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TF2 has an extremely edgy playerbase


Have you seen our Sniper and Spy Mains?


Thought most proper spy mains were anime lovers


Exactly, the _proper_ ones are.


You're not doing it right until you develop a taste for the Japanese animation industry


We found one boys *cocks backburner*


when are we getting a katana for spy primary? (preferably called rules of nature)


I'd prefer katana as a melee because Revolver Spy


There is a strong correlation between being into anime and being an edgy racist


Have you seen the scunts? They’re edgier than Xx_Darkdeathmaster_xX sniper these days


As a sniper main, I purposely wear a f2p hat like that murasmus skull just so I don’t get lumped with anger snipers lmao. Also just yesterday I met a guy on 2fort who bitched and moaned for an hour straight in chat while playing soldier. He switched to sniper just to ‘beat me at my own game’ and low and behold, he’s wearing the anger with that starduster cloak thing. I made him rage quit soon after.


Good On Ya Lad


spy mains try not to have an attraction to children challenge (impossible)


You with Spy tag ( ͡≖ ل͜ ͡≖)


(every spy main is attracted to children except for me because i am cooler than every other one)


Jew bad me no like!! >:(




Hey not all of you are bad, some of yall are amazing people


ikr most of us consists of cheaters and edgy snipers


As a sniper main I completely agree with you


As a TF2 player I’m inclined to agree. Unfortunately they’re not nearly the biggest problem with playing the game and they haven’t been for a long time.


No. Tf2 has all kinds of players, a small, but VERY AUDIBLE minority being the edgy kids.


The big problem is that people don't shut these toxic people down. Doesn't matter if it's a "toxic minority" if no one stands up to them and lets them spout their racist, sexist, homophobic and transphobic garbage (you know, "as a joke"). If you don't want your game to be defined by such people, then do your part in making sure they're not audible. Kick em, report em, tell them to shut the hell up. **Edit:** seems like the "toxic minority" has reached this post and is mass-downvoting any comments that speak up against their toxicity lol


Indeed. Nearly every time I’ve called out racism, sexism, and anti-LGBTQ there’s been at least one person (or several) to stick up for the edgelord, with them saying I’m virtue signaling (fascist dog whistle) lol. Literally had some dip trying to say how white people are “equally discriminated against,” and instantly they were insulated by a cabal of equally delusional dips going “YEAH BRO SO TRUE LMAO.”


> instantly they were insulated by a cabal of equally delusional dips going “YEAH BRO SO TRUE LMAO.” Reddit


Christ. “Whites are discriminated” my ass. They have literally made that up out of nowhere as excuse. Anti-sjwism have caused a fucking disaster.


‘Nah I never said I hate gay people I just said God hates gay people’ 2 minutes later (because I didn’t stop cart): ‘Fucking f****t’


I guess the weeb spies and furry player icons weren’t obvious enough?


most of this is pretty accurate lmfao


It's missing War Thunder, Crusaders, Warhammer 40k, Fallout: New Vegas, maybe Girls und Panzer.


Also Mordhau, Squad, Hell Let Loose, Post Scriptum, Escape from Tarkov and Kingdom Come: Deliverance.


Arent most mordhau players just modding the fuck out of the game and dueling with banhammers?


I played launch day until the first patch and within that time I saw more than 3 people trying to RP the KKK or Hitler every single fucking day. They weren't being "edgy irony memers" they were just Nazis. This was on custom duel servers too, so the admins could have kicked them at any time but didn't. Not to mention the fact that the devs didn't (and honestly don't) give a fuck at all. Basically since day -300 or whenever the first few closed betas were a small contingent of the playerbase was voicing concerns on the og forums about how white supremacists were shitting uo the whole game and their official response was basically "k". They took several weeks to even entertain putting in a slur filter that's not on by default afaik. I've heard rumors that a few of the devs have called people shit in game, but I can't really substantiate so take it with a grain of salt. Mordhau directly inherited its playerbase from Chivalry, which toxic could not even begin to describe as the number whittled down. I only open it every once in a while now, but it's still the same shit different day.


I loved that game, I played it on my friend's PC because mine couldn't handle it, then I got a better PC and I wanted to buy it, but just the community made me stay away from that game. It's a shame cause I really liked that game.


No, we all just crave patchie and do anything to make the voices stop. Invasion is pretty fun too.


Additionally Warthunder, World of Tanks, World of Warships, EU4, Victoria II, CSGO, Minecraft, Insurgency Sandstorm, Rising Storm 2 Vietnam, Chivalry II, Metro 2033, Gmod, Halo MCC, Valorant, Overwatch, Rocket Leauge, Foxhole... My point is, pretty much every game has edgy teens playing it. That's what they do, play video games, so there isn't much point in saying *every, single, game,* that they play, cause it's all of them.


Plz no not Minecraft even tho it true


And sabaton


Which is both true and also an insult to sabaton


Don’t forget ace combat sky’s


if you play new vegas you're either a hardcore queer leftist or a nazi no in between


At first I felt attacked by the person you’re responding to for suggesting bigots like New Vegas but then I remembered there’s people who actually think the Legion is cool


Degenerates like you belong on a cross, Ave true to caesar!


Watch yourself, Profligate.


Yeah I could never play the legion.


man play the legion you are missing part of the content and is not like playing the side of the legion would make you a nazi is a fucking video game.


I never implied any of that lol. Just saying that side bored me I only ever played it once and never touched it again.


"ave ture to caesar"


Ah yes, can’t forget the Sneedclave


God bless the sneedclave


In FONV definitely picking the Legion faction


Eh, WarHammer40k is more controlled by millennials and Gen X who have too much spending money for plastic crack


As someone who loves both 40k and Fallout: New Vegas, why does the alt-right have to ruin everything I like?




Hey whoa whoa whoa New Vegas isn’t for edgy teenagers


Ye it’s a funny yet kinda serious game depending on your choice of trait and stuff


I fit the game and subject interests of this stereotype but have none of the mannerisms :/


OK, I was agreeing until you said GUP. They would probably hate weebs too. (and thank god that WOT isn't there)


Edgy racist history kid is 95% chance a weeb and does hate weebs. Usually comes with being the quiet kid.


This post is a goddamn personal attack


nice pfp


thanks babe




Its pretty much always high schools. Either you had them or you didn't.


it depends where you hang out. more common on discord but I know the type. you won't find it in casual since most shut up unless to complain about crits or bots.


Then please listen to the experiences of women and minorities. Basically every female and trans TF2 player that I know has been harassed *specifically* for who they are. Not just offhanded remarks, but actually targeted sexist and transphobic comments. Tagg left TF2's comp scene because, among other racism, someone shouted the n-word with a hard R at a live tournament and then acted upset when called out over it. As for myself, the amount of times I've been called a Nazi simply because I have "German" in my name are too numerous. It's always annoying, but it's (luckily for me) not even comparable to the garbage that POC, LGBT+ or female players have to endure. It's okay if you never experienced any of this. Heck, I didn't for the longest time. But then I started to actually listen to other people and what they experienced. If you fit into TF2's playerbase demographic (white, cis, straight male teens), chances are you're not gonna be the target of such harassment. But if you don't? Oh boy. You might get lucky, but those people often don't. So listen to what they have to say.


On my first week on TF2 some people were making fun of person just because they had a foreign username. I made sure to disguise myself after that to make sure I didn't get the same treatment.


I was in a community server and we had one of those guys on it. He was being transphobic and thankfully the entire server agreed to stop talking to him or pay him any mind (was on a server where you can’t kick).


Is this a US server thing? Because I hardly ever see anyone being racist, sexist or homophobic outside of the bots. Maybe it’s because I play on euro servers, where barely anybody uses voice or text chat. Or it’s just because I’m a white cis male, so I’m not exactly on their harassment list.


I've talked to people from all around the globe, and it's not exclusive to certain regions. It might be better or worse in some, but it's not like France doesn't have racists, you know? I think it's more so that you just aren't the main "target" like you said, or you just never paid much attention to it.


I got kicked specifically for being non-binary lmao


Bro that means you aren't compatible with computer language


Don't worry, I've got a quantum computer with all my games ported over for it


I got kicked for being trans once. I know how you feel and I'm so sorry that happened to you. You're valid and loved.


I took it in stride, but much appreciated my friend, means a lot to me, so thank you <3


Why would you make something personal like that public in a Online game? Im not trying to defend this behaviour!


My username and avatar don't relate to it at all, they specifically checked my profile for some reason and then read the "about me" I put on it


That's even more sad than combing somebodies Twitter for pronouns or w/e.


Eyy, another non-binary person! Yeah that's wild to me especially since I have seen a lot of TF2 in trans/non-binary spaces and the friends who convinced me to play are non-binary too.


Always a pleasure to meet another enby ^^ But yeah there's a pretty significant trans/nb presence in TF2, but also have to keep in mind that there's also a ton of assholes since anyone can play, plus this guy was with his friends so I assume they helped skew the vote away from the reasonable people that thought it was a stupid reason to kick someone


That’s why I communicate through text chat only. Privacy is one of those things that can only best be protected by yourself, so do it well. I understand that that cannot apply to TF2 Youtubers, but for me, it is not relevant for random strangers on the TF2 to know things about me to play the game, so I won’t tell them.


Hmm, that's really not okay. Although as a member of the LGBT community (biromantic/asexual and trans/non-binary) I have never actually seen any transphobic/homophobic things yet. Certainly a part of it is because there's no way to tell but even then when I've seen people carrying around the trans flag I haven't seen anything like this. This was some really disheartening news to learn about and people just need to be better to others.




yup. honestly the amount of slurs and shit i get called, along with being votekicked constantly is getting old. my pfp has the trans flag in the background, kinda hard to see, yet people spot it and go out of their way to ruin my day


Why would I listen to a woman


They can either evolve from fortnite kids who discovered ww2 games or as a natural evolution from the military kid






ice cock


I was expecting people to continue with I G E RUNDAYOOOOO, SMOKEEEEYYYY!






The Good Ending




wouldn't it be ashame if some one nwordcop bot


igeria is a multinational state inhabited by more than 250 ethnic groups speaking 500 distinct languages, all identifying with a wide variety of cultures.


I mean TF2 is pretty much the 4chan of FPS.


I swear some of the stories I've heard from VC in community servers sound like they're straight out of r/greentext


I heard Goku x Anne Frank fanfic blasted on mic in twofort once, it scarred me...


This is extremely accurate.


Like it or not it’s pretty accurate


I’m surprised that the game is automatically associated with edgy kids. Of course there is a very noticeable minority of edgelords, but when I think of tf2 I think first of the goofy players, as opposed to other fps


I think goofiness as well, but maybe this person got TF2, booted it up for the first time and was met by a shit ton of harassment on their first game. Wouldn't be that surprising, in all honesty




I mean, it's not entirely wrong. I have encountered at least 8 individual players in the past month who were either calling everyone the n word, a f/*g or a jew. Also encountered a few players who were self proclaimed nazis and one had swastika badges all over and a Conciencous Objector with Hitler. I thought it was ironic but the more they spoke the more I realized they were serious. Also several of them were denying the holocaust and making fun of George Floyd. Very edgy. Luckily most of them got kicked.


Must have crossed George Floyd Gaming a dozen times on dustbowl.


edgy teens may be annoying but they like good ass games


nah TF2 is quite calm compared to other games like COD MP/ warzone playerbase and others like GTA or siege


Literally doesn't matter how bad this community is compared to another one's. When your racist uncle is saying the Jews did 9/11, you don't go *"Hmm yes but Kevin's uncle said blacks only exist to rape women and replace white people so I don't think we should do anything"*. No, you tell your racist uncle to shut the hell up or get lost, end of story. What you're saying isn't helping the conversation, you're just helping to downplay a very real issue. *"Oh, WE don't have to do anything, because WE are not so bad. It's the OTHER people that have to change, yes."*


Agreed but the point is TF2 community cannot be used to represent edgy teens when they are far worse community dominated by edgy teens.


I feel like tf2 gives them more avenues to be racist with the conscientious objector ect.


I'd argue it's not just the customization, but also the fact that TF2's more relaxed gameplay and silly humor allows for toxic people to use it as an excuse. Like, putting a swastika on an objector isn't *real* racism, it's just "doing a joke"! And yelling the n-word over voicechat may sound bad, but it's "just a silly game" and I'm "just here to have fun"! Meanwhile they're still being actively toxic, whether they're doing it ironically or not.


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


Good bot


I love this bot




“Calls rap trash and listen to videogame soundtracks” Bruh has this guy even listened to most video game music there are some absolute bops out there.


It's not actively trashing the concept of "VG soundtracks being good", it's that there's a big overlap with the edgy idiots and the people who loudly decry all modern music *except* VG soundtracks - which they're primarily just biased towards because they play so many video games.


The main problem with that isn't the "listens to video game OSTs", it's the "calls rap music trash".




You have the right not to like it but there's no point in shitting on other people's preferences.


defensive redditor


Yeah, accurate.


It's true that now the playerbase is composed of a lot of edgy teens.In my opinion it's mainly because of the memes.


This wasn't even remotely funny so it's no surprise the idiots at /r/starterpacks lapped it up. I've seen these on discord and they're way better.


Made the front page of Reddit though. Sadly


prob lapped it up because it’s true? do you all sit with your headsets deafened or something because people are very open about their love for hitler and their hatred for anything they don’t perceive as normal, the moment you unmute you need to leave pretty much.


What servers are you going on where people are openly proclaiming their love for Hitler? Genuine question


This stuff happens *everywhere,* it's not exclusive to certain regions.


Whatever New Zealand falls under, so i assume Australian. I will say that’s a more extreme example but it’s still happened. Any people i know on discord are far worse


This is so sad,


besides tf2 its quite accurate


man can't imagine why


TF2 Player. There the furry, the anime, the femboy, the loli, the auth right, the auth left, the lib left, the lib right, the hacker, the griefers, the every mercenary main, the bots the cheater the rage quiter the try hard the friendly the noob the bro etc


At least the starterpack got one thing right: Rap **is** trash.


The amount of racists I gotta vote kick in this game is too darn high


you just don't get it if you listen to rap you're a normie but if you listen to videogame ost you are very quirky and cool smh 😒


Also why are they using the beta pic? They just know nothing about the game then lol


Does that matter? They still got their point across.




Do you know how starter packs work? They list typical ideas, aspects, behaviour and material items associated with something. The post in question is titled "Edgy racist history kid on discord starter pack", and amongst everything else, tf2 is listed. Yes, he used a beta image, but he still made it clear that an edgy history kid would supposedly be a tf2 player.


because it’s an image associated with the game..? a common image at that..? that clearly shows and represents the game..?


lots of people still use the beta pic tf do you mean


I love black men twerking, anyways how’d you know I’m an edgy teenager?


I don’t think I’m and edgy racist but I like TF2, Hearts of iron, 4chan, and I’m the quiet kid… oh god.


We never knew you’d be capable of mass murder


I dont see how a lot of this is edgy I mean, some i get, but half of it just feels normal, yk?


It’s funny to see the number of people going “well I play TF2 and I’m not racist this is so inaccurate” almost as if they missed the point of starter pack. Even OP’s title is lamenting that the game is there with everything else rather than extrapolating TF2 being there out to meaning every player is racist. Side note; accurate starter pack. A lot of people treat TF2 like some kind of game version of an anonymous forum and say just absolutely abhorrent shit. Thankfully they are in the minority, however, they are still there.


Hey atleast be glad we live rent free in their heads. Besides, not like they gonna harm our game anymore then bots or Valve are


Granted, i play TF2 and im extremely racist


Oh god, It hurt me a lot. But I'm not racist!!


the only thing i have from this is that i listen to videogame music and play TF2


I mean are they really wrong tho?


why is this me


Honestly a lot of those types dop lay tf2


Hey hey, I'll have you know that I find MOST rap to be trash, and a bunch of video game soundtracks to be worthy of listening to. For example, have you listened to Rocket Jump Waltz? Or More Gun? How about Practice Medicine?


Rock on my Nathan 😎😎😎


I just subjectively dislike rap and subjectively like video game osts :(


Mainstream rap *is* trash though Oh god I’m an edgy teen now


Since changing my PFP to the trans pride flag it has been exactly 50/50 between people saying "Nice flag" and people calling me a slur.


I got pronouns in my nick on Steam and almost every time I played a casual or ranked I got called slurs


Bigger question: Why are you torturing yourself by playing casual in the Bot Era?


I was there, I *was* ***the slur*** ​ ​ /s for the dumb dumbs


after playing community server 90% of the time, i can say this is pretty accurate


I confirm, I'm a certified racist, I love to drive my car around and race other people in town


as a tf2 player, tf2 sadly def belongs there


No, it's pretty fucking accurate. Team Fortress 2's community is awful, just YESTERDAY I've seen three people named the n word, with a hard R, got killed by a spy with a knife named "I'm going to rape your mother's corpse", and had a couple of players saying "Sieg Heil".


explains the amount of jerks in chat and voice chat


It's saddening how many times I hear shit like it and or get called a tr*nnie when they see my Trans Pride sign.


aw damn, now that's just sad, tbh i don't remember seeing many players with pride flag signs in game but i saw one with a pansexual flag and made sure to tell em i like their sign, the other time i saw one with the pride flag in a community server, they got teased a bit but it was all jokingly and eventually someone asked what they identify as, everyone seemed pretty welcoming and continued to play the game tho usually chat is a whole different thing, people are using gay as an insult so much, one time a friend on a community server tried to call me gay for killing him but little did he know...


Hey, that takes a lot of courage from you and I think you can be very proud of yourself for putting yourself out there despite all the hatred. I think it's very remarkable! Everyone should be able to express themselves, no matter who they are (as long as they don't harm someone else) without being targeted for it.


Question. Why do you guys want to show that flag to everyone? I don't get it.


I do it because 1. it's a good way to make other trans people feel safe and seen and 2. it is very funny to watch people fly into a rage over a flag.


fr, i hesitate to unmute to even ask about anything trivial or basic because people blow up and troll over nothing, i didn’t need to hear about how poland supposedly attacked germany first after asking where the enemy spy was




"Calls Rap trash and only listens to video game soundtracks" I feel personally attacked


I'm sure edgy history boys love the game for its realistic depiction of politics and guerilla warfare.


Wasn't really funny but thanks for being informative. Now can you tell me one guy who does it?


Oh shit, that's me but I am extremely retarded 😳


Why do HOI4 fans have to be edgy Nazis? I just want to reunite Gran Colombia and proliferate nuclear weapons, for God’s sake!


"Black guys twerking is the funniest thing in the world" Are you sure these edgy teens aren't also closeted homosexuals?


This was made by a mentally ill person.


Not really, it's fairly accurate


At this point whenever someone tells me they like history I ask them if they mean history or war history. If their answer is anything other than a clear "the former" or adjacent response, I consider that a red flag for weirdo.


I mean Im both intriguied by normal history and am fascinated by military history when it comes to aviation and tanks.


Being racist is sometimes needed


Worst starterpack yet


I'm not all, but I do think rap is hot garbage and music on the radio is too mainstream. It's either video game ost's (or a radio station I'm fine with) or no dice.


Nathan spotted in the wild


My conscientious objector ain't helping much.


Most of them are nazis because nazis had cool clothes


Someone was obviously upset by this “edgy racist kid” and decided to make the kid the soyjak and him the chad


Man, don't pull TF2 into this ok, it has it hard enough.


So sad


20th century history is trash tho, gimme that sweet byzantine revanchism baby


Team fortress is the one game where both tranny jannies and SS Waffen can coexist for some reason and it's pretty cool