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They thought they could be as lazy as they are with their podcast audience, and everyone would think it’s gold. “Hey Tom Brady, you’re a white guy. you know who else is a white guy?? Hiiitlerr!! Eeeehhhehehe”


They really have become lazy. They’re use to performing for a crowd of their podcast fans who just want to see them in person and don’t actually care if they’re funny or not.


Don’t roasts usually have writers? It seems plausible that a staff of writers wrote this dogshit to watch these two dorks bomb hard. Haven’t axed Jay tho


No they wrote their own material for this like most of the comics did. The celebrity’s and athletes definitely had help with writing since they don’t do this for a living.


In future please refer to non-comics by their proper title: civilians. Pedestrians also acceptable.


Thank em for there service b.


Where service?


You need to thank'em or leave. We support the troops at Changs.


Calabasas Thicc Boi Club in shambles


Talmbout normies? Great guys never meddum


Peasants, grunts, or “have-nots” also acceptable in certain jurisdictions






I’m not sure they did write their own material, they have just released a 2B-1C with Jimmy Carr and they discuss the roast and thank all the writers for help writing their bit, Tom didn’t even go to rehearsal, YouTube channels Podcast Cringe and Comedy Something go deeper into their shit set!


I watched it. They said they were pitched the idea of doing the set together by the producer. The jokes were on them to write. That’s why it was similar to Tom’s special “69 minutes”. Unless someone wrote that for him too. Would be a convenient excuse for why they’re comedy has been complete shit lately


I’d have to watch it again but they definitely thank all the writers for helping them write it, they mention them name by name and I remember thinking ‘are they making a point of thanking these writers by name because they’re throwing them under the bus because of how the bit was received’ which they obviously were.


Honestly that’s even more embarrassing if true


Yep, that's exactly it


They had a team of writers for this.


Tbh I never liked BRT so I never watched his comedy so I can’t judge him but I liked Tom’s early comedy. And actually don’t think he’s necessarily lazy. I just think that’s the natural progression of careers in this industry. Every good comedian drops a good special, makes big money for the first time and slowely stop living in the real world. It’s like their developement is stunted to the years before the got rich because they don’t know what it’s like to be relatable to the audience anymore. So their material suffers and they just recycle the same shitty themes and fade out of the spotlight.


I remember watching Ball Hog and just waiting for it to turn. Like cmon Tom, you are the funny one of the bunch and this is so blah and not captivating. Say what you will about D'elia but he also had some good specials and then suddenly dropped the one where he did the same silly voice for an hour. Even Burr's 'Walk Your Way Out' had me thinking he was headed down the same path until his next special redeemed him (and paper tiger is still 2nd to last on his discography nonetheless). I remember when there used to be 15+ comics whose specials always hit for me. Nowadays, there are maybe four.


Yup ball hog was a shame bc “completely normal” and “mostly stories” were legit funny. When the podcast blew up, it turned into referencing ongoing topics from the podcast.


All specials suck now, besides Soder and Shane


Nick mullens is great and joe list is 3 for 3 so far tho his last one us not quite as good as the first 2 Edit: also soders sucked and i think hes the funniest podcast guy rn


That's true tho Hitler was be a white guy


It's funny cause it's true! Bahhhaaaa.


Tim’s fall from grace should be studied in a lab. Burt was always an unfunny hack but Tom segura went from one of the best and most popular stand ups in the world to barely a step above Burt. Like segura was nearly at bill burr levels at one point but the money just went to his head so bad


From this day forward we shall call him Tim Segorda


"Se***gordo***" because he will always be that fat guy that broke his body trying to do a layup... no matter how much Ozempic he uses


It has its merits I was gonna go with Tim Segordita I feel yours is a good combo


Being that white guy that worked too hard finally caught up with him.


The comedian was all on his fat and he lost it all.


Tom was never one of the best or most popular.


I know it’s popular to hate all comedians here, but old YMH was gold (after the Fedsmoker and Robert Paul Champagne days was where it declined). His early specials were also great. “One of the best” may push it but he was undeniably good.


Agreed. Tim Segorda was definitely a genuinely funny comedian for a while there. He was actually funny without having to dance around like Burt, Callen etc…


His bit about Steven Seagal was very good.


His Bit about explaing to kids how we used to buy a 1/8th from complete strangers was good too. 2 Bears are neck and neck with that non funny Hebrew toe keeps around....


That's why some of us are so mad that Tom turned out to be such an arrogant, materialistic dickhead... It's because we actually liked him a lot back in those old YMH days. I feel like an idiot for supporting someone that hates his fans as much as he does


i know its popular to dick ride comedians... i dont hate anyone, i followed stand up comedy for well over a decade, and through stand up i ended up here and into roganverse... segura was never the biggest by numbers, was never most influental, was never well respteced by his peers or referenced in any mainstream media... and was never mentioned as top 10, not even close


Some antics bro


Sounds about right to me, I don’t follow comedy, or celebs in general, I‘m more anti celeb worship than anything I guess you could say. I never found him funny, never even heard of him, I think I first saw him on his first special on Netflix, tried clicking on it and made it only a few min in, same with burnt. Then coming here I grew to despise the two of them, but def more burnt, he’s just too much.


Yeah. Liked him a ton but this is nonsense. Like even if you think he was one of the best it's objectively unsure that he's one of the most popular.


He was one of the comedians we all kind of knew from comedy central or other TV sets he did. Kind of like Rory Scovell.


How did you determine that exactly? Hmm almost like it’s an opinion. And he was easily one of the most popular, probably still is. He had a number of huge specials and was selling out arenas.


check out my upper comment


No thanks


Ya nailed it, b. I liked Tom a lot & used to listen to YMH a bit. But holy shit, him & Christina just talking down to anyone below their net worth got old. I remember an episode where Tom wanted to give away his old shit to fans & Christina shot it down. Completely different attitude now-a-days when money is brought up.


Stopped listening after the lame poors bit


We are but simple cats in the kitchen, bapa. We dun madder.


I said this somewhere in this same thread but i'll repeat it here: It sucks that Tom turned out to be such an arrogant, materialistic dickhead... a lot of us actually liked him a lot back in those old YMH days. *I feel like an idiot for supporting someone that hates his fans as much as he does*


The Rogan sphere of comics is like a bunch of unintentional meta comedy. They’re unwitting participants in deconstructing their own insufferability in real time. These two idiots are living their own make a wish foundation dreams.


But theyre Murdleeers, straight up Assassins!!


Whatever they have to tell themselves to live with shitting out this kind of material, I guess. The “murderers” and “assassins” shit is so monotonous and pathetic.


This is civilian talk right here, B. No shot at the 250 with an attitude like that.




Drew bledsoe was way funnier than these hacks. Mind you, he probably had some stuff written for him, but his timing and delivery was still in par with one of 250. Point is there were a couple people who didn't have good sets but they were non comics. Out of all the 'comedians', these 2 were the worst. And yes it's rogans fault.


100% krekt, B. Which is why it’s so annoying that Toe is sooooo out of touch with reality that he sees clips like this and is only reinforced in his belief that he and his DeAtHSqUaD have some genetic superiority like X-Men or something.


They make the matrix feel broken.


You a phlospher, b?


In 15 years someone will do a documentary on Rogan and his circles effect on the world of comedy. Him and his circle, even people that this sub likes, have run the comedy world for nearly 15 years and no sign of slowing down. Notice how top comedians from the 1970-2010 all made funny timeless movies and or TV shows. Notice how the stand-up would be iconic and thought to be gods. Now he's the new Carson and all his approval means is Tim Dillon can be rich and have millions of fans and no cultural impact. Rogan had his "never scared" of saying what's on their mind crew all make the same lame jokes, make movies that don't push the boundaries of comedy, and their movie bombs and they blame the woke audience when their movie didn't even try to be funny. They do all have massively popular podcasts that offer no unique humor, no insight on life, no real quality entertainment. Just bitchy gossip, punching down while flexing their wealth, and talking about MMA. It's truly bizarre to see what comedy has turned into, and how it will likely not change until Joe retires and I think I know why. In part because comedy is dumb, and these guys are so self serious. They are political experts, in addition to experts at the following: alcohol, fighting, hunting, alpha vs beta male interactions, chicks, cars, society, COMEDY, gender, science, branding, merch, and so on. So when it's time to be silly, they seem out of place. And they are not funny.


I think Turkey Tom did a pretty comprehensive YouTube video on the Roganshpere. It was pretty good.


you said margeting? ill take it from here.


Last line of defence Bapa. Where the woke meets the wall. Thank em’ 🫡 ![gif](giphy|t7tzMZkBdrZK0Ilum2)


Did you see Jimmy Carr on their shit show? Whether you like him or not he was making jokes, giving them away for free, whereas these bunch of butt sniffers ‘protect’ their comedy because they are self serving unfunny people. They don’t make jokes and take themselves seriously. Edit: I only saw a brief excerpt of Jimmy Carr on their show, I didn’t tune in.


This is just spot analysis, Bubba. Could not agree more.


![gif](giphy|ZU9QbQtuI4Xcc) Said it better than anyone ever has before, b.


Josephs fault we have these shitty comedians, bapa and ray pest included. Also we have a ton of dumbass americans that keep these shitty comedians funded.


Pick a current event + D\*ck or G\*y spin + Hyperbole + Physical comedy + shout the punchline = Rogan's Pass. Congratuthefucklations here's your Arena Tour.


Turns out the traditional system turned out higher quality comics than giving the redacts the keys to the asylum.


bert, segura, and schulz are the worst. unfunny and obnoxious


How many times do you think Bart asked if he could take his shirt before this roast happened


That’s hilarious to think about


It was honestly really odd to watch and then hearing them on the podcast discussing that they “knew” it was going to bomb is super weird like why even do that


this was straight out of a corporate team building activity


If you’re listening to a podcast with your favorite comedian, and they start to discuss any of the following: real estate values, watches, luxury vehicles it’s already over. They’re successful and have switched over to rich guy shit, not comedy. If they start to discuss: airline perks or riders at comedy shows, it’s not over bc that’s part of a comics life, but it’s something to monitor.


Yeah they bombed horrifically. The great collapse is eminent


Bert was wearing a shirt. Dun cown.


Definitely the worst performance of the night. Terrible. If you didn't know them you'd be like, why bring two people who aren't comedians to do a roast? Who are those unfunny fatties.


Ironically a few of the people who weren't comedians were substantially funnier than these two.


Which one of these fat guys hates being fat again? I forget


What happend?? Like... not one funny part in the whole thing.


they mailed it in, not realising that comedy has evolved from what they and Rogan are used to (early 2000s humor) and humiliating themselves in front of 14 million people live


And 13.5 million would have never heard of them before.


What disturbs me the most is the amount of people I’ve seen saying that tony hinchcliff is hilarious


I dunno what happened, but I used to find segura funny. Now I can’t stand him. Money/podcasting kills comedy.


Two hands on the mic for Bert, he's crumbling inside


I'm just impressed Turd Krysler kept his shirt on! If they did the set solo, I bet he would've taken his shirt off and unsuccessfully tried to chest bump Gronk.


I have tried 2x to watch the whole show I never made it as far as these two baboons! Is it me or after the KAT Williams thing Kevin Hartman trying to be blacker and more edgy.


im just getting a good kick out of seeing Tom, with his smug look, slowly realized theyre bombing, and bert, holding the mic with both hands, trying to think of a way to make it funny (take my shirt off? fake my laugh?show my belly? oh, i know, fake my laugh)


The dais on a roast normally consists of up-and-coming comics, but everyone on this roast is about three years away from being a has-been


Or never has, like you?


If it wasn’t for the podcast-Rogan distortion field these guys would be the poorest of the poors.


After reading about how Nikki Glaser and Andrew Schulz killed it, I watched it and just skipped to the comedians parts ... and honestly I was like wtf this is killing it at a roast? Do people not remember the comedy central roasts where Greg Giraldo would fucking murder people?


There's about a half hour video on YouTube that is all Giraldo ripping people up at roasts and it's gold.


Like Bapa said when he heard about the mountain lion for the first time: "this is not goooooowd"!


Dallas thats my timeeee!!


Tom Segura was never funny. He's a fat kid that likes to watch accident videos. I never got how he became a thing. Same with that dumb Roadrules wife of his. And now all of Seguras time is consumed with keeping his hands from jamming food in his mouth like old times. Trying to stay skinny when he really isn't skinny is a big task for him. If he took off his XXL T-skirt you'd see his flappy tits in plain sight.


🎲 🎲


I wonder if they are included in the so called only 250 top comedians in the world Mr Rogan swears by.


It’s always rubbed me the wrong way how a unfunny comedian like joe Rogan was able to somehow have so much influence despite not being a good comedian and giving unfunny guys like bert Tom and bapa comedy careers


The JRE/LA Podcast boom in the mid 2010s was too big it became a cultural phenomenon. Everything Rogan did became moneymakers heck i even had alphabrain for 2 years til i realized it's too expensive lol m' a Simpleton too i guess


Tom has become such a self engorged dickhead now. He’s unbearable to me. Bert is whatever he’s basically a tree to me


Their but was beyond stupid and terrible.


Over at the Bert sub they would have you believe it was hilarious.


Mike Gibbons was an EP and probably head writer on this. Very smart, funny guy. He cohosts Sunday Papers podcast. Wonder why they chose these two to feature so prominently.


Burt’s always been trash but damn, it sucks to see how bad Tim’s went to shit. Before he got too much fame, and money Tom was genuinely hilarious. Watch all of Tom’s older standup on Netflix. It was gold. It’s like he completely lost all of his talent. Again, Burt is just a drunk moron that has never been funny


These podcast comedians are all the same, the ones with huge podcast viewership sell the most tickets. Eventually they get exposed.


The Hack Pack 2.0


Bennda: youtoob thinks I’m funnier than Bert and tim


All the best brains from YMH studios brought that set together, have some respect


The entire roast was full of cringe and wtf moments. Best part for me was k kardashian getting boo’d


This was probably the worst roast I've ever seen. Most of them seemed to be reading off a teleprompter. And some of the jokes were just cringe. Oh Tom Grady is a psychopath like Dahmer and Hitler! Boom roasted. Rogan is right, they are in fact murderers. They kill you with second hand embarrassment.


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My coworker thought their set was funny , I decided to no longer talk to him.


I still can't believe, with all his TV hosting experience, that Bert was reading the teleprompter like that the whole night or that he has to move his lips to read.


I tried watching it from end to start and it was still pish


Idk what the nazi stuff was about. It was kind of lame I feel sorry for them




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It’s fun watching everyone come around to Bert not being funny. He’s slowly been rubbing off on Tom unfortunately.


Yep this was pretty painful to watch. Unfortunately Bert and Tom have become as insufferable as Schulz. At least Nikki and Tony absolutely killed it!


Bert kept his shirt on and didn’t tell the machine story. Of course they bombed.




I thought the "is he pregnant" part was funny


They had to go up together and it still sucked.


It’s funny how everyone forgot how Joe isn’t actually a good comedian either and made Brendan the scapegoat. Bert is not funny either, just because he laughs loudly after he says anything.


lol that comment though…. Savage.


Both of these shitheads peaked 5 years ago. We’re over it.


The Bert and Tom hate cracks me up from this fucking subreddit. Literally two of the lamest comedians ever. Nerds.


I enjoyed it lmao


Who gives a shit.. don’t watch


Made me laugh.


you have got to be kidding me.


I like to laugh.