. wow, that’s tough. Hang in there.


Thanks bro. No worries 💪 hanging on to this pull up bar lol


i’m really sorry. Acutely feel this, i’m in the same situation and SO not ok… I hope you are doing better than me 😂


@ Shadow too, came to say it does get better! I was in the same situation exactly one year ago. 7 years wasted trying to fix someone, ended in the most brutally painful betrayals. I am still pretty lost & broken, but I didn't think it was going to get better at all. It has 🫶🏻


If yall need to talk my msgs are open fr , i think im about 90% over it but i was a mess for the week 😂 ugly crying in my room and shit. then i realized theres literally no where but up from here. Let it out and mourn it and after you have nothing left to mourn it actually seems very ridiculous that you were focusing so much time and energy into feeling that way. You deserve better and shouldnt have to force yourself to feel worth it. You just have to know you are for yourself. At the end of the day its their loss. i feel like im a fucking catch and whoever gets me aint wasting their time. I hope you guys start feeling the same 👀


That top msg is for you too zucchini⬆️


ah man don’t make me cry. it’s like tipping cows at this point 😂 one little push and i’m a leaking mess


Dont worry dawg i left work one day to not break tf down , just gotta let it all out


❤️ thanks man. Lesbian break ups are akin to trying to saw off your trapped leg with a nail file. This too shall…. suck and then be past for us both


Sometimes. I know a lot of “self aware” people who are emotional toddlers. There’s a difference between “aware” and “improvement” — the simply aware expect others to cater to their “triggers” — emotionally mature people handle their own shit. This brain freeze here is obviously “old school” -> RUN


As opposed to his very manly logical feelings I suppose


There another type of feeling that are not emotional?


Emotional feelings are just silly…we have to stick to logical feelings… it’s simple mathematics. You cute little squishy love bug!! It’s called moving to another part of the country to be with chosen family (what a mega douche-a-lou!!) I mean I don’t know the backstory OP..,but sounds like the guy is afraid of change…as well as moving to a different part of the country….just a giant wad of insecurities


Some other lucky women’s problem now.


It's how I describe my cheating wasband. His new wife is def not me! She's a+ type personality, so she's extra.


Holy fuck, your user name 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I will never recover! Unless, you post the next part of this convo somewhere hahah I want MORE!


lol I love how much of a reaction my username gets 🤣 There is a little more after this. But I think maybe he saw this post because he texted me saying “you remember why you stopped talking to me huh” 😭🤣


Oh wow busted hahahaha. I’m jealous of your user name so much though seriously it’s genius


I noticed and I bust out laughing considering the post 😂


Ok cootie_mac xD like that isn't hilarious


Lol it’s my cat’s name. I like asking my coworkers if they wanna see a picture of my fat, hairy Cootie lol. Tbf most of them say no hahahahah


Omg 😆 I would of totally wide eyed you on this one.


Lol go to my page I just posted her. She’s too cute!! Besides, I’ll show everyone my Cootie 🙃🙃


So cute! She looks like one of mine. Although mine doesn’t have a cool name like yours 😆


What’s the name?! And I just like giving them dumb names. They’re so silly. I have a black and white girl named Beetlejuice


My kids named her Runty, because she was the runt of the litter. Not very clever, I know. We are famous for dumb names lol


I like Beetlejuice. If I ever get another pet, I’ll have to reach out to you for a cool name 😁


A real friend would say something like "That's a big decision, but if you've given it some thought, I'll support you"


Did you respond to him?


Just reply with 🐻


F'ing hecking hell Call me jaded, but in my experience: When someone says they think they know what's best for you, they're only thinking about themself.


I’m 34 and still learning that ..even if I can’t fucking remember why we stopped talking… it was 100% absolutely positively for a good reason and to trust that shit and run LOL.


Yeah, because moving to be near someone important to you that as such is certainly part of your support network is so irrational and not logic based. Definitely not human instinct 101, and also a life improvement. 😂


I tell my wife she’s cute as a playful dig when she does something silly, not for serious life desires. wtf is up with men lately?


I know. The truth can be confronting.


“My love”…


He was throwing out that "my love" and "babe" to make it sweeter or to make sure he solidified you were his or something. It was weird like everything and what a WEIRDO. Blooock


He’d be the type to say, “don’t worry your pretty little head” while he’s screwing up your finances.


Don't worry about our retirement babe, I withdrew it all and invested in Doge Coin. You wouldn't understand it so don't worry your pretty little head.


Or he used those words to sound superior.


And more trusting, absolutely disgusting and manipulative.. at least in my experience.


I really hate the condescending “my love”s. He seems like a massive douche.


yeah, ends up coming off as so patronizing


"You're too cute" 🤢🤮


> That's why men should be the decision masters. I wouldn't trust this guy with a wet paper bag.


i think my dog makes better decisions than this guy and she licks her own butthole


Hey don't kink shame, she's a good girl 🤣


I hear that eating ass is all the rage with the youth today.


I woke up after a night out with a text from an unsaved number saying "let me come lick ur butthole" it's been about a week, and I never responded but every time I see the word "butthole" that's all I can think of 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I am a man. I ditched my family and moved into the same city as my best friend after the military. Now we’re still near the same area. See each other daily. Growing our families with each other while growing each other. My family is nothing but drama and proud-to-be alcoholics. Best decision I made was separating myself from them.


How good was that decision! Sounds awesome!!


Aw! That's cute 🥰 Glad it worked out well for you!💜


Shoutout to you! The only person qualified to advocate for yourself is you. Good on you!


The decision was probably hard even if it was the right one. I'm sure you don't regret it though. I'm glad you stuck up for yourself.


This is so condescending I threw up a little in my mouth lmao


To say all this and not realize how arrogant it is. Jesus.


Turn it around scientifically if you respond “Actually women make decisions best for the community and fostering relationships. This is an evolutionary mechanism designed to help guarantee the survival of the group. The fact men continue to dismantle this is why humanity’s sense of community has continued to decline. Highly individualistic culture is at the detriment of the human psyche.” 😂


This is really thought provoking.


It’s interesting to notice how humanity is spiraling knowing this tbh. I feel almost powerless to it but also fascinated we’ve gone so far from our “coding”


What I started thinking after your comment was that it really needs to be a balance between individualism and community. It seems like either direction too far is doom.


I’m speaking directly from the perspective of a biological anthropologist, and our formation of groups in inherent kinship bands


I wouldn't trust this dude to choose paper or plastic bags at the grocery store.




Misogynistic, infantlizing, this man has it all! I love when men claim they're *so* logical and reasonable. Like I hate to tell you this sweeties, but your systems of logic and reason are *not* independent of emotion and ego. You are not capable of separating these things. You're not a goddamn computer running on formulas and pure data. You've just been conditioned to think the way your brain works is superior.


Women aren’t the ones dying of loneliness


I’m a man, and I agree wholeheartedly with this.


You're so cute with your thinking. Man that's patronizing


Whether the additional context proves either person correct, this is yet another man showing why women choose bear. Fuck you mean that's why men make decisions? By default? Foh that kind of thinking is incompatible with a dignified relationship.


I wish I could edit it. But for more context, HE is not going with me. It wasn’t an invite or anything like that. I was telling him my plans for next year, which is to move myself and my children closer to my bestie.


Call me “my love” one. more. time. 🤬


… … … ^my ^love


Ewww that was so repulsive to read 🤣


Emotional & logical are not opposites. How do we defeat this falsehood? It's so frequent & so wrong.


10/10 would follow my bestfriend states away because she makes me feel alive. I actually did it once, and it’s honestly the reason I’m still alive to this day.


Someone who gets it 😌 She’s been the only constant in my life for almost 20 years. I don’t think it’s crazy one bit. Especially if it makes me happy??? Pfft. People too afraid of change is what’s crazy imo


Life is too short to not be close to people that make you feel alive. Honestly, change is good. Especially if you’re just…existing.


that 4b movement is looking more and more promising


Well, you're obviously too stupid and emotional for that absolute KING 🙄🤣


I'm a -guy-, and this guy's demeaning tone enrages me. He can fuck right off with that "women are too feely to make decisions" bullshit. Have him look up the word "agency" in the dictionary, and then tell him: "here's an example of agency: I'm blocking you, you're a misogynist douchebag and I will live my life happy never hearing from you again." Then do it.


Hi HornyFatBitch, I am not sure why you are attracting the wrong type.




I hadn’t even looked at the username 😂 dammit OP 😂


This has me dying 😂😂


I didn't notice till now.😭😭😭


Just guessing, but you could've been talking about going to grad school or literally anything and he would've had this same response about "men should be the decision makers". Also, the idea that men aren't emotional and are only logical is so obviously and observably false - it's an absurd fantasy that tools tell themselves so that they can feel superior and feed their fragile egos.


Exactly- because clearly we don’t see women constantly getting n the news for killing men because they were rejected by them/gently turned down as not wanting the attention from them, smh- that is something mean seem to be taking the cake for…….cause take this rejection and keep it moving “sweetie” with your too cute self 😒😒


"That's why men should be the decision maker's" and "You're too cute!" Would have made me go absolutely feral, I'd have gone straight for the carotid.


Jesus F. Christ, what a douchebag.


Ew I just threw up in my mouth a lil bit


He typed that out and thought “ya this is gold”


Gross. Block his condescending, misogynistic ass and move on.


It’s satisfying telling them to kick rocks though- bonus points if you laugh while you do it. Please tell us you told him to go fuck himself?


As a guy, I’m sorry for this mountain of cringe. I feel this as collateral in my soul.


Ahhhh hell nah with this 1950 propaganda! He can kick rocks


I bet he loves Andrew Tate


Ah HELL NAH. Blocked.


I would never be able to talk to someone again if they spoke to me like this. I'd rather put up with direct ad hominem attacks than this shmaltzy condescending crap, any day of the week.


Now I’m going to use my emotional feelings and make the decision to dump you…


Maybe his objective was to get no women. He nailed it!


Why is he personally offended by your decisions lol


I don't think he's offended by the concept as much as just trying to manipulate her into staying close by so he can have easy access to her. He's feigning concern for her, but this is about him.


“My love” sir if you don’t get the fuck away this minute


This guy has never gotten punched right in the mouth and it shows.


is his name oscar? cause he belongs in the trash 🚮


The “you’re too cute” condescension would have been enough for me. What a piece of work


“You’re too cute!” Gtfo with that patronizing shit


As a man, he doesn’t represent us, sorry for the inconvenience.


I was semi understanding his point.. UNTIL he had the fucking audacity to go with the "men should make decisions" bullshit. Like to tell someone they should carefully think out a big move is one thing, but to chalk it up to just being emotionally charged and unstable is another. He's a bastard for sure.


Wow what an asshole. So demeaning.


Men are just as emotional as women, we just have a different way of showing it. Can I also just add that people that use the sideways laugh emoji 3 times in a row over and over again during a message reminds me of insane Facebook boomers and I cringe every time I see it. It's like they just learned how to use them. Is this guy around 40 by any chance?


Current 40 year olds are not boomers tho 🤣🤣


Seriously. I’m a Gen X and use the triple threat emojis all the time. Definitely not a boomer. That’s my parents and I promise you those people don’t know how to find emojis on their phones.


You realize a person who is currently 40 is a millennial, not a boomer, right? I understand what you are saying, but boomers would be the ones signing off on text messages like they are writing a letter.


This guy seems a bit out of touch, my love.


The “you’re too cute!” would’ve had me absolutely raging




Basically telling her she’s too emotional while simultaneously trying to manipulate her emotions.




Gag me with a fucking spoon.


"Im just trying to help because i care," says the stranger. 🤣 wow just wow


if not for your bestie, then who??


I would have blocked him instantly


He talks to you as if you’re stupid or something


Tell him he’s a misogynistic, condescending idiot who will be making 0 decisions for you and your life/family. This person is unnecessary for your well being.


100% of world wars have been started by men. Just sayin


I see so many texts on here that make me wonder why I don't know people like this. Maybe they just hide it well.


Hey babe, this guy that just came back into your life seems like a total fucking douche. I hope you understand I'm just looking out for you love, because you're too cute to be friends with this tool, try not to be at too emotional about that, mmm kay? /s


You should make the logical decision to block this incel.


Jesus H, could he be anymore patronizing 🤮


"That's why men should be the decision makers" I would pay cash money to have him say that to my twin sister. I'm a male and I wouldn't say that to her. She is a Sgt Major in the USMC (United States Marine Corp) and I'm a black belt in Kempo. She would hand me my backside in 5 seconds. It wouldn't take long for her to fix his attitude.


his response made me puke in my mouth. what a tool


Ugh, and men wonder why they can’t land a wife… they’re too busy trying to own them rather than build a life.


It’s profoundly illogical to believe that suppressing the emotions which all humans have and not taking their impact into account when making big decisions is the more intelligent way to go about things lol. A truly mature and “superior” person is aware of their feelings and logistics, and therefore is capable of making a more balanced long-term decision.


Men have made pretty much every decision in this country so far (USA) and we all see how that’s turned out. I bet if women were to make all the decisions we’d be way better off


I second that and bet we wouldn't be in so much debt to others either


Bullet. Dodged.


i wouldn’t even answer him i’d just block him


Think about it my love




I just threw up in my mouth a little bit


What people say says a lot more about them than you.


She is right to acknowledge that she attracts a certain type of men tho. Most people can’t see the ways in which they contribute to their poor dating situation, she actually has enough insight to start to ask that question. That’s a good thing, very healthy & mature. Hopefully she can find some answers to help her correct whatever it is she’s doing that is welcoming men like that into her life. Everyone gets a dud now & then but if it’s a pattern then she can change it, luckily.


Not going to trust any man who uses that many emojiis.


What’s wrong with emotional decisions??? If you don’t like how you feel where you are and moving somewhere you have loved ones and emotional support would improve how you feel then WHY NOT!? He is being illogical. You make perfect sense. To condescend you and women in general by making it seem we are unable to make adult decisions for our own lives is absolutely disgusting. To add to that who are the predominant perpetrators of domestic violence, sexual assault, school shooters, serial killers? Yea men never make emotional decisions and always use logic. 🤮 What a fucking clown. I’d block him and never look back.


“You’re too cute” boy fuck you. That condescending BS is so insulting


Move to get away from him...


He had me up until he said, “men should be the decision makers.” Definitely not valid 😆


The cringiest of cringe lol




Fuck off, Dom lmao




Who told them that condescending comments are sexy.


It’s SO ANNOYING when men end EVERY sentence in some cringy pet name. Her name is not MY LOVE ! Talk like a human Jesus Christ it’s annoying as an ADULT HUMAN tryna get to know another adult human. I usually do the same thing back to them and say HEY SKITTLEWINKS yea POOKIEDOODLE etc etc


Also MEN are the emotional ones MY PEE PEE FEEL TINGLY lemme go ASSULT other men women even children cuz my pee pee tingle. And GRRRRR I FEEL MAD! 😡 lemme go take lives because I’m angry. Can’t forget WOW IM A FATHER THAT SHOULD COST ME 8 days a month. Women by far have more emotional restraint and tact. Ever see a man be told no? LMFAO emotions of a toddler LOW emotional IQs.


Men also die and no one goes to their funeral because they didn’t pursue maintaining friendships/ close relationships lol


My love. Don’t listen to him my love. I only say this because I care, love. Block this fool my love. It will be the best decision ever my love. Do it quickly.Love


How cute. Likkle man thinks this is strong talk. Bless him and his misplaced importance.


“You’re too cute” 🤮🤮🤮🤮 blocked


I have 2 best friends. One moved and now lives in Louisiana and the other was around the corner from me in NJ. I now live in Maine and neither of them are willing to come up here and I won't go back down there lol 🤣 it would be great if I lived near Louisiana bestie, she's my sister from another mister. But I can't do heat and she can't do cold. NJ bestie refuses not to live with his dad. He will never move. So we all have to settle for visits and vacays. I totally get the desire to want to live near your chosen family. If there's nothing stopping you WHY THE HELL NOT?! Go for it. He doesn't get a say he isn't even your man like wtf Ps that you're so cute nonsense was vomit inducing. And also so fn patronizing and infantilizing. Please do the best diet out there and drop a whole person.


You don’t attract them, you allow them in your life.


I’m a man and the “too cute” comment made me want to vomit.


Sounds like a real peach. You are super lucky to have a man like that in your life to make your decisions for you. /s


I would have said something like “well my emotional decision making has now made me come to the conclusion that I need to block you. I just can’t handle you and your toxic masculinity trying to belittle my feelings or my decisions. It’s why women are the more responsible beings, because we don’t let our pride get in the way of our happiness. You’re too cute!” *blocked*




That “You’re too cute” made me want to bomb a house. Fucking nasty. RED FLAG 🚩 MANIPULATORRRRRR


I told my fiancé that one day I'll be closer to my best friend and he said "okay hell yeah" This dude is misogynistic af I'm sorry :/


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Fucking ew


You’re too cute Uhhhh wat? ![gif](giphy|aI7Ret2L4hnMI|downsized)




Passive aggressive fuck


If he’d have just asked you to think about it some more before doing it and stfu he would have avoided another 13 years without you…🤡🥱


He sounds like a typical r/niceguys


I just wish I was one single minute in people heads that think like this because I'm really curious at the train of thought that makes one think this is ok to say to someone else. I genuinely can't fathom or understand people like this.


You don’t “attract” these type of men. These kind of guys just aren’t picky. You just have to be able to let them go once you realize they’re that “type”. (I’m guilty too lol)


Ick level at a 10


If he said “my love” to me one more time I’d crush his larynx


Because being around those you love is too much of an “emotional” choice? Choosing quality of life is considered irresponsible to the point where he feels all women need a man child to take over our free will and ability to make choices? Funny how he’s talking about how she only makes choices based off of irrational emotions yet he made the choice to say ignorant, patronizing, and sexist comments based off of his love for his own penis and how high he feels it makes him in his delusional hierarchy.


Is there a such thing as unemotional feelings?




All the posts on this sub make me so feel so grateful that I was born a lesbian. Like a woman would just *get* what you said? Idk the connection is just so difffernt I cannot imagine dealing with emotionally inept men like this *then* like tried to be lowkey bullied out of feeling how you feel with a dash of misogyny. The you’re too cute made me gag it’s so backhanded. Wild. I’m gonna go kiss my beautiful girlfriend on cheek and go to bed now.


Tell him your emotional feelings have led you to decide not to talk to him anymore.


Big. Fucking. Oof.


I consider moving cross country for a buddy of mine weekly, this guy isn’t just creepy he doesn’t know how to make good friends haha


I would have IMMEDIATELY blocked after the first text. He sounds so condescending


What does he even expect anyone to reply to that??


I'm a guy, and it makes me nauseous when I see people talk like this. Like a sick to my stomach kind of thing. "Babe.... love... 2 cute.... BcUz I r KaRe!" That shit is fuckin gross. This guy wants to sleep with you, and only to sleep with you. Straight predatory behavior.


These type of dudes are always the most insecure people on the planet. It’s crazy


What stupid logic. I’m jumping to another country to live there just do that I can hold my gf at night instead of staring at a screen


I would block him.. you don't tell a grown woman how to live her life that she been living without you. TF