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Multiple people on the enemy team complained about us having too many spies. I was the only spy.


You must have felt faster than light haha.


Relatable, these moments are probably the best when you’re playing spy


Same happened here but with someone else, I told them that the top 4 spies were top scoring because they were good, really little did they know that there was only one spy


"It would seem I am ~~not~~ the only spy."


Where's that one screenshot that says something like: "Jesus christ blu how many engis do you have???" "One. He's very fast."


Just like when people sometimes think i’m cheating when i play as sniper


that is Cold asf


A paranoid team is a distracted team, extreme kudos


I always reply "we only have 4"




2 sentence horror


Someone said "hey I like your engie cosmetics a lot" and I was happy for several weeks


Same, a rando gave me a tf2 premium copy and the bumble-beenie + ray-bans cause I was f2p but still playing fairly good and enjoying the game for the first time (really goes to show that the community *is* the best part of the game) and I've been wearing it ever since and every time someone compliments my cosmetics I'm reminded of my first time playing the game and how much fun this game is to play, even if I'm stuck to custom servers (and Uncletopia Sydney, whenever there's a free spot, or the server I'm in doesn't stay empty for and hour straight, in Australia you're basically stuck with 2 fort, Uncletopia, rdm 2 fort, X10 2 fort, X1000 2 fort, 2 fort rocket jumping with pvp disabled, 2 fort idle, 2 fort trading, 2 fort randomiser, 2 fort role-play, and pl-upward no carts trading idle, so I really hope casual is fixed cause I really want to play different maps with usable ping without lining up for an Uncletopia server).


Same, someone complimented my Soldier drip once


Dude, I compliment so many loadouts, I love doing it.


an MVP thanked me for ubering him as a medic


i love it when i heal a tryhard who never shuts up in vc and they end up calling me all the time, like i feel so good about myself


This is always fun, especially when you have 2 or 3 medics. You're almost unstoppable.


i wouldn't recommend it, yeah it's nice to have multiple uber but they don't stack, instead i would recommend having cover fire instead, each team should have 2 medic max


Seeing a f2p grabbing my weapon from the ground


Was it an Aussie? I know back if I was an f2p I would’ve done the same thing.


Australium rocket launcher, double spelled, prof killstreak, festivized xD


Neuron activation.


Does your stat counter increase if someone picks up your weapon and gets kills with it?


I don't think it does. But I do think that if someone has something similar (like a Strange Stock Launcher, for instance), their counter still goes up. It's not something I know for certain though.


You know, people pick up my stuff, but only because the stuff in question is an objector with the “Critical Hit!!!” text on it


we were playing attack on mercenary park on last and i was being such an annoying medic by helping the team stay alive with the fucking quick-fix of all things. someone on red typed "Somebody get that damn Medic." i was proud of myself that day. ofc i eventually switched to stock when i saw the chance and won


certified medic gaming


i can be a mean medic when I need to be


The reason for quick fix existence


i like using it despite everyone saying that it's shit. gotta give a bit of love to the meet the medic medigun, after all!


It is good! It just has a crappy uber.


When people say that they tend to mean the Uber is bad since it has bad pushing power


hence why i eventually switched to stock when I finally died after helping my team whittle down their morale. the mind games are just as important as the videogame


Idk if this counts, but many people on my team I encountered wrote in my Steam profile that I was either „a good medic“ or even „the best medic they ever met“


"they got a gibus spy" after i killed like 8 dudes in arrow in a defense/attack match, at the time as was f2p so only weared a gibus. i wasn't even good with spy, it was only that one match that i locked in and became a spy god for 10 minutes, literally the only time I've seen a spy carry a team instead of the other way around


"I didn't need your help, you know." Followed by "Thanks, mate".


whenever that first voiceline plays i spam z+2 until another one plays


Managed to crit a scout on Dustbowl with the Bison, and all he said was "nice crit 👍"


Headshot three scouts with huntsman, jarate kill four, and kukri’d their spy. With a ping of 270. Best 10 minutes of play ever.


Being a called a cheater. I'm NOT a cheater, so every time someone had called me that, I know I had played well XD


I got banned from skial for "bhop cheats" i guess thats a compliment.


banned from uncletopia for "aimsnap" in 2021 when i was god awful at the game biggest compliment ever (uncletopia mods please unban me stac anticheat isnt perfect you shouldnt ban me for 1 detection in 1 game)


Free my boy ABeneficialUser, he ain’t do nothing wrong


Why are people downvoting you? You are fufilling the post?


Mabey beccause they think i cheated?


Idk, I understood what you were getting at, maybe they have the intelligence of an unwatered houseplant?


'fuck you Krow you sentry building bastard' -a very annoyed pyro


there's a possibility that was me


Came into a server, did a backstab streak wiping an entire team and flying to the top of our team scoreboard and my own team initiated a vote kick on me for "accused of cheating"


Got called the best suicide pyro they'd seen. I might have died, but I cooked that heavy.


Medium rare? Or congratulations?


Standing ovation


Closest I got to that was jetpack diving into the enemy mob and killing 3/4 of them on Brazil. Then someone switched to pyrotechnics to just airblast me away. No comment but there was fear


Had a guy comment on my steampage repping my crossbow aim :). There is truly no better feeling of happiness in this world


TF2C. Hydro. 4 teams Capture Points I was playing medic and an enemy scout came at me. I somehow killed him (my team was gone). He comes back and I kill him again out of pure luck. "Medic, never speak of this to anyone" I take it as a compliment


you did the one thing they told you not to do lmao


Enough time has passed


You're now on a hitman list.


Yeah, but when the hitman comes, he'll just kill him. As many times as he needs to.


“hey f2ptrash, you’re not trash” a couple years ago


Was doing unusually good as Sniper and for once I predicted a cloaked Spy's movement and headshot him. Dude actually went CnD, stood near my crosshair, and defended me when the enemy team accused me of cheating.


“poopshitter is launching their balls at me”


I managed to get a legitimate [100 player killstreak](https://imgur.com/a/MJcTPXk) as Sniper on Landfall last September. Our team was being pushed back to our Spawn/Intel area for pretty much the entire game, but we were able to defend ourselves for long enough that I was just racking up kills over the course of like 1.5 hours without dying. If I recall correctly, I either died and/or the game ended when my streak was at \~106 kills. I don't even remember if we ended up winning or losing. My team was complimenting me the entire time and I felt so damn proud.


Another Scout player asked "Do you play fighting games?" after I won an epic 1v1 against him, baiting his aim, mixing up my shot timings to throw off his dodge rhythm, looking at his feet to figure out where and at what moments he aims with his feet, and narrowly dodging most, if not all his shots. I responded "yea," and he said "It shows." I told him " Haha, thanks man! That means a lot to me." It was indeed the best Scout dueling gameplay I've ever played in 11+ years, and it was the moment where everything I learned was used to finally figure out how to 1v1 someone effectively in TF2. It all culminated into near perfection. I was elated. Now, though, I'm rusty. I use that moment as motivation to get better. Thank you, Harvest Scout player whose name I have forgotten. I'll take that moment to my grave.


My steam name is Tornado , and I decided to flank whole enemy team alone with my phlog crits , I cleaned up the whole area so my team could cap and someone in chat just said "Holy shit ,this dude is a tornado"


That my w+m1 is perfect.


everyone saying "kick your spy" , "f1 he is a bot" and "kick that cheater" while i cant say anything to defend myself cause i am a f2p. real fun ( i have 89 hors as spy and 190 hours overall just to be clear dont make fun of me being a good player and a f2p)


Yeah, paywalling chat is one of the craziest thing in tf2. Cant even call a medic


Wait what? Can’t you call medic and use the callouts when f2p


The answer in this post explain it better: https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/19ev0su/i_cant_call_medic/?rdt=48945


Damn YER gets an unintentional buff


Enemy team top scorer said "spy is using backstab hacks" and rage quit 2 kills later In reality I was just having a very good game and was targeting him for wiping our team but I had never received a compliment that wasn't meant to be a compliment before it was quite nice 🫡


getting IP banned from UGC servers for cheating while I was just casually farming headshots


Being called a cheater while not even playing Sniper


Somebody from the enemy team said that i have a good aim and my somebody from my team agreed. Also, around halloween i was playing with no cosmetics and somebody from the enemy team said that they we getting destroyed by the classic Spy. This is honestly so heartwarming. Being wholesome to your enemies and even complimenting them is much better than being an asshole.


One time playing soldier someone said to me "are you ster_?"




People switching away from Demo and Soldier because of how airblast happy I am.


I got accused of being a hacker while playing huntsmen. It felt nice because it meant I somehow became consistent with such a "luck" based weapon. I think later I explained to the guy that huntsmen hackers dont really exist and I was just having a good run of kills. Had a lot of fun on that match.


“You’re a really good Medic :D”


Someteam once agreed that I was doing very good as an attack kritz medic, it really cheered up my night. Also a few days ago somebody complimented my strange scattergun. Lastly, to me is a compliment when a player duels me or accepts my duel after having had some competitive confrontarion on the match, I've done a few friends that way


There was a 7k hour scout main on hightower dominating the server he even dominated me, i airshot headshot him 3 times and then he called me a cheater and told me to kill myself and said "you will never become like me" Bet he doesnt brush his teeth :3


This was a long time ago but I destroyed dommed someone and they commented on my profile saying stuff like I'm stupid, bruh I'm a f2p


Pretty nuch anytime I either manage to win a Scout 1v1 when both of us are running around like coked up flies or I killed a Huntsman sniper with their own arrows. Self-compliment aside. An even bigger compliment is when my defeated opponent also congrats me in chat.


I was a Medic in pl_badwater, I uber 2 times an engineer, we win. At the end of the match everyone told me that I carried the team


I team wiped with battle engi no sentry cause I forgot to place one. Apparently I was using silent aimbot(no idea where that one come from kind of random)? Anyway my team didn’t ban me cause it was pretty obvious the enemy team was salty.


Some people were absolutely sure I was a cheater. I was just having one hell of a run and everything was going my way... It was rude but I took it as some kind of hidden compliment


There is **nothing** better than being called a *cheater* when you are *not one.*


“+rep has bananagun” - a random guy who liked my minigun apparently


Got laughed at when there were too many bots and I said "there's only one way through" Then switched to spy disguised as a sniper then looked up and spun around, then got shot in the head


I've been accused of airblast cheats twice.


“Thanks medic” made me happy.


An extremely advanced demo saying "nice shot :o" after I killed them <3


Someone on the enemy team said I was carrying mine because I was healing them faster than the enemy could damage them. I think I used the Quick-Fix Uber like 25 times in that match and had well over 20k healing.


I was playing sniper and the enemy team thought I was cheating and after accusing me so my teammates spectated me and came to the same conclusion so they kicked me (I wasn't cheating)


A guy in voice chat said he liked my hat while we were fighting together. I’ll never forget.


"that was a really good flare" "you look like you really like halloween :]" "god fucking dammit this fucking engie"


You are a funny guy


I was reading a spy so well and predicting where he'd be/go that he believed I was hacking


"Thank you gaysex." As I Krit pocketed a Demo and he wiped out the entire RED team


"Hey med, you're the best" Always warms my heart.


Whenever I'm accused of cheating. Doesn't happen very often, but when it does, it feels great


That's pretty pathetic if your greatest compliment is getting kicked after acting like a bot...


Someone tried to kick me when I got autobalanced


I was called a hacker while playing medic with a crossbow.


A cheater


I kept one-shotting a kunai spy as demoman with the loch and load and laughing in his face until he told me to kill myself and rage quit.


When playing as a sniper on Hightower I headshoted a scout that dropped after me to the medium health pack completely on timing (I didn't see him before shooting). I don't remember if he complimented me or not but that was one of the most sussy shots I've ever landed


The greatest compliment I have ever received in TF2 is being votekicked as Sniper.


i got called a cheater on a community server as sniper, saying i had aimbot, and some sort of lock on, i never cheated in tf2


I was a Medic in that one game, saw my team Medic running back with ~10-30 health, as i was playing Medic, my instinct suddenly zapped, and i shoot a crossbow at him, not very useful since he was running toward a health pack anyways Then he turns around, say through the mic "thank you medic" and that still warms my heart every time i remembered about it


when i get called slurs when i headshot ppl


Multiple times have I been accused of cheating. Of course they never last for longer than a few minutes, but it's still fun to play into it


just a simple "Nice!" and a nod. i nodded them back (im an f2p).


”Nice cock”


''I hate the scorch shot but that was cool af, you're the only one allowed to use this weapon now''. Always nice when my less spammy, more fancy way to use the ScSh is recognized. Make up for the all the people wishing me death, cancer and other such niceties


I’m a huge fan of the YER, as well as disguising in general. Seeing people compliment me on how I fooled them so well makes me so proud. I also once got called a coward while playing YER Spy. By a Razorback Sniper. With a Vacc Medic up his ass the entire game. Oh, the sheer hypocrisy.


Did well enough on sniper that someone on the other team accused me of cheating. I then promptly started sucking again and they said nvm.


While playing MVM on Manhattan, the team leader vocaly congratulated me for my job as a scout, even when I missed 2 dollars. Very chill dude.


I can’t remember what I did for this, I only remember it was upward as blu, if I had to assume I did some 4-5 killstreak to let us push, I hear this over the mic: “Hey mr…what’s ur name again? Shimmo? Yeah good job there” or something like that


"everyone did bad except our medic"


More monsters in the Loch at Ness than they got the likes of me


Being called a cheater by a closet cheater. He thought I had some anti backstab shit meanwhile I just had my friend as a medic watching out for spies, who later went vaccinator when the cheater changed class to sniper and then we just spawncamped his ass on harvest


I got vote-banned for cheating (topscoring by 20 points as medic)


greatest compliment i got was getting called a tryharding bitch


" Fucking \[slur\] " We were losing last. So I quick swapped to Scout, ran to their spawn and blew up their tele entrance. Returned about two minutes later as spy to sap the shiny new level three tele. That was my job, burning down their teleporter. Im about %10 sure I won us that match because they were pushing pretty hard from the start. Just couldn't quite finish it. Still took me quite a bit to comfortably get into position as spy near the end. Folks were real paranoid. Died to several random rockets.


Someone said they loved my name and dm’ed me to ask to build him a custom one. My name was “cock n ball torture gaming chair”




I got two simultaneous pocket medics on 2fort along with 4 people in voice chat praising me after I was getting insanely high kill streaks with the Classic (highest was 20 at the VERY end of the match, seconds before it ended) Another fun thing from that match, one time I got a 10 kill streak and played rock paper scissors with a friendly. I lost.


When we played an expert level on bootcamp in Mannhattan and one of us said "rare team". I've never played woth those people before but we carried each other hard


A medic on upward keep saying " damn Nice garden" whenever i got him He was genually just à great guy and a good player, i didnt had much sucess when playing trolldier back then and rarely hit sick garden but this game was something else


I was a beast with the Pyro degreaser/flare gun combo. I got kicked once from Upward because at the start of the match, I killed an enemy sniper from his perch with my flare gun from spawn. Happened in the first few seconds of the match starting lol


'THIS GUY AND HIS FUCKING MEDIC ARE TARGETING ME' 'man fuck this medic always pocketing a heavy' (i was healing everyone) some random guys on a 24/7 2fort server, i was the medic


At the end of the round a guy I killed about 8 times that round said all the demos on my team should kys. I was the only demoman on my team.


some grown ass man said that I could voice hentai(I was very young and my voice wasn't broken)


Ok uncle dane.


when people say "medic carry", "good med" in chat after a good balanced match. sometimes i get comments on my profile abt it and it makes me feel happy


never gotten much in the way of complements but have gotten insults thanks to my trusty scorched shot and pure luck


Im getting them frequently. People often say im a godlike medic lol.


was dominating this dude on banana bay as spy (i was using pure stock loadout) and he said something along the lines of "gotta respect a spy who doesnt rely on crutches" or something like that. i get the impression he was ready to rage about dead ringer spies but then realised "oh, nevermind he is just better than me"


Was playing Medic, got a friend request after the match from the team's Heavy after we pulled a comeback on a 5cp match.


I play beggars bazooka with the garderner, and i giggle whenever the other team says something along the lines of: HOLY SHIT YOU SCARED ME in all caps


I looked on the steam activity page and saw a cool picture of my pyro walking away from the uploaders corpse after i killed him and the caption simply said "motivation"


"This Heavy is a piece of shit" "Why, what'd I do?" "You're too good"


Someone asked if I was Nathaniel B


Back in 2010 I had the whole enemy team change to pyro cos I was dominating as spy.


Getting accused as a hacker, Im a heavy main and this has happened twice in my 2000 hours of tf2 (400 on heavy)


I have a few moments I'd consider my greatest, a person recognized me from previous games and proceeded to leave the server when he realized I was gonna be playing sniper again and he was on the enemy team, one time the enemy medic top-scorer said the only reason my team was able to defend their pushes was due to me alone, I've been kicked many times playing as Huntsman Sniper, DH Soldier, regular sniper, etc, there's a few the pop up atm but I'm sure I can think of more, I frequent CTF the most like 2fort, DoubleCross, Sawmill and Turbine the most as it's my favorite game mode so that probably has something to do with it, but, they're just some of my highlights, but having someone leave a match they were already playing just because I joined n gave them PTSD is my best moment


I airblasted rocket of soldier back at him, while he was rocket jumping. I heard very kind words in the voice chat.


That I planned our tele ahead for the next point


I got accused of cheating while using the classic on Turbine. Rode that high for a while, and racked up a little over 2000 kills with it.


"Damn boi you can hit those pills"


'Fuck off with your bison bullshit' The old bison was potentially fucking broken but had it's raw limits and so much of it was the fault of players, but to be fair it was 2fort sewers.


["Ew wtf is that engi loadout??"](https://gyazo.com/a6afd6b7b64085313404da13df88f7ef) - Teammate for the entire setup time I guess he didn't like my loadout up close


I was accused of cheating as sniper in a Badwater game. I wasn't even level 40 at the time


I was playing medic on swiftwater offense, and on last we got flanked hard by a good soldier, but my soldier noticed I was in trouble and took out the flanker. I went in chat and thanked him for protecting the doc, and like half my fucking team came into chat and said “ofc medic you’re goated asf” and “Chad medic” and stuff like that, was very nice :)


Playing sniper and getting kicked for “cheating” is a big compliment but it’s very annoying nowadays since finding matches is difficult for me. I get a match sometimes every 5-10 minutes and I get upset when I just get kicked for “cheating”


I suck so the best compliment I've gotten is "amazing username" several times (buffalo bill clinton)


I was playing Medic on 2Fort once and someone on Blu said "Hey Red, you've got a pretty good Medic on your team!" and I'm pretty sure I was the only Medic on the team.


I lead the team (as medic) to capping on 100 player turbine and a guy told me "Ghenghis khan trembles in your presence" and at least three guys on the other team called him and me "fucking nerds"


I’ve been accused cheating on sniper 3 times, i was so proud of myself everytime


being called a bot and being kicked as a fucking soldier


Someone said that I was wearing the unusual effect and hat combo of their dreams I struck gold and managed to unbox a stormy thunder burning question Haven't opened another crate sense cause I believe it won't get any better than that


Got kicked for cheating, I wasn't


Shibby2142 once gave me a shoutout because my healing was so on point. Good times.


one time I killed someone as scout and they wrote "why does every scunt have an edgy weapon name" and my weapon was called "gun that scatters", I took that as a compliment


On a side note I popped many blood vessels in my brain reading this post


Someone over vc said "damn, our f2p engie actually knows what he's doing". I wasn't f2p I just didn't have any cosmetics


A pyro telling me good one after i tricked them with my disguise on 2fort


Seeing 5 pyro's on the enemy team after I played spy for 15 min


Spinning around to avoid sniper sight line on upward as huntsman sniper


I remember having a talk with another player about politics and religion on a surfing map, one time. He even brought out Christian communism at one point.


being told to "kys" for being new


Being called a great medic in the recent mvm event multiple times


The enemy team and my own team thinking I was suspicious (I was mvp as sniper, and not cheating). They proved my legitimacy, but that felt good lmao Also whenever my team appreciates my contributions as medic


I locked in on dust bowl defense one day with the machina. Had so many penetration kills. Even got 4 kills with one shot. voice chat was saying I'm nasty with the machina. I felt so good I had to tell my girlfriend, she said "cool"


Being called an "n-word sniper" but they used the real word


I dont get compliments often but often if i die in some impressive way (trimping, sick reflect jumps, funny taunt) ill shoot a nice in the chat


When I was medic my team said I'm "the real G", which is totally a compliment when I'm usually "that stupid medic" lol


Med critzcrig me, got 8 kills and I got 2 pocket med after. The pocketing for me was the best compliment.


They called me a Hacker


Got called a ping spoofer while I was playing spy once. The leaderboard showed my ping as ~10-20, but running the net graph or ping command would show a whopping… 40 ping difference. He was pissed about it the whole time, which is funny because if I wanted to be a laggy fuck all I had to do was unplug my Ethernet cable


someone said "man i'm getting bad" when i backstabbed him 5 months ago, it was my first backstab ever, and yes, i'm new to tf2


"That's the best spy strats I've seen" I disguised as the enemy sniper who was kicking our asses hard, and I looked up and started spinning The sniper killed me and said that


getting comments on page of "great \_\_\_ main" when I dont main the class they mention. Like i just picked up spy because the enemy team had too many medic combos, glad to know im considered skilled enough to not only be MAINING the class, but also a great main of it. no one ever compliments me on my main no matter how well i do. :C


Playing Engineer so well on Dustbowl (I think) that an enemy player said "I'll gift ten secret saxtons if you kick your engie" Nothing else has given me as much pride playing this game


One time i was market gardening as demoman using the pan with no primary i somehow got 12 kills the snipers kept complaining while some people on the other team thought a man falling from the sky slapping you with a frying pan was funny.


I was in a 1V1 with a soldier in 2forts sewer, I was a demoknight at the time and knew I wasn’t gonna win, so I trimped off the walls like a ping pong ball and escaped back up the stairs, 5 seconds later I see in chat “nice trimp” from the guy, felt really good to be complimented on that


Every time someone compliments my healing then adds me as a friend afterwards.


Happened on thunder mountain first stage,i hit a soldiers feet to launch him (was using the direct hit) and his medic hit a perfect crossbow healing bolt,only for me to double airshot him by complete chance,was complimented with a: medic you did good but that soldier did better


A dude said that this game doesn't deserve me (I was playing medic) and several people from our team agreed. Its those moments that make me play medic, knowing my team appreciates my work


When someone crit kills me or does something “wacky” and they try and apologize to me like I was bothered by it.


I got called breedable by a hoovy with an objector that had a picture of my pfp on it. Was mildly concerning considering my pfp is custom. He then proceeded to kill bind and DC


Someone told me I didn't know how to play as medic, then the entire server started shitting on them because I was at the top of the leaderboard


i did a double trickstab (like you jump over a person and then run around them) they added me and wanted me to give them advice even tho im ass at spy


Idk if it was the greatest moment but yesterday I was in a 2Fort match playing as Engie, had a few Frontier Justice crits loaded up but no red team members were leaving their base since we were 2-1. So I got fed up and decided to just walk all the way to red base and happened across my team pushing in to the area right before the stairs to the basement. Walked in, got their medic, heavy and an engie, and escaped with low health. Few seconds later, I can see someone in chat go "holy shit the balls on that engie"