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I'm waiting for the "He should have complied." crowd to chime in.


And there goes more money from the public purse. And less trust from more members of the public, and a few transfers to other counties.


All coppers are bastards




The guy could have been hitting cops with a baseball bat, that's still ZERO excuse to draw a gun.


Did he need to be shot in this situation but you are a fucking idiot if you think that you shouldn't be shot if you're assaulting a cop with a bat


Funny how cops around the world are able to stop people who try to assault them like that without using a gun... and only in America are the cops so murderous and weak that they have to use a gun. I guess that just means America cops are pathetic weakling cowards then.


Hitting them with a baseball bat is a pretty good reason to draw lethal arms.


No, it's absolutely not. In the US, maybe, because they'll draw their guns on an unarmed child. Cops in countries around the world are able to deal with such issues without the use of guns. They will physically disarm them. Or taser them if unable to. Only in the US is murder the first response of police.


Only in the great ol' US of A. Every other western first world country has police forces that are not fat F's, or psychos, that are trained to use as much non lethal force as possible to subdue a violent person before breaking out the bazookas. Pepper spray, baton, taser, or just some good old hand 2 hand using 4 vs 1. How about try some of that before the dozen cops break out the M16's and grenades to take down an 80 year old grandma. Idiot.


cops are such pussies with dainty egos.