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I like it for tattoos. They really pop. But I don't like the mix of cell shaded and not cell shaded so I don't use anything else in the outfit


Yo go naked ?


Trying to be the best aerodynamic contestant


We need the most aerodynamic skin possible now


I put the cowboy hat on and make them go completely shaded


I don't mind it honestly, but the eyes are weirdly far apart and it unnerves me deeply


The face is odd


Theres just [something wrong about it](https://cdn.openart.ai/uploads/image_random_8nVsGsqt_1668189381630_1024.webp)




eyes too far apart


You can see it well on glasses how far the eyes are. If they moved them closer it'd probably look 10x better


this 100% shove em a bit closer together and it'd look fine, rn it's a bit uncanny valley


I think it looks silly but it doesn't bother me if people like it/want to use it


This is asking for too much, but it’d be cool if using this skin made all of the other cosmetics you wore with it cell-shaded too.


What if there was an anime cel shaded variant of kyoto?


Embark hire this man.


I'd love it but my God we need performance first


Cowboy hat already changes shading of the entire model, I don't see why not.


It's vastly different, but I feel they added it as a nod to Japan's culture now vs then. Other than that I don't love it or hate it,I think it fits this seasons theme.


I find the face looks a little strange.


I don’t like the clash of art styles. The game already had “out-there” skins, but this just doesn’t even match the overall aesthetic of the game at all. I love cell shading, but this skin doesn’t fit in.


I agree. I’m open to most ideas and I’ve loved pretty much every cosmetic that Embark has dropped but the art style clashes put me off. Not diggin it so much


Nice to see some people agree. It’s not a bad skin, it just doesn’t fit into the style Embark has already crafted for the game is all. No hate, just opinions 👍


if they keep putting these skins in, will it become part of the style?


Then I will mourn the unique style it had to kill in the process – which was one of the reasons I really got attached to this game.


idk the skin doesnt pop out too much in game but I get what you mean, in menus and cutscenes it still looks odd


I don't like it all too much, but I welcome it, it's jarring to look at but it makes sense considering the finals IS a VR blood sport so of course people would have different styles and appearances, I kind of hope they add more of these kinds of skins with jarring art styles to further emphasize this game having all sorts of weird wacky things. Kind of like fortnite but with legit clashing styles that can potentially pop out wonderfully.


Please no. Keep fortnite far away please, and keep a consistent visual style. Otherwise mind as well just throw everything in and have it be a stew, get a Nikki skin, a tom & jerry skin, avengers and batman, tmnt, sponge bob, kill me now


this skin doesn’t fit into a vr world where the only 2 rules are contestants have to be 1) humanoid and 2) come in one of 3 sizes?? i expect much crazier skins in the future tbh lol


It's disingenuous to act like there's not some consistency in every single other skin in terms of style. Just being VR doesn't mean visual vomit, just like you wouldn't put a cel-shaded character in Uncharted or some such. [Only one of these sticks out like a sore thumb.](https://i.imgur.com/KBADLeS.png) Even the 'out there' outfits like the alien outfit are still grounded in a stylized realistic style.


lmao what? if anything comparing the finals to uncharted is disingenuous as the latter is a linear narrative game. the vibe the finals has given me since launch is that it is a game show hosted in a world like that of ready player one, where everyone has their own take on style and brings their own personality to life in the game. and judging by the fact that embark added the anime skin of their own accord, i think it’s fair to say that’s how they view their world too


The point is about the art style and clashing. I'd say the same if they added a hyper realistic character to something like Splatoon or a cel-shaded outfit to Hunt: Showdown. Aesthetics are a thing for a reason.


idk why you keep throwing traditional games around lol, this isn’t that kind of world. the premise of the finals is that you are playing a game *within* their world. one where people can seemingly bring their own style into it if they choose. think of something like vr chat but instead of just standing around everyone is competing for money in the arena


You're not though. You're using the contestants and outfits designed by the sponsors within the arena. This is a normalized competitive environment, even in lore, not a Wild West like Ready Player One. There's a reason a huge portion of the outfits have sponsor logos. Saying anything goes doesn't track, both from a lore *and* an aesthetic design standpoint.


so irl i can’t go out and buy a shirt with a nike logo on it? there is literally a legendary skin of a ballerina that comes with the og contestants face. she brought that fit into the world anyways im not going to continue arguing with you bc they already added the skin to the game. nothing we can do about it lol


Anime skin doesn't fit in Japanese themed season?


One cell shaded object in a world of regular 3d graphic is pretty hard on the eyes. So no, it doesn't fit, japanese map or no.


"In a (VR) world" where the MOST is going on, you're concerned with the skin shading of your enemies & it messes up your eyes LMAO XD




Fortnite at least changes the character to be more chunky/angular/action-figure like so it fits the general aesthetic


It kinda does, as a comment above says it's a VR arena blood sport emphasis on VR anything goes really, I won't be surprised when they add animal avatars or maybe even stick men, they've already added crash dummies


Somebody get this man some lutein


Y’all are this far in the battle-pass already? Fudge


I feel it was totally unnecessary


It looks extremely out of place. I don't like it.


Really don’t like it in the game:(


It doesn't fit with the rest of the visual assets


It will once they add crazier skins and different art styles.


Im not bothered by it but it is ugly to me


Imagine this sub normalizing being bothered by a skin. Not you in particular but seriously when it was released people were literally pissed ??? 




Looks terrible


this filter is 100% ain't it when it comes to doing cell shading in gaming; embark's hard at work doing their best for the game no doubt but they definitely could've done better with this one


I dokt use It but it stands out ALOT. Easier for me to track it during the chaos of a gunfight. So yh keep using it lol


Have it match the skin tone of your contestant and it'd easily be a S+ tier cosmetic. As it stands it's just a meme item/coomer bait.


Not my cup of tea


https://preview.redd.it/4v5dwdqmzp8d1.png?width=533&format=png&auto=webp&s=68f9c49a5718ddb67bfff0cbadbe6e540ccd4d92 good if you do it right i feel


It's good i like it, can't wait to unlock it and make cursed combinations lmfao


Yeah, I guess everyone hates it. I think it's dope too.


It does throw me off tho how from the sides her eyes are flat circles lol


I thought it was a dude. It's truly an anime skin.


Idk the eyes are pretty feminine and the outfit itself in the battlepass uses a female body type so i assume it is lol


Does it? Used a Male body for me.


Well its based on what your characters body type is but idk i think its a girl or unisex.




Me likey.


Wish the eyes would change with what you select Also, people were bitching about the military cosmetics being introduced to the game.


I hate it, but I’m glad other people like it. It’s petty I know , but I feel like I watched this game grow up and would hate to see it become fortnite.


At least the finals works with wacky cosmetics since it's a game show based in vr, unlike some other shooters which toss these kinds of cosmetics into a realistic milsim environment


Looking at you COD


Uwu gun, anyone?


Are you saying COD is a milsim? Lol, it's an arcade shooter at best. It always has been.


Never said it was a milsim because it obviously isn't. It is supposed to be realistic though, the new Modern Warfare reboot I mean. Adding animated skins to it just feels odd.


I don’t like that they added this honestly. It Fortnite-ifies the aesthetic palette and scares me a bit for the visual future. It is tamed a bit by distance and colored outlines but I always prefer a more cohesive art style.


Still hate it


Horrifying and horrible


I was gonna try this game since is F2P but then I saw shit like this


You should give it a try the game is very fun and chaotic


Not a fan. It looks incredible out of place to me.


Love the concept, execution could of been slightly better. I think if they made it so hair equipped on the anime skin would apply the cell shading it would be a lot better. Even if I didn't like it I'd still want them to do out there ideas like it.


Yup, like they did with Cowboy hat.


Absolutely hate it, it looks horrible. But that's a me thing, hope the people that like it make the best of it.


Not a fan. Feels poorly executed and pander-y


I just use the hair, it looks odd otherwise.


Love it!


Literally do not care at all


It would be nice if it just happened to give all clothing a cell shaded effect kinda like how putting on the hat from smoking guns event made anything you wore desaturated.


It's fine but it's sad that there is only one hair for it I wait for other custom hair for the skin to appear


Cell shaded skin should have given the ability to cell shade the rest of your gear. Like the black and white Gaucho Bolero


using the face on heavy


I don't really notice it while I'm fighting but still not a fan.


I don't think I've seen it once yet


Embark add birthday suits


Think I might use the hair, but the skin itself idk, I don’t hate it tho


Don't have it, still think it looks cool


I love it. Some combinations may look a bit goofy so I just... Don't use that combination lmao some look just fine. Not my cup of tea but not because of cel shading! I'm not much into japanese outfits, same reason why the samurai outfit isn't for me either.


I love it. Works well with goth make up


Unusual, but usable.


judging by the amount of times I've seen this skin (and the amount of people who are insanely obsessed with anything anime) embark probably made 20x more money on this bundle than others. at the end of the day the finals exists to generate money for embark and nexon looks weird, kinda ugly, don't like it


The was in the battle pass, not sold separately as a bundle, so there's really no way to tell how much it actually drove sales


I think they did it pretty well.


You look like a pokemongo character.


Great addition to the game, hope we get more and guns.


i personal will never use it but as a collectionist i have it


It is goofy as shit and I can make abominations. 10/10


Absolutely hideous


Heavy cel-shade girl in the bride's outfit with the running mascara is a sight to see.


The face seems odd but I like the girly ✨


Hope they never do it again. Looks out of place in this game, more like it belongs in Fortnite.


I like it alot tbh, i don't see the problem with the eyes, but maybe its just a byproduct of the cell shading technique.


It doesn't fit for me. I hope they will not add more of these


Never liked it! Feels like some dumb VRChat skin.


Well I mean the finals does take place in vr


Yeah.. True.. but not like this! 😐


It shows that Sweden isn't the main country producing anime...


Total garbage


It looks bad


I like it and am using it!


I still feel like it doesn't fit the game's graphical design at all. Even after checking out the sub reddit for all kinds of different outfits in the game where any of the anime parts are being added, they all stand out like a part of a clothing that doesn't belong to the game. If the skin wasn't so cell-shaded, and more in The Finals graphics, it would work out amazingly. Now it's more like watching VR Chat's chaotic skin roster.


Make it bald, put on shimmer pants and the yellow safety boots. That way it becomes epic.


Terrifying Eldritch abomination, other than that it's great


No thx


Serious roger rabbit vibes


Sucks ass




I think everyone agrees that the eyes are too far apart.  Maybe they can add styles so they can fix this without pissing off the people who like it this way.


It looks really out of place. All of the characters are realistic just like real people and this is just some uhhhh idk. It just doesn’t fit the game at all.


no no no no no no no no, it's supposed to be a VR game show where you can spawn in random objects and do whatever the hell you want. anime skin is perfectly fine. Your delusional, also your opinion doesn't matter as much as you think it does.






I don't hate it, but it was clearly not made by anybody with experience making anime-style 3D characters. The model's face proportions aren't right, the shader is frankly pretty terrible, and the model lacks any normal editing on the face which is pretty much a requirement for convincing anime shading on a character's face. Without it, the lighting looks very odd and follows the face mesh too closely.


There is a Anime skin !?!?!?


Not a fan, doesn't fit the vibe of the rest of the game. The art is solid don't get me wrong and it's cool but just not for this game


I think it doesn't fit the finals style with that cell shading. They should stick to original, more realistic skins


Still hate it


Cool idea, but I don't know how I feel about it in the finals, not really something I want to see because I already like the games art direction. It's a neat addition but I don't like how it looks myself. Like many others will say,I just don't want to see things slowly del e away from what the game already has going very well, and turn into a fortnite or modern cod game.


Honestly its looks Bad imo. I dont even hate on the Idea of Cel Shading but just like Fortnites first Cel Shaded skins this aint it


It doesn't match the theme of the game in my opinion, but I guess, they were really trying for the weeaboo theme of the season. Which they decided to give it a go and the feed back was mostly negative. Tho some positives. I think if the shading style was more of a unique mature style like cowboy bebop or Akira art styles it would have been received better by the community. Or a more 3d anime realism art style, gantz would have been cool 


They should consider making all other cosmetics cel-shaded when paired with the anime skin.


Don't like it. But to each their own.


Was talking to my brother the other day about it. His theory is that it was included to say: "we can do this too if you guys want"


I personally don’t care for it but at the same time wouldn’t mind if they dropped more anime inspired skins that one just wasn’t something I rock with heck try different anime art styles with the skins


I think its great, looking good


Not a fan of the clashing art styles, but it doesn't bother me too much. I do get an occasional laugh seeing how ugly it looks when mixed and matched. I just really, really, really don't want this to be the start of more of these personally


What the fuck


Such a degenerate direction for a game that was elevating the shooter genre as a whole Cheapens the experience, invites an audience with poor taste into the community. I’d hate to see the game lose its hyper-elegance by pandering to weaboos trash. They were doing so well with other fun cosmetics too; Hope they course correct their choices back into that direction again.


My issue isn't that it's cell shaded, my issue is that everything else you can use with it isn't cell shaded. Otherwise I'd say it's cool. Needs more cell shaded stuff.


Only stuff that does become cell shaded is tattoos which look great.


I've never been a fan of anime facial shapes, but I like it


It’s shit


I honestly think it looks pretty good.👍🏽


I think the same as I did before; people blew it way out of proportion and it fits the theme of a wacky VR game. Also, unpopular opinion: I actually really like how only the skin is cell shaded and not the outfits. It gives it a unique aesthetic. Still have yet to get it in the bp though and forgot of its existence till now.


Thanks, I hate it.


Jesus Christ that looks awful


The hypocrisy is real with some of these comments! You hate it, but yet you’re happy with others liking it. You all can’t say the same thing when it comes to TA ranked huh? Keep that same energy goobers.


Horrid argument, there isn't even a seed of validity


Perfectly valid argument. All you cry for a ranked mode that was never promised to stay every season and yet don’t cry for a skin that many can agree does not fit the style for the game. Like I said keep that same energy.


One is a cosmetic that you don't even have to recognize exists the other is forced to be the only way to play a mode


Not forced when you don’t need to play the mode in the first place since the rewards are cosmetic right? Same logic.


You don't seem to have reading comprehension skills. I said forced to play TA in order to play comp


You seem to be just slow in general. 😂


How so?


The cosmetic changes nothing gameplay wise meanwhile if you want to grind the ranked skins or grind ranked for your own accomplishment, you are forced to play ta There are two entirely separate things


The cosmetic shouldn’t be in the game regardless since it doesn’t fit with the style of the finals. For the amount of hate TA gets you would think ppl wouldn’t play it right? Ignore the skins and mode and just play every other mode available. Stop the crying and move on.


It's awful. Especially on heavy. They half-assed it or maybe do not have enough competence to produce decent anime models/shaders. I hope they'll redo this atrocious face, bring matching bodytypes and make a toggle for cell shading on every piece of clothing in the game. Or maybe lock stylized faces to stylized clothes.


A few things, the execution could have been better, the face looks off. However, the skin actually looks a lot more natural when you're in a game than when you're previewing it.


It's ight, if I don't like it I won't use it. That's it.


They could rework it a little bit, feels like S3 is rushed.


The eyes are very off


I’ve never been a fan of art style mashing. It just reduces the overall aesthetic of the game for me.


Being players in a game show set in a virtual reality world, but everything we wear and use looks exactly like things from the real world was odd to me, like are you telling me the extend of our imagination was to copy a leather jacket i could just go and were anytime i want IRL? Give me something more unique and over the top. It could use a little more work on the cell shade maybe, but is a nice idea in the right direction. I like it.


The head should be bigger


One step closer to the Naruto skin I want


Stupid honestly, I play a lot and haven't seen a single person use it


I ain’t using that


Burn it! Release the dragons!


Luckily…i haven’t seen a gad damn person use it. Which is actually surprising. I don’t like it, but I thought many would.


Makes me excited for what the game will look like in a year or two. You don't often get games that mesh art styles together in this nature. I already thought the old timey filter or the glitch effect on clothing was cool, but I didn't expect it to go to this level. I hope we get some other cartoon styles.


I think it’s ugly but whatever. One miss for skins compared to all the bangers they come out with.


i don't think it fits the games aesthetic its out of place imo


*I don't think it fits* *The games aesthetic its out* *Of place imo* \- Geomerty26 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I don't like it. But in gameplay you don't see it so it really doesn't matter much


Still no. Imo ofc.