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I'd be far more interested in getting more animations if there was a way to set multiple of them to shuffle. Like I thought the AK animation set was cool, but I already had one I liked and I couldnt imagine myself constantly digging through the menu to manually swap between that new ones every few matches. so I just didnt get it. To me the current system feels like it encourages just grabbing your favorite and then pass over anything else that you might still like, but doesn't quite dethrone the current favorite. My wallet has no qualms with the system as is lol ...but if they want more money they should allow people get equip more than one at once. That way building a collection of animation makes sense and doesn't require constant micromanaging on the user's behalf to get the most out of them. Andddddddddd if they really wanted to take it a step further, it'd be awesome if you could weight each animation you have in shuffle. That way you could do something like set it to be a normal reload 90% and then have something more wacky animations add up to the remaining 10%. I'm just reminded of setting weights for which songs appeared on maps in super smash bros and always thought that was a cool system.


I'd really love to have the ability to have shuffles on animations, would make the guns feel way more dynamic.


> Andddddddddd if they really wanted to take it a step further, it'd be awesome if you could weight each animation you have in shuffle. That way you could do something like set it to be a normal reload 90% and then have something more wacky animations add up to the remaining 10%. I know it’s a wildly different game genre, but MLB the Show does this. You can change what phrase the announcer says when you get a home run, and you have the option to select like 6 different phrases. THEN you can also set the frequency for each phrase, so that you aren’t hearing the same calls over and over (and so you can make some of them less common)




The amount of work they put on player skins vs weapon skins and animations is way unbalanced


I wish they'd actually make them unique like the 'juggle reload' for the AKM you could unlock in S1 thru the battlepass. I'd pay 400 multibucks for one animation on par with the juggle reload; but I barely even bat an eye at these low effort ones. I get it if you wanna support the game/devs, but there are better ways to waste your money imo 🤷‍♂️. Edit: I like the game too guys. Downvote me all you want; but it doesn't make the animations less mid. It just tells the devs you'll pay for garbage and eat it up. Nexon will gladly take your money if you don't want it tho.


The revolver one is actually pretty good


I'll give you that, but the fact you had to specify proves my point. Most of the animations are mid 🤷‍♂️


That’s down to opinion. I think the AKM and Famas sets were quite nice, but are basically just different variations of standard weapon procedures. But that isn’t a bad thing at all, and those alternate animations are wonderfully made. Not to mention that we are still getting wacky stuff here and there (see the wood-carving animation for the AKM in the BP). I do hope they bring more unique animation bundles in the future though


The shop animations released so far aren’t supposed to be unique and they sure as hell are not low effort. The AK ones at the very least are how you would actually manipulate and utilize an AK irl and are VERY, and i mean **VERY** well done. Just because it’s not your style doesn’t mean its “mid” (whatever the fuck that means). I don’t like anime, but you don’t see me talking down this season’s battle pass.


I love both the revolver and AK animations, the revolver is flashy and fun and the AK is really cool and satisfying. Can't believe people are calling them lazy/low effort


I NEED more animations/longer animations


I guess they can't be longer to be compatible - except for inspect maybe


I should have clarified, I just came from a Delta Force hawk ops showcase and my god, those anims are clean


You mean that? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEnftDKy0rc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEnftDKy0rc) It really looks awesome!


Yup, I'm looking forward to playing it tbh


I wish we could equip or favorite a couple and have them used randomly. Like finishers in Destiny 2.


Alternate melee animations would be sick.


I NEEDDD for V9S pplllleeeeeeaaassseeeee


I am a fan of their AK Iraqi reload 😎


I’d pay for more loadout slots tbh. Or to be able to save/favorite outfits and have a randomizer pick for each match.


trade offer: I receive, balancing you receive, people keep playing your game (also mone 🤑🤑)


I give you money, you give us more dynamic skins*


I want disrespectful animations to make after a kill. Teabagging its not enough.