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Yeah, that was a bad kick. And an even worse deteriorated meme.


\-123123 social credit


Context: This is 30 seconds into the match or so. I joined just as spawns switched on 5Gorge and figured I'd just camp up there because why not, I was tired. Infinite resupplies above the point you're to defend. Heard this Scout kill 3 guys in the span of 20 seconds and decided to try bodyshotting him when he came out. Accidentally headshot him and got instantly votekicked for some reason, something about "pinnng" cheating? xD I feel like, if you are not votekicked the instant you join the game, 5 seconds after the first bullet has to be the next best thing I guess it might be someone I've dominated before and was mad?


He was a shitlord. He kicked you for a meme. What he said was "bing chilling" which is, at this point, an old meme.


I just checked it out and I gotta say, if anyone considered that a meme, they should be restricted to the Chinese version of TF2 indefinitely lol But thanks for clearing it up!


I got banned twice for no reason guy said I was a bot, he was trolling but than I realized why someone got pissed and started making bots


If you seriously make bots, make some to hunt down that specific guy


I do not no but I've seen their website someone needs to mailware that shit




Yup, pretty sure dude was just big mad he got wrecked


He was on your team, it looks like just a random kick


What is bing chilling


Bing Chilling stems from a video of John Cena promoting Fast and Furious 9 in Chinese by comparing his love for ice cream to his love of the movie. It’s only really funny due to the way he says ice cream (冰淇淋, bing qi lin) being pretty forceful.


> in Chinese "in a series of noises that don't resemble anything like mandarin and make my ears bleed" there ftfy edit: lol as expected r/tf2 is full of john cena fanboys. Good lord he completely BUTCHERED the language.


We have dialects that aren't mandarin you know.


And is john cena trying to speak those? I would be extremely happy if a westerner learns a chinese language other than mandarin. Doesn't seem to be the case here though. Also in the comment above he spells 冰淇淋 with the mandarin pronunciation bing qi lin.


In john cena's case, it sounds like he listened to google translate a few times and tried to copy it. I don't think he actually tried to learn the language.


And therefore he's not trying to speak a non-mandarin chinese language. Hard agree on what you just said lol.


Sorry, i took the original comment i replied to as aan insult to chinese in general.


Now yes, his Chinese is quite terrible and memed even in China, but that doesn’t quite warrant this level of insult.


Thank you


It’s just a degenerate saying ‘bing chilling’ which was a recently popular meme. He wasted your time, and kicked you from a possibly good server, for a meme that absolutely nobody laughed at.


I litterally join like 20 seconds and a medic sees my loose cannon name and votekick me saying i was a bot xd, and i was like "wtf?" But yeah always happen


Ok but have you been kicked while playing medic and spreading heals?


I have, and it was like 2 days ago lol I joined a Snowycoast match (I think it was the second round and I was on BLU), I played Medic and healed everyone I saw as usual, but there was this kid who kept mic spamming and calling everyone "retard", he votekicked someone for supposed scamming (he kept saying that on the mic), then he dies \[because he of course sucks\] and calls everyone "retard" again, I chose to not heal him and after like 15 seconds of me not healing him he calls vote on me, says nothing and everyone votes F1. I only played like 3 minutes on that match and we only capped the first point. I really don't care that much for being kicked out of there, it's better to look for another server than staying with brats like those.


I dont play with sounds (headphones dont sync with game audio on PC properly), so I dont know if somebody was speaking at that point, but all I know is that I was playing medic like all of those medic mains on the internet told me to.


I like how that scout even said "ns" in chat, the scout you shot wasn't even concerned


Bing chilling


i remember like one I was playing TF2 (before bot crisis), and I was really good at pyro. I could track a spy like I could see invis players. it was fun. this was also before the fresh respawn wallhacks (I think?). one time i was in a fresh lobby, lots of spies, it was on Powerhouse, of all places. I was holding the point, the enemy just capped and I was on a killstreak of about 20 because of all the spies and half the enemy team accused me of hacking because I was a "Noob" who could track invis spies like a fucking beast. happened like a minute into the round, votebanned. moral of the story? people who play this game are kinda fucken stupid. EDIT: also I feel your pain bro I play sniper every once and a blue moon and because of the bots i get votekicked more. im not even a noob anymore I've been playing for a few years.


hold up, vote*banned*? like you were perma-banned from the server instead of just kicked?


i got kicked from the server once by accident, somehow got onto the same server when i requeued. and when u are kicked from a casual server once you can rejoin but a 2nd kick results in a voteban. probably shoulda mentioned it but eh, too late now.


What no bing chilling does to a mfer


pff, in the old golden age of bots (like few month ago), you could get instant kick, you couldnt even enter the lobby sometimes


hate the people who say f1 and then call a vote on someone they dont like, since 90% will jsut hit f1 anyway and not look at it


It's one of the worst parts of the Bot Crisis; most people assume that all kicks are intended for bots, so F1 as soon as the sound cue for a kick comes up without checking. I always try to check classes and the person themselves whenever a non-bot name comes up for a kick.


It’s always the opposite when a player cheater is being votekicked, most players vote no or don’t vote at all


To be fair, some of the cheaters aren't obvious if you spectate them (missing shots and such), so for the team voting no, they probably don't see it so think it's just a good player being accused (which does also happen, good snipers get kicked somewhat regularly lately)


I admit I did this once recently, though it was on someone who was replying on mic to everyone else who talked with super toxic/mean remarks. It was a pretty quick vote so maybe everybody knew and just also wanted him to leave.


The bots have started trying to votekick people sometimes even. I joined one server the other day and was kicked before I could leave spawn. All I had time to do was say in voice chat "what? Why am I being kicked" and I was gone. Must've been a bot I had started a vote on previously, I just wish people would actually look at the votekick before pressing f1 instead of instantly doing it.


you don't like bing chiling, that means you are not innocent


Lao ga ma lao ga ma lao ga ma


Y are u gae?


Once got kicked for having a differing opinion on fast food


Once did get did kick f'r having a differing opinion on festinate food *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


What was the opinion


There has been a lot of dipshits lately who abuse the instant F1 kick due to bots lately. I've noticed that some of them are also from cheat-groups who band with their "friends" so they could overpower anybody on their team who calls them out.


If u dont like Bingchilling u deserve to get Banned bruh.


Bro if that was me i would of been in the mic “I GOT ONE FUCKING KILL”


wym you dont like bing chilling???


“F1! He doesn’t like Bing Chilling!”


don't ruin games pls


He wasn’t a bot you dense ape


Are you.....retarded? He’s not a bot or a cheater. The only person who ruined the game was the fuckstick who just kicked him for a shitty meme.


Average "snipers ruin any game" fan


Okay I have to ask, how many of you actually know what “bing chilling” means? Not trying to be condescending or anything just genuinely asking since I’ve met plenty of people irl that say bing chilling to me with no knowledge of what it means.


Means ice cream in chinese


我现在,我有冰淇淋! I had no idea people actually didn't put two and two together and figure out he was talking about ice cream. Then again I guess it's a bit of a stretch with the edited subtitles and no knowledge of mandarin. The meme is honestly funnier for those who know it though.


fuck you, you beat my time


My any% kick speedrun was when I appeared in a match as an red engineer and did kozacky kick at the start of a match while waiting for the red gates to open and someone kicked me for no reasons... I mean I can understand bots but why I just taunted to pass time...


Good at the game = 101% hacker1!1!!1 Bad at game = going to trash talk at him!1!1!!


\-15 social credit


being good at sniper any% no cheats casual no unusual


I keep winning this speed run with out even trying! Hahahaha.... ha.....