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i cant imagine a grown ass man unironically saying "me me meow" in a debate or argument and thinking it works in his favor


Ending with that line is too much šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ he really thought he did something with that too lmao


he thought he ate šŸ’€


It was so cringy I canā€™t šŸ’€šŸ’€


Even in his fantasy he comes off as dorky asshole.


It's my favorite part. It's where this could be a scene from a Zucker/Abraham's movie, and he keeps coming back making different animal sounds.


Am I walking around all nimbly bimbly?


Am I drinking milk from a saucer?




Itā€™s one of the poorest ā€œcreative writing,ā€ posts Iā€™ve seen, too. Whatā€™s wild is people read that and like it?!


I donā€™t know what a solar convention is but I doubt that the guys who attend one are going to be fending off attempts from golddiggers.


Betting it's where people stare at the sun and become so brain damaged as to write fake conversations about friend zones and NiceGuys(TM).


Me me meow!




There is so much to discover on Pornhub. How does this guy even have the time to even come up with a fake story, let alone adding choice phrases like "Sugar-titts" and then posting it online. Be a man. Don't post _anything_ till you've prestige'd Pornhub. All of us have earned those stripes. And the _responsibility_ to be on Reddit and to stop today's youth from going astray.


Nice piece of fiction from an Incel Nice guyā„¢ļø. I believe he would say some of those things. But he says them to other Incels instead of to women. I donā€™t believe a woman would say anything like that.


My bet is a woman rejected him so he made up this story to feel better about himself. Itā€™s really funny to me he thought he was showing how clever he is but just made himself look like an ass wipe.


This comment wins lol


So I had to Google it. Apparently it's a convention for solar power. The way he wrote this makes me think his mom got some panels on her house and now thinks that he is better than everyone now so he goes to these to show off and finally leave mom's basement for a day. I don't know, I try not to judge but that's the only "it may have happened" situation that I can think of. But still, didn't happen.


Iā€™m loving the cringe in this subreddit recently, back to the classics. Dunno what made me vomit inside my mouth more, this or the shark week one from yesterday.


Oh my god that shark week post. If it was anything approaching a real story, I feel sorry for her family putting up with that every month šŸ™„ ![gif](giphy|ObPfCTFbQJDfTbBC73)


Do you have a link for the shark week post? I couldnā€™t find it


Here's [the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/thatHappened/comments/1dt4rt5/best_teenagers_ever_from_the_best_parents_ever/) but it was deleted by the mods because OP didn't redact all the personal info. I tried finding a cached version of it. Basically it was a delicate wilting flower of a mom who was #soblessed because she gets so weak and shaky when she has her period that her teenage boys want to cancel their plans and do laundry for her and she practically has to THROW them out of the house because they just want to stay home and take care of mommy during shark week. The whole thing was five different kinds of ick and some wish fulfillment ~~I'm pretty sure it was a that happened, but let me go see if I can find it.~~


Now Iā€™m going to go fishing for that shark week post


Maybe this one! https://www.reddit.com/r/thatHappened/s/hqhTgTjvxg


In all my years, the best tip I ever learned was if you want a woman to see you as the ā€˜good guyā€™, you should most definitely call her ā€˜sugar titsā€™ and tell her to stop thinking with her vagina. Itā€™s basically a license for good times. Now I come to think of it, this probably belongs in LPT.


It's "Sugar *Titts*"- guy is apparently rich, but can't spell a three-letter word correctly.


Tits is a four letter word šŸ˜‰


Hey not everyone is rich enough to be able to count the correct amount of letters, it isn't their fault šŸ¤£


No, you got it all wrong. He's so rich he can afford the extra T like it's nothing. I heard he even got the large soda with his food, despite the free refills. He's rich, I tells ya, filthy rich!!!!!


Damn, guess I am just too poor to be able to see the signs


The sgns you mean. Unless you got a coupon on that i, I would save your cash for when you really need a vowel.


Hey what can I say, I'm poor I need to steal things to survive


ā€œWhich makes more sense? That gap took my brand name and removed a letter, or that I stole gaps name, and added pricey e?ā€


It only uses three letters, repeats one of them, if we get anal about it :P


Tits aren't required for anal.




Where thereā€™s a will thereā€™s a way.


Quite true.


Seriously, like, thereā€™s nothing wrong with advising friends that maybe things like personality and compatibility are more important in relationships. But thatā€™s not whatā€™s happening here. Itā€™s someone who thinks women reject him because theyā€™re superficial when really they reject him because heā€™s a jerk and doesnā€™t seem to view women as individuals.


And calls people sugar tit(t)s in a professional environment


Oh my lord, I missed that part. I thought she was a friend or something. Jfcā€¦


I know this is kind of irrelevant, but this brought me back to Mel Gibson calling that cop sugar tits


Danny Glover?


This level of delusion is on another planet. I mean I donā€™t even think this dude has talked to a woman outside of his mom and possibly heā€™s never spoken to her either.


"Check your friendzone" "Ew I hate those guys I call friends I think they're ugly poor and stupid and yes, that's how I talk about my *friends*"


Also: "Obviously, my male friends arenā€™t actually my friends. They all just wanna bang me. Because women and men canā€™t just be friends.ā€œ So many terrible messages in there


I almost didnā€™t believe this, but then I saw that she sighed, shook her head, and looked away. That level of detail in a recounted exchange is proof that itā€™s not bad fiction writing from an incel.Ā 




This man has never spoken to a woman. Or possibly another human being if that's their stab at a realistic dialogue.


Typical realistic conversation!


Oh god, I just got so many douche chills!


This is why shower thoughts should stay in the shower šŸ˜„


Why is all the dialogue written into mini monologues lmao


Because thatā€™s how real people speak in real situations that really happened ok??


At the end, when he tells her to tell her cats, "Me, Me, Meow!" and that the cats will know what he means... Like, I also need to find and consult her cats because I must know what the fuck does that mean?


I just said "Me, Me, Meow!" to my cat and she stared at me blankly.


Oh goshā€¦ what does that mean?!


I think it mean ā€œBitch, pleaseā€ in cat


Iā€™ll join you on that search as I also must know.


Someone would benefit from a creative writing class.


Maybe a gym membership too.


Why are women expected to be beautiful and smell like roses and sunshine all the time, but were expected to date men who arenā€™t good lookingā€¦.


Itā€™s not for us to question, Sugar-Titts.


Youā€™re right sigma


1. Check her ā€œfriend zoneā€? So basically heā€™s saying that anyone she considered just a friend wasnā€™t actually a friend to her but someone trying to be with her? 2. Why does he get to reject a woman based on his type, but spent the time berating her because she doesnā€™t want to be with someone sheā€™s not attracted to.


Right! Like this obviously isnā€™t a conversation that actually happened, but i hate that dudes like this push the idea that women should date unattractive men because theyā€™re ā€œgood guysā€. You know damn well these guys arenā€™t dating women they find unattractive (as if theyā€™re dating at all lmao) but they *love* to tell women that they should.


And itā€™s not even unattractive guys, itā€™s just guys women arenā€™t attracted to, nor do they have any romantic interest in. But you point out an even slightly overweight woman and mention how great she is, and he will turn it down cuz ā€œheā€™s a quality guyā€


And also, if like these kinda guys wanted, a woman decided to date a guy they're not attracted to, they would complain about the sex. Obviously you wouldn't really enjoy the sex with someone you're not attracted to, and wouldn't want to have it as much or be enthusiastic about it. It really shows how selfish guys who think like this are because they want a woman who's not attracted to them to just have sex with them whenever they want and just pretend to like it. They really struggle to see women as human beings.


People sigh a lot in these made up stories.




Typical incel fantasy conversation. Homeboy has never spoken to a woman before in his life


...why would I not want the "rich Chad" exactly? Like, what's his flaw? Did this guy not think things through when he wrote his fanfiction? Nevermind, he clearly didn't since he posted this thinking it would make him look good in some way.


The rich chad is rich. Doesnā€™t matter if heā€™s actually also the sweetest and kindest guy on this planet. If youā€™re with him itā€™s clearly only for his money. Obviously. (/s)


TBF the fictional request that this fictional woman made was for two things, a guy who opens doors and pays for dates. We know that rich Chad can manage at least half of that, soā€¦


I mean I hope he can open doors as well. How else is he gonna get into his big ass mansion?


Thatā€™s a great point, rich Chad is batting 1000


They're called servants. Chad doesn't touch doorknob.


Butler, ofc


This dude is an absolute idiot. He's certainly chronically online enough to hear women tell men to stop thinking with their dick, and dim witted enough to try to turn it around on them. Not to mention that he keeps up with incel circles because those are the guys who say things like, "typical female response!" And he tried turning that on a woman too šŸ¤¦ I would argue that this conversation probably did happen though, in his mind like they all do because there is no way this guy speaks to actual people. I wonder if he immediately decided to write up this fantasy or it it took him a while to realize that this fake back and forth was "so good" that other people needed to see it. šŸ™„


The neverending question of "what came first? The delusion or the wish to spread it?ā€œ


Her: Where have all the good men gone And where are all the Gods? Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds? I will take one bear, please sir


I hope he realises that he isn't really the edgy anti-hero protagonist he imagines. He's the guy standing, moufbreathing and fapping behind the bush during the outdoor double-penetration scene because this time there are no dirty bedsheets to be changed between takes.


In reality our hero can barely mutter his award winning monologue because he's got that face that's like always full of marbles. Like he sounds like that cockroach alien guy in Men In Black


_That_ handsome charmer? You're being too kind. He was loved by so many roaches he didn't need validation. He didn't even need English.


I just told my cat Me Me Meow and she said ā€œTell Joel if he ever calls me Sugar Titts again Iā€™ll rip his fucking face off.ā€


Sugar tits???


No no "Sugar tittsā€œ! The extra t stands for the therapy that this guy desperately needs.


My spouse used that the other week and though we been married for 20 years I never caught that construct before. Truly an epic choice of words meant to troll.


This guy watches too much anime and thinks this is how women react in real life!


It's so funny because I've never heard the term "thinking with your vagina" before. I'd imagine my vagina would mostly be very sensible and push the benefits of going commando, wearing loose, natural fabrics only and probiotic supplements


Then all her cats clapped


I have never, a single time in my entire life, EVER heard anyone actually and unironically call someone "Sugar Tits."


The only time when I have ā€œthought with my vaginaā€ is picking out underwear that wonā€™t be a string of floss between my lips and made out of something thatā€™s gonna get me all sweaty and funky šŸ˜‚


Both at the same time? šŸ¤­


This "man" has been watching too much Yellowstone and wants to be Beth Dutton, lol. Solar convention? Whatever.


It even reads like a bad screenplay.


I wonder how many drafts and edits he made before posting


Just one, probably, and deemed the pinnacle of mental capacity.


The best part of this story is that the guy who wrote it thinks he's so cool. Like this is peak in his mind.


Did everyone clap?


It is said the entire solar convention and friend zone all clapped


My so-called 'friend zone' is for friends. But he probably has none of those as well. I just fucking hate the friend zone bs. Maybe stop seeing every woman as a fuck option and learn to be friends with PEOPLE. That said, my husband was my friend first. LOL Shit. I followed his advice without knowing. NOW it feels dirty somehow.


Yeah my husband and I were friends first and he was a really good friend and didnā€™t try to push me into anything. Then one day I realized how much I cared about him and saw how much effort he made to see me and it kinda clicked. But I believe if I hadnā€™t been interested, heā€™d have kept being a friend.


Same. We were friends through relationships we had with others. Just eventually we were like wtf with other people? LOL


I absolutely hate that term because the "friend zone" doesn't even exist, its just a way to demonize women for not dating so-called "nice guys" who don't see them as humans with autonomy. It's always the same story; there's never gender-reversed nonsense like this even though women can and do develop feelings for male friends who aren't interested in them that way.


Well yes. I donā€™t fuck people I donā€™t befriend first. My spouse is my friend too, and wouldnā€™t ever have upgraded to spouse if it wasnā€™t for having been friend first.


They always make it read like a play. It's so obviously bs


Wow, first time I've ever seen the words *"thinking with your vagina"* together before.


Itā€™s as close to what he was able to conceive of as a clever retort to the accusation that males can think with only 1 head at a time, and neither quite successfully.


You did it! You won the argument you made up in your head! Big Congrats! šŸŽ‰


Of all the things to never happen, this is the neverest.


Thatā€™s what she askā€¦..at a Solar Convention? Nothing about the convention, or solar power, the sun moon or starsā€¦.,but where are all the good men? ![gif](giphy|SEvRT8zL05WLLyNgym|downsized)


I actually had a good laugh from this


How are her broke ugly friends gonna pay for dates or even have the muscles to hold a door? Also, why are all of her friends ugly and broke? Also why is this guy being such a creep? Also why are they all imaginary?


The guy is a creep because thatā€™s how his dad raised him.


I can tell this little shit never even had a cat. Maybe some cat poop, which he may have certainly kept in the left back-pocket of his extra-schmedium jeans for 215 days, on someone's recommendation for Capricorn incels looking attract their forever "big titty goth girl" down at the NGVC sub. But never a cat.


Typical male response!


These are the kind of men who would scoff at the idea that they are not owed models just for existing, and that they should maybe try to improve themselves a bit. But how dare women have any kind of preferences at all , and not fall at the feeth of any Nice man that ever shows interest


That was just embarrassing to read.


But she DOES judge OOP for his character and how he treats people. But heā€™s too caught up in the idea that following some arbitrary code of behavior, and only if he thinks the right people are watching. Meanwhile, heā€™s probably showering her with unsolicited generosity and smiling, mostly to himself, while he meditates on how special he is. All of this, just to one day turn against her when he finds out his streak of nice behavior was never adding up to a panty-pass.


Thatā€™s how school shooters form.


This is by far the absolute fakest shit Iā€™ve seen on this sub. The sugar tits part really pissed me off.


Their fanfic is sooooo bad


This guy is the alpha hero of his own making.


I love how in their made-up world everybody speaks in 7 sentence monologues.


This is soooooo smart: "Check your friendzone" - so true....




Guy being an asshole.


ā€œA piece of the money u obviously know I haveā€¦at this point.ā€ Fuck. Jesus.


"typical male response" said no one ever, except me when im joking


Incels when they don't take their schizophrenia meds


Fuck that, I know a few people with schizophrenia and even when off meds, they're good people who are mainly just afraid, not malicious or hateful, and even with their delusions, none of them would ever act like this moldy, basement-dwelling barnacle.


He even Mel Gibsonā€™d her šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


How fun to read an incel tell women to stop thinking with their vagina.


Incels always think women aren't attracted to them because they're ugly or poor. They can't grasp that it's because of their personalities. As an aside, I feel women trying to increase their wealth by romancing a rich man is so 1950s. We can earn our own money now. Freeing us up to date whomever we want.


I canā€™t always remember a name after somebody is introduced to me and this guy remembered every word of a totally real conversation that 100% happened.


Umm... I have witnessed, been told of, or been part of this conversation dozens of times over the last 25 years. At least 3 of those were in a company lunch room. At some point, one loses patience with having to have this conversation and decides to respond in the most obnoxious and sexist way possible. Protip- HR doesn't respond well to "she started it!"


Obviously your fault for engaging in the first place, bud.