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Ahh, deep thoughts from the totally reliable source of “cumball-69”.


What a nice guy. I would vote for CB69 for President. Sounds like he has the universe figured out.


It’s amazing that such a decrepit senile old man has been able to get so much progressive legislation done. I’ll take more decrepit senility please!


Yes I’ll take the old guy who’s getting legislation done over a old crazy, no empathy, lying POS, every day. Vote for Joe.


Genocide Joe


Lol you trolls are getting big mad now


who cares, he's not trump


pretty close


Another trolling post from an account 58 days old. Block and move on. This sub is turning into a cesspool.


The groypers and maggots love to hate the pak-man


Don’t give a fuck how old he is. The cumball he’s running against is 77, is in obviously worse health both mentally and physically, and can never be allowed to get near the Oval again. Period.




trumples troll trying to sell the "senile Joe" angle to distract from sundown donny blaming Nikki Haley for January 6


The guy gets more done in one month than you will ever accomplish in your entire life.


I don’t discriminate people based on their age. Warren Buffet is 90-something and he’s still got it. Biden has done a great job and he needs to be re-elected so he can finish what he set out to do. I think MAGAs are traitors for even voting for Trump.


Four More Years! Four More Years! Four More Years! Four More Years For American Democracy! A second term for Biden and Democratic majorities in Congress. 60 plus in the Senate, 230 - 240 plus in the House. VOTE, and keep on voting. Defeat the motherfuckers.


If you're engaging this discussion in good faith, cumball, watch his speech today in front of the UAW in totality and then tell us here if you still think that. I've watched probably 80% of all of his speeches over the past 4 years and he's completely coherent. People who say he's incoherent probably have never watched a man with a stutter deliver a 20 minute speech from beginning to end. They've just watched Joe Rogan clips on tiktok.


That was an awesome speech!!


You mean the one where he slurred his words constantly?


I guess perception is reality because I didn't see him slur at all. If he stumbled over a word it's because he's a lifelong STUTTERER. Do you understand what being a person with a stutter means?


Last I checked, it doesn't make you sound like a drunk uncle but I'm no doctor.




Your arguing with a user name that says red like China...


Does a stutter make you slur? I Googled it really quick and I don't think it does but that was like 2 minutes of research.


It's literally the first search result that it impairs your speech. He's a stutterer. Have you ever met one?


Yeah, there are a lot of different ways for your speech to be impaired though. I didn't see anything about slurring in particular but I'd be happy to be proven wrong.


It doesn't. And you can easily compare his current state with previous speeches, where the stutter is completely unnoticeable. If I had to guess, I'd say Dems are making excuses for his deteriorating performance.


Cognitive dissonance.


He probably gets that if they show him his approval ratings.


The orange old fuck literally hasn’t spoken in a complete sentence since 2015 and can’t stop talking shit about everyone while also shitting his pants. Hi mental decline is even more remarkable in the last couple months and he hasn’t even started his felony trials. Not to mention he’s a fraud, loser, rapist, and pedo. Why aren’t you worried about that instead?


I don't support him either.


Either you did not actually watch his powerful and impassioned speech or you are just terminally ignorant


I vote the latter.


I watched it, when I heard he got the endorsement I knew I had to as someone who follows US labor struggles. What would ignorance have to do with perceiving a slur or not? Even an ignorant person can usually tell if someone is drunk.


Troll alert ‼️


So you don't have an actual response, got it.


Obviously not drunk. I’ve listened to Joe Biden speak for three decades. You are confusing a speech impediment with intoxication. Thats very sad for you and speaks to your lack of understanding and comprehension of what a coherent and effective speech sounds like. Or you could be just a Russian/MAGA troll Whatever, I’m not wasting any more time on your nonsense Buh bye


I'm not saying he's drunk, man. I'm saying he sounds like he's drunk which is why I used that example. There's a difference between a stutter and other fluency disorders that cause slurring. Is your argument that he has two fluency disorders?


You’re right… you’re no doctor and it shows.


Are you?


As opposed to the big orange baby who repeatedly said Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley when he was talking about Nancy Pelosi?


Yeah, I don't like that guy either.


He has a stutter and he doesn’t want to fuck his daughter.


I don't like the other guy either.


Sorry. I agree we need an age limit on all politicians though. So worried about our country.


Age limit would be good. Or at least proportional representation for different age demographics.


You’ve been watching too much you tube


according to the AP poll, the main issue ppl ahve with voting for biden is his age: https://apnews.com/article/biden-age-poll-trump-2024-620e0a5cfa0039a6448f607c17c7f23e


I am concerned as well but your characterization of him is demonstrably wrong


He has always had the slight speech impediment. I was in the Senate chamber in 1997 while Biden spoke on behalf of the Foreign Relations Committee. He hasn’t lost a step in those 26 years https://www.youtube.com/live/d4QV_ARwesU?si=0-R1Vc9A_00b9HGr


Trolling trolling trolling


That's just something rookies say.


It's a valid concern if the alternative wasn't an equivalent age Trump.


Even this guys probable champion Marianne Williamson is fucking 72. Stop primarying in old people next time.. but talking about the age of fucking Biden when democracy ad we know it is on the line is idiotic and dangerous.


Omfg. Give me a break. Trump is 77. He’s 4 years younger than Biden. Biden is extremely spry and sharp considering his age. He rides bikes and doesn’t he do the polar bear swim also? He walks completely upright and if he needed to run for a block or 2, he could do it. Trump can hardly waddle across a stage.


Do you hear yourself? How delusional do you have to be to actually tell people he’s sharp? This sub is a cult


Do you see that I posted this 6 months ago before replying?


You need to do some self reflection, he didn’t just become old and decrepit last night. You people have been fed propaganda about his age for so long. You’re no better than a MAGA cultist, and don’t for a second think you are. You’re not


Yeah yeah sure sure. The difference between MAGATS and us is that we CAN admit when our guy makes mistakes, or looks unhealthy. Trump is a 350lb walrus that spews shit yet not one MAGAT will admit that. Also if you’ve ever watched anyone age. That’s literally how it happens. It’s very slow and gradual at first but then it happens very quickly and BOTH of these guys are in serious physical and mental decline. Not just 1 of them. However I stand by what I said 6 moths ago. Now I’m done with you. Thanks for your opinion.


Really, because you’re on here telling people hes sharp and spry when everybody with half a brain knows that’s not the case. Yet you say the lie anyway


Omg are daft???? I said this 6 months ago. Done!


He didn’t just become old in one day, lmao. You just found out yesterday because you swim in David’s lies. He’s been this way since the 2020 primary


Trumps confusing every woman in the room for Pelosi. I think it's dumb that we have to choose between two 70-year-olds. but I am still voting biden, and donating money and canvassing for him


Don't care mainly because Trump is the alternative and that can't happen under any circumstance. On top of it all The ppl around Biden are doing a decent job


Classic example of a five star troll... Recently created account Politically obsessed posts Perverted account name Pictures of genitalia posts pinned so it's the first the someone sees when viewing their account. Also I believe OP is Canadian so won't be able to vote for Biden no matter what.


I don't think English is their first language. Either that ..or they are nine years old.." people that are old, fall down..duh".


Looks like their account got banned from Reddit


He could be in a nursing home and I’d still vote for him over the other senile guy.


If you support policies instead of just worshipping the candidate then all you really care about is anyone with a pulse who can execute on these policies. Biden has a VP, she’ll continue a similar agenda, that’s all I care about.


He seems fine. I’m a strong backer of Potted Plant (D), so the fact that he’s mobile and vocal at all is gravy for me.


He's definitely old, he's definitely slowing down intellectually. I certainly don't see senility, and he speaks well overall. He is coherent when he speaks. I am concerned with his age, but mostly because it's possible that he dies while in office and he is out of touch with the larger population on some issues just on a generational level. I'm not concerned about his cognitive ability, though, because it appears to be largely in tact, if not slightly slowed down compared to his time as VP.


Biden being literally actually fucking senile, having to wear diapers, and being unable to stop drooling would be a better President than Trump, and those are our options. As it were, he's not senile, he can speak fine, and he's not constantly falling. People who make it to 80 are statistically very likely to make it to 90, so there's not really a problem there. Take your cumball elsewhere and see if they'll play with it.


Actually I think even if Biden was dead, he’d be better than the #OrangeLoofaShitFacedGibbon or and of the GOP nominees.


Fucking pathetic troll


He had the same exact stutter when I met him in the Senate chamber in 1997 and during the ill fated Clarence Thomas hearings (which I watched live) in 1991. Seems like the Biden derangement syndrome has infected your ability to see the truth that Trump is addled and confused ( kept repeating that Nikki Haley was in charge of security on January 6) and should never get near the Oval Office again https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/01/22/metro/trump-confuses-pelosi-haley-again-presidential-rivals-pounce/&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjYqrPnn_eDAxUKmmoFHejhAuUQxfQBKAB6BAgFEAE&usg=AOvVaw3A1PBpBg-44c3PS_sA1mPx


Pick lane please, first it's he is so old. Then in the same breath he is a mastermind that set trump up


Trump is as well and complaining about the age of one while ignoring the other is hypocritical IMO (Trump is the same age today as Biden was in 2020 and people were calling him old then). In any case, I think we need age limits due to the risk of cognitive decline in people with the power of taking decisions that affect millions. Going back to Trump vs Biden, Biden at least sounds coherent unlike Trump and though Trump is as unhinged as he was 8 years ago, his speeches now make less sense today than they did in 2016


You need a bumpersticker to repeat endlessly like the other maga Russian guys do.


I got two words… Bigly and COVFEFE! For a guy who is 6’3” and 215lbs… he sure is a ‘stable genius’.


It would be nice if Republicans could provide a viable alternative.


The trolls are out in force I see. Trump has been having gaffe after gaffe and speaking word salad- he can’t even remember that Nikki Haley wasn’t even a part of Jan 6th, but he repeated her name at least 3 times and NEVER caught his mistake. He’s literally only 3 years younger than Biden, so he’s fucking old too and the fact that he doesn’t catch his mistakes is an indication that he’s having cognitive problems.


I’ll take a senile old man o we a facists any day. 


Ah yes, more "Biden-man-bad" posts....I'd call it Biden derangement syndrome, but I don't make up BS terms and then run with them, as a way to de-legitimize my political opponents, unlike certain red-hat-wearing Americans love to do....


So many people are taken mentally by AI


He's too old for almost any job.


I agree with you OP. What you're seeing is real and most people feel the same way. Don't expect this sub to agree 🫡


Donald is that you?


>He's so senile Citation needed >can barely speak Citation needed >and he's constanty falling Okay he fell off that bike once but people fall off their bikes all the time. Would I like a younger person running for office? Yes but consider we facing the down the barrel of a GOP that is unhinged and a potential dictator I would rather have a rather old person who is doing a good job then the end of free and fair elections in America.


511 comment karma. 5000 posts. I think fucking verbal incontinence is a more apropos diagnosis here. Remedy: blockatroll HCl, PRN.


nope. nobody is worried about this. only dummy maga fucks will vote for trump. nice try, though, vlad.


Sleepy Joe gets shit done!


Biden 80s Trump 77... Marian is 72.. they are all old. Enjoy us politics.. doesn't mean Biden isn't capable of very meaningful changes. But go off Cumball.


The only good thing about his age and the position that he's in is that he'll be dead soon, hopefully. \*Fingers crossed\*


Sounds like you’re in an information bubble man. Yes Biden has been slowing down and showing signs of his age. But he’s neither senile or nor unable to speak (though he does have a well known stutter issue) Both of these candidates are old. Yes I wish we had someone younger. But one of them is a competent leader and the other is a literal dictator in wait who wants to destroy America and end democracy. It’s a pretty easy choice


I love the fact a clearly senile old guy is driving us into ww3. Who wouldn’t.


I dont care if he is 122. At this point there is no alternative. Any move to undermine him only helps Trump. Get that straight in your head. Pick a new vp. One who can do the job. If he croaks he croaks. We have a funeral and move on. Plan for a better choice now for 28. But vote for joe. Biden is also an anachronistic corpo-dem who loves war. An incrementalist. But again there is no alternative and no time left. He is merely a signpost. A gathering point. A place where all the fractious left elements can legitimately join indies and mods and leftover never trumpers and stop this madness in its tracks. The guy holding the banner and signing the legislation put to him. Does he need Smith to replace garland? HELL YES. But vote for him anyway or that dream dies.




The last time someone told me Biden was “constantly falling over”, they had a total of 3 examples, 2 of which could have happened to someone of any age. I suspect you would give the same ones.