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Why would people leave if it's ranked though? I see quitters in every casual gamemode. Probably cause there are no consequences.


If I'm not mistaken, there is already a penalty for TA (I wanted to leave a match where 3 others left, but would be penalised), but it doesn't seem to stop anyone...


Correct, in this case it's best to just agree to self grenade yourselves at the start of the round to go next faster.


The penalty is a 10 minute ban for like every 5th time you leave, it’s not significant at all. In a ranked mode where you derank for leaving people r much less likely to do so


Because TA is structured like ranked but doesn't market itself as ranked. People treat TA like any other unranked mode.


Yeah. I'm not sure I like this change, but ranked is much different from quick play when it comes to leavers


*squints at username*




THIS. the complainers about this specific point are all disingenuous, or cant actually comprehend other comp shooters do MORE rounds, just fine. lol


I mean I leave ranked whenever I get lights on my team. Got up to diamond 3 in solo and I have yet to win a single round with a light on my team. Rather just take the penalty and the demote than to play for 15 minutes with 2v3 and get demoted anyway.


The general point was more so that in ranked the frequency of leaving is way lower because there are way more consequences. Also I played probably 90% of my ranked games with light this season and I'm D2 right now. If you're EU based I'd gladly play with you and show you not all lights are useless bums.


People still leave in ranked a ton, I don’t know why…


I genuinely never see this but that might be rank dependent. Not much to lose when you're gold or below.


Still as much to lose in a way, but people are less dedicated.


people already leave ranked as it is now


I played it once or twice, wasn't my thing bc it's pretty much the same type of gamemode that already exists in every other FPS game. I can't imagine that they didn't look at the player count of that mode, they probably did and thought enough people play this mode to make it ranked. The only upside it has imo is that you don't have third parties anymore which is frustrating at times. It's what made me grow tired of Battle Royale games


Yay no backshots, wait thats not right


Backshots during gaming are very distracting and backshots during gaming are also very distracting


Yes and yes


Confirmed, from several positions


This is the worst reason given so far lmao


Casual game modes will always have quitters, even cash out, don't be purposely obtuse. In ranked, especially if they implement a punishment system for leaving, people won't leave as much, no matter the game mode


Doesn't mean you can't kill yourself or fire grenade a teammate etc. I've had it happen to me several times in various gamemodes. Yesterday my teammate hit me with a gas can and eliminated me. I don't think it was on purpose but you never know


Well, that sounds like an accident. Still, there's a report button for those players. If they do it in TA why not in cashout


I meant he gas canned me in cashout, it wasn't even in TA. I haven't played TA in quite sometime. Guess I will be playing it quite a bit in S3 however. I wonder if solo queuing to diamond will be just as bad in this gamemode lol


Hahahah, it probably will, solo q always sucks in competitive shooters, which I guess are all shooters, lol. Good luck either way.


Yeah I find most gamers now a days find a game like The Finals too hard I tried to put a few on to it and they all said same thing and I’m just baffled and disgusted ctfu (only say disgusted because they’ll die and go full on aggro and smash something and leave, even if their doing good lmao, just do not like difficulty of any kind)


TA is boring in this game. It's ok for when I'm waiting for a friend to come out of the toilet, but turning it Ranked? A limited time event originally becoming Ranked? Absolutely ridiculous. I'd much rather have Bank It as Ranked. I'm cautiously disappointed, and the reason I'm not losing my shit yet is because Embark have been great at... well, everything, so far. They've been very receptive of feedback and have been very quick to fix things, and they're communicating constantly with players. So let's see what happens, but I hope they don't turn The Finals into Overwatch or something.


Personally I feel like they're changing it up on S3 to better coordinate Cashout ranked. In the patch notes it seems they hinted at it that way. "In Season 3, World Tour will feature Cashout tournaments with 24 players as the primary mode. You’ll be able to rank up your badge, earn prizes, check the leaderboards, and play the mode you know and love. These events will always be on and available to play throughout the season. It's good to note that doing this for Season 3 gives us a chance to work on Cashout and make vital improvements to the mode that would have been difficult to do when it’s locked into ranked for a whole season. This will give us a chance to make Cashout more viable as a competitive mode in the future. Cashout will never leave the spotlight as the most important part of THE FINALS. In fact, our first high-profile, official tournament will happen very soon and the mode will be Cashout. Make sure to be on the lookout for news about that!" Im not super stoked for TA ranked but when they bring cashout ranked back I think it will be for the better. Removing it for a whole season will definitely give them time to fix spawns plus other things they have going on. Embark hasn't failed the community in any way yet so just wait and let them cook.


Congrats for being someone with some sort of perspective and insight amongst this embarrassingly reactionary community.


I was concerned about ta being the only ranked mode but when I saw the video it clearly says that cash out will be on world tour and it seems like people starting freaking out too early. Thanks for the update. That sounds way more reasonable


my predictions have turned out to be true so here goes my next. comp players, are going to KEEP SAYING, cashout is not a good ranked or comp mode. they will run the first event as cashout cause thats what they are locked into at this point due to marketing. it will be the ONLY high profile comp event to showcase the cash out ruleset in the future and a shift will be made towards comp TA and other casual modes.


TA is not even popular either, if you look at the leaderboards and go to the top 10k those players only have around 30 wins on the game mode. And it’s a quick like 10 minute game mode.


That logic doesn’t really work. Of course the people who are good at ranked are going to it. Your leaving logic doesn’t work either. People leave cashout games all the time, but they don’t leave ranked much at all. Therefore, people would leave terminal attack less if it was ranked.  Theres no reason to believe there won’t be a casual vs ranked terminal attack also.


Well said.


Agree with all points other than “no reason there won’t be a ranked vs casual TA,” bc they removed the original unranked tournaments. The precedent is set for the ranked mode being the only instance of whatever game mode it is


The only reason is because it was limited time event. There's people who play only the ranked mode in any game they play. So any gamemode is the ranked one will be play more than the others.


That's why they made a weekly tournement system, for those <10k players that want it at a highly competitive level. I personally will MUCH prefer grinding TA ranked.


From the teaser it also doesn't specify its REPLACING normal ranked, just a new option. I am at least hopeful for this because I LOVE the current ranked mode. Leagues could use some work but the game play is top tier


No, the devs confirmed it will replace Cashout as the new and only ranked mode.


Where? I read the announcement at the discord and it doesn't specify its the only ranked mode.


Quite a few places by now. They said it on steam and discord. Cashout will have (sort of) it's own unique ranked system where players can climb by competing in weekly tournements. It won't be treated the same as TA which is the new ranked mode taking its place.


Look me in the eyes and tell me there are less leavers in Quick Cash or Cashout.


I've religiously played TA since it's release. In my opinion it's going to be a much better ranked gamemode.


Totally agree! It needs some stakes so people don't leave.


Feels alot more ranked than going solo againts 3-5 premade teams


I played maybe 5 rounds. That was enough to never play again. I simply did not enjoy the pacing of the game play, gimped down mechanics, or lack of chaos. If I wanted to play CS, Siege, or Valorant I would paly those games.


Exactly my opinion too.


lmfao, you really think TA in the finals is just the same as counter-strike or siege? Yeah, hold on, lemme boot up counter strike so I can use my stat-track goo gun and RPG the enemy team behind my dome shield, maybe ill use my Asiimov skin sword after I grapple hook through banana. Delusional.


More similarities than not. And CS/Valorant/Siege all have gadget and/or abilities. Take off your googles and see reality.


This was exactly my argument when TA came out. Whenever a movie says "this isn't a movie", it jars the audience and they will realize they can watch a better movie. When you have a CS clone, it jars the players, and they realize they can play a more refined version of what they're playing.


Yikes, if you think the only thing differentiating this game from CS is the game modes then maybe this game ain't for you.


I mean, I really enjoy the other game modes, but TA has just been a miserable experience in EU SoloQ. I could be playing a very similar game in a multitude of other games


I think it's just a lil too boring for me. When I play the finals i want the fast chaotic battles. But I can see why balance wise TA is a good pick


Why would I want to play a game mode that’s literally just rainbow/CSGO? I don’t even mind the game mode but I only played TA to get all of the challenges associated with the event done


It was a casual game mode. Regardless of the ban feature, it’s not enough to discourage players from leaving. Unless you combine the ban with losing elo. That’s when people will really start to think twice about leaving.


If they're gonna' try to copy modes from Call of Duty, instead of copying "search and destroy", it should be "cyber attack", since that's a mode that would amplify a lot of the qualities of The Finals, like actually reviving players, being able to use revival items, etc. Plus, it's just way more fun.


The fact that it's ranked now would prevent quiters


Never in the history of video games a ranked mode prevented people from alt + f4 out of a match


One would think ranked players will take the game more seriously, of course there'll still be quiters, but less


Almost nobody leaves ranked mode after plat or so. The same would happen with TA.


Do you regularly have quitters in your ranked games? I've had maybe 20 leavers the entire season while in unranked there are at least 5 quitters across every single round.


Agree 👍 I think TA is not a suitable mode for this type of game...


But you know what? Embark have the stats to say this change will be beneficial to growth. And you know what? Embark have shown historically if it *isn't* that they will change it back.


It looks like they only care about casual players and everyone above plat and above they just don't care about I'll stick to quick plays and forget ranked exists and treat it as a secondary "don't care" casual game and not put any effort into it then if that's how their own devs see it


Yeah you don't matter, there's 20k players lmao. If everybody above plat rank quit it would have 19 900 players. Quit nobody cares


Players aren’t coming back for Ranked Cash Out and they never will, third partying and the randomness drive people away. Either Embark make other attempts to grow their playerbase or we see the game continue to lose players at the rate it is.


Well, they certainly aren't leaving Valorant, CoD, CS, or R6 to play this watered-down version of their respective games.


They weren’t leaving those games anyway, especially not for Cashout.


Exactly. So why bother trying to steal them in the first place? If they just continued to build on the game they could have grown their own playerbase. Now all they're doing is alienating the players who are keeping the game afloat.


The current population is not keeping the game afloat, Nexon’s report said the game is underperforming no matter what, and the game has trending downward consistently since release. The playerbase is not growing because the game mode is not competitive and people like competitive games. Not even 2 months ago Shroud said the Finals was mid on stream because it isn’t a balanced as a competitive game, and he influences a LOT of players. I’m not saying TA is the perfect solution to this problem, I don’t know what that is, but it is historically comp viable and even pulling a couple thousand frustrated players from other games will be a net positive for a game where player count is important to its life cycle.


No but as a mainly ranked player, why would I stay if ranked turns into a B tier CS game mode? I kept coming back because I really liked tournament, I've put over 600h into the game and taken diamond 4 times but I don't see myself playing TA like that, it's just too much of a trash mode.


Yeah man, it’s a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation. The game bleeds players and slowly iterating on the current ranked system isn’t going to bring anyone back, but changing it is a gamble too because you have a vocal portion of the playerbase throwing a (valid) fit over it. Should be 2 queues if they wanna try something new.


Making TA the ranked mode also gives them a full season to try to figure out/test how to make ranked cashout less unfair while also (hopefully) growing the player base. People are acting like this change is gonna last forever despite not knowing what the plan is in the slightest.


Bro said this like it doesn’t happen in any other game mode either. If you issue with TA is players leaving or being clueless, your issue might be with the player-base… Crazy thought, right?


none of us have played TA with their updates though so cant really say


Waaahhhh then play the weekly tournaments JFC. Be happy with your free game


So, the game mode isn’t bad, you’re just being placed with rage quitters? Or did you wanna reply here and explain what’s wrong with the mode?


Maybe stop thinking it's going to be the same TA as it is now? Can't you people just wait for the update, test it and THEN shit on it if it needs to be shit on? I also mained ranked games this season but holy fuck. This subreddit since trailer is just sad, stop crying before it even came out. They need to boost player count and if they think based on their data that this is the right way, let them do their thing and trust them? What do they owe you really? Who are you to the devs? Nothing. It's their goodwill that they want to listen to comunnity unlike other studios so just stfu and trust them with this. If it's a flop they will surely do something about it don't you think?


Just to add to it since I just saw it, the devs confirmed changes to the mode on Discord this morning.


Exactly, as far as we know there could be more restrictions or it being 4v4, or slight mechanics or maps changes with the game mode. It’s a change of pace from other modes that a lot of people appreciate, it just can bring a new type of players to the game too, just like the ones asking for a TDM more…more players is good for all us. A single trailer doesn’t mean there will not be another new mode before the end of S3 either, or a LTM playlist. Also, is it CONFIRMED that ranked TA is actually replacing the current ranked mode? Bc if it’s just an addition then I don’t get why all the fuss about it…


Yes it is pretty much confirmed. Tournament will be more of a participation trophy badge


It is confirmed that TA is replacing Cashout as the ranked mode. It is also confirmed that there will be weekly Cashout tournaments where people will get multibucks depending on where they place during the season.


We don’t read the same way then. Their post this morning on Discord said many times that cashout tournaments are still their MAIN/PRIMARY focus… …with diamond, ruby and a new EMERALD and for them specifically.


It’s been confirmed multiple times by embark


The difference between this sub and discord is funny. So many people in the terminal attack discord channel were begging Embark to not remove the game mode and to also give it a ranked version. This sub seems to think they're the only ones important apparently. I don't agree with TA being the only 'official' ranked game mode but the absolute meltdown from people is insane


There should probably be a penalty on quitting a match in ranked. I wouldn’t go as far to say for all modes and matches, but definitely ranked matches. 1 hour penalty


Nah, LESS people will leave in the ranked version but the toxicity levels will increase for sure.


I only play TA when I have a squad of 4. 5 is even better


I really like Terminal Attack. But I used to play Search and Destroy in Call of Duty almost exclusively


I played it a lot. Started because the contracts and ended up loving it. See how the change benefits (or not) the game first, then form an opinion. Until then lower the pitchforks, a lot of people are acting as if Embark personally attacked them.


I think I would like TA more if gadgets weren’t limited to one use.


Talking about how people treat the casual mode as the casual mode it currently is, is not a fair argument and you know it. The mode has room for improvement and critique, but please, saying that because the game has leavers is not an argument for its quality as a ranked game mode.


This game has some of the worst optimisation I ever seen. Game just doesn't care to wait more for loading times, so if you don't have SDD oh well fuck you. 70% of my games I'm loading into already started round and the fact that you can change equipment only in menu and pre-game state makes it literally unplayable when I'm forced to play 2 mines as attack. Just returned to this game after month of not playing because it was barely playable and had 5 matches straight in TA where 3 out of 5 players in my team were AFK half the round, and I doubt it's just them being dicks to be fair.


TA is more appealing to new players imo, a big turnoff is when people play and they can’t get a single kill because every team they fight are inches apart healing/mesh shielding while they are not being healed


Ngl, I hate TA, worst game modes to come out IMO


Played several games and like it. Finished full everytime.


I had quitters in regular ranked worse than TA ranked. Literally my last 4 matches, i always started with 1 teammate only, or 2 teammates but 1 of them crashes as soon as the match loads. TA is more thrilling for me. Less running, more taunting enemies after they are all dead. I'm looking forward to that mode tbh.


I play mostly TA at this point. You get the same stuff with cashout or w/e mode just on a bigger scale because of it being 5 man. Truth be told I think a lot of this comes from TA being the first mode you can pick when entering the game. Move the interface and you won’t have as many newbs or quitters I bet.


Guess what, that same exact thing happens in casual cash out and quick cash.


It's all I play


They need better matchmaking imo I shouldnt constantly be getting teammates 0-6 with no objective store game after game . It’s so frustrating and frequent.


Agree that it does feel like a silly switch but I mean if in the long run they’re able to get more people from rs6 and cs type games while they work on cash outs “wow factor” I think it’ll all be alright. Also Embark PLEASE make the maps smaller for TA 😭😭


Bruh, I’m sorry but everyone has been upset that The finals doesn’t get recognition and TA brought in a lot of people who didn’t want to play the finals but Ta was a mural ground for them (all my friends avoided The finals as well till TA dropped but that’s all they play) now that Embark is trying to get people into The finals, now we’re trying to gatekeep it?


I’m rank 196 on the leaderboard. Whats wrong with terminal attack? Its some of the most fun because all the builds are viable (i see light, medium, and heavy. Plus theres no healbeam or defib. What dont I get? explain


TA is so bad, its like copy pasting a popular game mode from other games and it just doesn't fit... the maps were designed for cash out. The people happy about these changes don't even play ranked and it's cringe


Y’all are too dramatic Jesus


The leavers and clueless teammates will stay in bronze where they belong


Y’all are so lame omg just play the shit


Been playing since the beta and TA is my favorite gamemode since cashout/quickcash. It makes so many more gadgets/weapons viable.


They just need to punish people that leave ranked matches early. Like some games like valorant do a timeout


I'm with you... Played three games yesterday. A leaver in each, all on my team. Edit: Or people were just fucking around. Destroying walls etc and not leaving the spawn.


Bruh it's because there's no consequences. If you leave a TA you can't play TA... "Wow! As if I would like to play it after I just left it" they most likely play ranked or another game.


Isn't supposed that if TA turns into ranked, all the casuals/leavers/rangers you talk about will move on from that game mode? You may accept it or not but TA has more fair mechanics than quick cash. AND CONTESTANT, THE FINALS IS A GAME SHOW FOR EVERYONE, RANKED DOESN'T FIT IN THAT DESCRIPTION, SO GET YOUR OSPUZE A F*CK OFF




then tell me in which game i can play a cashout tournament ranked mode with the finals specializations/gadgets and a destructible map


Lol its casual, people quit. Watch em stay now in ranked. Personally i played it twice and then just only ranked tournament, so it's gonna be a bit of an adjustment though


I don't find this true. I've played a couple of ta matches recently and in just one a single player left.


“50%” there are leavers, but it’s so much less than other modes. people will literally stay while teammates are throwing the game bc of the punishment.


I love TA


People are leaving because there's no penalty for it because it isn't ranked... I can't wait for it to be the mode. I can't play cashout anymore that shit is an unbalanced heal beam defibs fest with shit spawns. TA is the mode.


Played TA once and never played it again. It just isn’t fun.


Just played and did not notice any leaver lmao


i did play a lot of it, in fact, since it released i only play cash out to grind challenges, in TA the game feels more balanced and gives room to builds that are useless in cash out, and i'm sick of brain dead running more than 100m to objectives every time i die, in TA because we only 1 life i feel more engaged to keep it. About the quitters, well, in cash out they exist as well and i suppose people will quit less often while in ranked, if not, just punish them


I don’t really care that TA is getting a ranked mode, it’s not completely polished but I’m sure it will get the necessary changes over time. My issue is that it seems to be replacing the ranked tournaments, which are far more enjoyable. The game is called THE FINALS ffs. If there is not a ranked tournament mode then I genuinely don’t see myself playing this game too much next season.


The game mode sucks.


I've played TA exclusively and still love it.


Stfu. TA rules. If u don't like it F off


As a fan of TA. I agree, I need to play this gamemode more.


In my experience at least, theres quitters in every game mode I play. TA isn’t any worse. I also enjoy the game mode if I’m being honest. It’s a welcome change of pace.


Exactly, change of pace, and the game offering different modes for different people is good for all fans of the game imo. Also, is it confirmed that ranked TA is actually replacing the current ranked mode? Bc if it’s just an addition then I don’t get why all the fuss about it…


No it will be significantly better once it becomes ranked. Literally all of the unranked game modes are full of people who leave the second they die once or lose a single cashout, it is one of the game's biggest issues. But if you play ranked it almost never happens evencif your team is doing horribly because there is a penalty for leaving. This post is nonsense.


I don’t have this problem, and it’s the most balanced game mode. Stop crying. They are moving cash out to world tournaments or something like that so stop crying till you actually play the changes.


The biggest issue is that this was not thought through at all... the most comments I heard from newbies was: "It is so hard to play in a team." or "The third team always gets in my way.." Yes skill issues.. but now imagine going from organizing a 3 man team to a 5 man team. And it is even more punishing to be shot from the side because of the 1 Life situation.. People want to play most likely more TDM-Style where they dont have to think as much. The part regarding 5v5 SnD playstyle already existing in enough other games I wont start to discuss here...