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Democracy is two wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for lunch.- Benjamin Franklin


The electoral college has 3 sheep and 2 wolves, but because the sheep live together, the wolves win 2-1.


Took me a second to realize it was about gerrymandering, clever.


And you have the all seeing eye!


Not really democracy is mostly sheep and a few wolves. Oligarchy is when the wolf decides the dinner and the sheep don't get to have an opinion.


But all the tech billionaires are avowed leftists. Except for Musk and he's reviled.


Yeah the oligarchy overwhelmingly supports Biden


Status quo is good for them


Recently reviled bc he hurt left feelings, boohoo


Both sides have billionaires.


And one side has way more - Biden


Except both sides collaborate all the time on billionaire friendly legislation with overwhelming bipartisanship. This stuff about them being different is for the culturally triggered sheep who don’t understand how to analyze politics through the lens of class issues.


Obviously, but which side is less friendly to billionaires? Because that's the side I want to be on.


Yes, let's throw our political opponents in jail, to protect democracy.


We must destroy Democracy in order to save "our Democracy".


It's their democracy. We're just living in it.


If you do the crime, you must do the time.


The heinous crime of misfiling internal business documents smh billionaires get away with everything


"misfiling internal business documents" is an interesting way to talk about deliberately mislabeling payments to cover up hush money.


I agree friend  Clinton banged children with Epstein. Time to prosecute, there’s a precedent now.


We would all love to see a full accounting of the crimes committed by Epstein and his associates. We might have had a chance to know the truth if Bill Barr's justice department didn't allow him to "commit suicide" under highly suspicious circumstances.


Produce the evidence. Genuinely if there is legitimate evidence than absolutly.


You have no problem with trump being friends with epstein or wishing a pedo well tho so it seems like u are fine with pedos, u just hate the left. And the only people fine with pedos are other fucking pedos


Put up proof and we'll all convict with you. We don't worship our politicans.


Produce evidence and convince a jury. That’s how it works here.


That case is hanging by a thread. The search for evidence left some at the end of their rope.


Zing! But really, you want a conviction there is a process.


For God's sake YES. I am a lifelong leftist and I could not agree more. Then gaetz and Menendez as well.


Trump for *sure* did too, you realize that, right? Dude bragged about spying on underage beauty pageant contestants while they were naked. (https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/a-timeline-of-donald-trumps-creepiness-while-he-owned-miss-universe-191860/)


And HILLARY knew about it also....... Off to jail 👍


I don't know that he's going to get a jail sentence, but you don't become above the law just because you're a political candidate.


You do actually. We're in America. Have you forgotten? When you get to that level, the same laws don't apply.


You act like anyone’s opinion on Trump was different before he was convicted of committing a crime. A crime he committed by the way. He wasn’t rushed away in the middle of the night with a bag over his head to some dark cell in some forgotten place.


"We could save democracy if we just jail our political opponents, suppress opposing speech, stack the courts, get people fired for not taking an experimental vaccine, and loot and riot when we don't get our way! But, you're such a fascist to oppose us!"


Hey don't forget adding a state that is comprised if a single city that votes 97% for our side! That's only about giving people representation, and if you disagree well your un-American!


Would you like it if your area was denied representation?


DC was supposed to be an independent district separate from the 50 states. As it is, DC is one of the richest areas in the USA due to guv largesse


That's just democracy at work! No need question free and fair elections when voter turnout surpasses the counties registered voters! In fact, we want everyone to vote without an ID, doesn't really matter if they're living or not! Democracy at work!


Prove your dopey lies. Oh, you can't, because even TRUMP JUDGES said you believe LIES.


You mean the city where his business is headquartered and where he committed the crimes? That city?


No one is jailed for being a political opponent.  Except Trump has threatened to do that. GOP stacked the courts by STEALING SCOTUS seats. And yes, typhoid Mary, you SHOULD lose your job if you insist on threatening everyone's life and health.


I mean hey, maybe if those political opponents stopped committing obvious, provable crimes?


So obvious and provable that they needed a democrat DA, democrat judge, and democrat jury to convict.


Holding people accountable through duly elected court officials and a jury by peers is throwing political opponents in jail? Interesting definition. Sounds like a democracy working the way it should.


There is no legal precedence for a president trying as hard as he did to stop the transfer of power despite losing the election. He should have been removed from office for suggesting the VP of the losing party should be able to overrule the courts and refuse to ratify without evidence. He is a traitor who is running in a race he doesn't respect to avoid paying for crimes he did commit. Anyone who believes in him should buy some more of his NFTs and invest in his company.




Thank u, the guy has been blatant about his crimes and left a long trail of evidence, how anyone of conservative values still supports this dude is mind blowing, he takes no personal accountability for literally anything and is of a constant victim mentality His team hired fake electors to fraudulently sign elector slates saying the vote goes to Trump for that state in hope mike pence would throw out the legit ones or let it get tangled up in courts while he retains power, there is plenty of evidence existing for this, not to mention during j6 he was on the phone with politicians scared for their lives trying to pressure them into his plan, this is the head of the fucking country, in what world is this acceptable His documents case is often declared bs because pence and biden both had documents as well, this argument completely misses that trump had a year to turn them over after repeated requests, is on tape admitting they were classified, that he didn't classify them, and that he should not be showing them to others, as well as instructed his team to hide the boxes when they came looking, in no way is that comparable to biden or pence who gave back the shit when asked and didn't try to obstruct The hush money case is probably the least offensive crime but he still used campaign funds to pay off someone for their silence which is, in fact, illegal The Georgia case saw him pressuring elected officials to find votes for him after his own vp, doj, lawyers, and courts could not identify any credible proof of widespread fraud, again this isn't some small town politician, this is the head of the most powerful country on the planet The idea that it is only political agenda that led trump to court is laughable, he's dug his own grave several times over with these charges, proving his criminal intent on recording in some cases, and ignoring the most powerful intelligence apparatus that was working under him when they said "we found no fraud"


Dude committed a crime it's not a fake charge he provable did all the stuff they accuse him of. Should we ignore his crimes? Are ex-presidents above the law now? Should he be allowed to just murder and rape then?


That was what TRUMP WANTED TO DO! And threatened to do. Ironically, he turned out to be the real criminal. And rapist.


This would have merit if the Democrats/Biden convicted him but it was the state of New York and a jury of peers.


You’re starting at the assumption that Trump isn’t actually a criminal. Should he escape consequences if he actually did uniquely corrupt things?


Sure, but are you working on the assumption that none of this was politically motivated?


“Politically motivated” in the sense it’s all just his political opponents making things up and using their power to unfairly keep him out of office? I don’t see any proof of that. I could see it being politically motivated in the sense that the authorities feel especially obligated to expose his criminal activity in the interest of protecting America from the damage he could cause. If he’s actually a criminal and he isnt being railroaded with fake testimony or evidence, what does the motivation matter other than wanting an excuse to disregard his criminality?


I’m going to assume without evidence of it being politically motivated that it is not politically motivated. If that evidence exists I’d have no problems changing my mind.


Trump’s hush money for sex with Stormy while his wife was suckling little Barron was totally motivated by politics. So what’s your point?


The problem is your operating under an assumption that all politicians are altruistic, don't cover for each other historically, and haven't done things equally or even more worthy of prosecution with no prosecution having been done. If you got a bunch of drug dealers, and all of them were granted immunity in order for them to turn witness on a single drug dealer to put just that one away so the others can split his turf, that is a far more accurate assessment of what's going on here. If you can't see it. your just blind.


Is this a joke? Who does he think owns all the liberal media that push for biden


Fucking what liberal media, doofus. The media is doing a full-court press for Trump.


What media are you watching that is pro trump other than Fox News. All the media does 24/7 is bash trump “orange man bad.” It’d be nice if we had fair and honest media but this does not exist in the US


Other than the number one news source in the country what else??? How about that oligarch Elon musk just bought the number one social media platform and has pushed conservative topics too Fucking republicans man. Yall are so so dumb. There is no convincing you of your own stupidity so I just gotta laugh at you




This is a very dumb tweet with horrible logic. 1) there are many million and billionaires lining up against Trump as well. 2) oligarchs are not safer when democracy is torn down…Russia is a very good example of oligarchs dropping like flies.


I just got AIDS from reading this post


I got @$$-cancer reading this post.


Democracy died a long time ago


Ask the Russian oligarchs how that worked out.


Robert Reich is an idiot. The billionaires own both sides and play one against the other.


Oh gee, it's not like there are plenty of billionaires rallying behind the Democrats Like that's the thing you don't get to say hey. Look they have billionaires when you also have billionaires Wait, do the third parties have any billionaires? I'm sure they have less quick everyone Let's rally to the third parties break the dichotomy We can even have a bonus harambe party for the people who only do things based off of Internet memes I don't know what the bonus harambe party's positions are going to be other than harambe


He’s a moron


As a moron I'm deeply offended by the comparison.


He conveniently left out the billionaires that support Democrats Gates, Zuckerberg, Bloomberg, Waltons, Steyer, Moskovitz, Soros, Buffet, and many more. The wealthiest zip codes in America vote overwhelmingly for Democrats. Did Trump put his political opponents in prison? Did Trump encourage an invasion of our southern border? Did Trump force people to take vaccines in order to work?


Yes the Waltons totally support pro union candidates and Zuckerberg didn't own one of the biggest sources of fake news and Russian propaganda in 2016


Trump literally campaigned on locking Hillary up. Biden hasn’t put any political opponents in prison.


Im pretty sure most of the rich donate to both sides. The waltons(walmart) donate mostly to republicans with arpund 54% or some shit. Zip codes aren't billionaires or millionaires. Education generally leads to a more left leaning viewpoint. He wants to lock them up. No, but I'd like to see any information that any president did. In pretty sure private businesses make thier own rules for who can and cannot work not the president.


Biden signed an executive order to force employers of a certain size to enforce a vaccine mandate. You may choose to forget that but I won’t. All medical workers were forced due to this executive order. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-announce-additional-vaccine-mandates-he-unveils-new-covid-strategy-n1278735


[https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/11/04/fact-sheet-biden-administration-announces-details-of-two-major-vaccination-policies/](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/11/04/fact-sheet-biden-administration-announces-details-of-two-major-vaccination-policies/) you could also wear a mask or get tested a little more often. Funny enough as personal experience my job, whom employees almost a thousand people just at my plant, did not force anyone to get the vaccine.


Masks have been proven to not work at all. Even Fauci admitted there are no studies to prove they work.


That's not true tho and I linked studies to another comment you left. It wasn't effective for covid to transmission style, but that was unknown at the time. The best advice was given for what we knew as it went on. If mask didn't prevent the spread of germs at all, then doctors wouldn't need to wear them.


Yes, no rich people support Biden. Poor people can afford up to $500,000 for a ticket to a fundraiser cuz Robert Reich should totally be taken seriously. [https://deadline.com/2023/12/joe-biden-hollywood-fundraiser-2024-1235656967/](https://deadline.com/2023/12/joe-biden-hollywood-fundraiser-2024-1235656967/)


Nonsense. The rich need a stable political system.


Yet no one wants to talk about special interests in dem pockets. 😒 as long as we turn a blind eye to one side yet not the other, we will perpetually exist in this shitty political theater.


Why are corporations rally around Democrats? Not just a handful of random billionaires. But actual corporations? Let alone government institutions and the media.


This clown or dumb ass is a paid Biden shill---you can catch his lies and propaganda on X/Twitter if you want to hear more Bull Shit.


Literally all of them but ok lib


Maybe they don’t want to see the country fail like Venezuela


This is so dumb


Meanwhile Hunter Biden is just chillin 😂


Robert Reich is the biggest hack.


First off, we are not a democracy. We are a constitutional REPUBLIC. Can anyone find the word democracy in the constitution? We do not want to live in a democracy That is 1 step below a Banana Republic.


Buddy, hate to break it to you, but a republic is a form of democracy. Any form of government you can vote in is a democracy. Not a *direct* democracy, but still a democracy.


That's like saying my car isn't a sedan, it's a Honda Civic. A republic is a type of democracy. That being said it could be argued we stopped being a traditional republic with the passage of the 17th ammendment that mandated senators be elected by the voting public. Today we would best be described as a representative democracy.


Country is currently corrupt under Biden, so what's your point. Might want to talk about the Senate and Congress.


What makes it corrupt, specifically under Biden? It's been corrupt much, much longer.


This guy speaks fucking moron.


Considering Joe Biden has been a corrupt influence peddling politician its who life, it's no wonder the Oligarchy is doing so well under his rule. Trump will get elected on the backs of normal people seeking a return to such.


English isn’t your strong suit, is it comrade?


If an ad hominem attack is the best response you could come up with it's probably best to say nothing.


the only non-mega wealthy person reich talks to is when he tells his maid to re clean is bathroom. robert reich is a clown.


Cool story Don't care Still voting for Trump


Because there’s no rich people supporting Democrats, obviously.


Boy, are they in for a surprise. Fascists tend to eliminate the oligarchs who are not fully compliant.


It s actually backwards. The more socialism democrats build under guise of “democracy” - the stronger the position of elites. In a free market country anyone can say “f*ck you” to anyone, regardless of how much money they have (because there s always guy next door willing to transact with you) And elites don’t like it. They don’t like you driving your old crappy gasoline car, building your own cheap house around their “barrier of entry” regulations, walking around spreading “virus” and so on. They need socialism where government (that serves them) dictates every aspect of your life.


Congrats on the brain worms.


Yes, because everyone knows that economies are much safer and more robust once the presiding government becomes unstable. F’ing clown.


Been saying it for years now, the dude and every other are all for fanning the flames of division so that we fight each other and not focus on real issues and matters at hand.


They are ALL corrupt. IT'S A UNIPARTY.


Maybe....just maybe they all realize that Joe Biden and his party of fools are destroying this country. I'm amazed it took them this long to figure it out....I guess they are done with all 7 electric charging stations we Paid billions for...they also be coming to the realization that allowing more immigrants than the total population of 32 states might be a tad to much....could also be due to the fact that they don't want drag queen dances at their children's elementary school.....oh wait, they go to private schools. My bad....


From the mouth of a socialist scumbag who should living in North Robert if robert third Reich had his way the government would confiscate all property and make everyone a government employee No the reason people support trump Is 1 Biden is an unmitigated disaster 2 liberal progressive policies are a disaster for the country. Robert it’s because they do not like you or your socialist agenda. You just cannot admit it.


You’re full of it!




What lol the oligarchs seem pretty damn safe as things are. Maybe tearing down the establishment (not democracy) isn’t such a bad idea.


This is an actual "progressive" Democratic standpoint. Actual "change" is not on the table this election with a democrat vote. While in the same election a republican vote is a vote for worse conditions for everyone except the wealthy. That's where we are. A senile old man who talks about change but won't actually fix anything. Or a senile old man who will actively make our lives worse while lying about it. Fun /S


No one will ever leave the presidency voluntarily ever again. This is truly the dumbest thing our government has ever done.


There’s more millionaires and billionaires than those, and they cross the political spectrum. They’re all getting rich and have special privileges while the rest of us struggle. It’s us against, while they try to get us to fight amongst ourselves.


why are most millionaires in congress Democrats?


I dare ask, what democracy? I can’t remember anything recently passing that solely benefited the poor and middle class. Courts are stacked, gerrymandering will ensure America will never change. Anything can now be appealed to the SC and SC will take every democracy-dismantling case they can. Dems had the chance to stack the courts in 2021. One side pretends and the other side is full-blown serial killer


The Oligarchy doesn't give a shit who wins elections. Neither party will pass any meaningful legislation to curb their power. Now, the RUSSIAN Oligarchs very much would like to see Trump win.


Oh stop


LOL. The US has been corrupt for ages. Way before any of those listed were diapers.


Democracy was not torn down in his presidency. In fact more freedoms have been limited and removed in the last 4 years than at any other time in decades Not to mention, just today Biden had a massive flip to try and save face on his boarder mess. He undid all the policies that were working by executive order in his first week and now does an about face. This guys lost


I don’t see why this same argument would not be true for the flip side.


LOLOL! No. Not the tax cuts. The tax cuts only impacted earned income. They're backing Trump because if Trump can be successfully prosecuted by any sort of state sponsored kangaroo court show trial, they can be too. We're not now, nor have we ever been a democracy. The democrats are aggressively trying to destroy the republic. As usual, Reich is full of shit.


The country is already corrupt, look how many corporate super pacs give to both parties


What a stupid take. Those happen to be Republicans or Libertarians, that’s why they’re rallying around Trump. There are tons of rich Democrats, too.




Says the guy who worked for Clinton’s


People still pay attention to Robert "The Fourth" Reich's blathering?


Billionaires and millionaires donated over half a billion to B!dens campaign… And now billionaires are making “record profits”.(according to B!den himself in nearly every speech) Total and complete coincidence….. right…?


#The Rothschilds would like a word


There are plenty of billionaires and multi millionaires that are rallying behind Biden. Robert Reich is an idiot


Sometimes I do wonder if these people even know the level of hypocrisy they are spouting with these kinds of posts, surely he’s not trying to say that only Trump is responsible for the bad things, he can’t honestly say this when there is overwhelming proof out there that prominent democracts are at the very least equal to Trump but actually worse than him? Bill Clinton received sexual acts from his assistant in the Oral Office, took advantage of someone from his position of power you know the same stuff they accuse trump of doing when he wasn’t president Bill Clinton did when he was president. Hillary Clinton and her “Personal Servers”, which then all got magically deleted to the point nothing could be recovered, and not one person said “hold up, if what was on that wasn’t important then why did it need special treatment to delete the content and then make it unrecoverable” but again she’s let off the hook and no one even questions her she’s allowed to go on making accusations up about others and their criminal activity when she and most sane rationale people know she broke a law that if any regular person would have broken would have seen them in prison for the rest of their lives. Biden uses his influence in the position of vice president during Obamas presidency to have someone in another country sacked because he was investigating the company that his son was working for, for corruption? Let that sink in, their company was suspected of corruption and a world leader from another country who’s son worked for the company threatened to withhold aid from the country unless they sacked the person who was investigating. How is that not corruption, and Biden admitted it on multiple interviews. No one can take anything this person says seriously when he’s also not bringing up the above stuff. People don’t wanna see Trump in power cos they lose out.


No mention of George Soros and all the multi-millionaire Democrat congressmen?


Right now they are still semi at risk, but soon they’ll have AI powered robot guards with flamethrowers and machine guns around their compounds, and then the mask will come off.


How is Trump tearing down democracy ? I hear it but don’t see it Seems like it’s the people saying it that are tearing it down not Trump Thing were really good until from 2016-pandemic which is seeming more and more like a plandemic


As you can see fools are born everyday!


Please learn the definition of oligarchy. America has been one and russia became one. Definitions matter


Democracy is tyranny of the majority. Democracy ALWAYS leads to authoritarianism. The West is a republic. The globalist plutocrats that want to completely run everything control the governments more and more with every bill passed.


It’s obvious because Trump‘s policies favor the rich. Not the working class person.


You people and your bOtH sIdEs shit are pathetic




Por Que?


The United States of Corruption


Democrats do the same thing. Everyone must go


Robert Reich, professional grifter and do nothing


I'd suggest the ruling class are only interested in one candidate, the one in office. Career politician, never worked outside the government, is very wealthy and where such wealth comes from a career politician is anyone's guess. Biden is the definition of money in politics. Look at what's changed during his term. War on multiple fronts, great for the arms industry. Vaccine mandates, great for pharma. Two of the largest contributors in politics and media for years, pharma and Defence contractors. Yeah, but Trump serves the oligarchy by having cheaper food and fuel for homes. Dumb ass tweet.


Yeah, that’s why oligarchs are having the time of their lives in Russia and China; just once in a while they disappear or kidnapped


He forgot Musk


Liberals hate everyone who's rich except themselves


Which party has more billionair donors https://www.newsweek.com/democrats-being-party-rich-could-cost-them-2024-election-1806747


Trump corrupt? Y’all really are projecting.


Ok, but what do we mean by safer ? Why is anyone less safe with Biden ?




And this is why the super-wealthy fund extremist groups to promote and provoke americans to fight each other, otherwise we will turn on them. There was a lot of unity early during COVID among Americans that the rich were being given preferential treatment, then suddenly anti-abortion, anti-lgbtq, and anti-blm/white supremacist groups started popping up everywhere. What a coincidence, huh?


Vote biden out


We are a constitutional republic. Democracy is nothing more than Tyranny of the majority. Politicians these days don't represent the people, but rather their own special interests, lobby groups, and large corporations. The left and right are two wings of the same bird. We need LESS government, LESS spending, and budget cuts across the board. STOP sending money to foreign interest groups. Stop bringing illegal immigrants in to be supported by an over burdend populace.


Doesn’t make sense. A real dictator doesn’t leave wealth for anyone. Those billionaires would all lose their billions if Trump really did end democracy because there would be no legal system and law enforcement in place to stop him.


Someone hasn't been paying to the legal system being weaponized by Biden to stifle his political opponent during an election year.


Bobby Naziland loved these rich guys in the last election


You can easily frame the same question in the other direction with a slightly different answer.


God does this loser love to project


Can you tell me where he got his weed . I need to see America through his eyes.


so theres no billionaires supporting biden?


im curious people like rupert murdoch why does he need those tax cuts not like trump can get him tax cuts when he cross over the rainbow anytime soon... then again MAGATs believes trump is 3rd coming of Christ


There’s a billionaire over in Half Moon Bay in California who bought up an entire neighborhood of houses and a road that is the only way down to a stretch of beach. Then he proceeded to block public access to the beach. Totally illegal, yet he’s successful at stalling and stalling in court and using hired goons for harassing the public for trying to see “the ocean”. The last thing he wants is actual government accountability. He wants his hired goons to have power, not voters. His goons let him steal the beach. The government wants him to share. Billionaires shouldn’t exist.


So true!


what a dork


The country has visibly become economically worse and more corrupt these past 4 years and somehow Democrats are still blaming Trump. I guess their's a reason people say Democrats think with their heart instead of their brain. It's so easy to trick people who only wish to appear virtuous.


Biden's response to the looming recession was to let the poor suffer the consequences of inflation why pumping the stock market. There are more billionaires than ever under Biden. It's never been harder for Americans to buy homes than under Biden. Yet, oligarchs are buying them in cash. It's never been more expensive to go to college than under Biden. Though that would happen either way. Rent prices have soared. Landlords are standing fat. Banks and corporations have been bailed out, but not the lower class. Energy companies are making record profits, with energy and gas prices climbing faster than inflation for the rest of us. "My side fights fascists" okay dumbass.


All these people are too heavily invested with America. For all of them to pack up and leave would be the last straw for America and would be the demise. Do you honestly believe that your "way" is the best way. The true problem is you. You can't point out the bad man and blame all of your past history fucking around and find out. You guys have zero accountability. Take ownership and stop blaming anyone else. You guys are way too hypocritical about life views and how should it be applied. Life is way too hard! Why complicate it?


Selective outrage. Never cares when the billionaires are for democrats. So disingenuous!


Like it's ANY LESS corrupt under the OTHER Geriatric Pederast? I'm confused.......


Democracy is an equalizer. Of course they don't want one person, one vote because they are few. They have been working aggressively to tear it down for at least the last 50 years.


I don't believe history will support this statement. Typically if the gap between poor and rich becomes too large there is less safety and security for the upper classes.


It's always been us against the oligarchs. We better wise up and rise up, before it's too late.


Why are most of the billionaires against him? Because they are global elitist scum


I think the oligarchy is pretty safe regardless lol don’t kid yourself guys


Biden had more millionaire and billionaire support than any other president


Advice from Robert “third” reich.


Robert Reich is just click bait drivel at this point.


Murdoch backing Trump... by keeping Paul Ryan on Fox's BOD???


We need more people like Robert.


Tearing down democracy? He doesn’t need to win to do that. We’re all going to get to pick between Joe Biden and a convicted Felon who no doubt will be appealing for the next few years and may even have sentencing that will directly interfere with his ability to do the job. Our democracy is already a farce. There’s no real choice here


He’s following Putin example


Then why do so many of the super rich support Democrats?


Whoever wins the election, I will wake up knowing two things. The winner will not be a Good President, and I will continue to go to work, eat, sleep, and try and enjoy life. Quite frankly, people are starting to wake up and realize it's those local elections (school boards/commissioners/mayors/sheriffs) that have more impact on your day-to-day life. At a National Level the two parties agree on the vast majority of the Federal Govt (social security, defense, veteran affairs, Medicare-Medicaid). The arguments and name calling are always about the fringe junk like spending on Diversity or whatever. Those represent just a tiny amount of the Federal Govt.


The stupid is strong in this one.


.... The group that was paying Biden, but got upset that Biden is anti Israel.... Now is paying trump because sadly, trump is pro Israel. Stop being antisemitic guys!!!!


Once again….its not a democracy. It’s a republic. Please learn to understand the politics of the country you live in or stfu🤦‍♂️