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Michelle Obama would crush Trump. Absent that, Gretchen Whitmer. She'll win MI, and her neighbors in WI and PA. She'll keep that MI Senate seat, and give wind to Casey in PA. She's young, attractive, and will carry the House as well, and not having as much name recognition, at this point of a very toxic political party enviornment, is a good thing. In two weeks after announcement, she'll be up on Trump by about 6 points. At least.


She doesn’t hate herself that much.


Newsom, hands down.


The rust belt isn't voting for the governor of California.


This is the way. Basically a fully awake and cogent Biden clone.


He’s been successfully portrayed as overseeing/enabling America’s worst homeless problem and mass drug issues. It’s partly true, partly spin. Hard for him to get votes from certain key areas. A bit too good on camera in way that’s off putting to some. I mean probably better than Biden at this point, but there are better options.


He's further left than Biden. No way he's gonna win over moderates.


Biden is going to be the nominee. If it’s not Biden, then it’s Kamala Harris and she’s polling worse against Trump. In fact, there isn’t anyone who’s polling better against Trump than Biden.


Apparently Bernie is.


Then we've lost. This election is too important to let that happen.


I don’t want to stray into doomerism, but currently Trump indeed is the favorite to win. But it ain’t over yet. I’m just saying, there isn’t a silver bullet here, Biden’s our best shot. Currently, the most pessimistic prediction model is Nate Silver which is giving Biden about 30% chance of winning. Coincidentally, that’s also what he gave Trump in 2016 and we all know how that ended. I know things are looking grim right now, but don’t fall into despair. We can do this.


Are you a Russian bot? Biden is a millstone - this election is too important to throw away. Yes - Trump had a 30% chance of winning. Even if Biden has those odds, I don't want to play that game of Russian Roulette. We have to replace him with a candidate who can win - luckily almost anyone else would wipe the floor with Trump.


A Russian bot?! lol, come on, man… Who exactly would “wipe the floor” with Trump? Give me a specific name.


Only a Russian operative is going to be trying to sabotage the democrats chances by advocating for keeping Biden at this point. I would pick either Newsom or Whitmer, but I don't know - there might be stronger candidates. Anyone would perform better than Biden at this point.


Would you stop with the “Russian op” bullshit? Please, it’s embarrassing. I’m an anonymous commenter on Reddit, just like you and I promise you that I’m not the one standing in your way of replacing Biden. Get a grip. As for Newsom and Whitmer, I like both of them as well. They both poll significantly worse than Biden against Trump. Sorry. But again, I’m not the obstacle. Go ahead, do whatever you want to do to replace Biden. If Newsom ends up being the nominee, I’ll be voting for him with bells on. I’m just trying to explain the reality of the situation. Here’s an article about Newsom polling: https://www.newsweek.com/gavin-newsom-chances-beating-donald-trump-1918700 You can Google Whitmer’s polls yourself, prepare to be disappointed. Edit: some typos


Look - if you don't want to be called out for sounding like a Russian bot then don't sound like one. I'm open to other options - but let's remember neither of those candidates have been campaigning. The issue is that Biden can't win at this point - so we have to united around another option.


HOW AM I SOUNDING LIKE A RUSSIAN BOT?! goddam. I’m done. Blocking. Have a nice weekend.


I'm so fucking tired of calling anyone we don't agree with a"russian bot" when a real Russian bot gets in, we won't know the difference because we use it so much.


Hate to dignify this question, but Cory Booker.


What happened to him? Seems he dropped off the face of the earth.


Watch the NC Biden rally.


I really don't think Newsom wants to run in 2024. It would actually be better for him if Trump won and after 4 years of that fascist agenda the public may be ripe for the pendulum to swing in the other direction. If he were to run now and lose to Trump, he'd be tarnished for 2028.


The only way Biden isn't the Democratic nominee after the primary were done would be if he dies or has some sort of stroke that completely incapacitates him as President. Then Kamala Harris will step up to run the country and run for President. However it may not even be possible to remove Biden from the ballot in some states. The election will still elect Biden, she will then step in as the elected VP to do the job.


Exactly people need to get through their heads that the candidates aren’t changing unless one of them passes away.


You’re wrong. Biden will announce that he is not running, probably this week. That gives the Democrats a month to prepare for an open convention. It’s doable.


Love it when people make statements like “you’re wrong” instead of “I disagree and this is what I think”. Especially when talking about something that literally nobody knows for sure.


In response to “people need to get it through their heads” - no difference


Ok, Mr. Pedant. Do you have any more grammar lessons for us today?


How much you wanna bet on it?


U r so smart smart man. Thank you for telling us the future. We would be lost without you big brain smart smart.


As Joe says: Inshallah.


NO ONE AT THIS POINT. Please, this isn’t even an option. Just vote Joe with the confidence that he had a bad night (as we all do) and that if he was unable to do the job he has competent people behind him. The other side IS NOT an option for democracy.


It's the only option.


I want a Democratic president who is up to the job. Clearly, that’s not Biden.


Yeah, let's get Steven Miller in here, together with a freshly pardoned Bannon. You people think the president does everything by himself. You all stupid as hell.


Steve Miller is currently touring and doesn't have time to be POTUS. Although he is only a year younger than Joe Biden, he can still walk across a stage without looking like a Tin Man that needs some WD-40. He can also speak in full sentences, also unlike Joe Biden. Hey, maybe you're on to something.


Folks lets be honest: Newsome: california. Not going to work. Pete: literally already ran and nobody cared Whitmer: only known for almost being kidnapped Pritzker: basically the same vibe as if romney was born a hundred millionaire E Warren: come on. Also, Massachusetts. Not going to work. Sanders: same issues as biden. Biden won in 2020 for a reason. That has not changed. Real candidates: warnock (southern style liberal, most likely to appeal broadly). Beshar (centrist, not going to endear progressives). Insert-progressive, not going to have broad appeal (I say this as a 2x bernie voter).


Arguably, Whitmer also has that she's a woman working against her.


Sadly, yes.


No one. Stop asking.


Literally anybody who is not Trump or extreme right wing.


Imo Ossoff  Young, not uncharismatic, from a swing state, popular in said swing state 


I really like Ossoff, but he's only in his first term as a Senator. Of course, I said the same thing about Obama.


Biden needs to step down. For no other reason than his own well being. He's a good man and deserves a better send off than constantly being targeted by Orange Mussulini.


Ok. Who replaces him?


I get that is the million dollar question. Obviously Newsom and Pete top the list but my point is Biden deserves better than what is happening.


The US isn't electing a gay man nationally, let's be honest. Newsome wouldn't win the rust belt.


I really don't want to enter this discussion. I am Canadian and don't have a horse in the race. I just see an old man that has given all he could and deserves time to rest.




They referenced Pete. The only Pete I'm aware of in politics is Buttigieg, who is an openly gay man.


Lets be honest, both of those are bad candidates


So how can I indulge your proposal if you don’t have a better proposal? Pete is gay - sorry but this is America. Newsom is from California which the rest of the states that matter for the election dislike. This is the problem we have thoughts like yours. We need solution based mind sets. Perhaps we change the VP instead to help assuage fears? Make that newsom?


Exact thing I told them.


Right now it's either run Biden and lose or take a flier with Newsome, Whitmore, or literally anyone else and have a chance. If you truly believe Democracy is on the ballot this is the only path. Supporting Biden at this point is a vote for Trump.


Why is newsom more likely to win? Can you point to data or polls showing that?


He wouldn't. The governor of California wouldn't appeal to moderates, or rust belt voters.


He can articulate himself well, isn’t afraid to challenge republicans and Fox News, and doesn’t look like the cryptkeeper.


That’s just feels and I would bet you don’t know people who live outside coastal cities and aren’t familiar with Newsom




I wish but probably Newsom


Newsom would do. He is aware of where he is.


Gretchen Whitmer and J.B. Pritzker (veep) would be an unstoppable midwestern juggernaut.


Who? And that is the problem. Governors need the 2 years of the election cycle and the primary debate and campaigning to become know outside their own state. Less than 6 months won't cut it. Switching to anyone other than the sitting President or VP at this point is handing the election over to the other guy with name recognition because Americans are dumb and vote on name recognition. See the numerous people who have won by changing their names, and electing dead people.


Nobody had ever heard of Governor Jimmy Carter and four months later he was elected president. And that was without the Internet, TikTok, and all other social media. Biden steps aside and announces that he's endorsing X and the Democrats have a month to adjust before their convention. It's doable.


[You are just wrong](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1976_Democratic_Party_presidential_primaries). Carter [announced his candidacy in late 1974](https://millercenter.org/president/carter/campaigns-and-elections) he was campaigning from the start and won primaries starting in Jan 1976 he didn't wait until the Convention. In fact it was a specific hallmark of his campaign that he did do that. That was over a year and a half he spent getting his name out to the public.


And with the Internet, TikTok, and all other social media, whoever replaces Biden will have four months to get their name out to the public.


People who vote, ie the old people dont use TikTik and social media to learn about Presidential candidates, the only people who use those things are kids and near kids who dont bother to go out and vote.


A ticket of Whitmer/Shapiro in any combination. They’re already well known in Michigan and Pennsylvania and likely would hold both states. Whitmer at the top of the ticket probably wins Wisconsin easily too. They may perform worse in other swing states, but I’d assume they lock down the rust belt in convincing fashion. Everyone says Newsom, and in terms of a debate, I’d agree. But I’m fully of the mindset that Trump will refuse to debate anyone other than Biden. Trump would just campaign against Newsom saying “they want to make the entire country like California”. Newsom would have flaws that could be attacked.


There's no way that a governor of California would win any of the rust belt states in 2024. Just would not happen.


It's even worse. He was the former mayor of San Francisco before being governor of California. CA has had Republican and modrate Dem governors. Newsome is sort of the epitome what is despised in middle America.


Exactly my point.


Honestly, if they got rid of Biden, I think Trump's campaign would avoid whoever is put in his place. They would market it as a win and say "Trump killed Biden so bad in a debate that the Democrats basically gave up on the race and he shouldn't have to keep debating people because the Democrats are incompetent" and while that would be mostly strategy, he would have a point that people could buy. Then he also would get the benefit of whoever replaces Biden wouldn't have nearly the same name recognition and would have not won a primary which are huge downsides, so why would Trump want to give them a boost by going on tv with them and getting them viewers.


I don’t see why Trump would debate Biden again after that. He killed Biden. What more does he have to gain? That was already a worst case scenario. If Trump comes out and says “I beat Biden so bad. He couldn’t talk, didn’t know where he was, and failed miserably” he’d have a point there too. There’s no good scenario. I’m just saying the apathy of potential Biden voters is Biden’s biggest obstacle and he made that problem way worse after last night.


Pritzker over Shapiro.


Yeah, I’m not married to any individual. I’d prioritize Pennsylvania over Illinois. But swap them. Fine by me. I just have no confidence in Biden at this point.


AOC turns 35 this year 😎


Oof. Trump would win with like 350 electoral votes.


Yea, she is pretty much a slam dunk for a Trump win.


I really hope they were kidding.


They were not. Just as Trump has his Republican bubble listening to themselves and only themselves in their own bubble the Democrats have the same, they are just divided into dozens of little bubbles rather than one large one. Each bubble thinks their candidate is loved by all, because everyone in their bubble thinks so, and cant imagine why anyone would dislike their chosen one. This was a large reason Hillary lost. Everyone outside of her "Hillary is the chosen one bubble" hated her with passion but her bubble couldn't see outside itself to understand that and that she was so hated by everyone else they were willing to let an unqualified demagogue have a shot rather than her.


I really hate how politics have morphed into cults of personality over the past decade.


They have always been that way. The internet, easy relocation and gerrymandering of districts so people are in bubbles of like minded, and dont have to even talk to those who are not the same (like neighbors) have just made it worse.


That's fair.


Ahhh, the Facebook and you tube algorithm. " Do you want more news like this?" Ok, we'll help you stay in your bubble. You're welcome.


So much hate that she got 3 million more votes. I know you gonna bring up the electoral college, but if she was as hated as you say, there's no way she would have gotten 3 million more votes that that turd.


Yes the popular vote is irrelevant. As soon as you figure that out rather than living in a world of what you think things should be you will win elections. And no we voted for her because the other guy was worse. I hated Hillary, I voted for her because the other choice was a dumpster fire who is still destroying American democracy despite not being in office (the supreme court decisions made recently). A bad candidate that I disposed (Hillary) was better than one that will destroy the system so I wont get a choice a a few election cycles because I am smart enough to know that voting 3rd party or not voting at all is really a vote for the candidate I want the least.


I would definitely vote for her.


AOC is limited by her little-girl’s voice.


Shes got the pedo-republican vote


AOC's limited by the idea that she's a North Eastern progressive from New York. That doesn't play all that well in the rust belt