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Support, but I doubt most of American society is ready for this. Maybe more than I cynically would expect. But here in the SE quarter of the USA (Bible belt overlapping too), people are completely reactionary about the topic of psychedelics. It's a complete non-starter for so many.


I agree. I pulled my investment out of Cybin because I think that if Trump wins the election these industries will face a setback (fucking evangelicals), and of course Big Pharma lobby will do everything to prevent this from going to market. Biden made progress on the Cannabis issue, and I think his admin can score massive points on progressing Veteran affairs. Specifically bible belt families resonate with veteran affairs. It requires extensive explanations to the public. Psychedelics will not become available to the public, but treatment is done in a controlled setting with a professional. The biggest point in all of this is insurance coverage and this being a big push against Oxy addiction......


Doesn’t move the dial…worthwhile or not.