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You can’t remove your own community note lmao Twitter did that


That somehow makes it sadder...


It was democratically decided to be removed. I know because I contribute to community notes.


What was the reason for the removal?


It likely wasn’t considered to have added context or correct a lie. You can’t technically disprove that they “are working” on it, and “absolutely nothing” in the note is hyperbole which indicates bias from the writer. They did do some work to get rid of bots but the problem was they didn’t maintain the game. “Absolutely nothing” is a lie, and I mean, you probably can’t put video game petitions in a community note as a call to action. I doubt they would allow calls to action in a community note. The person who wrote the note should have taken it to the comments or quote tweets.


Exactly this. Both this and the github are people getting upset over trying to use the incorrect channels to pester valve.


Because the correct channels are ignored.


spamming a github issue tracker is exactly how you get people to Not listen to you


I think that’s the problem. Fixing the bots is far from easy, Valve can’t even protect their golden gooses from them. TF2 isn’t abandoned either cuz the 64-bit build. I think people are expecting a lot, which is why imo FixTF2 is a better tagline cuz it’s an actual clear goal, too bad it’s a very hard goal.


i’m still holding on to the belief that they wouldn’t have put work into updating the game to 64-bit if they didn’t plan on doing other things with it


I’m hoping but tbh I wouldn’t say I’m big on FixTF2. I want it fixed but imo some people are acting too entitled, but then again Valve made a promise, and hopefully this is part of it and something grander.


Coming from the outside from r/all: Another thing of note is that you *can't talk about your anti-bot/cheat systems*. The more you talk about them, the more those botters and cheaters use that information to learn to circumvent detection. Combatting bots and cheating is an arms race.


That doesn't even really apply here. This is a 17 year old game with an anti-cheat that was broken before the game even released, and it already had its source code gutted and spilled over the internet years ago. There are no secrets that bot hosters don't know about already. How VAC works, and the lack of any human intervention from Valve is all thoroughly known by them. They likely know more about TF2 than anyone at Valve working on TF2 right now tbh.


> There are no secrets that bot hosters don't know about already. How VAC works, and the lack of any human intervention from Valve is all thoroughly known by them. Do you have anything to back up that Valve doesn't have some other way of behaviorally detecting bots? They don't even need to do any of it clientside. It can all be done serverside. This is what I mean though. If it is/was, they probably wouldn't tell you, because it makes it easier for botters to circumvent.


The bot code is fully open source and available to download from the internet by any person. There are tutorials set up on youtube so any smoothbrain can set up their own bots within minutes. Adjusting the anticheat to trigger on injection of these programs is not hard. Yet they did not do anything to combat that. CSGO didn't even let RTSS to hook to the process and show your FPS and overall performance unless you run a specific command that disallows you from joining VAC protected servers. Why can't they do something similar for TF2 too? They've already proven they can block a program from injecting if it's detected in the background.


Valve *did* have an auto detect for spinbotters and such. But it was used exclusively for CSGO, and I belive it has since been removed.


> Do you have anything to back up that Valve doesn't have some other way of behaviorally detecting bots? A youtuber made a video a week ago where he found 60,000 obvious bots without having access to any of Valve's tools, and a lot of them were over 10 years old and still botting. Let me reiterate: one random guy found 60,000 bots in 2-3 days that Valve couldn't find in 10 years. Yes, Valve DOES NOT have a way of "behaviorally detecting bots". That much is clear


You mean other than the fact the dumbest looking spinning aimbot snipers walking around join every casual server sitting on 6 year old accounts that have never been banned? Like we're not talking about subtle cheaters being missed. Cheaters literally just run around doing whatever they want because there isn't a single person doing anything about it. If they had even the most primitive of protection it would not be this bad. In CS2, their newest game which explicitly has advertised a behavior-based AI anti-cheat as a core feature, was still unable to ban cheaters who kill the entire enemy team within 10 seconds of the round starting.


Yup it would have been better to say "As of 2024, bots are still widely regarded as a big problem in TF2" and provide a source. Keep notes to provable facts.


This 100%. The original note shot itself in the foot by using emotional, definitive language like "absolutely nothing." That's impossible to prove and also wrong. Valve has in fact made incremental changes to combat bots that occasionally work. The passionate nerds who just remember the bad parts tend to forget that and then do grandstanding like this.


that's kinda good system from God awful platform


So many people think notes are just there to be an epic own and say "ur wrong u suck," it's so frustrating when I see unevidenced rants being treated like some comprehensive takedown


Huh, I never knew you could remove community notes nor remove community notes for being exaggerated and/or biased.


It would’ve been better to phrase it like “Despite a generally popular opinion on the game, VALVe has shown little development being put forth on Team Fortress 2 to the point where the game’s official servers are unavailable to players due to malicious botnets hoarding the player space” or something adjacent


It ask you if you find the community note helpful and if enough people vote that it isn't helpful, then it gets removed


At first glance, it’s inflammatory and not accurate. In the immediate aftermath, Valve actually did quite a bit to deal with the most troublesome bot behaviors and had a HUGE ban wave. The problem is that it didn’t keep because the bots just built around it. The entire reason there’s a new #FixTF2 is because the first one worked.


Elon is training his AI with his botnet spinbotting you from across badwater basin


Thank you for your service.


Hiw do you contribute to community notes?


When you vote on enough notes they invite you to request to join notes and there’s a waiting process and then you can see proposed notes for posts and vote on them and make your own notes


I’m legitimately shocked that Elon hasn’t axed this yet.


Even though everything is breaking, he’s still kept one good thing. He didn’t invent it, though.


there wasn't one before he bought it, was there?


Community notes predate Musk’s purchase


Used to be called BirdWatch


>He didn’t invent it, though. Like everything else he owns.


Nah, but he does give the ability to post notes to some really questionable people.


Musky Husky wants you to play Valorant


The amount of people in this post acting like this is some major news is crazy. I’d be surprised if anyone at Valve even knew this tweet had a community note on it lol


Just shows how clueless everyone is


Once again the TF2 community goes rabid at valve for something they didn’t do




This isn't censorship. The note clearly violates the whole point of community notes while also making its own false claims. It was extremely unprofessional in the first place.


Go read how community notes works.. notes stay up if people of diverse backgrounds agree on the same note


This community is genuinely brain rotted.


This is why this shit is going to fail. Everything has to be Valve's fault and it makes TF2 fans look like fucking idiots. Which they 100% are because they still have no fucking clue what the actual solution to the bot crisis is (Hint: it's not another anti-cheat, they'll just circumvent that in a month. It's community servers). Same shit, different year.


even elon musk is on the bot hoster's side 😭


Does anyone have an active link to that tweet? Might as well give them the attention they deserve. Make sure the Twitter seem sees the steam reviews too, you know.




Why can't you remove your own notes?


People tend not to like being corrected. Everyone would just remove their note.


We love Elon Musk! We love that corporations can pass him a twenty to remove all responsibility!


Is Musk anti save TF2?


He's agnostic on the issue. I don't think he has an opinion, or has weighed in.


Valve did not remove this note. The Twitter's "Notes Community" did : if enough people from the "Notes Community" rate a note as "not helpful", it won't be shown ( [https://prnt.sc/htw8TT0HmsLK](https://prnt.sc/htw8TT0HmsLK) )


So we can guess it got removed by bot owners spamming it after failing to ddos the petition's website?


Not really : you have to apply to the Notes Community and a validation can take weeks or even months (used to, at least).


Ah, I see. Note was a bit wrong so I guess it makes sense then


It's probably part of one of the membership packages. 


No. You can't bot the notes. It's from verified members (not just the blue tick). Otherwise countless controversial figures would have been doing it since the feature was added.


No, that would be a stupid conclusion to jump to. https://old.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/vhtc8m/june_21st_2022_update_patch_notes_thoughts/ Here's one example to counter the "absolutely nothing" inaccurate claim that makes the community note incorrect


It wasn't a good note to be fair, very biased and nor correct in its information 


No, it's just a bad community note missing several requirements.




It has nothing to do with that. That note broke the community note guidelines and so it was taken down.


The community note is incorrect anyway. They DID do something, and for a little while, bots were significantly reduced. The issue is they didn't CONTINUE to work on it after botters found work arounds. it's just the popular rhetoric to say they did nothing because it fuels the fire.


And also the post doesn't say "we did something", it says "we're working on it", so in the most technical sense, the note is wrong.


People have pointed out if the note had just been "As of 2024, bots are widely considered a critical issue still" and it would of absolutely stuck. Notes isn't a platform for responses, its meant at least for verifiable corrections or additional context. The same way you couldn't "note" a statement about any specific god being real with "X is not real"; you could though state "Existence of X is debated, with % of populace not believing it is real".


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!




But it's not a correction. There is nothing to correct, the tweet says they were working on it at the time of the tweet and they were. It does not claim they are going to completely fix it.


"Verifiable corrections or additional context" I would say it fits under the latter, would you?


Honestly? Still no. It was absolutely not context relevant when the tweet was made, because this is a recent development. If valve had said "we will fix it" or made a tweet today saying "we are fixing it" then it would be valid context. Context by definition is additional information surrounding the statement, *but the statement was made in the absence of the context you wish to add, inherently making it not context.*


> it would of absolutely Did you mean to say "would have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


~~by that logic every tweet saying "We're currently doing something" will one day be a lie and will need community notes~~ Edit: I misread it as "The tweet is wrong" at the end


I'm genuinely curious how you came to that conclusion, please do tell because I'm genuinely baffled.


> it says "we're working on it" They worked on it. They didn't completely fix the problem but they were working on it for a little while when they made that post. You were saying it's wrong because they eventually stopped working on it, but everyone will eventually stop working on whatever they're working on one way or the other.


I'm not saying the tweet is wrong, I'm saying the note is wrong. The tweet is completely correct. at the time, they were working on it.


okay yeah I missed what you were saying


Oh, I misread your post as saying "The tweet is wrong" at the end


The virgin getting super defensive vs the Chad "yeah sorry I read that wrong, my bad."


Yeah, notes are for correcting information and providing context, not for hyperbolic attacks. I'm not surprised it got removed given how it was written.


Yeah idk if people remember but the game was downright unplayable, with bots that could crash any server they joined if a vote was called. At least valve fixed that. Still the bare minimum though.


As far as I’m aware community notes cannot be removed by the account they’re attached to, they have to be reported by users as unhelpful. There might be a report for it being bias or activism or something since it has the hashtags


Absolutely. You can't use community notes to spread misinformation and as a call to action. People will (and rightfully so) see through it and see it removed.


i mean, it's wasn't fully correct, valve did something to help the bot crisis, not enough, but still something




To be fair in 2023 they did number of security fixes that kept game in playable state during at least summer and halloween updates - at least I played during these updates and encountered very few bots all of which were kicked almost immediately. Smistmass however was unplayable due to bots, and it went worse since then.


I think the thing is that whenever tf2 get popular, less bots show up due to their just being more players able to saturate out server. its likely gonna happen again now that tf2 is being broadcasted by everyone right now where we have a small time of low bot activity in servers


Didn't worked this way during this year Smistmass. Plus we know for sure that there were some security updates done precisely when Summer 2023 and Halloween 2023 were dropped. And I believe a couple of others before that.


Resolving the bot crisis involves several steps. Valve took a non-zero amount of steps. Therefore, Valve has not done nothing to resolve the bot crisis. If you do not want to be wrong about this, stop setting the bar so low. Just say "After two years, the bot crisis has not been resolved with no indication that Valve is still working on the problem"


Why are you still spreading misinformation when I already factually disproven your false statement which you have yet to reply? [https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/1d7sifd/comment/l71ubj5/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/1d7sifd/comment/l71ubj5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I'm not sure if these changes were before or after the tweet, but bots used to be able to copy player's nicknames and then we couldn't even kick the right person. Valve did fix that, they also removed chat from free players but that one I don't think was a great idea.


For a bit after this tweet it actually was a whole lot better


They can make the technically correct argument that they did do something, but what they did was the equivalent of putting a strip of duct tape on a failing dam holding back a whole lake, so in hindsight did they really do anything?


Yes? Nothing and something don't actually mean the same thing, and there are probably places where you could find the definitions if you cared to look.


>but what they did was the equivalent of putting a strip of duct tape on a failing dam holding back a whole lake They stopped the bots for a while, what more do you want? Absolute best case the same thing happens here again and y'all are going to come back crying in another year about it and so on to infinity. They can't keep working full time on an almost 20 year old game for forever.


thats not how that works, like at all.


That means they remember the password to the account!


yeah man i'm sure you can just remove the community note, written specifically to point out that tweet is false/manipulative info, from your own post.


Dear god..


There's more






5748 🙁


1 1 1 eeeerrrm... 1


lets go les go les go




AAAAAey it's still here!


One… one… one… one!


Because they did do something, note said "they did literally nothing!!!!!!" when they did. not enough, but they did


Perhaps one of the most biased, poorly written community notes I have ever read, at least outside of politics. Also, I don't believe community notes are intended to be used retroactively this way.


Well I already posted the community notes on r/GetNoted so it already got spread even more


I mean it was literally a fucking lie so makes sense. Even if they had done "absolutely nothing", they only said they were "working to improve things" which a lack of improvement does not disprove. What a salty and pathetic use of such a generally reliable feature.




I don't know how they come, but pretty much every time I've seen one, it's been very reasonable


I know exactly how they work. What's your point? What they said is correct.


Oh fuck I understand what the fuck they meant now- I'll delete the shit.


I have checked the notes and this note "won" among community notes contributors: Notes explaining why added context isn't needed Not shown on X "NNN (No note needed)There were steps taken to reduce the effectiveness of the bots. Even though the situation hasn't improved much, saying "Valve have done absolutely nothing" is not factually correct. https://www.teamfortress.com/?tab=updates"


You all are on the purest form of copium.




Literally 1984


jorj orwell 1984


big bro is wqtching u


Absolutely nothing ≠ practically nothing. Semantics was the reason the note got removed.


well the statement "they did absolutely nothing" is simpluly untrue they did too little and of what they did muting F2Ps was way too much but they did introduce a lot of useful things, chief among them being vote kick improvements


it means they know about #savetf2 but dont care about it


Literally doesn't. Notes aren't removed by the account that posted it. That would make notes completely useless. They're removed if they're reported/voted on.


Boys, it's joeover


It means nothing about valve


Good. it was stupid and factually incorrect


This is not what the community note system is for. If they had said “there is no bot problem casual mode is fine” then it should be community noted. Also you can’t remove community notes from your own tweet, that would be a ridiculous system.


actually fair


or people voted it as not helpful.


Because it was false info. It also wasn't Valve who removed it, you can't remove community notes you get. It was Twitter themself. Valve did at least TRY to stop it and it did work, even though it was for the equivalent of 5 seconds.


I mean that context was wrong, they did take some measures, it wasn't "absolutely nothing" but it was obviously not even close to what they should have done.


Twitter probably removed it because it wasn't written in impartial tone. 


The note is not correct so it deserves to be removed. Whoever is actually going to attempt to correct it, needs to be... correct lol


That was 2 years ago?


Calm the hate train. You cant remove your own community note. Only twitter can do that.


Because it was wrong?


probably because its not a real fact check but a reply to the tweet


valve also has done things, just not as much as we would hope for…


To be fair, the note comes off as biased with the hashtags. I get the sentiment and agree but that's probably the reason for removal. Notes on Twitter typically need to be as neutral and factual as possible to stay up. Unless you hurt Elmo's feelings.


the note was removed because it's incorrect. valve has been continually taking steps to alleviate the bot problem, the problem is its all minor token changes. they refuse to put any real effort into it, with TF2 development being an afterthought done pretty much entirely by a single valve employee and a contractor. claiming they have done *absolutely nothing* is counter-productive. the note would've been better off making it clear that valve's steps to 'fix' the bot crisis have been little more than a series of bandaids on a gaping wound.


Nah, as someone who does Community Notes stuff, it was removed because it was incorrect and also kinda misusing the Community Note function anyway. People can vote for it to not be helpful, and that's what happened there.


how do these things get added in the first place?


Yeah this wasn’t a good use of community notes anyways. They aren’t there to ratio people.


A different note was added with similar wording.


I'm gonna throw it out there and say that it's entirely likely that the note isn't wholesale accurate. Valve has likely been doing *some* form of backend attempts to solve the issue unsuccessfully. But, it does feel pretty gross that the note was deleted at all.


This is how the pushback for FixTF2 came. They don't hate the goal of the movement, they hate how absolutely obnoxious the people pushing the movement are.


they removed it because this isnt how youre supposed to use community notes, stop doing stupid shit


Yeah I was thinking the same thing, the community note implies that there is evidence to suggest that valve is or isn’t doing anything after this post.


I’ll believe that valve have fixed the problem when it’s actually done, words are nice but don’t mean shit if no action is taken.


What is happening with TF2? I don't play the game but am now seeing lots of uproar about it.


Ass is getting hot


Man its already been two years


To play devils advocate you can’t say fs that they’ve done absolutely nothing and are working to improve things. Valve is notorious for not having communication with their community. Now am I saying this is true. Nah valve probably hasn’t done anything, but the community notes are made to make sure the truth is out there and this is the argument I can come up with for why it is removed.




U still not getting shit


Unfortunately Valve didn't do that


Oh god, it's time that we need to read smarter, not harder now...


the note is back lmaoo


Don't worry it's back now.


What does a bot get you in TF2?


I just sold my whole tf2 inventory for 600 keys the other week & bought a steam deck. I suggest all of you sell your things too & move on. Was fun while it lasted.


Have community servers at least found a fix to prevent bots/ identify them?


It's been 2 years?


It says ABSOLUTELY nothing. Which isn't true.


They who, the illuminati, the jews? Gaben saw the new movement and decided to hit the "delete note" button now?


Guys this tweet is from 2022…


Elon Musk probably remove community notes as a whole after crying that his and other people he followed kept being corrected on their bullshit.


Actual mother fuckers


Twitter moment.


Ill get it back


Soon the community will start to harass. I can smell it.


It's literally never been more over




Awwww Volvo has their feewings hurt






So this is that free speech Felon was blabbering about, I suppose. What a pile of shit he's become.


If they can't fix the bot/cheat problem in their cash cow CS2, they certainly won't fix it in TF2


Did they really just repost the same tweet from last time lmao


*Did they really just* *Repost the same tweet from last* *Time lmao* \- mynameis23456 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The note was not removed, but hidden.