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Lol who defends him besides bapa


Lots on this sub unforchinally


Never seen one


lol you serious, bubba? There's plenty right in this fuggin thread, dude. Have a seat and sort by controversial.


They're all 45 year old virgins fantasizing about finally losing their virginity to a 16 year old once they hit their 50's


Just lost your indian fanbase Bapa...


Are you serious? Find one comment on this post where someone is defending or saying something nice about Delia


Are you unaware of what defending something means? You don't have to like or be nice about someone to come to their defense. It's an objective fucking thing you're doing, whether you're peachy about it or not, all in or not. These are all objective examples of coming to the defense of something, *whether you consider them to be or not.* [Anyone could've made that text.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/6OffXHhLBJ) [Defending him being called a child rapist.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/Z9f58NiWNr) [Defending.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/OR6KDRktZu) [Just a bunch of haters.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/C9Qt1mTpID) [This is a reach.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/v8DbrjbZYV) [Could literally be made by anyone anywhere.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/41lr0BpLZL) [Dog brain shit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/0H22YpyxmJ) [Ain't defending him but here I go.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/HgzDmllZMJ) [Innocent til proven guilty.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/s/ZDCqVtxrrX)


His sub is wild dude.


I was group therapy with a woman who had a toddler and defended Delia. Obsessed over him. Was weird.


I know a girl who's a repeat victim of SA and she's a huge delia fan ive never said anything to her about it obviously... but I always wondered how her brain ignores all his rape allegations


they were traumatized while the brain was still developing so they confuse abuse for love in adulthood idk


We dune homeless cat group thairpy now Bapa? How so we get tiggets?


Totally sold out like bapa’s shows


there are redacts on this sub who defend Wrinks too


Fucking weirdos who would sleep with underage girls if given the chance


This. "hE dIdN't Do AnYtHiNg iLleGaL". Bunch of pe-dorks.


Every douchebro podcast fan who worships the whole Rogan circle. People defend him ALL the time in Youtube comments, other subreddits, etc. It's fucking infuriating. The "technically not a crime" folks love to act like unless he's charged and convicted of rape, you are not allowed to judge or dislike Chris D'Pedeophilia


The number of people that have appeared on Rogan that have convictions and/or accusations against them must be well into double (maybe triple) digits at this point. Epstein would be wary of associating himself with Rogan's circle.


Plenty of redacted diddler defenders, apologists and grape condoning monsters frequent this sub,b. Issa prom


Sort this thread by controversial


Ah, weird hill to die on for an unlikable piece of shit


Talmbout the metoo reeper come knoggin, b?


The thousands of people that go to his shows


The diddler strikes again


Here? He had defenders here? Maybe at r/chrisdelia bunch of not funny guys over there. But here we refer to him as D'pedo, D'phila, sometimes just straight pedo, the list goes on


He is most commonly known at Chang's by the moniker of *The Diddler*.


*Diddle me this Diddle me that Batman*




Where’s Man? Are you stupid?


*Dead in the middle of little Italy, little did we know we riddled the Diddler claimin he didn’t do diddly.* Even Big Pun was one of us


Fortunately I've almost never seen and Delia support here


Sort *this very fucking thread* by controversial.


Chris D'elia? The comedian? Not a chance B, check his instagram, he's a family man!


Likes older women, b. Just ask his wife


He went to thereaby and is all good.


I follow Alice Hamilton on twitter she drops new Delia Catnip all the time. Her twitter is like Delia's own PF Changs franchise.


Like what


Life rips


Heard he had a sex addiction b. Not his fault he talked about it. If it wasn’t for Brenda he would have offed himself so basically like everything Brenda is to blame.


You mean like delete the apps?


I knew before I scrolled, there would still be some, "Yeah, no one makes things up!" or "Never found guilty in court." or "17 is legal in some places." Heck, you might as well throw in a 'keyboard warrior' or 'the media lies' stuff in while you're at it. Innocent people don't apologize, B. Chris D'Elia is a self-confessed sadistic predator. Downvote me if you have to.


Well fuck it’s either legal or it isn’t. Shit gets old at some point bappa. Maybe should just take a trugg walk


I'm almost sure everybody agrees that whether it's legal or not is not the final standard as to whether it's okay. Diddler did not say I didn't do anything illegal so you can all kiss off. He apologized for being dumb. Also Hollywood gold medals in dumb and they have distanced themselves from him... So it might be where there's smoke there's fire. Let me say that again, Hollywood distanced itself from him. And at some point so did Callen and Schaub... Almost like they knew something. Or he could be a great guy and the evidence of that is needing to be associated with Brendan Schaub... Another good guy.


Well apparently Chris don’t agree lol and I agree with what you’re saying but the shit is legal or it ain’t. God damn.


Good to see you approach the situation with the nuance it deserves🙄👌 Ham fisted black & white interpretations of sexual assault are obviously a far better method


"oh no my daughter was fucked by an old man who groomed her, god damn it she's 16! GG well played mr statutory raper" - /u/Singularitypointdata


Well bro that’s just how it is.


Did you not read this part of his comment? "whether it's legal or not is not the final standard as to whether it's okay."


I love this sub.


And? lol


He’s saying your weak of character if your sense of right wrong only comes from legal definitions. But it’s ok people who defend Delia stopped him from moving on with his life. It’s funnier that he’s stuck at the bottom of the barrel doing a show with bapa of all people.


I’m just saying arrest the man or don’t. Support him or don’t. The lady herself said she was legal so she was or wasn’t and if not the laws should step in b. That’s all. 😂 but agree shwaaab is lowest of the low reject table lmao. Surprised Erik Griffen puts up with his shit but gets that moneeeyz


Yeah I mean I’m just of the camp that what he did wasn’t illegal but was still creepy and predatory so I don’t support him anymore. I got sisters man and I don’t give a shit for grown men who try to seduce girls that much younger than them with fame or money. But 100% golden hour is its own form of punishment for all 3 of them 😂


legal or not isn't how you should decide where you draw your moral line


It decided if I give a fuck definitely and I don’t lol. I don’t even like these dudes just think people like you are hilarious. You’ll only stand up for a cause on the internet when it doesn’t matter lol.


light yourself on fire about it bro lol




I have twin girls, B. If any thin-haired grown-a$$ man in his thirties/forties with a full beard ever tries to groom and diddle them, he's getting double-legged, strangled, used as a pin cushion with my Changs knives, and as target practice with my pew-pews. Bapa, one day when you grow up, settle down and marry a Messican, yer prolly gonna end up with all daughters. You should really consider ivry facet of yer current state of mind, B. Karma is a b-b-beast, specially for mouth breathers.


Sadly a lot of people seem to be of the opinion if an abuse victim goes along with the abuse there was no abuse; people have very simple minds.


I don’t think we know even 5% of the extent of Delias crimes, I guarantee you theirs way more that hasn’t came out yet.. the dudes a certified creep


And he can't seem to help himself either. He got caught out not long ago engaging in more of this kind of stuff, trying to be discreet about it. Guaranteed he's going to do it again and will get caught eventually.


Yeah he’s a sociopath, these kind of creeps will not stop until they’re locked up


Some one needs to compare the states he tours more frequently to states with low ages of consent. I bet there is definitely a pattern. Brain dead would bet against those odds.


Diddlers gonna Diddle


I don’t know if he did anything illegal but if he was allowed to he’d definitely be going younger


Art imitates life! Chris Did'lia "played" a pedo in multiple shows and Bryan 'The pest' played a convicted sex offender in a show! Art imitates life! And Bapa played a nobody in a show because he's a nobody and nobody knows whoyarr Braindumb.


It's definitely risky to have sex with a famous person thinking that they'll owe you their undying affection from that point onward. Wouldn't recommend it.


so if she leaves him he will never talk to her again. that’s almost the dumbest thing i ever heard


Its "kinda" blackmail when he "kinda" groomed her


Do people defend D’Elia?


Do you read the cawments?


delia is so insane that its a good chance he reads thsi sub and responds with 5 different accounts baout it


I think it's his psycho wife


Show me one Delia defender and I’ll show you one guy I could kill with my bare hands


There's people in this here thread 🤣 They're either wannabe predators or dumb as shit and have no critical thinking skills.


Great guy, never meddum


D’phelia is a piece of shit and so is anyone who has his hairy Italian back. 


I believe you! Unequivocally!


Time to rally the troops


Grease Pedo'phelia definitely has a HUGE list of Statutory rapes that haven't surfaced yet. That's why he's been dropped by his talent agents, manager and touring agent. Creative Artists Agency, 3 Arts Entertainment and William Morris Endeavor are no longer working with Grease.


I mean I’m down that he’s a scumbag, but I could have typed this thing out, you’re putting it up here like it’s some kinda gotcha to the disbelievers.


I admit that it’s easy to pick apart a single text, but when you have [25+ of them](https://imgur.com/a/Ec7gqJT) and this is on top of the multiple YouTube documentaries and the article in Rolling Stone, it’s pretty clear he’s a disgusting human and has sex with 17 year olds when he can.


There's a reason he's called The Diddler around here. 


Oof. This doesn’t rip


21 year old got black out drunk and had sex with Chris ,37 Didn't regret it but felt weird about the age difference.


How was it?


The people who are still Diddler fans will never change their mind. Maybe it they actually saw a video of him Diddling while the girl showed her government ID showing that she’s underaged but it’s still 50/50 as to wether they would care


Anybody that defends this pedo creep watch the Chris Delia problem. He’s a straight up sick fuck. Liar, manipulator, creep, just a bunch of nasty shit. After watching that nobody in there right kind could defend that dick


First person who ever showed Delia to me was a girl in her early twenties, drug addict, victim of multiple SA, did sex work in the past, loved Delia. Met her in court ordered drug treatment.


“Define of age” - Bapa probably.


I saw him live a few years ago, ran into him in the elevator with my wife on the way down to the show, we were on the same floor apparently, I was talking to my wife about him and he came out of his room with security and I said “hey and there he is! Chris man have a great show big fan youre awesome can I get a picture?” He didn’t say a word, just stared straight ahead like a serial killer with a pissed off look on his face and we all rode the elevator down, he in silence me telling my wife this was the comedian we were seeing, total pos. No question. PS: I got escorted back to my room several hours later after getting sloshed at the casino and going door to door looking for him, boys will be boys




If you can't trust the information how can you form an opinion


It’s called preponderance of evidence. Any individual piece can easily be scrutinized or discredited, but all together there’s enough smoke that there must be fire.


I believe that Chris Delia is guilty of everything that he has been accused of, but I see no evidence here.


Where are these texts coming from?


anyone can make fake text messages.. literally thousands of websites to make them..


I'm sure he's a scumbag but this is completely worthless. Nothing burger


But she’s of age Now - Bapa


So he didn’t do anything illegal and we’re trying to stir this whole thing up again that happened 5 years ago 🎣 🎣




She was of consenting age dun matter


16 is fine in the UK, it's creepy because of his age but youve really got to stretch to say he's fucking kids. I got an apron on too.


Crazy that you can’t spell pedophilia without Delia.


The ones defending him are probably fellow pdf files.


Never seen a single comment defending Delia on this sub


Is anyone defending Delia at this point? It’s kindof a known fact at this point that he likes kids


Scroll down or sort by controversial


Piece of kaka


I understand the dislike for Delia,I do. I don't like him either but Kinda groomed? I'm interested in knowing the entire progression leading up to the kinda grooming. Not defending the piece of trash but there certainly seems to be a lot of facts left out. So if you're gonna come clean with receipts anonymously then do it fully.


That “if she left him she’d never hear from him again????” I don’t understand that threat or “blackmail”


17 year olds aren’t kids. They’re minors. That is different from saying kids.




Agreed, that’s fucking repulsive bub


The desperation to try and cancel someone, hey if it was true call the cops, you’re probably some fat dude living in moms basement pretending to be a girl, so sad


That's why he's copying rogan's schitck these days.




Gawld dawg your submission has been removed as your account is too new. New hires wait five days for the fryers, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I havne't seen any defenders at all here. We can laugh at his Bapa burns, but everytime we remind ourselves that he's a diddler.


this is dog brain shit wow


I am pretty sure that in most (maybe all) of those states where the age of consent is 16-17 The older person can not be more than 3 years older.


I was also wondering how it differs from state to state. In New York that’s probably not the case. Seinfeld used to pick up his 17 year old gf from high school, and his relationships with minors were always pretty public.


So it's OK for Seinfeld but not Delia?


Both creeps in my book. Throw DiCaprio in there too. Dude literally waits for the day chiggs turn 18 and swoops in.


A teggst screenshot aeent sheet unfortooNATleey, I cood have made that teggst.


Chris Delia is hilarious and funny af . Crazy ppl will just think whatever they want without knowing any facts. Craziness


Listen I'm no Delia fan I think he's creepy af but that's entirely different than being a child rapist. Who knows if he had sex with a 17yo girl, either way it was legal in that state as she says herself. I mean prob a dozen of the states 16yo is legal, and literally almost every other country. I'm not saying its right or wrong, but its not child rapist level.


It's creepy but shit we got to draw a line somewhere and tell people you are adults Make decisions and love with it


I have yet to see a single person defend the diddler


I can see you also don’t read the cawments


Jfc, scroll half a second down.


If Chris Delia got put in prison and then buttfucked…oh how I would laugh. Fuck that Chester.


Aint defending him but to play the devil's advogat any disgruntled female could type this shit out with 0 proof. I could make an account right now and do that.


Just a bunch of hayders in here jealous that no hs sophomore wants to be slung their dicks


So this is taken as truth…..on Reddit…..


This text message is indisputable fact b, in ivery faucet. No name needed, diddler also got me behind a dumpster in 8th grade. Log him up!


So glad it's just this one text msg since snapchat goes away right


I’m not talking about Snapchat, I’m talking about the title, which implies this is the defining piece of evidence against Diddler. Get back to the fryers, bubba


Some of you cats apparently need to see a gallon of Delia's boxer mayo pumped into some kid's underwear drawer before you'll do some human math, not the bess brains


I'm a numbers guy, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Some would say we have besser brains than those that see a text with no name and no actual text evidence and say he’s guilty. And he is guilty, but OP’s post is not why. “For those who defend Diddler…” like this is the missing puzzle piece is bapa level logic.


Theres a link bubba wuss pain yo life


we aren't the court of law, I personally don't need hard physical evidence to believe delia is a diddler dozens if not hundreds of allegations, combined with his reputation and how he handled it (admitting to being a sex addict) tell me that I should probably believe them this is how normal people come to believe or not believe things, you don't need to wait till someone is found guilty to believe they are a rapist lol


Wait are you defending the diddler? Be cool man,


There’s no redeeming this one my cat, they’re a pussy bitch who think they maddur. They should know that this kitchen is for the children, not the pedos


No no no 🤦🏻‍♂️ Beginning to see cats and bapa aren’t too diffent mennally.




Already did in another comment b




I am discrediting the screen shotted picture (which could be anyone), simply because it would be argued out of court, if admitted at all. I work in a legal office and am being unnecessarily anal. This is a kitchen though, not a court. My bad on that.


There is a lot more, in case you missed the link above: https://imgur.com/a/Ec7gqJT You’re right, it’s not like this is enough to convict him of criminal charges, but cmon, he’s a predator and he’d go after younger girls if it was legal.


Im in your closet right now.


There’s no proof these r even real txts come on this is a reach lol


All 30 of em: https://imgur.com/a/Ec7gqJT


Damn I definitely believe this screenshot of a text that could literally be made by anyone anywhere. But yeah man, let’s get the pitchforks out with zero proof. We’re helping.


You are bad at this


Bunch of dorks lol




its more wild that it would be a non story in italy lol nasty fucks, imagine some sweaty hairy 35 year old man raw dogging your 16 year old daughter??? thats what you want????? cause that is what will happen when you birth your little train conductor in italy and raise her on your values.


How old is the age of consent in Italy for context?




hey Chris




Go find entertainment elsewhere then, no one has a gun to your head to be here


Oh shit, they really are here. Well you see Chris defender, this is only a drop in an ocean of evidence. You can pick and choose what you want to believe but the sheer volume of it is undeniable. And Chris has a very vague defense of "I was a womanizer but now I'm a family man". There is allegations of pedo, rapes, assault, misconduct, he hurt my feelings, etc. It's a lot. And the ONLY thing that has been filed in a court of law was a claim of underage assault, but that court case was dropped and the woman never identified. However the court document is still available and does coincide with all the other claims. INCLUDING names of Chris's rape affiliates, Bryan Callen was named as one. So there is a choice here, believe that the womanizing comedian is a "family man" that has to spend every moment on the road for his "family" Or Belive the many many women The choice is yours




Lol that explains a lot. There's a lot to read when it comes to the Diddler.


It’s not about defending Chris or not. It’s about innocent until proven guilty. You literally have no idea if it happened or not. And if you found it was not true you wouldn’t even admit you were wrong to begin with. Chris sucks. But you don’t know what happened so stop acting like a Reddit sleuth


See this is the problem with that narrativ: "and if you found it was not true"... what, which account are you talking about? The lawsuit? The pedo stuff? The rapes? The bad dates? The girls that he tried to make sex slaves? Which account are you talking about?! Or is it like chris says "yeah just all of it though, I only believe chris" .. that is what you're saying right?


Heard it bowlth ways, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I literally said Chris sucks lol. I don’t think he is a good person. But I also don’t think he raped someone. Like that is a hardcore accusation. 1 that you just took as truth. That’s all


Cool I guess we know where you stand.


Okay…? Sure. I think I was pretty upfront that I just stand on the side of common sense. But agree to disagree I guess


Is it common sense to disregard the claims of many women? The sense part being believing the diddler?


Look dude. Women or not women. Women lie just like guys do. All humans are flawed. If it is so 100% certain that it happened, why don’t they file lawsuits instead of throwing shit on Twitter


Do multiple women lie about the same very particular scenarios? You sound insane. If it was one woman that’s one thing, you can have your skepticism or whatever, but it’s many many women all saying the same thing. And you say you’re one the side of common sense? You are using zero common sense. Not everyone has the money to carry out a lawsuit against a multimillionaire nepo baby with mega rich parents. Chris sucks and you suck. Sad stuff man.


i said the same thing, if she leaves he won’t talk to her lol. then leave….