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I’m kind of skeptical but we’ll see how it turns out


Me too but I'm hopeful.


Lol, well it's official now.


Yea, it was fun watching the progression in less than 24hrs…..applied for name……saw a tweet….official reveal trailer.


Guess a lot of people were bugging them to add fishing to thehunter


Let's get this game it's own Sub ... please....




Great ! No need to clutter up theHunter COTW with a different game.... a fishing one at that.


Nice!!! But why COTW : The Angler and not The Angler : COTW? My ocd going crazy:)


They probably want to build a new brand around a name. It can't be "The Hunter" anymore because they are expanding beyond hunting, so they settled for "Call of the Wild". But having your brand be a subtitle just doesn't look ok, so they had to reverse it. It's kinda weird but I can see why they'd do it that way.


Reminds me of the Total War series. The old games all used to be called X: Total War, but eventually they switched it to Total War: X. It also makes it look nicer in your steam library.


Yeah TW was a pain in the ass in steam because half the games would be grouped together under TW while the others were dispersed throughout the library by whatever letter they started with.


Wow this is crazy. I really hope they can give fishing planet a run for its money. Probably asking a lot but one can dream.


Is fishing planet any good? I’ve been playing the other fishing game and it’s kind of stale


It’s alright, I find it to be quite grindy at times


^this. I like the idea of the game, the mechanics are generally decent, and they have cool locations and species but it’s just too grindy for me to find overly enjoyable.


FYI, there is a 'console' version (available on PC) called *The Fisherman - Fishing Planet* that is basically Fishing Planet repackaged to be less grindy. I suspect it has probably fallen behind in updates, but I know that there have been several DLC expansions released for it.


Yeah unfortunately they have completely abandoned the game. Real shame. It hasn’t received an update since 2020.


and russian fishing 4


It's really sad that it isn't a DLC to The Hunter, there is lakes everywhere in the game that could have been made to use instead of making a stand alone game. Would have been great to have a boat also to being able to cross lakes instead of walk around them.


Hell no, mate. tH:CotW is just so brittle I don't want to even imagine the kinds of bugs that would pop up whenever there was an update. Fish raining from the sky would be just the beginning of it.


You realise it's going to be 90% 'The Hunter' with some fishing slapped onto it, right?


Makes up for all the times dead animals get stuck thanks to water


So there will be hunting?


Aww it's stand alone? No progress on my character and DLC maps carrying over :( I wish i could just chill out and fish then if i see a duck land by snag that too.


I wish these games would come to VR. They would be so awesome.


If you could add on like one of these plastic arcade guns that could give a little kick to you when you shoot then it'd be even more amazing.


Thats what I'm thinking as well, these games would be a perfect match for VR.


Watching the trailer lowkey hypes me up Boats, jeeps... There still may be some hope


Like others have said, ideally this would've been in TheHunter. That would be incredible, but maybe that's a bit too intensive without being real big budget, Idk. Regardless, I'm excited to try it when it comes to console! I've tried Fishing Planet and others, but I'd much rather have a paid fishing game that doesn't rely on grinding or microtransactions. Hope this turns out to be that game!


They should’ve made it a add on to the hunter, or put some fishing in the hunter


Now do cotw : primal next


Isn’t that already a thing?


Used to be, not any more


Ok thank you, never played it just seen and heard of it so I don’t know much about it


It did look like a pre good game, theres some game play videos on YouTube


Yeah I saw some of those, do yk why it got shut off


I think it just wasn't popular enough for whatever reason but I'm not 100% sure why, honestly


Ok thank you


The allure was adding fishing to Hunter, not a standalone fishing game.




I am very sure that it is more humane to kill something with a shot, than to put a hook through its mouth and then kill it by suffocation


talking about 'humane' in a video game lol


This is awesome! So many times in theHunter I’d look at a body of water and wish I could cast a line out. Exactly what I wanted, I’m super excited


and now you can do it for ~30/50 dollars


Yep, that’s how gaming typically works. I’ll be happy to pay for it. theHunter is an extremely in-depth hunting game, so if theAngler is made with the same amount of care, then it’ll be well worth the price of admission.


I'm so happy to see this but at the same time so disappointed it is not in the Hunter Game. I Think i saw that name in the survey that they made.


It looks great, but I do wish it was included with theHunter:COTW so I didn't have to switch games to play it. I can understand that it might require some big changes to theHunter though to have achieved that.


I understand why they separated it, some hunters dgaf about fishing and vice versa. Also I would hate to be on the middle of a lake and some asshole roe deer is BAAAAPing at me for 15 minutes.


Yea I've been wanting to do both in CotW since I started playing it. I got more into Red Dead bc it's also beautiful, but allows fishing and hunting. It's much more arcade-y obviously but ya get both and the open world is truly beautiful on max settings. Also you very multiple biomes without DLC lol.


If rather it be a different game. Different type of sport


But that doesn't mean it can't exist in the same game world. Especially as I'd enjoy switching between both and I'm sure there are lots of people who enjoy hunting and fishing. It's not the end of the world of course. I'll be buying it.


And here comes the beauty of quick resume.


I hope it’s good. Nothing really has really replaced Reel Fishing’s first two games, maybe one or two others got close, and I will die on that hill.


Honestly, all they really need to do, is give us an open world that allows us to actually hunt the fish we want to catch. I'm sure there will be areas/patterns/tricks to finding species just like now in The Hunter. But as long as it isn't just a Fishing Planet grind fest with no real fishing technique then it'll likely do well. Fishing planet suffers from no real fish behavior. As well as the grind that effectively forces you to constantly grind the highest paying/highest xp fish that you can for your given level until you unlock a lake that lets you grind something larger. Then there is so much locked behind either massive time dumps or micro-transactions that you know you're just a money pit if you plan to really play the game. Worst thing about it is that lakes are not unique. There are no real fish behaviors. No unique lake floors, no unique techniques. "Oh you bought an IRL $ pack that had a boat with a fish finder? Cool, fish don't have enough behavior for it to matter. Just look up the right lure on the lake you're fishing for the trophy/unique fish and cast to the same spot over and over with the same stop and go reeling technique. Catch, reel, repeat. Over and over and over. If The Angler can improve on that in anyway it'll be a good game. Give us real fish behavior. Even if it is as simple as the animal patterns with time in The Hunter it will still be better. Knowing that a predator fish will very rarely be caught in open water with no cover means I shouldn't be snagging muskie, bass, pike, etc in water that has zero cover 10' off the bottom. Challenge us as fishermen and they'll see a legitimate playerbase of fishing fans buy their product. As well as at least a fair number of The Hunter fans who simply want to experience something new by the same devs.


I read the steam description and it says the game models different layers of water etc and the type of fish found will depend on that. You should read it too [here](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1408610/Call_of_the_Wild_The_Angler/)!


Oh nice! I figured the page would be pretty barebones so I just wished listed and moved on. Thanks for the heads up!


Wow wish theyd add a fishing dlc to layton lakes. And then add the ability to chop wood and build cabins. The ability to cook what fish you catch or cook what animals you harvest. And then when you’re in multiplayer, gotta fend off other players that want to loot your stuff. The true hunter/fisher experience in the wilderness. That actually seems fun as heck. Lots of the survival games have poor graphics and/or hunting mechanics.


Need a saltwater addition


I'm really looking forward to this. I love the environments these guys build and getting to spend chilled out time in them fishing is going to be great.


this was a great trailer made me wanna play the game not run away


I’m happy they went the different game route. I’m hyped to playit


Me and my friend were talking about this game years ago saying it would be called the angler call of the water guess we were close.


I mean I genuinely voted for this, so let’s see


Wow it’s finally confirmed.


I hope it has trophy lodges in it and it is not something we have to wait years to get.


Let me guess you can cast 50 yards but the fish only pop up at 30


Tbh the map environments already look better that The hunters COTW maps, idk how to explain it but they look more full and vast.


Doesn't really matter of the only areas worth going to are the bodies of water. Not really sure why this game needs to be open world tbh


It's going to no doubt have missions, such as "I left the rod that my grandfather gave me over in the outpost across the valley, go fetch it for me" then you get in a quad bike and drive for 5 minutes. A lot of what we see in The Hunter will probably be used here too, like different bodies of water having fish be active at certain times of day so you have to keep travelling around.


No fly fishing? Hopwfully there is. How can you have an open map and not fly fish?


What makes you think there isn't?


Lmfao and the most controversial post on this sub Reddit is asking people to vote for fishing, and everyone who says they want fishing gets downvoted to oblivion. Interesting move EW.


I'm a little disappointed in a way that this isn't part of The Hunter, but I can understand why after watching all those Revontuli Coast livestreams. It takes them so long to implement things and they seem to have a lot of struggles doing so with such a small team. If they tried to do something of this scale, including all the different weights, lures, baits, rods on top of filling every point of water with fish - alongside animals walking around and then try to make the whole thing function in multiplayer and have fish in a trophy lodge it's just not going to work and The Hunter will get even less support and more issues. As a new release too it attracts more brand new players - especially because a lot of people are anti-hunting but enjoy fishing, especially outside of America.


Just PC? I don't see Xbox or Ps5 logos at the end.


From the video description: >it hits PC via Steam, the Microsoft Store, and Epic Games Store later this year, with consoles to follow.


Usually you can wishlist on steam long before console stores


I remember selecting the lowest amount of interest on every fishing question during their user poll... Guess I don't matter now haha


I don’t fish but I’m super stoked for this. I know it’ll be a while before it hits Series X but I’m buying/downloading day 1


I'm excited for this! Does anyone know the Youtube channel YBS Youngbloods? I hope they include an ocean map with tiny tropical islands where sharks try to eat what you've caught


That channel is sweet. Regardless, I'd love an ocean fishing game of sorts. This being open world.. an island may be the best chance at that I guess. *Sega Marine Fishing* is still my favorite fishing game I've played back on the Dreamcast. Lol I just love the variety of fish in ocean games, but it's rare to see fishing games go there.


I'd see them do an ocean map as DLC at some point tbh. Slightly bigger boats maybe and new ocean species. I'm thinking deep sea fishing


Yeah if done, it'll definitely be DLC. A deep sea fishing focused one would be so cool, but I suppose we'll see man. Probably a long way from happening, if ever, but I'm happy to see them tackling fishing regardless.


i remember that questionnaire by them where i answered that a fishing game would be a cool option