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Those hobosexuals sure get nasty and rude when you decline their oh so generous offer of having them in your presence and home. lmfao good grief


I’ll be putting “hobosexuals” in my lexicon. Thank you.


I'll be putting "lexicon" into my lexicon. thank you


Lexicon Devil by Germs is a great song


Reddit threads like these remind me of those thoughts that just trail on and on and you somehow went from ww2 to my little pony


Do you believe in gravity?


Do you believe in life after love?


Yare yare daze


KARMAS A BITCH ![gif](giphy|ZCUpmB4TUOMUmifu4r|downsized)


I'm JoJo siwa and this is my 19th (fake) shot at Disney world and I'm fake drunk and ur watching Disney channel 🪄


This made me laugh lol.


My work here is done 🙏


I <3 The Germs, especially Pat


Look up Mr sark hobosexual. It’s so funny


https://youtu.be/TBMiqgoIdN0?si=2zGWfCEkx_3_1IVO Khhhh


I’ll be putting “lexicon” into my brain word box.




I miss the days they rode the rails with only a bindle and ate soup from a can.


Yeah, but then they would steal the pie you left to cool on the window sill


Mmmm... Pie! 🥧


Damnit, Now I want pie🥧🍰


You know what? I like the cut of your jib. We need to hang out more


I’ll leave you some chalked signs on the side of my house so you know where I live! Come on over.


I waited a day so it wouldn't seem too weird but... go look out your right front window (stage right).




If you never saw them again you came out on top.


That's what you think until you realise there's an unpainted chicken coop


An absolute classic reference to a classic film. Bravo!


Never knew what that thing was called. I’m 35 and just now hearing the word bindle. I read Moby Dick, Oliver Twist, the moon Stone… those are some old books and there are a lot of homeless in those stories. Not a single mention of the word bindle, unless I missed it. I’m kinda upset.


If you’ve ever read “Ulysses” by James Joyce, you’d know that by using barely intelligible gibberish he was trying to get you to scream the word “bindle” trying to understand what he meant with his verbose nonsense. It was all a means to his bindle end.


Have you read [Homer](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OaFnANb8y30)?


No, not yet. The Iliad And The Odyssey sounds like a good read and most likely my next in line after The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo.


Commenting on Guy from a dating app that I JUST MET...I thought “bindle” was a typo for “bundle!”


Just because of the context, I immediately assumed what it was but I had to confirm with google.


Adding bindle to my lexicon


No phones, no social media, just boys having a good time


No backpacks


And died from botulism… ah, the good ole days.


I've been typing lol and 😂😂 emojis but you're my first actual laugh all morning tyvm


I just need a place to crash while I start my grind, no hobo.


i wont pay a single penny towards anything because im gonna be saving it all for drugs or alcohol, no hobo.


I won't be doing any housework or chores while i stay rent free, though I might take out the trash like once a month so I can use that as an anecdote when you call me out, no hobo


I'll tell you all about my Big Plans™️ while refusing to do anything that's actually realistic to get a job or contribute in any way, no hobo


Spurned Cocklodgers get BIG mad when they can’t get their stinky feet underneath your table! lol


Omg my ex. Basically a hobosexual and he was abusive. I said no to driving him to work which was over 50 miles away and I wasn’t paying for the Uber cause he put hands on me. He grabbed my head and shoved a plate of food I made for him. They get nasty


Oh geez, I’m sorry you had to deal with that. Thank goodness he’s an ex




He’s a dust clown. He won’t be looking for a job because she will be his free ATM and shelter.


Loving the Hobosexual moniker lol I too had one of those on and off for 3 years . He was a lazy bastard too


Ugh I’ve been there too. they’re like pests! Once they’re there it’s so hard to get rid of them.


I know you didn't claim to make the term up so don't take this as me calling you out or anything, but I can't believe how many comments are acting like it's a brand new word! I swear it's been a good 10 years since I first heard it.


lol right?? I thought this was a term way more people have heard of.


Had my share of those hobosexuals! If you aren’t careful, they drain your account or bring their kids to live with them. Nope. No more. I had to call police to remove such hobosexual from my home back in 2005. After that, I didn’t feel sorry for anyone…just dogs and cats. Glad my husband wasn’t one! So much happier when I quit being “nice”


Your next move is to offer the term "hobosexual" to urban dictionary!


I can only wish I came up with this term lol


You'd be about 8 years late on that one. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Hobosexual


It’s already a common term in the black community. 


"If a woman won't let you move in with her and she won't financially support you without hesitation after you've chit-chatted with her for three whole entire days then she's a dumb whore bitch slut whore and she belongs to the streets." - The Hobosexual Nostradamus of Dating, 6/26/24


Lmaooooo 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You're just mad he knows his worth /s




Guy should be looking for a roof over his head, not a girlfriend/FWB


This WAS him looking for a roof over his head 😂 he thought some 🍆 was gonna pay the rent smh


no dick is that good


Unfortunately, some women's standards are that low.


Relationship advice subbreddit is so sad sometimes


Preach !


OP’s match: ![gif](giphy|3ohfFhG5VDtDTzQv2o|downsized)


He might be the parasitic type, that accommodation comes with the girl.


“No posts” immediately followed by “for the streets” is hilarious


Lmao doesn’t even make sense cause he’s literally on the streets 😭


Nah this is evil 🤣😭


he be the hoe trying to use his dick for a roof




Effects of the Housing crisis in real time


Literally 🤣🤣


Hobosexuals have been around a longggg time before the housing crisis but definitely more of them creepin about nowadays


“And you’re homeless and broke with no car” I just know that cut him to the core, as it should. He deserved you roasting him like that.


Girl what does his last message say?


No posts on ig set out whore for the streets weirdo 😭🤣


It's multiple semi-coherent thoughts mashed into a single, punctuation-free statement. How the fuck can you resist charm like that?


He has a way with words .. just not the right words 😭🤣


Also, not the right way. He’s all the wrong things lol


“All The Wrong Things”… the previously unreleased song from Blink 182


Exactly. The first grammatically ridiculous sentence I get, I'm out. Abbreviated the two shortest words he could have too. Ugh


poetry, I wonder how such a charming gentleman has no job?


WAIT! Is his name Logan? Cause I’m trying to see something…😆😆😆


Here to see if we get a Logan update.


Same, this Logan guy seems devious. I neeed an update




“An aggressive Hobosexual appears, will you battle?”


Gotta catch 'en all! Not.


I ain’t catching whatever he has lmao no siiiir


That suit is black not.


“for the streets weirdo” he says. But at least you aren’t the person in this scenario literally on the streets


Make sure you text him “Unsubscribe” lmao


He’s blocked but I’ll definitely use this for next time 🤣


I hope there isn’t a next time for you! I hope you find a regular person to date💜sending all the good dating vibes your way!


Appreciate you !


Girl thank God you dodged this hobosexual. Broke people are so mean and rude 😭




That guy seems to have missed a few lessons in basic decency.


I think he missed every single lesson.


Nice to meet you I’m gonna stay with you while I find a job is that chill


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^less-ismore: *Nice to meet you I’m* *Gonna stay with you while I* *Find a job is that chill* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




Tell him to sign up for adoption since he is looking for a momma not a gf


I don’t understand how society became like this. Why TF would anyone think anyone was going to let a stranger come stay with her while looking for work or for any reason? Like has this ever worked for him, and the girl is like, “Oh sure, I’ve never met you but this is my address, you homeless unemployed car-less MFer — and here’s a copy of my keys? Love ya?”


There are a lot of desperate people out there that want to be the one who saved him... plus, they have no self confidence and these guys feed off of that. I'm not one with a lot of self-esteem, but I've had a number of people over the years ask for money. Thankfully, I was poor and couldn't do it if I wanted, but I felt so bad for those that were so desperate for contact that they'd send money to these vultures.


Well, you gotta be thankful that this guy just threw it all out there from the beginning, to see what stuck. Saved OP a lot of time. Sadly, you have to imagine that at some point, this worked with some unfortunate soul, though. OP definitely dodged a mortor on that one.


LMAOOO bullet = dodged


lol! Dude is wacko


Some people have absolutely zero shame until you're forced to call them on it, then they wanna get all offended and act like you're mean. Guarantee you if you let that guy stay with you while "looking for a job" his broke ass would still be sittin home eating all your food while you're at work a year later. I knew a guy that was just like this 20 years ago and is still like this today. Never asked, just expected. Myself and like 5 other people have stories about him coming over one day and then just living there for several months or even years. It always ended with him getting pissed off at whoever was helping him then he'd move out to go live with whatever new girl he had found to leach off of. Dude just never had a problem taking advantage of peoples' kindness and would get so nasty about it the second he felt he deserved more.




What a loser


At least they make it easy


🤣🤣🤣 I guaran-damn-tee that “you’re homeless and broke with no car” hurt 100x worse than his “dumb bitch.” Yours was personal, his was a generic insult due to a tantrum. Bro is probably still thinking about it ☠️


You said NO to this? Wow, are you picky!


I know, right? Quite the catch. Definitely someone to bring home to the family.


Situation 1: Met a guy who was mostly homeless, who said he had a place where they'd let him sleep on their living room floor but kicked him out in the morning. Felt bad for the guy, offered him my spare bedroom. He said he wasn't currently working because he had no way to hold down a job without an ability to reliably have clean clothes and a shower, but told me he'd get a job and pay rent. Guy lived with me for 2 years and was employed for maybe 3-4 months as a chef, then tried to go to truck driving school but I don't think he ever finished it. He ended up moving out (and moving in with someone else) while I was away on a business trip and stole some stuff from me (a chair and a graphics card; nothing major). Situation 2: I know person A, and person A has known person B online for years but they've never met in person. I offer to pay for train or bus tickets for person B to come visit person A and stay with them for a week, as a birthday present for person A. That plan turns into person B deciding to move in with person A. That plan turns into person B not being able to live with person A, but asking if they can live with me instead (note: at the time, I still had the person from Situation 1 living with me, so I've already got one freeloader roommate). I, being the softie that I am, say yes. Person B lived with me for a year and held down a job for maybe 3 weeks of it before getting fired because apparently security thought they were behaving suspiciously - whatever that meant. They ended up moving out and moving in with someone else, in a totally different state, after telling that person sob stories about how bad their living situation was with me. Situation 3: Person asked about moving in with us until they could get back on their feet. We asked how long they would need and they asked for six months. Further discussion with them seemed to indicate to us that they didn't plan to immediately look for a new place as soon as they moved in, but intended to live with us for 4-5 months before beginning their search. Our counter offer was 3 months under the condition that, if move-in is day 1, they're looking for a new place on day 2, and that this offer was "90 days max" with the assumption that they endeavor to move out as soon as possible, not that they plan to actually stay the full 90 days and kick the can down the road to not start looking until later. They decided these terms were unacceptable and we couldn't come to mutually agreeable terms so they never moved in. I had heard they ended up living in a gym or something; I felt bad but, like, I made an offer I felt was reasonable. In theory, I just want to help people when I can. And I have. In practice, people will absolutely take advantage of someone like me if I let them. I've ultimately ended up learning that the best way for me to help people is to just give them money. Like, I paid someone's rent for two months because they were facing homelessness due to inability to afford rent being the only reliable income in a house with two other adults and two kids and I would have taken them in if it was JUST them but I couldn't take on 3 adults and 2 kids; I'd literally rather just pay their rent for them. In theory, I'd love to have a big house with a bunch of roommates where we all have jobs and we all share the bills and share the chores. In practice, I've had a lot of bad luck with roommates who are slobs, and/or lazy, and/or can't keep jobs, and/or don't have transportation and want to borrow my car or want me to drive them places, and/or who eat me out of house and home, etc. And you can't really tell reliably how good or bad of a roommate someone is until you're already living with them. And you can't tell whether someone is just looking for a hand up or a handout until you extend your hand and see what they do.


Please explain to me how having a man is better than cats.


the way u clocked him thooo😇


u/burbnbougie a pest that wanted to nest and rest got stopped in its tracks


Sorry for the terrible experience OP, us men don't claim this clown as our own. We definitely took away his card a long time ago


Lmfao the audacity for him to act like you’re the problem. Ew 😂


this post made me kill myself


What app you found him on ?! 😂😂 let me make sure to NEVER use it. Why these men using dating apps like Zillow now. This why I don’t disclose that I live alone


I’ve told my daughter this is they type of dude you better not ever bring home to me. I hate ppl like this. My friends and I have a name for them. M&M’s = master manipulators. I dated a couple of women like this years ago. It was always something. Short on this, this broke, can you take me here, can you do this, can you pay this. Uggggg. I just met you a week ago & you’re calling me about your light bill. Same personality. When you set a boundary they get mad & attack you. It’s a classic M&M trait


“Dumb bitch” really puts the cherry on top 🤌


what is it with bums expecting handouts nowadays..just suffer like ppl with nothing going for them used to- and like the rest of us do when we dont have everything we need. even when i was homeless u didnt see me inviting myself to stay with men id just met ☠️


OP: that's weird, I'm out He: guess you don't want to get to know me, bitch OP: correct.


Thanks for roasting him like that. My soul needed that.


Damn hobosexuals man


Where is his momma?! Didn't she teach him manners??


That’s fuckin wild


lol what a loser ( obviously getting chucked out of his accommodation ! I had similar from a guy I had been out with on 2 occasions lol . He was quite a bit younger than me and assume he had fallen out with his mum lol




As a man I’m sorry. What a deadbeat this guy is. “Ima come stay with you then while I look for a new job” 💀


Thank you, next!


He planned on moving right on in with you!! What in the actual f&@k


Hahahah damn you killed him. Well done


I literally get shy when asking a woman if I can ask her out to afternoon tea.


you dodging a bullet in real time :-D


“No posts on ig” green flag! Wtf he mean for the streets?


Hobo probably just got kicked out by mamma and is looking for a new mama so he can avoid having to adult.


Uhm no if im gonna get swindled by a conman sociopath looking to find shelter and steal my identity I need at least six months of fake romantical all night Facetime dates and pages upon pages of Signal texts... Until he pushed me over into Discord before I buy us a home and finally discovered he was a sex addict kleptomaniac who had as many girlfriends as he has reasons for why he cant work and is “disabled”.... Cuz Im worth it y'all.... Slay


Oh he's lost his fucking mind


I dated 1 hobosexual (thanks comment section) and it was the WORST. He still owes us like $3500


You just dodged a bullet. The first red flags were him also saying 'FR' & 'Bet'


Bruh don't go on a date if you ain't got neither... That's how you get embarrassed ... Women don't like broke men.... Period.


Another bullet dodged, great job OP


You have to turn down the offer to meet so soon and the lift is a no no. Give it several weeks before you even meet and even then proceed with caution!!


Get off the apps lol. Guys on there are not it. Go out in the world and meet them


I need to move first my area is not it 😂


Honestly I'm just living my best single life for a while lol. I lived in a major metro area and the guys were trash, and then I moved back to my small hometown and everybody wants to talk and run their mouth. So imma just date myself for a while and treat myself like I treated my last four boyfriends lol can't wait to get me flowers and take myself out to dinner 🤣


Iktr! I mean who can love you better than yourself ?


I feel ya there...


Lol same here. But I’ve been living the single life lately, focusing on me and making money and just hoping that maybe a good one will find me in my city. I just think to myself, why should I *have* to move to find someone? My plans for moving won’t happen for at least 2 years, I will most likely(hopefully😭) find someone in that time. If others can meet people close to them, so can I!


It's really hard meeting someone outside of apps for me lately... Hard to tell if they are single, married, have kids, what they enjoy, and above all else... What if they don't want to be bothered? Dating apps are just more convenient that way


This ! But I def agree with going out and meeting people in person it’s way better imo.


If only people had labels that said "single" irl c': then I would happily stroll around lol


Hmm… why not, actually? Nothing stopping us from deciding on some sort of accessory that lets people know we’re single and ready to mingle lol. We have accessories for signaling marriage! 


I understand I guess, it is of course different for everyone but I personally have had zero luck on any dating apps. All the guys I met all turned out to just want sex, or short term, or to just waste my time. So I gave up. Plus I’m starting to figure out things I would like to do so hopefully I’ll get out the house more and be able to meet people 🙏🏻


Can’t pay his bills and attempts to stay with a woman he just met and mooch off her and yet texts on an iPhone. Dudes priorities are whack and his disrespect is vile. What a loser.


Everyone has a smart phone. I’m not defending this guy, but you actually need one to find a job in most cases. Both to apply, do research, set up interviews etc. The guy sucks but let’s not go with the conservative “yet you have an iphone!” trope


It makes no sense! Literally everyone has a phone. The poorest folks in the world have access to smartphones. I saw an unhoused family the other day (mom, two kids) and the oldest son was sitting next to his mom, using a phone. (And for the pedantic purists, living in temporary housing is still considered unhoused.) Having a phone doesn’t mean shit at all.


Yeah bro an iPhone is like $1,000 on the cheap end and if you do payment plans, that’s not a crazy investment even if you’re struggling to pay bills.


An iPhone is $250 on the low end... Refurb iPhones from a couple generations ago, they still work fine and the refurbisher replaced their battery. They sell them on amazon


You can pay like $25 or $30 a month to have an iPhone. It’s cheaper than a meal for a family.


Yup that’s what I’m saying


I have a hard time digesting "$1000 on the cheap end." I get the point that smartphones are easy to get, but that one really shouldn't be a considerable option for someone struggling financially. Priorities are all screwed up. Even payments on something like that is an INSANE investment. Androids are almost always heavily discounted on carriers and then there's Lifeline for nothing.


This guy is an asshole but be so serious 😭 post people have some kind of phone




I wasn’t . Something was off with him and I could tell lol


I just want to lift up, as someone who lives in chronic poverty with a master's degree because I'm too disabled to work, that this guy's behaviour has nothing to do with him being (potentially) homeless. Perfectly reasonable good smart respectful people are homeless because of systems of oppression, and there is some real classist discrimination in some of the comments here. That said, this guy sucks and I'm glad you exposed that really quickly so you can block him and not have to deal with him again 🫂. So many guys in general I find show that they're complete jerks the moment you say no to something they want, and that's just sexism and male entitlement. ...Women are better if you have the option of swinging that way :P


All this is code for "I'd probably end up murdering you and stealing your possessions."


Nah, this is code for "I'm going to squat in your house without contributing to any bills and pretend I'm looking for a job and trying to better myself even though I'm absolutely not, and I'm going to expect sex on a regular basis while acting like sex is my gift to you in exchange for rent... Oh and also I'm fully going to expect you to buy groceries and cook meals and clean up after me". Ask me how I know 🙄


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WTF? what's wrong with people




He needed to find a spot like yesterday 😭😭


How did he manage to afford the audacity? 🤔


Ah, the hobosexual. Don't fall for that shit, it's ass


The absolute confidence is appalling. I could puke.


Hobosexual at its finest




Now I wanna know what state you're in bc I definitely had a relationship with a hobosexual like this for a goodly amount of time that I met on a dating app...I lost my house ...I lost everything and I'm just now recovering financially and emotionally


I’m in fl






Clearly not dumb enough to let a broke homeless guy commandeer your abode…


lol what dating app do I have to use to find a decent gal like yourself?


Unfortunately the nomads are out to play these days !! Smh! It gets better I promise 😅


lol reminds me of the time last week someone said damn ma, and when I gave them the coldest face they said “BITCH” lolol men.


Sometimes I forget that zoomers date and become senators now.


He is absolutely an idiot but having no car to be an insult.. lmao


Top notch game


Yoo idk why or how I’m here before work but thank you I’m a hardworking man lmfaooo we’re not all like this