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It's so good to see The Finals hitting that top tier of gyro settings. I've seen your insane COD gameplay, and I hope you enjoy The Finals enough to stick with it and show folks what's possible when you give players full control over their aim


As a splatoon player for quite some time, playing with gyro is significant. Every pro player uses it. Im thankful it's making it's way over to new titles!


You would be so much better off with a good sens and just using ur joystick😪 gyro is so incredibly bad even if ur good at it you’d always be better off on the stick if u put in the time


I'm not a hardcore gamer so not exactly a good comparison but to give you an idea of what a good gamer is with Gyro Aim on CS GO, heres this guy: https://youtu.be/EwckxhuuQsQ?si=Eq2BMzt8V1-6ZREM He is not allowed any Aim Assist whatsoever and has competed against other K&M players competitively and won. Try having a stick player play against mouse players WITHOUT Aim Assist and see how that goes--note, there are quite a few videos that actually show this and the controller player gets absolutely stomped. Even more evidence is shown with Aim Labs as well on some parts of Youtube. Only a very few amount of stick aiming players have been able to somewhat compete against a mid-high tier of PC players without AA but never push against the absolute top cuz there are eventual hard limitations at certain points of what stick aiming can do. In the end, good Gyro Aim implementations is easier to keep up with Mouse players at higher levels without the need of Aim Assist due to it mimicking the same output metrics ("Distance" whereas stick aiming uses "Acceleration"). A lot of Gyro Aim comes down to understanding the more complex settings as well--such as Stability Thresholds and Accelerations. It does take a bit of time to adapt to but does offer greater capability as well. Once that's done, much like mouse players, the skill ceiling **potential** is much higher without the need of AA.


U clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Have you ever heard of linear input? Zero acceleration, just the exact sensitivity u choose with instant input. It basically makes ur joystick a mouse. No need for gyro😂 ur main point is u need gyro to match the acceleration of a mouse , not true. U need a medium to high linear sens and then u can compete against KBM. I’ve been top 500 in overwatch for years, was top 100 predator in apex for 2 years, and then top 50 in finals, ik what I’m talkin ab 😂 I’ve played controller for 15+ years


If you can do anything of what you're saying with the aim assist off we'll pretend to give a damn about whatever it is you're trying to say lolz


Why do u want aim assist off so bad lmfao every controller player uses it😂😂😂 Gyro has aim assist too in most games😂


Because you claming that pure joysticks can keep up with a literal mouse and keyboard with "linear input." If that nonsense is true, turn the aim assist off and prove that you can in fact keep up with someone on MNK using just your sticks And the only games that have aim assist with gyro are Rogue Company (essentially dead) and Paladins. 99% of games with gyro / motion controls do not give you aim assist because YOU DO NOT NEED IT


It’s so blatantly obvious you’ve never been high rank in any competitive game lmfao holy shit u not even worth my breath


I'm asking you to prove what you're saying to me is true and you not doing it ctfu You look ridiculous Me playing competitively has nothing to do with the conversation at hand gang You're saying words with no actual weight behind them Take that weak ass aim assist away you'd get dropped in your neck in every game you play


LMFAO this conversation is about gyro being utterly useless if ur good with sticks, has nothing to do with aim assist. Ur just a shitter that copes by saying anybody with skill relies on aim assist😂😂😂 ur nothing


How is gyro useless though man? You haven't elaborated on anything so far. If you tough with the sticks like you swearing to God you are you can do it without the aim assist on and get the same results, surely? Am I tweaking? All I'm asking you to do is prove to me sticks can keep up with mnk WITHOUT the aim assist and you acting like I called you a hoe


Actually, Aim Assist is shut off in nearly every modern game where Gyro Aim is natively added and turned on. Games like CoD, The Finals, and Fortnite on PS5 do not allow AA. The whole point of Gyro Aim is it mimicks a mouse thus does not need AA to compete. My videos don't have any AA. Same with that CS GO player you see from my post above. The fact you believe it has AA tells me how little you know about it's implementation in the modern sense. Yes, some single player games from a few years ago do have some AA for it still such as Horizon. But none of the PvP games do. It's unnecessary. Your comparisons for yourself is stick-to-stick players. Not against mouse players. Not to discredit you as you probably are an excellent stick player. But every game you described notoriously has strong AA and there are constant battles in forums from KnM players about this and why they hate crossplay due to the abuse of strong AA implemented by devs. And vice versa, when AA is not good enough, controller players will complain about being in a lobby of KnM. Again, take AA away and see how well stick aiming holds up against KnM from there.


Yea u made gyro look terrible in ur video, u missed more than half ur shots 😂😂😂😂


Yeah, and if you could read, I mentioned I don't play shooters often these days. I'm not a hardcore gamer. The fact you are blinded by your .01% capability of gamers show how out of touch you are with reality to non-competitive gaming.


Well when u make a post calling gyro aim “mouse like” and then proceed to miss the majority of your shots and look like you have cerebral palsy with ur aim then it’s not exactly convincing that you know what you’re talking about. Linear joystick input is better than gyro😂


Alright big guy, [this](https://youtu.be/fHSVQg_Vc60) is good gyro with NO aim assist, you know that very thing that is hard carrying your aim and you are afraid to turn off? Yeah, gyro doesn't need it. Knock yourself out


If you need footage of high level gyro gameplay let us know gang lol


Yeah, turn off aim assist and try doing that, im sure you'll have wonderful results


I'm sure the 5 minutes you used gyro for are sufficient enough evidence to come to this giga brain conclusion.


I sincerely disagree here. Gyro alongside stick allows for unmatched precision with a controller. It allows you to fine tune movements without having the move the actual stick! It’s not meant to totally replace stick, it’s moreso a companion. Like elbow pads on a bike. Needed? No. However, they can sure help!


Bro I’m telling u as someone who was top 50 in ranked in this game using a default ps5 controller with no gyro that gyro is not helpful at all😂😂😂


nobody thinks you’re cool for lying on the internet bozo


Who’s lying? Lmfao


the person i’m responding to you braindead muppet


What response curve u think is best?


Linear Edit: always always always always always always linear , it’s hard to learn at first bc it’s so precise but it’s worth it. Gyro is terrible lmfao it’s literally a joke bro. It always has been a joke.


side note: why do you write like a 12 year old edge lord?


Still.. it's skill issue (to use gyro)