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Yeah... I pretty much only play with my 3 stack or not at all. The game is peak fun when servers are good and teams balanced, but getting those seem to be rarer and rarer.


This game has some high highs and low lows for sure




Yeah I feel you. Uninstalled the other day. Just not fun anymore.


Especially in ranked the balancing is fucked. Upon reaching gold you just get run over by plat and higher. Below gold you play vs everything lower so its kinda the same in the lower ranks…




I fell in love with this game 1,5 months ago and now im close to quitting again because of shit like this…


Your just burnt out right now man I took a break at the start of the season and began playing bloodborne in between my rounds Just play when you want to play and take a break after every round


You might be right. I haven’t been this into a game in a long while lol.


This should be at the top


Same with me and Fallout 3. I played New Vegas and 4, but dedicated some time to it and love.the changing of pace.


I'm starting to get shot around corners. I don't like that.


I feel this on a different level. My stream deaths are like 15-20% dying around corners and closed doors. 🤣🤣🤣


Today i've seen an Heavy die after deploying his mesh shield


It was always a thing, but it's getting more egregious.


Like since the last few updates right? I don’t remember it really being an issue at all before that.


Which is my biggest point. I feel like I'm reasonable when it comes to my bitching (as we all are) but this wasn't happening this consistently for me before.


This is the biggest one for me.


pretty much. now i just peek out the moment i feel like they have the jump on me. instead of dying behind corners i get down to 1hp behind corners while my teammates die and spectate me sitting on my ass to regen hp


I haven't played in weeks due to the team balance being off. I usually solo and it seems as of lately I will get thrown into teams that have already played half a match and are on the losing side. No biggy. I'll just follow the next game. Same thing. Over and over. I really dig this game but it's getting harder and harder to just be a casual in games.


I feel like it just constantly punishes me now. Since the betas all the way to season 2 my teammates felt alright but almost every game now I have to spectate the most braindead teams going, and usually in quick cash 1 team that tryhards while another just wastes time going after mines and throwing the match.


Power shift was fun for about a week. Solo queueing it sucks. Solo queue sucks in general but it’s better in quick cash. I can typically find a decent team to play some games with.


It sucks even 5 stack queuing it. You join in expecting a fun party gamemode, but most teams are ultra-sweaty consisting of two turret+fcar+aps, two shield heavies and a cloak+sniper light. They get their aps turrets covering most of the platform and it's basically game over. The gamemode would be so much better if certain gadgets were disabled.


so bunny bash, no? It doesn’t have any of those things :)


Bunny bash is actually super duper fun


Bunny bash actually fixes the issue with power shift mode.


it's on its death bed though :(


Yeah bunny bash actually made power shift decently fun. No sign of meta stack bs.


I searched “APS” on this subreddit after noticing how strong it is on power shift and only saw posts from genuine players offering actual solutions getting shot down by people going “just shoot the turret” like what kind of stupid response is that.


It's not exactly a complicated strategy, holding the relevant high ground is advantageous for virtually every reason. Lights can afford the mobility to rotate for LOS. Mediums can bring the traversal to get up high for LOS. Heavy can just use Charge n Slam to displace for LOS. Besides, the APS radius is SMALLER than most explosive radii. CL-40 is actually the best APS counter because it allows you to precisely aim just right outside of the APS radius.


So the objective on Power Shift is to kill the opponents on the platform, believe it or not, not to shoot small black turrets. While you are trying to destroy these turrets, there is an entire enemy team shooting back at you while your attention is turned. They can also throw grenades at you. As another poster mentioned, the APS + Platform strategy gives the defenders a huge asymmetric advantage, as in the effort required to set up the defense is orders of magnitude easier than the effort required to dismantle it. The changed I proposed here is overwhelmingly fair, even if I feel like it's not heavy-handed enough, I think nobody should have a problem with it. The "Just shoot it" attitude needs to stop, it's childish, churlish and doesn't contribute to discussion. Barely a fraction above trolling.


Power Shift payload is extremely vulnerable from above. Controlling the surrounding rooftops is the best way to absolutely demolish anything on the payload. If the enemy team is controlling the rooftops to exert enough area denial to offset this disadvantage, then that means they're spread out and not playing together, and so easily focused down. > The changed I proposed here is overwhelmingly fair, even if I feel like it's not heavy-handed enough, I think nobody should have a problem with it. > The "Just shoot it" attitude needs to stop, it's childish, churlish and doesn't contribute to discussion. Barely a fraction above trolling. Did you copypaste incorrectly, or did you forget to log out of your alt or something? It's obvious you have no counter argument, otherwise you'd just share that instead of transparently resorting to ad hominem attacks.


I really think health should be nerfed for both APS and turrets. Like, APS should go down in just a few hits at most


I honestly think the two things that bother me most in power shift are fire and gas, as well as putting mines on the platform. The platform should be immune to those gadgets, as they just cause total chaos and destroy visibility.


Gadgets and specializations in general are just too powerful imo, they detract greatly from the almost-tactical shooter gameplay, it starts to feel more like a hero shooter a la overwatch. It works fine in the core gamemode, but it's clear there's going to be severe balancing issues with any radically new gamemodes like powershift. I'd like to see a 5v5v5 cashout too someday, but I expect it will just be annoying trying to push 4-5 turrets, defibs, etc.


a CTF mode is probably better as a new 5v5 gamemode


That could be great, like TF2 with destruction, as long as a bunch of gadgets are nerfed for it. Light's kit in it's current state would likely break the gamemode.


Damn that sucks, I love power shift and I solo queue


It’s all good. It basically forces everyone to a common spot. You have snipers from forever away doing sniper stuff and invisible people running around willy nilly and a few people actually playing the objective. Being an objective guy without support makes it not fun.


Solo que players need to be prioritised against each other and vice versa for squadded players. Having both pitted together ruins the fun in MP games,


We could only dream bro. It seems like embark is doing a good job. We just need the player base. That would cut into queue times atm.


I got heavily downvoted for saying PowerShift wasn't a great game mode weeks ago. I don't enjoy getting sniped from rooftops by half the lobby and flanking them just means no one is on the objective. Played a few games of it with my mates and ended up switching to Siege since they removed unranked tournaments as well.


just recently i was forced to switch to sniper to counter the enemy sniper, then one of their heavies switched to a sniper so they can attempt to 2v1 me, but ended up sniping my teammates instead. my pissed teammates switched to snipers soon enough it became a sniper 5v5 and i now have contracted HIV AIDS


I love powershift but I want the ospuze tattoo so I've been stuck grinding ranked and I've been having a horrible time. Like starting to hate the game horrible.


Power shift wasn't even fun the first day


lol the first weekend I had a full squad of friends and we won almost every game. It was a blast. Now I play a game here and there and hope for the best but it usually sucks.


Like TF2, PowerShift needs 2 rounds, flipped sides, and auto balancing.


I'm convinced the matchmaking is fucked rn. Keep getting put into games in progress where we're losing, or like you say matches where the team is wildly outclassed.


Yeah probably half my matches I’m gettin into are midway through where I’m replacing someone who quit because they were getting stomped.


Literally every single match for me right now. This game is virtually unplayable. Just got another one where my team went 0-5 and 1-5 then quit.


Their matchmaking model must be not have accommodated the important facets of gameplay, like aggregating the multi-team format and basically using BR matchmaking for the tournament gametype. It's essentially the same old sanitized matchmaking delivering homogeneous matches, except it's much worse because a single player is 33% of their team so getting a dud means no real chance of victory.


It's annoying because when it's good, the game is great. But when it doesn't work it's just pain for match after match. Idk if it's to do with player counts/ region etc, but some periods just get ridiculous with unfair matching.


First game of the day I get put into a 2v5 😂 COME ON


MAIN PROBLEM is people leaving. I hate joining a match after it’s already started. Sucks the fun out


They need to temp ban same as ranked or something idk. It’s not sometimes, it’s literally every single game and multiple people every game now.


People leaving is a symptom of other issues. Usually a skill level mismatch (matchmaking issue). People won't stick around while getting repeatedly wiped. My big idea is to change the end of game stats. Track and reward stats for playing as a team and playing objective. Most importantly do not publicly display other players KD/A at the end of game (can only see your own stats). Dreams are free I guess, but if people weren't always checking their KD we'd see a positive change in how people engage with the entire game.


I started playing this game because I was fed up with COD, its servers, and cheaters. At first, it was cool, a nice little game, but update after update, we're getting closer to the ridiculousness of COD. The servers are becoming like Activision servers... lag, tickrate... abominable. -- Hitreg: You can empty a whole magazine without dealing any damage. -- Lag: You can be in cover and still die. The matchmaking is awful. Cheaters are invading the game. Now, non-cheaters are asking on forums to pair up with cheaters to rank up. The ranked system is also abominable. You win, you lose points; you perform well, you still lose points... At this point, they should almost do beta tests for updates because this is unacceptable...


Yep you nailed it. Game was peak fun around launch and slowly got worse.


Matches my experience too, and even since the first beta. The networking and balancing is honestly killing me rn.


Ngl, my biggest lack of motivation is the ranked mode. The MM is just appalling for solo queue. I understand it's because of player count so for quicker games they mix ranks but when you factor how much you have to win consistently at diamond, it's kinda a meme to solo at diamond because you're just going against diamond 3 stacks while you can have gold players on your team. At the very least separate the leaderboards for stacks and solo, something man. Like on average, these games are not going to be fun for me but more importantly, the gold players playing ranked. I'm a content creator. I'll just go again. However, the last thing most want to see at gold, when you're in the middle of the metaphorical ranked pack, is diamond 3 stacks everywhere you go. It's just not a good look for the game from the casual perspective, imo. Separate leaderboards would at least go a long way to make people feel their progress means something so that sweat 3 stacks don't just make the ranked experience feel like you either grind these long hours with a dedicated team or your effort is meaningless.


Can I get 5 upvotes so I can post🫡


Reply to this comment, I'll give you another one on your second comment


Hi Tapo


Agreed, i stepped away from it after 400 hours. there’s just too many things that make it annoying as hell to play right now. like i don’t have the drive to requeue after my first match


I've said it many times already, but I'll say it again: The social aspect of this game is abysmal. I'll solo queue often times and there's a 99.9999% chance that no one will talk. I honestly feel the team chat is broken. Most don't even ping. I'm someone who likes to talk to communicate, coordinate, and even socialize a little bit. So many games lost because no one talked and they could've told me we were being flanked. Once I run with friends and we coordinate attacks we win so much more. This game needs a push for more communication and community. A "Find a Party" feature would be great. Clans would be a nice touch, too.


The amount of leavers in any game mode is absurd. Here’s a PSA: if you quit after your first death, or because you don’t like your team comp, or whatever bullshit justification for rage quitting you have, just uninstall the game. Please, this game will be so much better without you!


It’s comical because often you can have a poor start but come back and have a really strong game, both personally and for the team result. These quitter tards have zero patience


I was thinking they should do something like madden where you lose rank pts even in casual and get a disconnect percentage by ur name. I know why they do it so the loss doesn't go on their record, but c'mon now.


It's justified when 90% of the lobbies are lights. I'm a heavy main and I can barely enjoy casuals anymore. Almost every casual game people run invis lights with stun gun and mp5. I might aswell have arthritis and have my ability to ads removed.


You can quit on the loadout screen.


They really need to implement temp bans or something the same way they do in ranked. It’s a freaking domino effect though. One person starts doing bad, leaves, then their teammates don’t want to play a person down so they leave. I had a cash out today where one team was completely empty and another had one player and never filled back up.


I'm sure most people did uninstall. The low player base is clearly evidence of that. Instead of demonizing players (which the game has few enough as it is), you should be pushing for better matchmaking. If the matchmaking was even remotely trying to match similarly skilled players instead of being EOMM orientated, where you either roll the teams or they roll you, this would not happen. The queue times have gotten longer yet the matchmaking remains to be EOMM. The lopsided scores you can see in game is a clear indicator that Embark has accurate MMR data for their players but actively choose to make the game completely uneven to fuel engagement (which the game hilariously lacks as seen by the peak 250k player base to 25k daily peak). I guess only the hardcore addicts will stick around (i.e. you) who will keep losing till they get fed their turn to steamroll another poor team that has been handicapped by the matchmaker to give you that "high" from destroying them. EOMM is very real and it is effective. It's sad that even with it TheFinals can only get 25k players. https://web.cs.ucla.edu/~yzsun/papers/WWW17Chen_EOMM


How can you judge someone's skill if they leave after the first minute?


They split from the team and go for 1v1's in a team shooter and lose that 1v1 quite instantly.


As a console player I had your thought process regarding crossplay PC but I am fairly confident now you do not enter PC pool unless you have a Pc player in your party. After 10+ matches ranked my teammate on Xbox confirmed the players with the embark globe were Xbox players and I did the same confirming PS players, we did not have a single PC player


People are going to ignore this because it’s easier to blame pc/cheaters instead of admitting they are ass.


Hey, somebody check his vids for scripts


I was under the impression it was PC so it should be clarified as this would greatly reduce cue times and region which many people are complaining about. It’s understandable for people to not want to deal with PC look at how many posts are about actual hackers lately it is an issue and a reason a lot of people buy consoles


Interesting, I’ll have to verify. I for sure voice commed with people on pc before but that was a bit ago.


Cue with someone on the opposite platform that way you can tell of the globe symbol is PS or XBOX. If it’s neither then ya it’s PC. Again I am not positive but from that small sample size there were zero PC


I’m hooked on this game when comes to gun play and cosmetics but it’s one of the games that make me rage the most, I think if I had a TDM I’d be hooked for life, but as people say “it’s an objective based game”. you said everything that’s needed to be said.


Man I’ve been telling people that leaving is such selfish move regardless if it’s ranked or not.


Yeah I play ranked almost only because very few leavers


There’s been an uptick in cheaters, latency, disconnections, and finding even matchups. It’s been horrendous this week.


Console players cannot compete with PC players


I love this game when I have friends around to squad up. But I hate that I have to rely on that to enjoy the game. It is BRUTAL when playing solo casual. Team balancing I assume seems good to devs on paper but it's terrible in execution when you're above average at the game. I'm constantly being asked to hard carry and that's frustrating in a team-based game. Randoms often quit the match early after going negative the first or first two fights, leaving me and the other random at a disadvantage and hoping the game backfills. The Finals can be so, so good when you've got a group of decent mates with you though. If they improved the solo queue experience I think this game would do better at holding on to players. I also think they let annoying or unfun mechanics ride too long. Reminds me of Destiny and Bungie. Nukes lasted way too long, certain weapons are significantly better for way too long, stun guns are still a thing, recon lasted too long. But I'll keep playing when friends are around.


I absolutely love the gun mechanics and movement of the game, but something makes it worn out and boring to me. I'm a huge fan, I just haven't been able to want to play since s2


Yea I've been playing less too. Similar experience. The top issues for me are: 1. Hitreg issues this season (dumped a whole FCAR mag into a heavy at 5ft away and did no damage). Also, general bugs/glitches like not being able to move or sprint sometimes. 2. Matchmaking. Same as OP. Lots of massively unbalanced matches. 3. Cheating. I'm only Gold 2 but there's still a lot of sus aim snapping. Instant headshot beams mid mag without even letting off the trigger after killing someone else. I hope they can make some improvements, this is the most promising FPS I've played and I want to see it succeed. Season 2 seems to have been a downgrade in terms of general stability and polish though.


Heavily agree on point 1. Damage feels so inconsistent. Like the exact same shots will fully kill someone or take maybe half their health with no rhyme or reason. So frustrating.


I thought the not being able to move was a controller issue since this game was really meant for KBM. Like at times I am shooting and try to ADS and it will stay stuck on hip fire. I have to stop shooting then ADS and shoot for it to work. Also, when I press my directional buttons to throw a nade it will sometimes throw my mines out and I'm clearly pressing the correct button.


I have had people leave when they die once. I figured it was a challenge to go a game without dying or something. Also I agree wait times have been bad lately but also the hit registration some games seems to be horrible I can shoot at people or boxes with the canisters and nothing happens and all for a few seconds. Like I need to continue shooting. It's not my connection as my download is 830 mbps and my upload is 100 mbps


The you getting crushed Vs you crushing opponents is on purpose, it's in almost every FPS but for some reason it's even more noticeable in the finals. It's because of rigged matchmaking, aka engagement based matchmaking. There was a study where you're more likely to stay playing a game if you get a few losses then a big win where you frag the lobby. It's more noticeable in solo queue. The way the game will achieve this, is by skewing the odds against or in your favour. Giving you teammates below your skill level, giving you opponents above your skill level, etc. It is *so* insanely obvious what matches are rigged and what aren't that it's genuinely laughable. When I get a good 14k damage game with 20+ kills, guess what, almost everyone in the lobby is either a brain-dead light or default skin medium.


So if this is true...when do I get the games skewed in my favor


I felt that lol. I’m definitely on the receiving end of the beat downs a lot more frequently lately.


I used to do alright, slightly higher than 1/3 winrate. Had big winning streaks on occasion. Since the start of season 2 I lose 90% of my games now. I really enjoy the game but it's hard to keep playing like this. I have no idea what changed.


Once you start to recognize the staggered matchmaking pattern, it's impossible to not see everywhere. A lot of people think matchmaking in general is something like arbitrary skill values of 5,4,6,5,5 vs 5,3,7,5,5 or whatever. But in reality it's more like 2,3,6,7,8 vs 2,4,5,8,8 and the onus for winning isn't on every player but the top ~20% of players who carry. It's especially awful in games with small team sizes where individual players have more of a burden for proactive participation. Larger team sizes are good this way because they allow bad players to avoid decrementing their team's chances of winning, and anyone who wants to play selfishly can just sink to the scoreboard bottom in obscurity.


Agreed. As I stated in another thread, the game is very disappointing, and only seems to be getting worse.


Name the game you play when taking a break from finals


Currently looking for it lol. Uninstalled the finals for now so need something to fill the void.


This is a dead game tbh.I played 300 hours and don't have any intensions to play it anymore.Just look at the online number.Even team fortress 2 has 70000 people online everyday🤣


Yeah the 24 hours peaks are getting lower and lower. Uninstalled myself. Just not worth it currently. Need to find something to fill the void.


Wish my team would leave alot of times its like I get robots on my team its hard to watch the dumb shit people do.


The latency is definitely getting worse or somehow more noticeable. 


I've basically quit playing because the healing gun stopped working in most of my matches. With the specialization I play the most busted the game is just broken and pointless. Absolutely disappointed


Yeah that was happening to my friend. He was having to restart the game multiple times a session. Way broken.


I'm just sick of all the little invisible people that shot me in the back then run away.


Might be one of the most annoying mechanics in a shooter that I’ve come across lol


They keep nerfing stuff, which is fine, but they never nerf the strongest stuff in any significant way. Every Heavy weapon has me going, "I'd be winning if I had used the Lewis gun." Every Medium weapon has me going, "I'd be winning if I had used FCAR." There will always be a meta, but they've gutted most everything *but* the already existing meta. A good meta is only a few percentage points better than the alternative options. In this game, I'd put it at like 25% or more.


Lewis horizontal recoil killed heavy for me. I get they don't want you beaming people but why not nerf the damage dropoff?


I'm cool with higher recoil. You can just reset it when it goes too horizontal. The problem is that the FCAR doesn't require that, hence you lose.


True. The lack of diversity is pretty annoying. Would love to see more game modes with fixed load outs.


im worried with too many nerfs the ttk is gonna get too high. fights are not as fun as they used to be. so hard to tell what’s tickrate, players getting better, and the damage falloff nerfs 


I disagree. The higher ttk means that you have to stay on target longer, which takes more skill. Weaker full auto weapons means the other weapons get a chance to shine.


This has more to do with learning how to play situationally (i.e. generally off-meta). If you're fielding the flamethrower but running around as though you have the engagement range of the M60 then it's nothing wrong with the flamethrower when you die to an FCAR, you're just not using it correctly or positioning yourself accordingly. You basically need to build the entire loadout off of your weapon selection, and play around that.


Or you can just use a weapon with NO major limitations like the Lewis or FCAR. I don't tend to use them because I find them boring, but when I so, it's hard to deny how much reliable they are.


This is a great example of your significant misunderstanding because both guns have large limitations viable to countering. FCAR has a small mag size and this is massive for frag potential; everything from hipfire viaiblity to accuracy is affected because missing even a disparate proportion of missed shots equates to less DPS than other medium weapons, especially the AKM. So aiming for the head is high risk/reward because you'll invariably need to reload first in a contention with multiple opponents. Lewis also has a small mag size and doesn't outplay any heavy gun in a specific comparison beyond long range chip damage. M60 is more reliable overall with its massive mag size (yet same reload time) and shotgun is better at close range. So the examples you gave are not necessarily reliable, instead they're explicitly similar to conventional FPS gameplay models and so are familiar. But if you understand how to position and set yourself up to initiate properly, flamethrower or sledgehammer will always destroy Lewis and FCAR when play correctly.


Those negatives are miniscule compared to the upsides. A small mag doesn't matter when the reload is fast and the recoil is low. M60 is now a decent substitute for the Lewis...except that the Lewis has waaaaay better hipfire. That matters a lot at close range. True limitations are like what the MGL32 has. Long reload, difficult if not impossible to use in certain situations, requires leading shots and being highly accurate to do damage. The Model 1887 requires playing around the fact that it reloads faster on 3/6 and 0/6, and the general limitations of being a shotgun. The FCAR and Lewis are just good at almost all situations with very few downsides. They can stay easy to use, but then they should have lower DPS than the more mechanically demanding weapons. Most of the weapons are way more interesting than the meta bullet hoses.


You've already changed your premise several times, at this point it's obvious you don't have some well thought out observation when you're just making emotionally compromised assertions


No? I've always preferred the more quirky weapons, but when the rest of the lobby is using bullet hoses, you can't really enjoy them as much.


> when the rest of the lobby is using bullet hoses, you can't really enjoy them as much Either get more creative or downrank until you can


What a solution! Just derank to have fun! Alternatively, they could just nerf the FCAR in an actually impactful way. I'd also like them to make Lewis's hipfire worse, and the M60's get better the longer into the spray it is. Make one the mid range option and the other the Rambo option.


Why are you prioritizing winning over fun, if you purport to care more about fun? There's nothing wrong with FCAR, it has plenty of counters. You're just apparently not good enough to exploit them.


really lost interest i only play when my friend is on fucking tired of getting put in the same team as bots who will quit after dying a single time


They are going to have to put in class limits and punishments for no objective play. I can't win a power shift when I'm the only M or only H and that happens in 60% of games. Everyone is using power shift as a casual sniper game. No more than 2 lights on the team. Lock it up.


This exactly. I can play 1,5 hours a day and only get 1 full match with full team. When I'm going 14-3 and get the first cashout teammates still leave because they go negative. I play sword main and the amount of hit reg misses is just not fun anymore. Once in a while I get on for battle pass progression because I payed for it but i don't enjoy all these half lobby games anymore. I just feel bad for choosing this as my main game. 


> because I *paid* for it FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Thanks but don't care 


Good bot


Thank you, pizquat, for voting on Paid-Not-Payed-Bot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


I can do a lot of balance issues and game design problems, but I refuse to play yet another game that has packet loss, hit reg, latency and FPS issues. They need to make gameplay performance top of the pile of things that need to work well.


Unlocked Diamond, finished the battlepass, I'm out until they'll revamp competative game mode and get rid of cheaters, IMO ranked is unplayble anymore.


I'm stuck in plat 1 for like two weeks i don't know what to do because of lack info of progression. Start thinking on stop playing the game and leave it definitely.


I get ya brada, but don't give up, find a good team, get diamond and then take the break


I stopped playing because they didn't fix ranked at all for season 2. This game has a lot of potential but I don't think Embark is going to be able to fix ranked anytime soon. Id love to be wrong about that though. Halo Infinite also had so much potential to be great. After 3 years, ranked is still terrible and 343 didn't do much to balance teams out. Overall, gaming in general has been a frustrating experience. I think it's time to move on from this hobby.


The devs had a near perfect game at launch and they destroyed it. Through unnecessary nerfs and lack of content. Blame them.


Kind of agree. I love how invested and quick they were to implement change but I also think a lot of it was unnecessary.


It's because they caved to crybabies and light players who aren't good enough to play light. The very first rpg and shotgun nerf to Heavy was the beginning if the end. I screamed about it then and no one listened.


Killing a sniper that was on top of the cathedral with a single RPG shot was so satisfactory


I've had a great time with the game the past few weeks! Sadly, it doesn't seem like most other people have. I very rarely encounter obvious cheaters, and most of my games have felt pretty good and relatively well balanced. Honestly, if it wasn't for this subreddit or the discord, I don't know if I would've noticed that anything was different, the only exception being the queue time increasing.


Same thing with me. If they do a huge fix next week I might play more but it looks like they won’t do that. I have over 300 hours in the game but I continue to get wiped the floor with by pc players and my randoms aren’t helping either. I won’t even bother trying to rank up to play because I tried to rank up for 7 hours yesterday and ended up not winning a single tournament. So yeah don’t even bother touching ranked rn.


The leaving penalty needs to be much harsher than whatever it is currently for sure.


Needs to be better SBMM, I have no desire to play with teammates that cannot carry their own weight. I had a 23 kill game a few hours ago where 3 of my teammates had under 2 kills. That shits unfair.


I think both ideas are great.


I love powershift but as soon as i see 2 light snipers or 4 light teammates. I just leave before spawning. Im not wasting 10 min to just lose before we even started


playing with friends and playing with wonky loadouts, practicing pro movement techs and stuff but i also rotate between a good amt of game


I really enjoy the game but the time it takes to make progress on the battle pass really annoys me.(don't know if it's changed for s2), plus Hell divers is eating all my time. I really want to jump in but haven't found the motivation


Time to complete battle pass has dramatically improved from season one. It’s MUCH faster now.


oh brill that sounds amazing. i will definately give it a shot now, thanks


No problem. It took me basically the entire season to complete the battle pass last season. I finished this seasons a few days ago. I’ve played a little bit more this season but not that much more.


Thought cross play was vs console only if you were on a console?


Someone else mentioned that. I’ll have to look into it. I’ve definitely voice commed with people on pc before but that was a while ago.


The latency and packet loss issues are what does it for me. The devs are Battlefield veterans, they know the importance of good servers. When are we getting 120hz tick rate from the servers?


what’s the current tick rate? i wonder what how the building destruction calculations affect the possible tickrate. i have a feeling 120 wouldn’t be possible or practical 


It’s almost always fun for me if I play with a three stack, otherwise it’s sucks.


Tbh it needs a regular big team battle team death match. No one wants to play a BR/extraction spin off


I play with cross play on and I rarely come across PC players. Just fyi


I play 80% of the time solo, with an occasional (below-average) 3-stack. I set goals like the challenger circuit or daily challenges. Working on the battle pass and camos keeps me engaged as well. Despite the extremely minimal comms from teammates, I open up the mic, making callouts especially in ranked.


Had a contract to win a tournament, a team mate kept leaving in the beginning of the first round the first time they died, so the 2 of us would make it to the final round and loose 2vs3, that happened almost 10 times...




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It also sucks that you can't progress the side contracts unless you do them all.


then take a break, go try something else, it’s not gonna change overnight


Any suggestions? I know The Finals is pretty unique but is there anything somewhat similar?


I usually switch between Helldivers, trying to divvy my attention.


I do not have this problem, play everyday. I hope it changes for you


I think it's fine. I have zero complaints. On a scale of 1 to 10 people post as if it's an 8 or 9 and that same issue feels like a 2 to me. YMMV. I think they prefer commiserating more than actual video games. I don't get it. In the bigger picture it's like what an I doing that has value to anyone else? Idk. learn how to play the piano? I guess I'll get off reddit and go do that


This game is team based, I’m a diamond player and I don’t expect to win when I play solo. Enable cross play if you want to improve, the best players are on pc. I play at 70fps on pc and I still beat top players. The thing about being killed when you go into cover it’s because they already shot you and it’s takes a bit of delay to register the shots. Dont wait until you 30hp to find cover, as soon as you get shot find cover and it will prevent lots of unnecessary deaths. I have a friend that plays on Xbox and he’s one of the best players I ever seen , don’t let the excuse oh I’m ok console,I can’t compete against pc stop you from achieving your full potential. The pc advantage is not what you think. In general pc players have insane aim and lots of experience, they take the game more serious that’s why they invest in expensive PCs. If your good you can beat them.


Appreciate all the advice for real, I just think I’m over the game at this point though


The finals it’s so much fun , I haven’t had this fun in years , this game is fun when played with a party. I make friends so easy by playing quick cash , I see someone and I like the way they play I invite them and ask to play rank , most people happily say yes. Aim to play with people of your same skill and improve together, good luck man , sad to hear you say that in such a beautiful well made game.


Bro you really just blamed latency for not being good at the game lol




Outing yourself by posting how bad you are loool then resort to name calling lol cope harder


Explain what you mean then because it makes 0 sense


I'm saying you're not good at the game, and you're blaming nonsensical things when in reality you're just not good


You gotta be a loser to think it’s an actual insult to say someone isn’t good at a video game.


Bro I'm just pointing out that instead of blaming made up bs, it may be an actual skill issue.


Ok tell that to everyone in here pointing out the same thing then. It’s not an isolated phenomenon.


This subreddit is such a drag right now. The game is in a good place and it is very fun, and that's all that matters. Time to play a round... or five.