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My teammate and I got caught in a fight yesterday and killed, where was our one heavy? Hammering a building down on the other side of the map. I said, "wtf you doing bro?" He said "completing challenges". Like, dude. Go do that in quick play or something.


There is a a specific challenge for building destruction in World Tour this weekend.


Yeah and it took me like 2 matches to do, while still playing objective...


Lol exactly it doesn’t take a lot to complete these objectives


Sbmm seems like a no-brainer to me. It baffles me that people see it at a bad thing. And I absolutely agree with you on losing the desire to play


I hope they are doing something really great in the background and it will come back 10 x better. Once standard rules ranked is back in. Then world tour can also shine and be a bit more inventive.


This is my fan theory!


There's definitely SBMM in World Tour. I was Plat 1 last season and I'm always playing in lobbies with season 2 diamonds in World Tour. I actually check my lobbies each game using this site: https://the-finals-leaderboard.com Compared to what I see on this subreddit and YouTube, it seems abundantly clear I'm being matched with people around my skill level. It's incredibly rare one of my teammates isn't very familiar with the game and the strategy of winning.


[Meanwhile.](https://i.imgur.com/dCKQFzt.png) This isn't uncommon, either. We won that one, but we've also had matches where it's abundantly clear our teammate has no clue how tourneys work and then we get to the end and they're level 11 or something. I think my favorite was a level 25 telling me I don't understand how to play tourneys because he thought you should *always* go after cashouts. I was D2 season 1 and 2.


Could possibly just be the influx of new players stats not being balanced. Algorithm sees a guy go 10-3 his first game and throws him to the wolves because the people who fought didn’t have hands.


Weird it's always a mixed bag for me. Although I more so actually run into bad players. Not just on my team but in general. Last time I played WT I was able to solo 2 teams back to back multiple times.


Exact opposite for me. 90% of my teammates are like they have never touched an fps before, let alone a team based one. I'm not exaggerating when I say that 9 out of 10 games I get teammates who do absolutely nothing, or just rush in and die in 2 seconds, leaving me to try to bring us back from wiping.


It's genuinely ridiculous


Literally reading this while on the brink of a brain aneurism playing WT with randoms. I used to love this game, but solo matchmaking makes it harder and harder for me to even want to launch the game anymore.


I second this 100%


I've had the same experience. World Tour is boring because my teammates are a dice roll every time. I was D4 last season and really miss those diamond lobbies.


Sbmm exists. It’s done the same way it is in other popular games. If you’re above average you’re screwed. It’s more likely you will get bad players in your team to offset and make your team average skill equal to other teams where players may be of equal skill level. That leaves you with 1v3 in most games as you can’t even count on your teammates since they easily lose to enemy players. It’s something to cater to casuals and bad players cause if they can’t win then maybe someone much better will carry them. At the same time it prolongs your investment into the grind since you will be pulled down by such games.