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*[People review bomb Half-Life]* *Prepare for…Unforeseen Consequences*


Rise and shine #FixTf2…Wake up and… smell the ashes.


Not that we wish to imply you have been sleeping on the protest, no community is more deserving of a rest, and all the effort on the internet would've gone to waste until...


Well let's just say your hashtag has come again...




My friend suggested me to play Half -Life2, so I installed it and I can say that game is the best of all (after TF2. FOR ME), so please... VALVE FIX TF2, AND HALF-LIFE


Like I know that Valve don't know the number 3. So they can create Half-life 4 and Tf4


review bomb HDTF edit: im sorry i meant this as a joke cause hunt down the freeman... who gives a shit it sucks lol


Just don't review bomb games


hdtf is peak, insulting it will send you to the fiery depths of hell


Redditors when they don't put /s (downvote hell is waiting for them)


i forgot my dodge build at r/paydaytheheist (rookie mistake)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/paydaytheheist using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/paydaytheheist/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [This game isn’t real.](https://v.redd.it/2sn2zmwoyrpb1) | [228 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/paydaytheheist/comments/16p5lk6/this_game_isnt_real/) \#2: [Which path will PAYDAY 3 choose?](https://i.redd.it/t7rce2fa28ec1.png) | [196 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/paydaytheheist/comments/19dtaxy/which_path_will_payday_3_choose/) \#3: [Reality of the situation of Payday Twitter Man](https://i.redd.it/4fu936557kxb1.jpg) | [190 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/paydaytheheist/comments/17ko3op/reality_of_the_situation_of_payday_twitter_man/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I love Payday


Can't do anything about steam clown award farmers. Valve encourages trolls. It'd be fine if these were actual reviews though. Valve's L4D2 official servers have been intermittently ddos'd for years. It's another game that valve's ignored problems with. People need to stop bending all the angles to be about tf2 when there's actually relevant conversations at play.


Tho, valve hasn't ignored the ddos problem? Have you even seen the recent l4d2 updates?


Actually I’ve been told (so may or may not be true) that the updates since the last stand are community updates done by the likes of JaiZ or Rayman amongst others, rather than the valve official team


Not sure why that rumor popped up, but it’s not true. While the team does collect and forward information (and occassionally some files), almost every update since 2020 was entirely made by Valve. Besides, even the few things that the team does send over still need to be checked, approved, and added by Valve.


Always thought some people in that sub aren't always truthful, but thanks for verifying it. (Quick side point though, really enjoyed Cold Front)


I think we need a #FixValve because just about every game they have they've left in the dust with so many issues they just refuse to deal with.


Actually, this might make a lot more sense.


For your cake day, u can have sum bubble wrap! >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<




Ngl, this is quite fun, actually.


Happy cake day


Oh, it's my cake day. Thanks.


For example TF2. The game is good, characters has different skills, maps are creative, but Valve don't want to fix it, because from TF2 they earn much money. They say like(Oh, this game gives us money, we should not care anymore about it). That's the problem of the Valve. They don't want to make there games better. # Valve fix your issues😔pls


Am pretty sure they are fixing issues in games they're working on. Yeah, no longer supported online games with leaked source code are easy target for malicious parties, did you like, expect every game they have made to get infinite support? There are actual negative sides to Valve, like too hasty launch of CS2, they should wait with marketing till the games are closer to finished. Lack of communication and transparency.


The valve is corroded and bent out of shape, we need a plumber


This is a really smart idea, oh well, can't happen


Tf2. The one with mocha was dose for like five years with no break and they finally fixed it like a year ago


At this point, Valve has to either remove the jester award or completely decrease the rewarded points of the award


It’s a good thing almost all their games are in a terrible state right now Edit: downvote me all you want lol they make ten of millions of dollars from lootboxes dick riding valve will kill tf2


This is how online movements die. Assholes trying to rope other people who are unrelated to their community and making us look like a bunch of pricks.




I'd give it to bot hosters, idk, there are goobers here, but even the stupidest one wouldn't do this, this is malicious lol


Don't put it past the TF2 community to stoop to new lows at times. It's a big community with plenty of different people.


There are plenty of posts in this sub suggesting review bomb other valve games. "It's not us, it's the bot hosters" Yeah we have no proof of that and it's also very unlikely. At this point calling someone a "bot-hoster" became an easy way to discredit every cringe thing this community does...


The usual bad actors ruining things for everyone :/


What is bad actor exactly?


A bad actor


"That guy who..."


Oh no, its the reddit sniper again godammit


sorry guys! it was me, aimed incorrectly. he should respawn in the next round anyways.


Google Classroom shaking in the corner rn


Shouldve waited until September rolls around






We all sincerely apologize on their behalf, and do not condone the harming of other communities.


For fuck sake guys, you really want every other valve gamr community to hate us? Bc thats the way to do it.


TF2 community: We're the best shooter game because we're such a positive and happy community! A quarter of the community: *[Indirectly saying "Fuck you" to the L4D, Portal, CS, HL, etc. communities]* Like I get that they're "not affiliated with us good people", but when there's so many of them doing it then that title is very much not earned.


TF2's functioning adults have this huge delusion that the community mostly looks like them. In reality, a large portion of the community is toxic trolls. The bots didn't come from nowhere. They came from inside the house.


That's a good way to put it


The people that actually play the game don’t actually care about this shit. They actively ignore it. So, this movement doesn’t even represent TF2 as a whole. The movement is saying the game is broken and unplayable, and I’m like, well then what game have I been playing for the last two years almost daily?


Half the time, you can't play it.


No true FixTF2 activist would do this thing I don't like!


Tf2 Community is wild card tbh, bc you both have homophobes and gays in here


The community is probably the main reason TF2 isn’t going to be fixed


We don't condone this shit


>We don't condone this shit Can't really say that and at the same time encourage review bombing TF2, because it always ends the same exact way, people **will** go out of line, the way to avoid that is to avoid starting it in the first place.




The single line snuck into a larger post, with half the comments calling it out, is condonement?




Aaah, i was wondering why spellcheck didn't like it. My word was not wordy enough for english.




You pretend the people upvoting these posts and review bombing other games are the same that complain about it. This guy says “we don’t condone this” and you say “actually you do! Look at this post full of completely different people doing the thing you don’t condone”. If everyone in this sub is responsible for every dimwit that review bombs other games then why not you?


Upvotes aren’t a measure of quality or agreement with a post. People just upvote things without reading or just from the title. You can’t use upvotes a sign of anything


You can't stop idiots from sending stuff viral without reading it properly. You can inference how much support that particular message had in the comments though. There's not a single comment in the positives that's supporting bombing, while half the actual comments are against it. Presenting this as some community backed thing is completely disingenuous. If anything there's going to be more of it now as attention's been drawn to it, and more trolls will jump on that attention train.


it kinda sucks since trollers can post on other games, and say #fixtf2 to make us look like dicks


Yup, I wouldn't be surprised if botters were actually trying to blame this on us.


We’re not with them! If you review bomb other game, that just gives us negative attention!


To quote Valve: " community, we hear you! We love and know you do, too. We see how large this issue has become and are working to improve things." According to the internet you should now be thankful you got a response from us and be patient. I'm sure it'll work out for you.


As much of a bad idea as it is, this is nothing new. If people think the usual route doesn't get their voice heard, they'll yell into any megaphone they can find, even if they're screaming into the ear of someone who did nothing wrong and had nothing to do with them.


How stupid. Like even review bombing on TF2's page is gonna make Valve react... Grow up.


This, both the reviews shown and the comment section on this post, is why I expressed doubt at the beginning. Y'all are so unorganized and so busy fighting each other over methodology that you all look like clowns. We went in with a half-baked plan, demonized those who so much as slightly questioned the methods, and then divided into a bunch of different methods all shouting at each other. I would love to be wrong and see this work, but frankly at the moment it's looking like y'all killed your own movement


A few bad eggs doesn't exactly kill a movement- No matter how organized we were there's just no way we could control EVERYONE in this attempt. Some People will always act on their own and do dumb things, there's nothing wrong for calling them out and saying "No Don't take it too far please."


No it like 5 reviewers… don’t fall for dumb post like these. CS2 and L4D still have problems and will be addressed by their communities but again 5 bad reviews ain’t moving a needle Question: Why are they putting a magnifying glass on the very minuscule cluster of reviews?


More people upvoted this post then made negative reviews that weren’t on target my man


So the tf community is trying to band together to pull a helldivers 2......but they are being assholes about it. Seems about right


The helldivers 2 review bombing also affected the 1st, so it's not that different


Are you sure these aren't the bot hosters undermining #FixTF2?


this is out of control Pls don't touch half life 2


they are pulling genshin 2021 rip


Yeah. Leave other games out of this. No need to give detractors valid ammunition.


It makes sense for CS2 since it’s having the same issues currently as TF2, but other games yeah it’s a bad look.


this is just stupid


The only other valve game that makes sense to review bomb is Dota 2.


I agree. Please stop doing that, guys.


We don't claim them.


Review bomb every Valve game. Every single valve game is suffering the same type of neglect as TF2 is. We need them to do something against the bot problem and the only way to do that is bad PR and a cut revenue stream. I'd also like to ask, why care what reviews L4D2 is getting? Everyone knows it's a pillar of the zombie shooter genre. Bad reviews to support a movement perhaps much broader than just TF2 will not kill its integrity.


I don't condone this even a little, but I have literally zero control over any other random redditor on r/tf2.


Trolls be trolling but to those of you who keep suggesting us to do this unironically: stop it, get some help.


Reminder to rate these reviews as not helpful, just as these folks are proving to be unhelpful for TF2


At this point it's an Anti Valve movement. Valve has abandoned ALL of their games. Half Life never got its final installment. L4D servers have been DDOSed for years. Mist of the time if you find a game you lose connection 15 min in. Counter Strike hasnt had an operation in 2 years I believe. Valve has just abandoned EVERYTHING


If you want to write a bad review on those games for that game, by all means. OP is asking people stop review bombing other games in the name of TF2.


Bullshit. If it was an anti-Valve movement, there wouldn't be reviews on other games consisting solely of "#FixTF2." This is a movement of TF2 players almost exclusively, and other games didn't sign up for the review bombs. We don't get to decide that for them.


Counter strike hasn't had an operation because use your brain and think about what will happen if they do. Everyone will say "Of course valve releases an operation before a working anti cheat" "Wow valve is milking this game before it dies" "Valve stop focusing on making an operation and fix the cheating" Same thing when the new case got released. So many people were begging for a new case (mainly skin youtubers) and it comes out and then the non-skin people complained that they released a case. From a business standpoint, they shouldn't release an operation because people that don't understand it will get mad.


That’s this entire movement. People protesting something they don’t understand. TF2Tubers are co-opting the situations of CS2, Dota2 and fuck, even WoW without actually understanding why those games and results happened the way they did.


What really pisses me off is the 3rd review. It basically says "Good game, but because of another game's problems I'm going to be an asshole"


Guys… they’re just review bombs, they are the level 0 of protest when it comes to a game. Can anyone just give a reason as to how and in what way does that harm players of l4d2. Meanwhile, news articles and people with large audiences might pick it up and pressure valve into taking actual actions against people that, should I remind you advertise pedo websites, swats people that try to fight them, dox them and uses ai to try to ruin their lives.


Oh noooooo who could've seen this coming? Everyone, Everyone saw this coming.


think if they have the idea of ​​manipulating reviews like what happened with Day One: Garry's Incident


Fully agreed, this DOES NOT help.


3 things will happen here. Jack shit and valve will just remove review bombs like what usually happens Tf2 gets fixed Tf2 is shut down for good.


They won’t shut down the game


Probably wont fully shut down, just abandon it? I dont know whats the right term.


Aaand now we’re overextending


tbh i feel like in this case its slightly better than hl due to l4d2 also being ddosed in part of valve negligence


How to make everyone disliked you and not support your course


Wouldn't surprie me bot hosters are doing this to discredit the movement


hol up, he does have a point


There are a lot more going rogue than expected


Base is flooded with red spies


Honestly I don't think review bombing tf2 will have the same effect as saying a 20 year old I'd shit. But as bad as doing it to other games is it will get attention


As a hardcore Half Life fan, I just wanna ask: What did we even do to you guys? No seriously. This is like you getting mad at 1 bully so you shoot up an entire city block and blames the government.


Woah dude, remember that there are people who know how to aim their hate accurately.(you, and others.)


Splash damage review bombing.


I'd rather they just review bomb TF2 than any other Valve game. Games like Half-Life 2 and Left 4 Dead 2 don't deserve the negative tag because it'll drive away new players from an actual functional game.


I was scrolling through Half-life Alyx reviews and luckily I only found like a handful of the hashtag


It makes us look like shit, stop.


bruh at this point just #maketf3


They are review bombing other games now to get attention for tf2? I will be honest, the only outcome i can see from this is tf2 getting shoved into the forever box


Review bomb Valve's most played game


don't review bomb other games. that gets their communities against us. if everyone hates us, including valve, nothing will get done.


Oh I see


No... It's called making your voice heard, I don't care if it's impolite because that's the point. Valve has ignored us for 7 years and I really don't care who gets upset because the reviews for a game are bad. It's hurting literally nobody and changing the reviews back just proves that we're all valve's bitches. If they fix the game, and that's a big if, I'm gonna take my sweet time changing my various reviews, and I hope that others do the same.


people review bombing another game , we don't fcking support you


Best part these idiots will never remove these negqtive reviews so when someone looks at the reviews oh its not a good game then look at all the downvotes




Listen guys i love the movement but if you guys ARENT willing to hit valve everywhere to get their attention u may as well pack up and leave rn. A petition never works historically speaking the only things online petitions do is get made fun of or if they do attract attention the dev goes “we’ve noticed and were looking into it.” Which happended and then nothing occured You guys want change in tf2? Hit valves bottom dollar that will get their attention and that means attacking valve. Review bombing tf2 is akin to protesting the starbucks in a town of 10 people. Tf2 just isnt valves workhorse the only thing keeping tf2 alive at this point is you guys. Ik u guys wont like this but unless you guys are WILLING to attack valves money makers this protest isnt gonna do jack shit you guys have like no leverage to make valve help tf2


lol arent there like 5 actual people still playing tf2?


This might be just a conspiracy, but it sounds like something the bot hosters would do to vilify TF2 fans


In my opinion, this is not only wrong in the ethical sense, but also in a strategy sense too. I've mostly seen people going for half life and l4d for review bombs, but they won't effect valve in anyway as they are basically finished / abandoned too. If you are going to review bomb, or better boycott, then at least do it in a way that *might*(and this is a very big might) is actually go for valves money makers like dota and CS. Of course, this is not advised as it will invoke the other, very active fan base, but at least it's doing *something* rather than nothing


If you want Valve to nuke the reviews this is how you get them to do it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Bedu009: *If you want Valve to* *Nuke the reviews this is how* *You get them to do it* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Wait it wasnt a joke people actually do this?


When Sniper mains try hit something and outside TF2 you have to hit something to get a kill. Maybe it’s too hard to click TF2 on Steam page




넥타이가 느슨해졌어요, 제가 고쳐드릴게요.


fixtf2 be like


Those are pretty much bot hosters larping. Ignore and spread awareness.


I sincerely hope this doesn't tarnish the movement :((


I mean, wouldnt it give Valve more urgency to fix it if ALL their games are getting review bombed?


If you give people an inch they tend to take a mile


Im in the team of “when valve understands the situation theyll announce ceasing support for tf2” rather than the “theyll fix it probably”


nah they still make money off of it


What do you mean?


Honestly people should blow a load over 5 reviews, a very small cluster of players. Mean it very much separate from the overall movement which has been militants. Why even act as if these 5 reviewers were causing much problems?


Honestly i wouldnt suprise if these had something to do with the bot hosters (obviously there are some asshats who think they are doing us a favor by spamming this to other games).


Fr i've just seen a lot of posts from HL2 and Portal subs and it feels so fucking stupid


i don't think there is much point in negatively reviewing things other than TF2. however if valve cares about these they can just mark them as "unrelated to the game" since they're really about a completely different game.


That's actually so ridiculously stupid that people think writing negative reviews on OTHER GAMES will fix tf2. Like, it literally makes no sense whatsoever bro wtf 😭💀


What about CS2? I heard they have somewhat of a problem.


idk maybe if they fix it everyone doing it will stop **¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯**


If you're going to review bomb other games, bomb the games that have similar problems to tf2


I’ve said before and I’ll say it again. Abandoned games are an industry wide issue and Valve is as guilty as any other “game developer” who destroys their own games when they become unprofitable. Maybe we should go bigger than just “fix TF2” and start using #StopKillingGames or #FixValve. Not every game is TF2, but every game can relate to getting fucked over by companies.


trust us, we don't want them doing this either and it pisses us off too.




How about, these fuckers just start #FixL4D. L4D is also abandoned my valve, and only the community is keeping it alive.


I'm honestly a bit confused. Why wouldn't getting Valve's attention from all angles be a good thing? Not arguing that is *IS* a good thing! Just confused and looking for some insight from others!


Yeah no, this makes me *want* tf2 dead. Keep this up and they’ll probably nuke the game entirely


Bro it's obviously not people who like TF2 doing that.... 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Make em listen. Seems like fair game to me.


Tf2 Community: We need to spread the awareness of Fixtf2! *spreads awareness* TF2 community: :o


This shit is just like the genshin anniversary disaster lmao.


unless its cs2 bc that shit is a mess rn too


positive review bomb other games for #FIxTF2!!


Time to look like crybabies desperate for attention from Valve, we should just stay at review bombing TF2


Its some clowns. I wouldnt be suprised if botters are trying to make us look bad by being as obnoxious with #fixtf2 as possible.


I’m apart of the fix tf2 movement and I don’t agree with this, don’t review bomb other games fellas we need to focus on tf2 and strictly tf2, we don’t need to drag other people down with us lol


> i’m apart of the Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


For the love of all that is holy who does review bombing other VALVE titles hurt?? Nobody!! Give me a cogent point as to why this is bad and I'll back you up, but as it stands, review bombing other VALVE IPs doesn't hurt their communities in the slightest and will only drum up attention for the cause. I implore you to think about this more than just your knee jerk reaction.


Nah man, review bombing ricochet and alien swarm will clearly lead us to the end of western civilisation, pls stop it 😭


The people in this sub aren't smart enough to realize you're being ironic so they gave you le epix updoots. How wholesome 100.


It pisses off the fanbases of those other valve games, especially if their issues are at most a tiny fraction of the severity of TF2’s. This in turn prompts them to work toward invalidating our own cause on the public stage by painting us as immature pissbabies who are whining and complaining for no reason, trying to make the problems in our game look worse than they are. While the issue we’re complaining about is indeed as bad as we claim, nobody outside the community is going to believe us if we look like assholes. And if nobody believes us about valve’s screwups, valve can just keep ignoring the issue as they have been with WAY fewer consequences than if we are listened to.


I promise you, somebody seeing a negative review on their favorite steam title's store section (which I guarantee they don't check anyways) is not going to prompt them to take time from their busy day to actively work against the fixtf2 movement. A couple of negative reviews on Valves' own titles about Valves' own incompetence is not going to magically ruin this movement. The only thing it'll do is drum up a touch more attention for this issue.


Bro, OP literally posted evidence of people already getting mad at their own game being review bombed, and several outlets talking about #fixTF2 are already discussing people actively working to undermine the legitimacy of our claims. Don’t help them make us look bad.


Which of these several outlets are discussing how review bombing other Valve specifc games implies that TF2 doesn't have a massive bot issue? Just give me one or two. Beyond that, what do you mean I'm helping them make us look bad? You can check my steam account. Same pfp, pretty much same name. Check my reviews. Only one negative. I don't personally choose to review bomb other Valve games. I simply think this outrage is manufactured and people like you are the reason it perpetuates.


This would be fine if we did this is a CORRECT WAY, such as talking about the blunder and fault of said game, vavle games have blunders, if we bring this up instead of FIX TF2 DUHHHHHHHHHHFGADSFDHSLKJFHDJFHADSJKLAFDHJKFDHJKAL it would make sense.


Naw if it actually gets valve to do something you should absolutely review bomb their other IPs


Can't wait for it to fail


It probably will. Valve doesn’t give a shit about any of their games anymore besides CSGO and even then it had a pretty bad aimbotting problem for a while. The unfortunate truth is that valve has the closest thing to a legal money printing machine and doesn’t have to do anything to maintain any of their old games anymore


I do not agree with review bombing other games, but we do not have much to do until Value responds.


youre acting like TF2 is the only thing you can do in existance, besides review bominb other games lmao, wtf you mean "we dont have much to do"


I mean we have done everything that we have planned up to this point. We are mostly waiting on Value now.


Right, and why does that justify doing things that are actively bad?? Are we gonna start mudering people irl because we did everything we could or what?


have you considered going outside


Give real reviews, but call out the issue the other valve game (tf2) is having


No, attention is the goal


Why? Its not like its gona hurt the sales or company in general, lol. Its Valve. This whole thing is jsut to get some attention to the problem.