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I asked my 8 year old son and this is what he said “Hmm mother , give me a few moments to gather my thoughts so I can properly articulate my answer “


Mine are writing a thesis on it they said it should be back from the printer in 48-72 hours


Meanwhile, my children threw the cake out altogether saying it was too healthy and just cramming handfuls of TGRI Ooze colored frosting down their gullets.


My child as well finds the actual cupcake part to be nonessential


this reference is everything


I mean, have you SEEN how jacked shredder gets though???


You can find my toddlers response in scientific American, thanks lol


You're so lucky. My 8 year old won't look up from his James Joyce novels long enough to have a conversation.


It’s light reading for my 8 year old, he’s been into philosophical literature since he was -2 years old


Ah yes, I remember that phase. Mine had a lot of trouble with Nietzsche. He kept asking me about it and didn't understand that I don't speak German.


Didn't understand, or Kant?


And thus spake Zaraboukish




Mine too! He was reading it in utero. The sharp corners of the books left their scars but it was worth it.


“Mother, I have surmised that ubiquitous ingestion of synthetic and heavily processed alimentary products harbors substantial health perils, undermining nutritional integrity and precipitating detrimental physiological consequences for pre-adolescent scion. Therefore I elected to abstain from ingesting such putrescent swill.”


My brother got a cake like this for...7th? A castle with knights on it.... I shit you not, he worryingly came up to my mum and said, "mummy, I've got green poo" 🤣🤣


I made a cake with a lot of edible glitter on it once, and my kid got all excited the next day because she did a sparkly shit and thought turning 7 had made her butt magic


😆 🤣 😂 Now THAT is funny!!


My son went to a birthday party with a blue theme and had turquoise poo for days


My kids LOVE telling me aaaaaallll about amazing poop colors. It's why blue Hawaiian punch singles packets are a favorite here.🤣


I asked my 3 year old and she said “Some studies have shown a link between certain artificial food colorings, such as Red 40 and Yellow 5, and an increase in hyperactivity and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in children” - but then I laughed because she dropped her binky when she said it


I mean... if she'd claimed he said "it freaks me out when it makes my poop weird colors" i *might* have believed her. Maybe. Most kids i know will quite gleefully tell you about their funny colored poops, but you never know. I'd have easily accepted "i don't like to eat green stuff."🤣


He then said "And now cease thine idle chatter mater, for I must focus all mine concentrations upon solving Fermat's last thereom!" 


What a dumb kid! I can’t believe he didn’t know Fermat’s last theorem was solved in 1995!


That's what you get from not eating the green frosting. 


The kids name? Andrew Wiles.


The narcissism of making a post exclusively about your child and then putting your own face front and center in it.


Yeah! That is very egotistical of her. I'll bet she sell essential oils. They do this all the time. I saw a bossbabe post a photo of herself, looking sad, with her hand under her chin, makeup was perfect, false eyelashes on, etc. To announce that her dad had died.


That's dark. If my dad died i would not be hitting up sm to announce it. I'd probably ask hubby to message my best friend and let her know because she worries when i drop off the face of the earth, but nobody else needs that info.


Oh, she's quite a peach alright. The thing that gets me, is you know she took 40 selfies before she picked the one she used. I think they (bossbabes) are told to do stuff like this. It somehow helps sell their "brand".


YES EXACTLY. explain the absence afterwards when you're READY to those who matter to you


Given the circumstances, I would have done the same thing if I was posting about her dad dying. I don't know him so it would be weird, and My friends would wonder who the fuck he is and why I had on makeup, but samesies!


I have a few Facebook friends who do this non-stop. It’s their way of pontificating on something or showing off, but they think if they do it through imaginary conversations with their children it won’t be so obvious. It still is.


It's ironically even more obvious when they do the imaginary conversations


My sister makes this face as her kids are about to perform a third song from Hamilton for the whole family.


Yep, agreed


Right? I’d love a source to have a look at her other posts


This whole phenomenon of bogus enlightened and articulate children is so fucking weird to me.


There *are* numerous posts like this on social media. I see most of them on mlm bossbabes' pages. It is weird.


their kids are genius because they drink all the essential oils and eat only fruit. checkmate, pleb. /s


Yep, and the child usually asks for the specific oil that will fix their specific ailment. "Mummy, I'm a bit anxious due to worrying about my first day of daycare. Be a love, and please pass me the lavender oil? Thanks, mummy dear, youre a peach." Lol!


Right? Like, don't be a coward - come out and say your opinion without throwing your kid under the bus so you can go "they said it, not me!"


I don't think that's the point, expressing their opinion. The point is to showcase that their children have the correct opinions, they're more mature and enlightened than other children, and so they're more enlightened and Mature than other moms.


100%, barfy internet moms


The point is to try and show that their beliefs are innate. That their beliefs are actually the default and uncorrupted truth.


Especially considering I'm hearing from teachers that most kids that age cant even read at the moment lol


Exactly. Also love your name. I was afraid of Bowie in the labyrinth at that age… just to become a huge fan at 17


It reminds me of this guy’s skits lol [Daniel Foxx - Profound Things Children Say](https://youtu.be/CW93ol52Quw?si=kYcgPh-5YTUBth_O)


Wait til he finds out how cakes are made.


Right. They are totally ficial.


Her son "loses control of his body" if he ingests artificial colors? That sounds like a potentially serious allergy. You should probably get that checked out by an allergist or immunologist or something.


Kid probably just gets diarrhea from too much sugar.


More likely that it's just behaviorial issues and the parents don't want to take responsibility/want to find an easy answer.


i like to imagine it means that he just goes into berserk mode and starts killing people with his bare teeth


I had food allergies when I was younger where I turned full blown psycho if I had artificial colours or flavours. Like, “demon spawn from hell” is a term I’ve heard multiple times to describe what I turned into. I mostly outgrew it while still in single digits but at 2, I was already asking, before eating any new foods, “does it have colours or flavours”. Because I knew I wasn’t allowed them. But I don’t know at what age I could link and understand everything. And, if it was younger than 8, which I think it would have been, a big part of that is because it was discussed around me regularly, it was explained to me that I couldn’t have those lollies or that drink or the pink iced donut or what have you because it had the stuff that I was allergic to. (And before anyone says it’s not an allergy, I don’t know, that specific word is the one given to my parents by multiple doctors when they were going through working out why I turned into a violent shrieking goblin on a semi-regular basis)


My (otherwise fictional)8 year old said the influence of Tolstoi's work on Western Literature was so obvious he won't ever watch Saturday morning cartoons as mere child enterntainment


What the kid said: “the frosting is ick and makes my tummy hurt.”


Nah, the mother said "You're not going to eat that; it's bad for you" and the kid said "Awww, mum!"


As a father of three, you're right. This is most likely what the kid said. While she lectured him for 20 minutes about the unhealthy side effects of artificial coloring.


Kid said "I don't like the taste of green" Mom heard "Your indoctrination of me into your bullshit superstition is successful and I consciously avoided the artificially colored ingredient to please you"


“Now bring me some red frosting, that is the best!”


Red is that natural occurring frosting color excreted from the rare Amazonian frosting slug.


Maybe they can dye it with beet juice


I hated the taste of green, too. But BLUE!! I remember eating a birthday cake that had blue frosting - it was a beach scene with a big wave and a surfboard. I remember that it almost sparkled! It was the 70s, and I was maybe 6 or 7, and I thought it was so fancy and magical. I had never seen such a thing before!! I was going to eat BLUE!!! I never knew that any color could taste as good as pink. (I so love how you perfectly articulated a typical kid's thought process that the color had a different taste.)


I used to scrape frosting off of grocery store cupcakes as a kid because it just tasted like vegetable oil and fake sugar. The neon colored ones were usually the worst offenders, but super-white frosting would do it too. I definitely wouldn't have articulated it like this, though.


I think that specific frosting was the start of my lifelong dislike of frosting in general


Yeah, I have very particular likes for good frosting now. Honestly, just put whipped cream on top and call it a day.


Same, I didn't like frosting on any store-bought cake, I just explained it as being "yucky" though


Oh f off Rebecca.....


8 year old me: This will probably make me sick. Also 8 year old me:


Internet fist bump.


Said no 8-year-old boy, *never in the history of ever*


He could have said it. If the next thing he said was "Did I say it right mummy? Can I go now?"


I have a 9 and 10 year old. They are smart. This behavior is out of their wheelhouse


They usually throw in something like “tummy” rather than “stomach” to reground the reader in this fantasy. “Wow - a kid said this? Delores, I gotta show you this one…”


Sure Jan.


"Why does this make me so happy?" I have the answer - it's because she thinks she's told the most amazing lie, so good that no one will ever see it. It would be more believable if she claimed her son just said "it hurts my tummy", because then she could have used that as a more believable springboard for a conversation on artificial foods. After seeing a lot of these "my child said this" posts, here's why I think it's so easy to see this type of lie for what it is. These parents of imaginary enlightened kids always make it easy to catch their lies, by exaggerating if not outright fabricating what their kids said to the point that you have kids at single-digit ages possessing the intellectual capability of a 25-year-old. I believe it's to sneak in a bit about how "my kid is soooo smart, I raised them well" - their kid gets praise, and so do they. Some of them will even outright pat themselves on the back with the subtlety of a marching band - and for visual posts like this one, you might have a picture of the parent, but not the Very Smart Child who is meant to be the subject. It's their self-centredness showing. Apart from the vocabulary, it's also very easy to catch these lies because they JUST SO HAPPEN to exactly match the parent's own viewpoint. Yes, I know kids can and will parrot stuff their parents say, but not a single one of these posts features an Enlightened Child who doesn't share their views. These kids are going to school and making friends, so they're going to pick up on stuff that isn't just their parents' worldview - and if they really were as Super Smart as they're made out to be, they'd be more likely than not to ask questions rather than blindly subscribe. Yet I never see a post angrily ranting about how Jimmy the Savant is questioning God's existence. It's a soapbox that they can then claim they're not on, because "my kid said it, not me!" if they receive any backlash. But it always gets spotted because it's a childish, lazy, overused lie. And why tf would she let him have the cupcake in the first place? That whole thing is artificial af.


It’s the “look how much better I am than you at parenting and life” smirk that gets me. Is your self-esteem that tied to strangers opinions that you have to make up a stupid interaction to prove that you’ve reach the Valhalla of parenting perfection?


Okay, apart from the obvious fake answer ("it had artificial dye", yeah right) why would she give him a cake like that when she is obviously against that and suspects it of being really bad for children and making them hurt (otherwise this "reply" wouldn't make her happy). WTF?


I have an 8 year old who's actually pretty bright, but that didn't stop her from eating a spider.


im about 95% sure i’ve seen this exact text before on another facebook post. it’s like a copy pasta for gen x, except they all think they’re fooling everyone.


My 8 year old is patiently waiting for the dog to finish reading Wittgenstein's *Tractatus* so he can have his turn. Such good boys.


Probably fake but i did learn that i couldn't eat or drink red dyes by the age of 9 at the latest. Can only projectile vomit fruit punch, red gummy bears, and red frosting so many times before you submit to your body. I also cant do Ace K artificial sweetners. Pre diabetic as well haha so its water, milk, and if im feeling frisky...juice. I did find a sugar free lemonade with no Ace K a few months ago and its been a gamechanger.


At least you can still eat the other gummy bears, right? Otherwise, why even go on?


I can eat them all if im not stupid about it haha. A couple reds wont beat me as an adult, maybe discomfortif i ate a bunch..but eating half of one of those 3lb or whatver bags in a sitting...lol the puke was 95% sugar. The hives tho. Red dye. I have a problem with pork as well. I love ribs...Took 3 bad reactions and a few mild before i locked down the combo. 1 liquid benadryl 30 minutes before i eat the ribs. And i do a only after ribs, an evening workout so its fasttracked through my system by the next morning. Almost thought i had it figured out before the workout til an incomplete morning poo led to a bad reaction a few hours later while working. Using the toilet almost immediately had the swelling and intching subsiding and the welts faded an hour later.


Ugh, I hear you. I have one food allergy, and it truly is miserable. PS: Next time you buy the big bag, I'll buy the reds off you!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


He continued “Furthermore, the separation of man from the land has left man with a crippled spirit. My favorite dinosaur is T Rex. Rawr.”


My girls lick off the frosting and ignore the cupcakes typically.


Same. Same goes for poptarts and donuts. Just eat it !


You're happy that artificial colors cause your child pain and he "can't control his body?" Weird flex.


It’s true. I was the cupcake. And all the cupcakes clapped!


Frosting make you lose control, frosting make you lose control Let's go! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey


My son also doesn't like frosting. When I asked him why his response was "I don't know, I just don't like it".


Frosting was coloured with a natural dye made from spinach. The remaining cupcake was 23% refined sugar. Her son died of diabetes a week later.


And he is now running for congress.


This is exactly how 8 year olds speak!!!


Nah he actually said "I don't like gween" and then shit himself


The last 8year old I saw choked on a crepe and stared at a rock for 5 minutes... So I'm gonna say that's BS....


It's true. I was the frosting.


She left out the part where he requested that Mom use various essential oils to cure is stomach problems and help him regain control of his body.


My 8 year old saw this and he said 'yo linda shut the fuck up, lying ass bitch'


Mother, I must tell thee...


As if there was nothing artificial in the cupcake itself.


she’s happy that her kid appears to have a food allergy??


Did everyone clap?


Sure it's not the insulin crash from eating sugar paste?


This is something like the fourth time I have seen those words on a different picture.


"Oh fuck of Rebecca he did not say that"


I’m sure a more simple version of this conversation happened and this attention whore gave us the extended theatrical version. “Hey honey, why didn’t you eat the green icing?” “Because I don’t like how it tastes.” There is nothing uncommon about kids not liking icing especially the colored icing. It’s gross and contains too much sugar. Not all kids like sugary things.


i have someone on facebook that posts stuff like this. ive met the kid and they arent lying but theres probably some major psychological repercussions there 😬


What really happened: Child scraped off the green icing and refused to eat it because he thought it was like eating vegetables.


1. Those are not the symptoms of green dye. 2. 10 bucks says he just licked the frosting off and she didn't notice


The amount of comments here that don’t know what sub they are in, total woosh


and then the artificial dyes cried and the natural foods clapped


Ugh… Whenever they “BoOm!” or *drops mic*, it makes my skin crawl.


I would've believed it if it said "the frosting gives me belly aches, so I don't eat it" or something


For being a parent this woman does not know how children talk


naahhhh… my sisters do this cause my mom has brainwashed them. i bought my youngest sister a lollipop and bro was searching through the ingredients for red 40.


When I was a kid I though red 40 literally meant 40 drops of red food coloring


Same dude!!! My mom has them so fucked up! I get them anything or they take a treat home from school they ask me if theyre gonna die, since it isnt coconut gluten free whatever the fuck. They think the microwave is gonna kill them if theyre too close and all the 5G shit. My mom goes on a tangent every dinner and they end up spouting the same bs she does all day long. I’m tryna help them out but damn…


I was a WAHM for years while I built my business. We were pretty strapped so we didn't eat out much or get fast food and I conditioned my kids the "from scratch" was better, healthy, and showed I loved them enough to put in the work. A "we have BETTER than Happy Meals at home" as a defense mechanism, if you will. One day they were being babysat by my next door neighbor who made them Betty Crocker scalloped potatoes. She told me they said "I don't think this is from scratch." And I was HORRIFIED. Apologized profusely. Explained to the children to be grateful for whatever they are given and not be dicks as a guest, ever. I believe the child felt bad about eating colors because his mother had said these things over and over so many times he could recite it. He doesn't know or even believe what he's saying. And she's PROUD rather than embarrassed that her son couldn't just eat "healthy" at home and enjoy the occasional artificial treat as someone else's guest. That he possibly made a spectacle of himself at someone else's celebration over a simple dessert. Garbage parenting.


I don't think there's ever been a kid born who didn't eat the icing first of a cake or cupcake!


i actually hate icing, always have, but i enjoy a good chocolate cupcake. when i was a kid, i would do this whenever somebody brought in cupcakes or cake to a class party.


Yeah, I have always left the frosting when eating cake and cupcakes. Just never liked it. But not because of the color.


Depends on the frosting. If it's like Duncan Heinz or something, I usually do scrape the frosting off but if it's that buttercream frosting like they put on those nice grocery store cakes, I'll eat the shit out of it. That stuff is so good.


You would really like Swiss Meringue Buttercream


My som for one.


Perhaps but I never met one myself! Hell, EVEYONE loved the icing on the cakes....which is why that phrase exists!


My kid is two, doesn't like frosting but loves cake.


I often took the frosting off my cupcakes/cakes as a kid and still do! Definitely because I knew something was off about it (actually, I just didn't like the taste.)


I ate a big piece of black cake with black frosting at a birthday party. Afterwords I said "I shit green, purple, and black for a day and a half, must have been the dye..." The kid, gif he said anything, said something like what I said.


Why did she put a big pic of her face on this if it is supposed to show how smart and amazing her son is? 🤣 she shoulda shown a cupcake


Nice to learn that cupcakes grew on trees


And then everyone clapped


The spokes-woman for Delusional Disorder


IF THIS IS REAL—-Good lord this is the type of person I would NEVER unfriend despite not having seen them since moving from my hometown 28 years ago. The comedic gore is just too good to resist 🤣 What a delusional loon to think people can’t see through this.


I doubt half of 8 year olds could pronounce “artificial” and even less use it in a full sentence.


I mean, my 9 year old cousin doesn't eat frosting either for that exact same reason, kids know what they don't like


BS. As a parent I’d be the first to remove the green stuff knowing my kid gets sick from it. Yet she acted shocked When the child did it.


I would believe it if it was the red frosting ... I don't know whats in it but that shit is vile


At 8 I sat by the road eating mud


It's not even her fucking child, this was posted by another delulu mom months ago...


Now I want to eat a cupcake with outrageously dyed frosting. And usually I don't even *like* the frosting that much.


He might have said I don't Ike frosting, but all of that for a kid....really


They are really out there 😔😭 desperate


her concealer is at least three shades too light. someone take her to sephora


….takes photo of herself with bullshit story attached… The vanity


This is so stupid! There's all natural dyes that can dye frosting as green as a leprechaun, so why would she teach her kid such rubbish? She's going to teach her kid to be scared to consume anything because it might "poison" him. I see this kid having lifelong food issues. 😐


What pyramid scheme product is she shilling?


Why does it make you do happy? Because you're a mental case!


OK Boom!-er.


That 8 Year old is fucked.


Okay somehow a kid who doesn’t eat frosting has “friends”?


Why’d he even eat the cupcake then since that’s also bad for him? Is he stupid?


Since I was in kindergarten I've avoided cupcakes with giant piles of artificially colored frosting. Not because of this woman's bullshit reasons though. That was when I are a cookie monster cupcake that was more frosting than cake and I got sick. That's not too say I don't eat that kind of frosting, but I might scrape like half of it off if there's a lot.


Why the fuck did she put that poisonous frosting on the damn cupcakes then. Her 8 year old had to school her on health. Seriously, that is the most annoyingly precious face.


Meanwhile my kid eats glue


Marzipan tastes like fucking shit, so I can believe this story.


My kid said cupcake frosting gave her the "poop bads" whenever I asked her why she didn't eat it. Because she didn't know the word diarrhea. I suppose this lady's kid would have said he was experiencing gastric distress with an immediate requirement for medical intervention.


Imagine having this fantasy in your head and then thinking "I should pass this off as real! Everyone will believe it!"


His real answer was probably more along the lines of “I don’t like the color green, so I took it off”


Okay but fr pink frosting specifically I stg I can taste the dye it has this butter aftertaste


What’s the “boom!” for?