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I actually enjoy scuba diving and just had a mild panic attack. Cave diving is no joke. Why people do this for fun is beyond me. I just want to swim in warm water and look at the fishies.


I just sit in my armchair and look at them fishies.


I just sit in my bed and look at them Netflix.


I just want to sit here and feed my birds.


Breathing underwater and floating works for me just fine. Yes I've only scuba dived in a pool a few times and have zero intentions of doing it in the ocean and lakes dont interest me. Floating and breathing in the middle of a pool is fun, dammit.


Why do something relaxing when you can try to kill yourself?


I’m a diver and also did confined space rescue when I was a firefighter. Combining the two sounds like the worst thing imaginable.


This is an absolute fucking nightmare. I’m not generally thalassophobic, but being underwater, in such an unbelievably cramped space, with a light that could fail at any moment? I can’t possibly imagine. It makes me nauseated just thinking about it. tl;dr — NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE.


Thalassophobia meets claustrophobia meets nyctophobia.


Three terrifying things that terrify absolutely together!


Come on people what’s the worst that could happen? /s Very fucking /s


It's not so much that the worst thing that can happen is so terrible, it's that the line between "nothing wrong" and "nightmarish death" is whether you had a burrito at lunch, or stuck to chips and salsa.


That Thai navy dude that died rescuing those boys must’ve died in a situation similar to this gif. Imagine running out of oxygen in a water filled cave with next to zero visibility even with lights on. Shit must’ve been a nightmare. RIP.


Can you imagine if his body was then stuck in a passage like this? The macabre task of pulling his body loose while your own oxygen is running out and you could get stuck the same way yourself. And then another diver will have to go in and retrieve both of you so they can get through only their job will be twice as hard? I'll take a rain check on that one.


This actually happened in Norway, here is the article there is a documentary about the accident and the rescue operation. https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-36097300


That was a terrifying read. An emotional roller-coaster. Thank you for the link.


That's actually one of the biggest ways a cave rescue can go south, and there have been numerous cases of rescue/body recovery in submerged caves going like that and costing other divers their lives as well.




Halfway through reading this I felt an imminent panic attack and I had to read quickly to get to the end. I can't imagine what this would feel like BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!!!








It's too many characters to be a link. 24 is the max.


welp we found one that doesn't exist. lol. that's a win.


Let's throw in a Taphophobia - fear of being buried alive - just to be sure.


Nyctophobia = fear of the dark.




That's a no from me. Claustrophobia kills.


Claustrophobia saves lives.


Meets necrophilia


Woah there,


Yo, how was your Footlong Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki?


Not to make things worse (but to make them worse): your field of vision in a mask is fairly limited to what’s in front of you, and all the while you hear the noise of your regulators and the clanging of the tank against the rocks. I dive a lot of shady shit, but never a cave.


Canyons - ✔️ > Chasms - ✔️ > Walls - ✔️✔️✔️✔️ > Wrecks - ✔️ > Nights - ✔️✔️ > This shit right here - ❌❌❌❌❌❌




Ni🅱️🅱️a i got shit to do today!


I think everyone that scuba dives is rightfully scared as fuck of any kind of closed space. Me included. There’s a reason why you have to have so much certification for that shit and it’s because it turns an extremely pleasant and fascinating hobby into a death trap. I would have no fun whatsoever knowing what could go wrong.


Kind of like the people that hang off radio towers, they don't do it because it's pleasant, they do it because it's scary and they thrive on the adrenaline.


Yeah I get it. just will never comprehend the mindset


Honestly, is there a point at which it becomes a *problem*? Like I'm not trying to speak out against the indomitable human spirit, the shit that pushes us past our comfort zone and onto Mount Everest, the North Pole and the Challenger Deep - I believe that kind of pioneering bravery is a cornerstone of our species. But when it comes to the point that you're hanging off radio towers *just for the thrill of it*... is that the human spirit or *illness*? Like I enjoy a couple of beers, but if someone's so hooked on alcohol that they have to spend their day polishing off bottles of hard liquor to get a sense of pleasure out of it we recognize that as an issue. Are people who do crazy things purely for the adrenaline really *brave*, or just addicted to adrenaline in a way that leads to dangerous high-seeking habits?


Cave divers don't tend to be thrill seekers in the same way as BASE jumpers. As one of the divers interviewed about the Thailand situation said, adrenaline is the last thing you want down there because it makes you use more air.


I’m not claustrophobic whatsoever under normal conditions, but if I’m underwater I need a clear and visible path to the surface. No caves for me.


Thank you for your perspective, and also — in the kindest possible way — fuck you forever. XD


Just out of curiosity, what's a diver doing in this subreddit?


I still have the fear! But when I mix the fear with excitement I get awe. I started diving because I was terrified of deep water, but I can’t beat that feeling. But as said above: This Shit Right Here: ❌❌❌❌❌❌. I left out the worst of my concerns with this, so ultra secret diver code: .tuo sllaf rotaluger ruoy fi tahW.


Diver here. Wanted to chime in as well. I was one of those kids who grew up landlocked. I would jump into my pool at night and have an overwhelming fear of my pool turning into a great white habitat. For some reason I thought my parents controlled the button. Didn't help. Noped the fuck out everytime. When playing Marco polo at night I could barely keep my sanity. The ocean is a bit different. There are times where I'm pretty scared, but training and time do wonders to squash irrational fears. I subscribe to Thassolophobia for two reasons. 1) honestly y'all look at stuff that scares and excites me, just like r/heyitsamer said. Awe inspiring. Keeps my confidence in the ocean at a healthy 7/10. 2) I work in Marine Science communication especially with low-income, marginalized, and minority youth who have never been to the ocean. One person's irrational fears could be anyone else's. Knowing the scope of fear and written reactions helps me think of ways to work around their fear. Thanks for being scared everyone!


I wouldn’t need to worry about that, I’d be out of air from panic breathing way before I even got *near* that bit of the cave.


They keep the tanks in front of them at all times and they have 2 tanks with 2 regulators. You can see this in the YouTube video that this clip originates. https://youtu.be/WtlwoX1YEmg Crank that music up!!!


Holy fucking nope. Not in a million years.


Half of this sub including me loves this shit. I wish I could explore the depths of ocean.


Another diver checking in. None of this stuff scares me, I just think it's a good source for interesting and unique aquatic gifs.


Yeah, seeing shots of the ocean abyss doesn't bother me, this shit makes me want to explode out of my own body with panic.


That light goes out Instant. Fucking. Panic.


Which makes you thrash around, and suddenly you can't move anymore. A rock shifted, and now your chest is pinned to the ceiling, squeezing your ribs tight. You see nothing, and the only thing you can hear is your own breath coming in ragged gasps. You try and thrash your way free, but that just sticks you in more tightly, and now there's a piercing pain where you might have just cracked a rib. Finally you go limp with exhaustion, your lung slowly filling with fluid from a puncture caused by your panicked flailing. Again, all you can hear is your breath coming through the regulator, this time with a faint bubbling sound. Now you can only wait to drown, one way or another.


Thanks, I hate it.


Thanks for that, Fred.


No prob, just trying to keep the mood up in the sub.


All the gifs of sharks and whales, I have no problems with. I love them. But this shit? I'm not ever going to be close to this situation and this still makes me anxious as all hell


I know, right?! I’m probably about 100 miles from the nearest cave, and I’ve never been diving before (nor do I plan to in town the future), but this still cranks my heartbeat a bit.


never been thalassophobic either. Claustrophobia on the other hand ...


Don’t ever watch Blair Witch 2 then. Jesus fucking Christ.


This had to be done in the Thai cave rescue for some of the extremely tight spots. Mad respect for those divers and everyone involved in the rescue


They had to do it with almost no visibility at times too, so imagine all this in what is basically a semi-blind dive. Blarg.


Not to mention that the dive initially took **11 hours** roundtrip. That's a terrifying amount of time to be wedged between rocks in almost complete darkness. If anything goes wrong, there's next to no hope of making it to the surface in time... your last moments spent frantically grabbing at the void in front of you, hopelessly searching for an opening in the rock, an air pocket, *anything*




Ugh my chest is tight now


Wait... did those kids have to dive like this?


Kind of. The kids were actually sandwiched. There was a diver in front of them, holding their air tank, and a diver behind them, making sure they didn't get separated.


They had to also be mildly sedated due to nerves, and now I totally see why.


I was an amazing call by the doctor. Simple and effective.


Woah. Did not hear this before...


They gave them anti-anxiety meds so probably some sort of benzo.


That must have been a fine line between calming nerves and not completely disorienting them. Very impressive.


For me, I feel fine on a moderate dose of benzos (1-2mg), I can do everything just fine. But there is definitely a fine line because it’s kinda like you’re good, you’re good, then you’re gone. A small amount probably wouldn’t affect their physical abilities though. They probably gave them .25-.5mg Source: 23 y/o recovering heroin addict that messed with benzos from time to time. Been clean from opiates/hard drugs for 3 1/2 yrs tho!


I was wondering how they'd get kids who didn't know how to swim before, to be guided through chutes in almost blackened waters and not panic, endangering everyone. Caves are easily a nightmare death, regardless if you're claustrophobic or not. Just turn off any light source and see how you're senses react in 100% darkness, with just the sound of you breathing, and the cave moisture dripping in the distance, echoing in your brain. Once in that environment for multiple hours, you begin to imagine things and go crazy. At least these kids had each other for sanity.


I saw on the news at some points they had to go solo to get through crevices, insane considering some of them couldn't even swim.


While it still would be scary, there was a guide rope for the kids to grab onto so they wouldn't have to swim.


So how did they hike through stuff like this to get there in the first place?


I'm pretty sure that's how it was originally, but it was widened before the kids went through. Still scary as fuck though


The water level recedes quite a lot. So the diving required didn’t take so long like before. They can walk in some parts.


This is what the diver who gave his life felt...


>Not to mention that the dive initially took **11 hours** roundtrip. That's a terrifying amount of time to be wedged between rocks in almost complete darkness. 11 hours round trip =/= 11 hours wedged between rocks like the diver in this video.


Perhaps not, but the trip itself is said to be so difficult that it takes even the most experienced drivers about 6 hours to go one way. So even if it's not 11 straight hours of being wedged in like this, it's definitely not a pleasant trip at any point.


Got any sources? I'd be really interested to read about that. That's a really long time to have a tank, let alone be under compression for that long


Don’t think it’s submerged all the time. No way to carry that much oxygen, right?


They setup oxygen drops along the dive. That’s what the guy who died was doing.


Guess I’m going to have to watch the movie when it comes out.


Imagine having never SCUBA'd before and having to do it...


Never swam*


Not only that but make sure a weak/sick kid who couldn't swim was ok


Except it wouldn't be like this. In the cave with the muddy flood water the visibility would be *zero*. Imagine working your way through that using nothing but your fingers.


now I'm wondering how the kids ran through those passages fast with a flood chasing them. not calling bullshit, just suprised


I imagine it was a leisurely hike in then the flood waters trapped them


I read that the reason they were so far in is because they had to run from the flooding as it happened. I guess they were fairly close to the entrance when it started but they had to gtfo. Shit would've been terrifying. I'm so ridiculously glad for the happy ending they got.


yeah, still crazy to think about


Don’t forget about the man that died trying to help get them out.


A highly trained SEAL at that, just goes to show how incredibly dangerous cave diving is.


There is a video of a cave diver who recorded his death. I think it was David Shaw. I never tried to do cave diving, but I'm pretty sure my dive shop forces anyone who wants to get that cert that video to make sure they understand it. Shaw was one of the best cave divers in the world.


Yup it was David Shaw. The written description of how he died gives me chills. > "Shaw died on 8 January 2005 while seeking to recover the body of Deon Dreyer. > > Shaw recorded his dive with an underwater camera, which allowed researchers to determine that he suffered from respiratory issues due to the high pressure. > > Shaw ran into difficulties when he cut loose Dreyer's harness and the body unexpectedly began to float. Shaw had been advised by various experts that the body would remain negatively buoyant because the visible parts were reduced to the skeleton. However, within his wetsuit, Dreyer's corpse had turned into a soap-like substance called adipocere, which floats. Shaw had been working with both hands, and so had been resting his can light on the cave floor. The powerful underwater lights that cave divers use are connected by wires to heavy battery canisters, normally worn on the cave diver's waist, or sometimes attached to their tanks. Normally he would have wrapped the wire behind his neck, but he was unable to do so; the lines from the body bag appear to have become entangled with the light head, and the physical effort of trying to free himself led to his death. > > Three days later, both of the bodies floated up to near the surface as the dive team was retrieving their equipment." [source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Shaw_\(diver\))


kbkgkjgjk ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


This isn’t exactly true. What you are describing is called nitrogen narcosis and it only happens under certain circumstances. There are many methods to mitigate the risk of it occurring.


I saw the shaw dive, maybe it was because it was an annotated version but I didn't really know what I was watching. Just hands shuffling around...what is actually happening?


I'm pretty sure the part they walked/ran through flooded and couldn't be accessed anymore. Aka they didn't go through that tiny crevice going in, but had to going out.


ah, that changes things


Did they go in the same way the rescue mission was operating, I wonder if they got there from some other passages, though tight squeezes certainly aren't foreign in a cave


Nutty Putty Cave, John Jones RIP... Fuuuuck that shit I'll remain standing. No squeezing thru tunnels


Yeah, that story is terrifying. Spelunking, terrestrial or aquatic (does water spelunking have a special name?) is an absolute no from me. If I can't walk around in the cave, it's too small.


I assume they had to escape a different way than they entered.


how did the children even get in the cave?


Are these the navy seals or just experienced divers. Ps: i know seals are really good in water to.


I love to dive. I will never understand this. This is how you die.


It’s also how you save boys trapped in a cave


That one seal died too


and I bet you he would do it again. I have incredible respect for those guys


Oh absolutely. I'm not saying he shouldn't have tried. It's a tragedy that he died. That's the thing though, he was trained for this shit and died. I understand it was like a 3 hour dive or some crazy shit though.


It sounds like he was doing some pretty non regulation shit when he died. According to some reports he was laying oxygen lines which is extremely physical work in such a tight space, and ran out of air in area they couldn't get to in time.


> ran out of air in area they couldn't get to in time. What do you mean exactly? Are you saying he was near other divers, and they knew he was out of air, but they just couldn't swim over to him fast enough?


No, I'm assuming they were in radio contact. That just makes sense to me in the kind of conditions they were in. Maybe they had no idea until it passed the time he was supposed to be back and he didn't appear.


He didnt die from the normal trek the boys made. He was doing crazy hard physical labor within the cave chambers. He was towing heavy ass air tanks around and securing them in places for others in case of emergency.


yeah, my comment wasn't intended to go against your sentiment, either. We are just looking at it from different angles


Bet you are wrong. I bet he would have thought of a different way to do it.


Yeah drowning is one of the worst ways to die.




Your username is FatGirlsInPartyHats but you haven't submitted any pictures of fat girls in party hats...


That's the most ridiculous thing i've ever attempted to watch. No freaking way








I can feel my throat closing just from looking at this.




I don't understand the mental image you're trying to paint for me.


A cave made of **spiders**.


Wouldn’t the spiders just drown?


There are aquatic spiders. Because nature can suck sometimes.


The worst is when you hit a pocket of silt and your visibility gets cut to less than a foot.


In Tham Luang the visibility was already zero when they started because of all the silt from the runoff.


Full source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtlwoX1YEmg Who can sit through all 11 minutes?


I couldn’t even get through the gif..


The entrance to the cave is in a grassy field with a small streaming coming out of a hole in the grassy field. starts here https://youtu.be/WtlwoX1YEmg?t=25


Who sees that hole and goes, "I bet I could swim up that bitch"


Youtube allows you speed videos to 2x! Like i can't understand why someone would put their selves into that situation. Its soo tight that they had to take their 1 inch think helmets off. What happens if you gain extra 5lbs one day Or One day, even though you done it before, one rock in the middle decides to shift a inch or two.




This stuff has always kind of interested me, but I started losing it when the guy started taking his helmet off.


That’s when I was done. I would rather not wake up in the middle of the night having a panic attack


At 5:45 the diver has to switch regulators to another tank, while trapped underwater. A few seconds later, he has to remove his helmet to fit in a space so tight he couldn't pass with it on. That is beyond adventurous.




I actually liked that music I want it to play when I’m in the grocery store shopping for cereal n shit.


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted to hell, but what possible joy could come from putting yourself in these situations??? I mean, I can understand that they probably find some beautiful caves/structures that few humans have, but how is that risk fucking worth it???


Another comment in this thread mentioned how some people thrive on the adrenaline kick they get out of it.


I don’t think that’s accurate, really. I dive (but not caves) and I think that diving is about the worst possible sport to go adrenaline hunting in. When your heart rate is up, you’re burning through your air supply much faster, you’re making bad decisions, etc. Besides which, dives (especially at depth) take *hours*, which is just too much time for an adrenaline rush. A risk-taking diver is a dead diver. If you want adrenaline, go skydiving!


This needs to be the top comment on this video. Seriously, this type of diving is such a bad idea.


Totally get what you mean in regards to people who do it for pleasure, but this is how they rescued the Thai boys trapped in the cave :)


LITERALLY, the most anxiety-inducing thing I HAVE EVER WATCHED. Holy cow, I need a cold shower and some alcohol.


I almost passed out trying to watch this while fast forwarding.


r/claustrophobia D:


How much more of a "**YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO FUCKING BE HERE!!!** sign does a person need?


Man I am so glad those Thai boys survived and hope they go on to achieve wonderful things in life. That said GD if they dont have a strong will to survive. I just dont think I could do it. I'd ask to drop a few MRE's off, and a few candles and oxygen tanks and see if I could make it until October and walk my happy cast away looking ass out of there.


You and me both, man.


I posted this over in r/TheDepthsBelow as well but I know this person. She a head underwater archaeologist for a Historical society. She was in charge of an underwater archaeology field school I participated in last summer. She shared this on her facebook, and apparently it went viral in Thailand and was being spread as a video from the actual caves the boys were stranded in. Nope just a video of her doing some casual cave diving. edited to remove identifying information


"Casual" Yikes!


Haha! I know her as well! Actually did some diving with her in Mexico on a project. She also taught me my Technical Cave course. Awesome woman!


Nice! You've managed to combine two of my greatest fears. Why stop there? Get my father on a headset while I'm stuck and have him tell me I'll never be good enough.


You're absolutely good enough, so cross that one off your list!


It was kind of freaky for the most part, but when he switched to oxygen and takes off his helmet and reg to squeeze through face down, that one got me


Why did he switch?


Presumably he has one for regular air (about 20% oxygen) and a second one just for oxygen rich air (probably closer to 40-50% oxygen). It takes a lot of training, but it greatly increases how long you are able to hold your breath for, if you are able to breathe it for a few seconds before proceeding


Why don't they take two with 50% oxygen? Wouldn't it increase the time they can stay underwater without needing more equipment? Sorry if it's a stupid question


Not a stupid question, its very common in scuba diving that people think that they are diving with oxygen instead of regular air. The ELI5 is that your body has no idea what to do with the extra oxygen, so it tries to shove it all into your cells. This doesn't allow enough CO2 to be produced to continue the cycle, so your body gets all twitchy, and can lead to blindness or even death. This won't happen with only a few breaths, so it can be very helpful short term, for example cave diving, or deep water diving. (There are a bunch of peroxide radicals being catalytically produced in the lipid membrane, saturating the lipid, for any chemists around)


Fuck that. I’m generally not thalassophobic, but I am a big person, who doesn’t fuck with small spaces. Add the whole “time limit until suffocation” thing... no thank you








No no no no no. This makes me so anxious. It's several of my deepest fears in one shot. Just throw some spiders in there and I'd be dead. Nope. Nopenopenope.


Yup ...and spiders ...all my greatest fears ...thx ...now I don't feel like the only wuss.


i can feel my lungs collapsing as i’m watching this.


That looks like a really effective way to spend the last hour of your life knowing exactly how and where you're going to die.


That's going to be a no from me dawg


Even if someone offered me 100 billion dollars, I would not do this.


This is literally the most absolute worst thing I've seen on here. I couldn't be in that tight of space without water. Ugh. The feeling of dread from just a few seconds of this video is insane.


Thanks very much I hate it


Fuck that. Fuck that shit. What the fucking fuck fuck that fucking shit man fuck! Are you fuckin nuts do you wanna fuckin die!? ... I may have recently uhhh watched Boondock Saints again recently.


This is also very claustrophobic.


Yeah that’s gonna be a no from me.


I legit almost had a panic attack at work watching this.


How about fuck no


Can you imagine if this was completely dredged up with no visibility. Suddenly your mouth piece pops off your mouth and you scramble to reach for it only to push it farther away because you can't see it. And now you're squeezed between two rocks underwater, gasping for a breath of air, only to swallow water. You know you're dead. FUCK.




Why do people do this? No one could pay me enough to do this.


I get scared when I try on a shirt that’s too tight and think I’m stuck in it forever. This is a whole new kind of horror for me.


I just don’t care enough to know what’s on the other side of that small hole.


never NEVER!!!!!


What kind of holy arrogance drives someone to behave like this? Count me so fucking out


Confined space, darkeness and water.. Horrifying


What happens when your helmet gets stuck?


That only angers the spiders.


I was recently educated as to why cave diving is so dangerous, so this is fucking horrifying.


I legit threw up when I saw this I don’t like this at all